Election Ad from 1964 is going Viral because of Trump..

The comparison of 60's era genre political culture to that of 2016 is absurd to say the least, most if not all 1960 era democrat's would be considered hawkish fiscally conservative Republicans by today's standards based on their political comments and actions. LBJ was a sick dirty old political hack that truly understood how to work and directly benefit from cronyism, furthermore, would go to no end in securing the prize.
Linkage between the comments of Goldwater and Trump is a disservice to Goldwater's legacy, record in the Senate, and political positions. Before one brands another they should look carefully into ones comments, legislative record, speech's, voting record, then decide if LBJ was in fact full of Texas size bullshit! A close comparison could actually be made between LBJ and the Donald, that's of course if the Donald is actually such a great deal maker.
Notice that for 6 pages the repubs chose to ignore the substance and instead talk about the number of views
All you libs and GOP establishment hacks just change your diapers and relax while we clean up your mess.
You have dreams that give you Hope, for Change?

We mopped the floor with libs in 2010 - 2014 elections and in 2016 we'll finish the job. You people will be walking funny for a decade or so.
What happened in 2012?

Dem's got bitch slapped.
Really? Must have been why Obama was reelected then, and the Senate stayed Dem.
The comparison of 60's era genre political culture to that of 2016 is absurd to say the least,

Great, I cant wait for you to tell us why this comparison is wrong

most if not all 1960 era democrat's would be considered hawkish fiscally conservative Republicans by today's standards based on their political comments and actions. LBJ was a sick dirty old political hack that truly understood how to work and directly benefit from cronyism, furthermore, would go to no end in securing the prize.

So far you havent shown why the comparison is wrong and chose to bring up Dems. Maybe you're revving up to get there.

Linkage between the comments of Goldwater and Trump is a disservice to Goldwater's legacy, record in the Senate, and political positions. Before one brands another they should look carefully into ones comments, legislative record, speech's, voting record, then decide if LBJ was in fact full of Texas size bullshit! A close comparison could actually be made between LBJ and the Donald, that's of course if the Donald is actually such a great deal maker.

So nothing except the old "go find stuff and you'll see" argument?
Goldwater is a moderate compared to Trump

Goldwater never supported torture
He never wanted to build a wall even though he was from Arizona
He didn't want to ban Muslims
All you libs and GOP establishment hacks just change your diapers and relax while we clean up your mess.
You have dreams that give you Hope, for Change?

We mopped the floor with libs in 2010 - 2014 elections and in 2016 we'll finish the job. You people will be walking funny for a decade or so.
What happened in 2012?

Dem's got bitch slapped.
Really? Must have been why Obama was reelected then, and the Senate stayed Dem.

That punk got his in 2014 after lying his ass off in 2012. It sucks to be a lefty these days sorry.
You have dreams that give you Hope, for Change?

We mopped the floor with libs in 2010 - 2014 elections and in 2016 we'll finish the job. You people will be walking funny for a decade or so.
What happened in 2012?

Dem's got bitch slapped.
Really? Must have been why Obama was reelected then, and the Senate stayed Dem.

That punk got his in 2014 after lying his ass off in 2012. It sucks to be a lefty these days sorry.
It sucks? When about to take back the Senate and put HC in the White House? Nope.
We mopped the floor with libs in 2010 - 2014 elections and in 2016 we'll finish the job. You people will be walking funny for a decade or so.
What happened in 2012?

Dem's got bitch slapped.
Really? Must have been why Obama was reelected then, and the Senate stayed Dem.

That punk got his in 2014 after lying his ass off in 2012. It sucks to be a lefty these days sorry.
It sucks? When about to take back the Senate and put HC in the White House? Nope.

It isn't that Trump flip flops...flip flopping is changing your mind on the same topic more than once...Trump reinvents himself with every new conversation. It is beyond flip-flopping, it is an intricate part of who he is - a person who literally reinvents his opinions while appearing very convincing. There is at least three people in his head.
The man can say "XYZ" and provide a good argument. Then two weeks later deny saying it, and provide an equally convincing argument against what he was for before.
Some call that lying.

^ KKK founded and run by Democrats, even had one of their own as Senate Majority Leader and on SCOTUS

And yet there they are, endorsing the Republican in 1964. The movement into the GOP had begun.

After all, the KKK is a far right wing Christian extremist organization. That's the part you tards avoid facing.

And now you know the WHOLE truth.

So Goldwater was a KKK Supporter

Other way around, dipshit.
The comparison of 60's era genre political culture to that of 2016 is absurd to say the least, most if not all 1960 era democrat's would be considered hawkish fiscally conservative Republicans by today's standards based on their political comments and actions. LBJ was a sick dirty old political hack that truly understood how to work and directly benefit from cronyism, furthermore, would go to no end in securing the prize.
Linkage between the comments of Goldwater and Trump is a disservice to Goldwater's legacy, record in the Senate, and political positions. Before one brands another they should look carefully into ones comments, legislative record, speech's, voting record, then decide if LBJ was in fact full of Texas size bullshit! A close comparison could actually be made between LBJ and the Donald, that's of course if the Donald is actually such a great deal maker.
The Democratic Party of the 60s had two wings. A liberal wing, and a conservative wing. The KKK was part of the conservative wing.

JFK was part of the liberal wing, and the very reason he visited Dallas on that fateful day is because Texas was a bedrock of conservative Democrats, and Governor Connally was a key leader of that wing. JFK was going there to woo the Governor into supporting him and the conservative wing for his re-election.

At least as far back as the Great Depression there were liberal and conservative wings of the Democratic Party. FDR's own Vice President, John Garner (who was also from Texas), ran against New York liberal FDR for the 1940 nomination precisely because he was disgusted with FDR's liberal domestic policies and couldn't take it any more. That's how Wallace ended up as VP.

But you can't tell the tards any of this. Their propaganda outlets absolutely depend on their ignorance of facts and history.

^ KKK founded and run by Democrats, even had one of their own as Senate Majority Leader and on SCOTUS

And yet there they are, endorsing the Republican in 1964. The movement into the GOP had begun.

After all, the KKK is a far right wing Christian extremist organization. That's the part you tards avoid facing.

And now you know the WHOLE truth.

And which party does the Nation of Islam vote for?

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