Election Day is Nov. 8, but legal challenges already begin

Interesting. So, filing lawsuits to ensure elections are fair and true is a Putin thing?
Filing lawsuits as a consequence of the belief there is a need to, despite any evidence, is a sign that the erosion of faith in democratic institutions has occurred.........the result of Trump's Big Lie and his presidency generally.
Neither is this. Early voting has started and this litigation appears to be in reference to the irregularities already happening.

So, what's the problem?
Again, said election has not been officially held and called. This would be like filing a lawsuit just after the polls opened on election day.
Again, there are no irregularities. Just conspiracy theories.
Again, said election has not been officially held and called. This would be like filing a lawsuit just after the polls opened on election day.
Again, there are no irregularities. Just conspiracy theories.
For Trumpletards, conspiracy theories are enough. It's the foundation of their belief system.
Filing lawsuits as a consequence of the belief there is a need to, despite any evidence, is a sign that the erosion of faith in democratic institutions has occurred.........the result of Trump's Big Lie and his presidency generally.
And there's good reason to get out in front of potential problems. We don't need any last-minute deadline changes, counting stopped in multiple locations at the same time, only to resume with a sudden, miraculous dump of votes only for one candidate, observers shut out and prevented from observing what's supposed to be an open, transparent process, etc. Funny how you blame "erosion of faith in democratic institutions" on TRUMP! when it was his opposition who wanted to impeach him before he even took office, ranted, "Not my president", and vowed to "Resist" anything he wanted to do. you do remember all that, right?
For Trumpletards, conspiracy theories are enough. It's the foundation of their belief system.

Is it a "conspiracy theory" to notice that

USPS employee Jesse Morgan said he drove a USPS truck full of fraud ballots to PA?
The ATL video shows when the poll closed, four Dems stayed, pulled out suitcases of fraud ballots and counted them... And then it came out that the reason why the poll closed, an alleged water main break, was a hoax...
Again, said election has not been officially held and called. This would be like filing a lawsuit just after the polls opened on election day.
Again, there are no irregularities. Just conspiracy theories.
Again, the election does not need to be complete for irregularities to occur.

You don't want anyone to complain in real time. You want it to be too late to change.

We know your game.

Is it a "conspiracy theory" to notice that

USPS employee Jesse Morgan said he drove a USPS truck full of fraud ballots to PA?
The ATL video shows when the poll closed, four Dems stayed, pulled out suitcases of fraud ballots and counted them... And then it came out that the reason why the poll closed, an alleged water main break, was a hoax...
If you can't win such a clear cut case of voter fraud why do you clowns keep coming back to court? 😄
WASHINGTON (AP) — Election Day is 12 days away. But in courtrooms across the country, efforts to sow doubt over the outcome have already begun.

More than 100 lawsuits have been filed this year around the Nov. 8 elections. The legal challenges, largely by Republicans, target rules for mail-in voting, early voting, voter access, voting machines, voting registration, the counting of mismarked absentee ballots and access for partisan poll watchers.

The cases likely preview a potentially contentious post-election period and the strategy stems partly from the failure of Donald Trump and his allies to prevail in overturning the free and fair results of the 2020 presidential election that he lost to Joe Biden.

That was an ad hoc response fronted by a collection of increasingly ill-prepared lawyers that included Rudy Giuliani. The current effort, however, is more formalized, well-funded and well-organized and is run by the Republican National Committee and other legal allies with strong credentials. Party officials say they are preparing for recounts, contested elections and more litigation. Thousands of volunteers are ready to challenge ballots and search for evidence of malfeasance.


Elections have become a blood sport for Repubs. Frivolous legal challenges, voter suppression, election worker intimidation, the delusional belief the 2020 wasn't legit.........we are fast becoming a joke among western democracies.

Funny, I don't recall a similar thread when commies were filing more than 300 law suits in 2020. You commies seem to have really short memories.

You know a lot more about my culture than that cuck white friend of yours knew about his own. You continue to warm my heart with these undeniable examples of how much you care. 😄
I know more about your retarded, dumb-fuck culture than you do. That's what is truly sad. You ain't know shit.

Then again, NOBODY ever accused Jamaica of being smart.

I'll take "Countries that are dumber than Uganda" for $500, Alex.
Filing lawsuits as a consequence of the belief there is a need to, despite any evidence, is a sign that the erosion of faith in democratic institutions has occurred.........the result of Trump's Big Lie and his presidency generally.
A significant number of the lawsuits filed in the wake of the 2020 shit show were not heard, because of the lame-assed "you should've filed this before the election" argument....Now you moonbats whine and cry when the lawsuits are filed before the election.

Yeah.....Fuck you.
I know more about your retarded, dumb-fuck culture than you do. That's what is truly sad. You ain't know shit.

Then again, NOBODY ever accused Jamaica of being smart.

I'll take "Countries that are dumber than Uganda" for $500, Alex.
You're trying so hard to pretend you care so little about impressing me but look at all this trouble you've gone to. You're only digging that whole deeper. Come on Booty, tell me what else you know that I don't. That'll show me. 😁

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