Elderly man , aged 85, dies after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces

I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

That's why you post like you do. You forget to take your meds. How would you like a bomb dropped on your house with an old father or uncle in it. That is what your friend Assad is doing. When your friends suicide or car bomb in Muslim countries, they certainly are taking out people of all ages, including elderly men. To tell you the truth, I have a daughter not much younger than you are. Thank God she is normal and spends her life much differently than a crazy woman who definitely has problems. Maybe if you got out of your house a little, the change in scenery might do you a lot of good. Now all you do is sit in front of your computer all day and night running around the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel. This is not normal behavior for a woman your age or even any other age.

I said I do not take meds, your feeble 85 year old mind is interfering with your ability to read and comprehend English.

Focus, the topic is an Israeli killing of an 85 yr old man, your 85 year old mind is hindering your abilities there too.

YOU need medicine, perhaps it is dementia you are suffering from. I expect there is medicine that helps with that.

I think anyone with any intelligence at all realizes that a normal woman your age doesn't spend her days and nights running around the Internet to spread her hatred. Therefore, anyone can make the conclusion without being a psychiatrist that there is something wrong with you. This is a Middle East forum. Why should I focus on one 85-year old man when your friends are busy killing people of all ages? Why don't you focus for a while on other countries in the Middle East where atrocities are happening all the time since this is the Middle East forum and not a forum that has to be devoted exclusively to what is happening in just one smakk area of the Middle East.?
Sherri THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE is still waiting------
"DELAYED EFFECTS OF TEAR GAS INHALATION" -------the first reported cases of
last onset of death ------days after inhalation of tear gas by SHERRI.

in 1981----I noticed an article in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was the LEAD
----"brutons type" ----"agammaglobulinemia" -----but WTF ----an "acquired" type----
who the hell cared-----they found one case of such a misery being ACQUIRED ie ---
not congenital I did not read the article -------DAMN------it was the first article describing AIDS ---------now you got the first case of DELAYED DEATH DUE TO
TEAR GAS--------give it to us------we are waiting
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

That may be the problem right there.

And once again no one said hey see that old guy in that window? Let's clock him with a canister or two.
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

That may be the problem right there.

And once again no one said hey see that old guy in that window? Let's clock him with a canister or two.

thanks politico ------the giggle you gave me cured my headache
You're again getting a lot of unsightly drool on your keyboard, Mahmoud.

You continue to rattle on with your frantic claims of Israel targeting children yet you know that is a lie and you are unable to support your claim.

Would anyone like to explain to Mahmoud what a lie is and why it makes Mahmoud look like a fraud?
Hollie the "hate whore" troll, why don't you prove what she said was a lie, instead of simply claiming it was?

Loinboy, the frantic screamer, Mahmoud's lies have been exposed repeatedly.
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

You're inventing these nonsensical stories as you go, Mahmoud. There's no indication that any elderly man was attacked "in his house". Secondly, what invented "occupation" are you whining about?
oh my sherri goes from the young children to the elderly

Sherri you half wit one brain cell idiot when you speak out against terrorist muslims who kill children and the elderly you will not get any support. You will continue to be considered a terrorist.
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

You're inventing these nonsensical stories as you go, Mahmoud. There's no indication that any elderly man was attacked "in his house". Secondly, what invented "occupation" are you whining about?

For the psychopath Hollie thing only Hollie exists
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

You're inventing these nonsensical stories as you go, Mahmoud. There's no indication that any elderly man was attacked "in his house". Secondly, what invented "occupation" are you whining about?

For the psychopath Hollie thing only Hollie exists

And for the islamist Mahmoud, you're caught again in lies and fabrications.
oh my sherri es from the young children to the elderly

Sherri you half wit one brain cell idiot when you speak out against terrorist muslims who kill children and the elderly you will not get any support. You will continue to be considered a terrorist.

Terrorists describes the Israelis who attacked an 85 year old man in his home with tear gas, addressed in the OP.

Speaking about terrorists who attack 1 month old babies with tear gas and fatally attack an 85 year old with tear gas does not make a human being a terrorist .

And you calling the Israelis who attacked the 1 month old and 85 year old Muslims does not make them Muslims either.

The IDF are mostly Jews, not Muslims.
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oh my sherri goes from the young children to the elderly

Sherri you half wit one brain cell idiot when you speak out against terrorist muslims who kill children and the elderly you will not get any support. You will continue to be considered a terrorist.

Terrorists describes the Israelis who attacked an 85 year old man in his home with tear gas, addressed in the OP.

Speaking about terrorists who attack 1 month old babies with tear gas and fatally attack an 85 year old with tear gas does not make a human being a terrorist .

You're getting pretty frantic, Mahmoud. There is nothing to indicate that anyone was attacked in their home. Sorry to have to derail your islamist fantasies but your invention of circumstances that never occurred suggests that you're both a liar and a fraud.
Information about volunteering in the IDF

"IDF Mahal - Cumulative qualifications:Jewish*or Zakai Aliya (one of your parents or one of your grandparents is/was Jewish)neither you or any of your parents ever had Israeli citizenshipstay in Israel in recognized frame less than cumulated 18 months (otherwise 12 months) or cooling off period of min. two years abroad (all: calcuated from your enlistment date) [if this does not apply to you -*heremen: age 18 - 23 inclusive | women: age 18 - 20 inclusive*[if this does not apply to you -*herewilling to do at least 18 months of IDF service (14 months, if noarmy ulpan*required), shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you -*hereRegister online*

Mahal - Who Can Volunteer for Service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)?
oh my sherri goes from the young children to the elderly

Sherri you half wit one brain cell idiot when you speak out against terrorist muslims who kill children and the elderly you will not get any support. You will continue to be considered a terrorist.

Terrorists describes the Israelis who attacked an 85 year old man in his home with tear gas, addressed in the OP.

Speaking about terrorists who attack 1 month old babies with tear gas and fatally attack an 85 year old with tear gas does not make a human being a terrorist .

You're getting pretty frantic, Mahmoud. There is nothing to indicate that anyone was attacked in their home. Sorry to have to derail your islamist fantasies but your invention of circumstances that never occurred suggests that you're both a liar and a fraud.

Learn to read Psychopath.

The OP itself lists multiple sources reporting on the attack on the 85 year old man.

I cannot read for Psychopaths.
You're inventing these nonsensical stories as you go, Mahmoud. There's no indication that any elderly man was attacked "in his house". Secondly, what invented "occupation" are you whining about?

For the psychopath Hollie thing only Hollie exists

And for the islamist Mahmoud, you're caught again in lies and fabrications.

Be fair. That 85 year old man's death MUST have resulted from the tear gas. Here in Sweden 85 year olds NEVER die, because the IDF are not here chucking gas grenades. I am sure that must also be true in the US.

I look forward to Mrs Munerlyn explaining to us that every 'Palestinian' who has ever died was killed by the Israeli's. I am sure it will be equally convincing.
For the psychopath Hollie thing only Hollie exists

And for the islamist Mahmoud, you're caught again in lies and fabrications.

Be fair. That 85 year old man's death MUST have resulted from the tear gas. Here in Sweden 85 year olds NEVER die, because the IDF are not here chucking gas grenades. I am sure that must also be true in the US.

I look forward to Mrs Munerlyn explaining to us that every 'Palestinian' who has ever died was killed by the Israeli's. I am sure it will be equally convincing.

What I posted Was Israel's killing of an 85 year old man in Occupied Palestine. .

There is nothing moral or right about that, no matter what happens elsewhere.
The old man would not have died, had a tear gas canister not accidentally broken through the window of his home.

The tear gas canister would not have been fired in the first place had the Palestinians not been rioting.

So, in a very real sense, the old man and his family can thank their Palestinian neighbors for creating the conditions by which the old man died.

Shit happens.

Don't want your old folks hurt?

Stop rioting.
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Is that all anyone will say when Kondor dies? Shit happens.

Imagine our government targeting an 85 year old man to tear gas in his own home.

People would be saying more than shit happens.

How Zionists love to excuse their Idols killing in those killing fields in Palestine.

Is there anything greater than the capacity of a Zionist to Hate? There seems no limits on this.
I want Kondor to be sure to have someone notifies us all when he dies so I can post, shit happens.
oh my sherri es from the young children to the elderly

Sherri you half wit one brain cell idiot when you speak out against terrorist muslims who kill children and the elderly you will not get any support. You will continue to be considered a terrorist.

Terrorists describes the Israelis who attacked an 85 year old man in his home with tear gas, addressed in the OP.

Speaking about terrorists who attack 1 month old babies with tear gas and fatally attack an 85 year old with tear gas does not make a human being a terrorist .

And you calling the Israelis who attacked the 1 month old and 85 year old Muslims does not make them Muslims either.

The IDF are mostly Jews, not Muslims.

You forget the mantra from a highly placed muslim leader

" it is a fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims."

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