Election Ad from 1964 is going Viral because of Trump..

It has 52 views, I don't think you know what viral means
:itsok: Poor Sass, Mastered the Potato but not the Google.

How many views does it have? You're full of hyperbole and shit
You are talking about viewers of the video on Youtube. Each time a video, even the same video, is put up, the number of viewers is given for the specific video. In other words, the same video may have 50 views at one posted video and 50,000 at another posting of the same exact video. In this case, with this particular video, the count for the video at the top of the youtube page is over 48,389 views and it is being post on many separate play lists.
Not to mention, it only came out like, what - a few days ago?

It takes a while for the counters to refresh.

It was played last night on national media, so it's bound to be getting a heck of a lot more hits soon.

That said, why do the cons not want to talk about the gist of the video?

^ KKK founded and run by Democrats, even had one of their own as Senate Majority Leader and on SCOTUS

And yet there they are, endorsing the Republican in 1964. The movement into the GOP had begun.

After all, the KKK is a far right wing Christian extremist organization. That's the part you tards avoid facing.

And now you know the WHOLE truth.

So Goldwater was a KKK Supporter and Bobby Byrd supported Civil Liberties for blacks?

Is that the Bizzarroland you live in?
I know quite a few Klan members in the Charlotte, NC area and every one of them is a Liberal Democrat slobbering puke.

I dont know which is worse. Saying you know plenty of Klan member or lying about their political affiliations.

Birds of a feather yanno?
No, Nellie. Everyone around here knows who is who and I can't stand the crackers. Plus, come down here and I'll introduce yo to about 50 of them. And you can ask them what party they're in.

You will never convince me you know Klansmen who support ObamaCare, amnesty for illegals, gay rights, gun control, higher taxes, free college for negroes, and consider the rebel flag to be racist.

I married into a Deep South family with Klan members.

I for one have never met a Klansman.

I'm not convinced there are any - other than FBI infiltrators who keep the farce going.

I have met Aryan Nations types, who are generally idiots, meaning they voted for Clinton, and will vote for Bernie or Trump. They have no grasp of political philosophy and sway with the wind.
I know quite a few Klan members in the Charlotte, NC area and every one of them is a Liberal Democrat slobbering puke.

I dont know which is worse. Saying you know plenty of Klan member or lying about their political affiliations.

Birds of a feather yanno?
No, Nellie. Everyone around here knows who is who and I can't stand the crackers. Plus, come down here and I'll introduce yo to about 50 of them. And you can ask them what party they're in.

And they voted for Obama! Lol
Reminds me of this:

That's the one they should bring back for Drumpf!
All you libs and GOP establishment hacks just change your diapers and relax while we clean up your mess.
You have dreams that give you Hope, for Change?

We mopped the floor with libs in 2010 - 2014 elections and in 2016 we'll finish the job. You people will be walking funny for a decade or so.
What happened in 2012?
Obama won another landslide election.
I know quite a few Klan members in the Charlotte, NC area and every one of them is a Liberal Democrat slobbering puke.

I dont know which is worse. Saying you know plenty of Klan member or lying about their political affiliations.

Birds of a feather yanno?
No, Nellie. Everyone around here knows who is who and I can't stand the crackers. Plus, come down here and I'll introduce yo to about 50 of them. And you can ask them what party they're in.

And they voted for Obama! Lol
I would think the majority use write-in ballots. I'll ask some of them Tuesday at my polling place. If you talked to some of them I'll bet they would scare the hell out of you.

^ KKK founded and run by Democrats, even had one of their own as Senate Majority Leader and on SCOTUS

And yet there they are, endorsing the Republican in 1964. The movement into the GOP had begun.

After all, the KKK is a far right wing Christian extremist organization. That's the part you tards avoid facing.

And now you know the WHOLE truth.

So Goldwater was a KKK Supporter and Bobby Byrd supported Civil Liberties for blacks?

Is that the Bizzarroland you live in?

Bobby Byrd was James Brown's right hand man. Yes, I'm sure he supported civil rights for Blacks.


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