Elderly man , aged 85, dies after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces

God save the children of the world from the child Hollie.

Sociopath Zionists are a threat to the rest of humanity.

Such an angry, Mahmoud. But really, it's your Islamic heroes who are the threat to humanity, especially moslem humanity.

Just think, Mahmoud, this past year alone, 8,000 dead in Iraq and 110,000 or so dead in Syria.

Can I get an Allahu Akbar brothas' and Sistas'

Come on , Mahmoud, say it. You know you want to.
It just occurred to me that Arab Terrorists should have "Holding Your Breathe" lessons.

What lessons do we need for Zionist terrorists like Indeependent?
That Jesus was not a Rabbi but was a Southern Baptist preacher. That Jesus threw the money lenders out of the 1st Baptist Church of Jerusalem. Let's get that straight before someone begins to think Jesus was a Jew instead of a Palestinian.
God save the children of the world from the child Hollie.

Sociopath Zionists are a threat to the rest of humanity.

Such an angry, Mahmoud. But really, it's your Islamic heroes who are the threat to humanity, especially moslem humanity.

Just think, Mahmoud, this past year alone, 8,000 dead in Iraq and 110,000 or so dead in Syria.

Can I get an Allahu Akbar brothas' and Sistas'

Come on , Mahmoud, say it. You know you want to.

God save the children of the world from the child Hollie.

Sociopath Zionists are a threat to the rest of humanity.

OH GOOD!!! sherri is back. Sherri ----you got the autopsy findings of that man
who "died of tear gas"??? I can assure you-----if he died of TEAR GAS INHALATION--
then there would be evidence thereof on autopsy-----how much did the lungs weigh?

and that INJURED ONE MONTH OLD INFANT-------did he survive?----you have the
information on his hospital course? ----the clinical manefestations of
tear gas injury to infants-------I sssure you----such stuff is PUBLISHABLE

I have notified THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE -----they are in tenderhooks
waiting for your information

Who cares why this Palestinian. ( or any other ) died? I don't . :lol:
In Israel, the shit happening is Israel targeting and injuring and murdering innocent Palestinian civians, like the 1 month old baby and 85 year old man discussed in articles in the OP.

That is the dumbest comment troll.

amazing they think children and elderly are specifically targeted.

But what of Israeli children and such that are killed or maimed by Palestinians?

It makes not logical sense to target the most helpless of the palestinians.

For palestinians to make a this an issue is ripe propaganda.

Tragic accidents happen, be it by police or soldiers. Israel has the right to defend itself, and if tear gas is the most benign then it can hardly be claimed Israel targeted an 85 yr old man to kill with tear gas.

If palestinians had not been protesting so close to the fence..... They precipitated the Israeli response.
In Israel, the shit happening is Israel targeting and injuring and murdering innocent Palestinian civians, like the 1 month old baby and 85 year old man discussed in articles in the OP.

That is the dumbest comment troll.

It is the story reported in the OP, Israel attacked an 85 year old man in his home with tear gas in Occupied Palestine and he died.

Of course, they intended to attack the man's house with tear gas, they attack civilians in their home with tear gas regularly.

In the OP, we also have a story about a 1 month old baby attacked with tear gas in her home who was seriously injured, so much so she had to be admitted to a hospital for her injuries.

This thread is Zionism in action in Palestine, a news story of news in Palestine of the Occupier unlawfully attacking and killing an 85 year old Palestinian man in his vey own home.
In Israel, the shit happening is Israel targeting and injuring and murdering innocent Palestinian civians, like the 1 month old baby and 85 year old man discussed in articles in the OP.

That is the dumbest comment troll.

It is the story reported in the OP, Israel attacked an 85 year old man in his home with tear gas in Occupied Palestine and he died.

Of course, they intended to attack the man's house with tear gas, they attack civilians in their home with tear gas regularly.

In the OP, we also have a story about a 1 month old baby attacked with tear gas in her home who was seriously injured, so much so she had to be admitted to a hospital for her injuries.

This thread is Zionism in action in Palestine, a news story of news in Palestine of the Occupier unlawfully attacking and killing an 85 year old Palestinian man in his vey own home.

But Mrs. Sherri never hears about any stories where her friends her busy murdering children as well as the elderly. As long as her friends are doing this, she doesn't bat an eyelash. You have to remember also that if she could blame the Jews for the murders that her friends commit, she wouldn't hesitate to do so. So sad, Mrs. Sherri can't find a way to blame the Jews for the over 115,000 deaths in Syria which include over 11,000 children.
That is the dumbest comment troll.

It is the story reported in the OP, Israel attacked an 85 year old man in his home with tear gas in Occupied Palestine and he died.

Of course, they intended to attack the man's house with tear gas, they attack civilians in their home with tear gas regularly.

In the OP, we also have a story about a 1 month old baby attacked with tear gas in her home who was seriously injured, so much so she had to be admitted to a hospital for her injuries.

This thread is Zionism in action in Palestine, a news story of news in Palestine of the Occupier unlawfully attacking and killing an 85 year old Palestinian man in his vey own home.

But Mrs. Sherri never hears about any stories where her friends her busy murdering children as well as the elderly. As long as her friends are doing this, she doesn't bat an eyelash. You have to remember also that if she could blame the Jews for the murders that her friends commit, she wouldn't hesitate to do so. So sad, Mrs. Sherri can't find a way to blame the Jews for the over 115,000 deaths in Syria which include over 11,000 children.

Give her a chance-------her kith and kin were not prepared. It took only one day --
in 2001 september for them to find a way to blame THE JOOOOOS for their murder
of US citizens in the world trade center and pentago etc filth they enacted. ---
they did it so quickly that the stories seemed PRE COOKED . It could be that they
just did not expect their filth to run so far out of control in Syria-------Give it time----
they are trying. DO NOT FEAR-----they will elaborate tales
Kith and kin must be Zionazi language to demonize others with, irosie is a Zionazi gal who loves to hate and loves to demonize others. I mean I am an American Christian who lives in a Southern State with absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.But because irosie is a Zionazi, and I am not, in her hate filled mind, I am somehow responsible for blaming Jews for 9/11 when I said not one word blaming Jews for 9/11. And that is not the thread topic either. She is some crazy lady.
Kith and kin must be Zionazi language to demonize others with, irosie is a Zionazi gal who loves to hate and loves to demonize others. I mean I am an American Christian who lives in a Southern State with absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.But because irosie is a Zionazi, and I am not, in her hate filled mind, I am somehow responsible for blaming Jews for 9/11 when I said not one word blaming Jews for 9/11. And that is not the thread topic either. She is some crazy lady.

It's hilarious that Mrs. Sherri calls another poster crazy since I think most of the readers can quickly figure out that it is Mrs. Sherri who is crazy and she doesn't take her meds to live any kind of normal life that the women in the South live who are stay-at-home mothers. Mrs. Sherri thinks she is fooling the readers into thinking that she has no hatred in her heart, but most of the readers are intelligent enough to see right through Mrs. Sherri so she isn't fooling them.
Kith and kin must be Zionazi language to demonize others with, irosie is a Zionazi gal who loves to hate and loves to demonize others. I mean I am an American Christian who lives in a Southern State with absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.But because irosie is a Zionazi, and I am not, in her hate filled mind, I am somehow responsible for blaming Jews for 9/11 when I said not one word blaming Jews for 9/11. And that is not the thread topic either. She is some crazy lady.

I am amazed KITH and KIN are terms used incessantly in CLASSICAL literature----
what did you do in your spare time as a youth? I read quite a bit. It would be
impossible for a person who has read classical english literature to not have
run into the phrase KITH AND KIN------it means "YOUR PEOPLE----your
social group-----your community......your relatives, ancestors and----peers----
got it now. ???? origins of the words are absolutely not semitic----they
are indo-european--------you seem to have admitted to being
something like european in ancestry and ancestral culture.. In fact the terms
were used even in the USA ------by southern baptists out there----in them thar hills.
I have a sister-in-law with roots in west virginia in ---the hills.. who certainly knows those
terms-------she is not a jew-----I have no idea what her stand on zionism is-----
her sister is a sunday school teacher-----out in the hills of APPALACHIA (spelling?)

sheeesh how did you manage the L-SAT?

-----there is an associated word -----I think it is KINE-----thus kith and kin and kine---
Kine---I think---means LIVE STOCK A persons kith and kin and kine------
up there in them thar hills where everyone is a SOUTHERN BAPTIST ----refers
to family, neighbors and livestock. After you read the bible----you might try looking
at some american and english literature
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

That's why you post like you do. You forget to take your meds. How would you like a bomb dropped on your house with an old father or uncle in it. That is what your friend Assad is doing. When your friends suicide or car bomb in Muslim countries, they certainly are taking out people of all ages, including elderly men. To tell you the truth, I have a daughter not much younger than you are. Thank God she is normal and spends her life much differently than a crazy woman who definitely has problems. Maybe if you got out of your house a little, the change in scenery might do you a lot of good. Now all you do is sit in front of your computer all day and night running around the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel. This is not normal behavior for a woman your age or even any other age.
You're again getting a lot of unsightly drool on your keyboard, Mahmoud.

You continue to rattle on with your frantic claims of Israel targeting children yet you know that is a lie and you are unable to support your claim.

Would anyone like to explain to Mahmoud what a lie is and why it makes Mahmoud look like a fraud?
Hollie the "hate whore" troll, why don't you prove what she said was a lie, instead of simply claiming it was?
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

That's why you post like you do. You forget to take your meds. How would you like a bomb dropped on your house with an old father or uncle in it. That is what your friend Assad is doing. When your friends suicide or car bomb in Muslim countries, they certainly are taking out people of all ages, including elderly men. To tell you the truth, I have a daughter not much younger than you are. Thank God she is normal and spends her life much differently than a crazy woman who definitely has problems. Maybe if you got out of your house a little, the change in scenery might do you a lot of good. Now all you do is sit in front of your computer all day and night running around the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel. This is not normal behavior for a woman your age or even any other age.

I said I do not take meds, your feeble 85 year old mind is interfering with your ability to read and comprehend English.

Focus, the topic is an Israeli killing of an 85 yr old man, your 85 year old mind is hindering your abilities there too.

YOU need medicine, perhaps it is dementia you are suffering from. I expect there is medicine that helps with that.

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