Election Ad from 1964 is going Viral because of Trump..

It has 52 views, I don't think you know what viral means
:itsok: Poor Sass, Mastered the Potato but not the Google.

How many views does it have? You're full of hyperbole and shit

Now...Since you didnt google before determining my post to be false how does it feel to be both stupid and wrong?

Bernie and Hillary went on record taking the side of murderers, rapists, drug runners, and criminals from Mexico pouring across our borders illegally vs American citizens and you people dare question Trump? Holy shit.
Here's Why a 1964 Political Ad is Going Viral

Today, political advertisements are often assaults on the eyes and ears, full of jarring graphics and sound effects. Back in the 1960s, though, it seems like things were a bit quieter.

In the past few days an ad run by the reelection campaign of Lyndon Johnson in 1964 has been popular online—and it’s just one shot of one guy, talking for more than four minutes. The unnamed subject explains exactly why he doesn’t think he can vote for Johnson’s Republican opponent Barry Goldwater—even though he’s always been a Republican. (Quartz notes that this wasn’t an actual Republican voter; it was an actor hired by the Johnson campaign.)

So, why has this ad been so popular more than 50 years later? Because current Republican frontrunner Donald Trump reminds a lot of people of Goldwater.

The man in the Johnson ad is concerned that the Ku Klux Klan has offered its support for Goldwater. In 2016, former Klan leader David Duke has been a vocal supporter of Trump. The man also says that “often I can’t figure out just what Goldwater means by the things he says.” Trump has often been accused of flip-flopping on issues and speaking in generalities.

There is one part of the ad that just seems out of place today—the fact that the man lights up a cigarette casually in the middle of his monologue.
Goldwater wanted to nuke every hostile country in the world. That was his downfall. I was a Republican then and I voted against him.
Someone who remembers the Daisy ad then...
Is the KKK left wing? Do they support ObamaCare, amnesty for illegals, gay rights, gun control, higher taxes, free college for negroes? Do they consider the rebel flag to be racist?

Or do they oppose ALL of those things, just like the Right?

Do they support states rights with a passion like the Right? Do they support a strong national defense like the Right?

They support EVERY right wing cause, and then some, and oppose EVERY left wing cause. And they always have.

Accept the WHOLE truth, retards. The KKK used to be Democratic, a long time ago. That's why you have to keep going back more than 50 years to find one who is a Democrat. You tards are tying to connect dots to the modern Democratic party that aren't there. Serious FAIL.

The Klan was Democratic because the South was Democratic. Now the South is Republican, and so are they.

The Klan has always been a far right Christian extremist organization.
Is the KKK left wing? Do they support ObamaCare, amnesty for illegals, gay rights, gun control, higher taxes, free college for negroes?

Or do they oppose ALL of those things, just like the Right?

Do they support states rights with a passion like the Right? Do they support a strong national defense like the Right?

They support EVERY right wing cause, and then some, and oppose EVERY left wing cause.

Accept the WHOLE truth, retards. The KKK used to be Democratic, a long time ago. That's why you have to keep going back more than 50 years to find one who is a Democrat. You tards are tying to connect dots to the modern Democratic party that aren't there. Serious FAIL.

The Klan has always been a far right Christian extremist organization.
I know quite a few Klan members in the Charlotte, NC area and every one of them is a Liberal Democrat slobbering puke. I know them and I think they are all deranged. I don't bother them and they don't bother me and they know where I stand. I worked in the same company with them for 25 years.
I know quite a few Klan members in the Charlotte, NC area and every one of them is a Liberal Democrat slobbering puke.

I dont know which is worse. Saying you know plenty of Klan member or lying about their political affiliations.

Birds of a feather yanno?
It has 52 views, I don't think you know what viral means
:itsok: Poor Sass, Mastered the Potato but not the Google.

How many views does it have? You're full of hyperbole and shit
You are talking about viewers of the video on Youtube. Each time a video, even the same video, is put up, the number of viewers is given for the specific video. In other words, the same video may have 50 views at one posted video and 50,000 at another posting of the same exact video. In this case, with this particular video, the count for the video at the top of the youtube page is over 48,389 views and it is being post on many separate play lists.
1964: "The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Is the KKK left wing? Do they support ObamaCare, amnesty for illegals, gay rights, gun control, higher taxes, free college for negroes?

Or do they oppose ALL of those things, just like the Right?

Do they support states rights with a passion like the Right? Do they support a strong national defense like the Right?

They support EVERY right wing cause, and then some, and oppose EVERY left wing cause.

Accept the WHOLE truth, retards. The KKK used to be Democratic, a long time ago. That's why you have to keep going back more than 50 years to find one who is a Democrat. You tards are tying to connect dots to the modern Democratic party that aren't there. Serious FAIL.

The Klan has always been a far right Christian extremist organization.
I know quite a few Klan members in the Charlotte, NC area and every one of them is a Liberal Democrat slobbering puke.

You will never convince me you know Klansmen who support ObamaCare, amnesty for illegals, gay rights, gun control, higher taxes, free college for negroes, and consider the rebel flag to be racist.

I married into a Deep South family with Klan members.
Just Google "Confessions of a Republican", willfully blind monkeys, and you will see it is viral.

Or you can continue to lie to yourselves as you always do.

It baffles me how you fear the truth so much.
It has 52 views, I don't think you know what viral means
:itsok: Poor Sass, Mastered the Potato but not the Google.

How many views does it have? You're full of hyperbole and shit
You are talking about viewers of the video on Youtube. Each time a video, even the same video, is put up, the number of viewers is given for the specific video. In other words, the same video may have 50 views at one posted video and 50,000 at another posting of the same exact video. In this case, with this particular video, the count for the video at the top of the youtube page is over 48,389 views and it is being post on many separate play lists.

Don't explain. It's funnier to see them assert they are right.

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