Election bomb blast from Barr .... nobody indicted over unmasking in "Russiagate"


Which you finally posted, but please provide a credible one next time.
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How many times do I have to say it?

The Establishment will ALWAYS protect it's own.....no matter what

there are probably thousands on the Right who made all kinds of posts rejoicing that "Justice" was finally coming.
When I told them don't hold your breath they laughed.
Never believed they would charge any of the crooked Hussein Regime. The Establishment of Washington wants their perpetual wars and hundreds of billions of dollars are on the line. They will get “back to business” if Biden is elected.
Yahoo is soooo "unbiased"....
giphy (2).gif

Yet there is no reason the UN ambassador and other lower level bureaucrooks needed the clearance to unmask people involved in the new administration unless they were spying.

As I have always said before, Bill Barr is a bloated swamp rat himself.
Did anyone really have visions of Obama and Clinton being taken away in cuffs?
On the other hand, the onion has been significantly peeled back far enough for the average citizen to realize what transpired and why.
While the former would be a lovely sight, the latter will suffice...
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Did anyone really have visions of Obama and Clinton being taken away in cuffs?
On the other hand, the onion has been significantly peeled back far enough for the average citizen to realize what transpired and why.
While the former would be a lovely sight, I think the latter will suffice...
I'm pretty sure Barr is gone immediately after Trump wins in 19 days.

Another nothing-burger.

The Durham report is going quietly into the night also...

Strike three thousand in trying to pin anything on the Obama administration. Better luck next life losers.
Barr sees the long lines and 11 hours to be able to vote and knows it’s a landslide on election night, so he’s backing off, knowing he is in legal jeopardy already.

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