Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

You first.
You’re the one defending this, not me. If the Dems put forth a candidate like this or Santos or Crawford, I’d be embarrassed. This guy clearly lost, but the other two won before their lies were discovered, and in a much higher office! Actually the Dems and the local media are remiss too.
You’re the one defending this, not me. If the Dems put forth a candidate like this or Santos or Crawford, I’d be embarrassed. This guy clearly lost, but the other two won before their lies were discovered, and in a much higher office! Actually the Dems and the local media are remiss too.

Where am I defending the monster? In my world the little prick would have been in prison still.

YOU are the imbeciles that keep letting these cretins out.

Talk to yourselves!
Even so.....I still would not support any movement or petition to have CatBreath banned from this venue. He/She serves an excellent example of a bad example. And thus.....there is practical value as a simple comparative. A cautionary tale.

I vote that CatBreath stays.


But yes, it does get harder.
Some here struggle to compose thoughts, paragraphs, sentences without the f-bomb or shrilling some other obscenities.

If such posters are up for banning.....well, I would want to hear the arguments both 'for' and 'against'.

Just sayin'.
He used to be a mod on here.. Seriously.. He banned me for saying "bullshit" in the CDZ.

The fact that you highlight violence here, but ignore it there. As long as it fits your narrative, you're good.

A protest over decades of having your civil rights violated or actions taken because you lost a fair election. It's odd to me how people see this as the same.
This forum is only one that I have ever posted to in which a member can openly and knowingly advocate, condone and support the attempted murder of a 10-Year Old Child. This forum is full of threads in which other members advocate for the "Right To Life", and in this thread a member thinks killing a child is fine.

That same member has made openly racist posts, and so far where are the mods? Why are crimes like murder and racial hatred condoned? I understand and respect the Right To Freedom of Speech, there is such a thing as crossing the line.
The guy is an ex-criminal who served 7 years in prison for robbery. Does anybody know how or why the Republican Party ever allowed this creep to run as their candidate in the general election?

My guess is that in this particular district they knew Repubs would lose and so they just endorsed the first Trump-supporting grifter who was willing to run.

Here are excerpts from a BBC report outlining this lunatics’ own use of Trump’s “Big Lie” technique. He actually claimed he won the majority of votes and lost overwhelmingly only because of … Democratic Party “fraud.”


“Mr Pena lost his attempt to sit in the state's House and contested his defeat… The election result was a convincing one, with his Democratic opponent and incumbent winning 73% of the vote.

“On 15 November he posted a photo of himself in a Make America Great Again sweatshirt and draped in a Trump 2024 flag, saying he would not concede the election.”

Former Republican candidate held over shootings targeting Democrats' homes
Pena has a pretty good criminal rap sheet and got fewer than 400 votes in the primary but was running unopposed so he was the lawfully elected GOP candidate. He got more votes in the general but fewer than 1/3 of the total and that was almost certainly from people voting straight ticket that didn't know anything about him.

A political party has no power to prevent anybody registering in any political party and no authority to say who may or may not run for office. It can withhold funding and the NM and National GOP didn't give Pena any funding. Election authorities chose not to challenge his candidacy that could have been challenged because Pena was a convicted felon. Those authorities were all Democrats by the way. Democrats control this state.

To tar Trump or the GOP or ANYBODY else with Pena's sins is mega overstretch, most especially when some Dems/leftists don't seem to care who among their ranks act illegally, unethically, immorally, stupidly, anti-American or anything else.

There are no political parties that don't have a few deranged nuts among them. There's probably nobody in politics that doesn't have one or more of these nuts supporting them.

By the way Pena may or may not have Mexican heritage. He could be descended from Spaniards dating all the way back to the 16th Century here or he could have Cuban or South American ancestry. His race and/or ethnicity have zero to do with his dangerous and illegal behavior. Nobody but maybe his family is mourning him going back to jail.
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Hey Solomon, me and the boys are thinking about shooting up democrat homes, you in?
He did not try to kill any actual people.
That is true. He shot at property, not people. Inexcusable and he deserves to be in jail for illegally discharging a firearm with intent to damage property or scare innocent people and in a way that endangered people along with conspiracy when he tried to hire others to do the same. But attempted murder is not on the table with this one.

Straight out of Donald Trumps playbook. When you can't win, or you don't have enough votes, or you lie about election fraud, guess what is the next step? Violence!

So, I guess this is the GOP's MO from now on. If you can't win, shoot, destroy, or kill others to get that victory.

All these baby GOP man children who are too weak to lose elections. Disgusting people.
True...the GOP operates by one rule...might makes right.

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