Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

We are not talking about communists or Stalinists or Maoists of Russia or China over the last 100 years, dummy.

We are talking about a career criminal who was nevertheless allowed to run as a TRUMP MAGA REPUBLICAN candidate. This “Big Liar” was THIS WEEK arrested for paying 4 drug dealing buddies to help him shoot up the homes of Democratic politicians in ARIZONA.


Allowed. Maybe if you dumbfucks wouldn't release violent criminals back out into society we would pay attention to you.

But you DO release them.

So shut up.
Was he released by a Republican or a Democratic administration? Which party financed him, and chose him to be their candidate?

Which voters voted for him? Trump-supporting Republicans!

Straight out of Donald Trumps playbook. When you can't win, or you don't have enough votes, or you lie about election fraud, guess what is the next step? Violence!

So, I guess this is the GOP's MO from now on. If you can't win, shoot, destroy, or kill others to get that victory.

All these baby GOP man children who are too weak to lose elections. Disgusting people.
Must have been a “white hispanic”.
Right! A good thing it is that only the stupidest of Trump-supporting Republicans voted for him!

So why are so many here still throwing up excuses and smokescreens for this creep?

We aren't. We are pointing out that DEMS allowed a violent felon back out on the street.

That's on YOU, dumbass.
We aren't. We are pointing out that DEMS allowed a violent felon back out on the street.
You didn’t answer the question of who let your candidate out of prison, jerk! We are talking about THIS felon … you know YOUR party’s candidate.

Arizona “justice” and the jail system in the past was overwhelmingly Republican-run!

Now I personally don’t care much that he was eventually let out of prison, since he served seven years already for his many “smashing windows and grabbing goods” crimes, which seems about normal, at least so far as I know. Nobody got killed, or even badly hurt.

But then your Arizona Republican Trumpsters had to go and run this con as their own candidate!

Maybe they figured they could save us taxpayers money if he was paid to do GOP dirty work in Arizona, instead of just sitting around and being fed for free in jail?

Well it didn’t work, did it?

And now he’s back in prison!

I hope you agree that is where he belongs and don’t make excuses for him as others here do!

And here’s a novel idea: Try to run a better class of people for office in the future. Maybe you will win more elections.
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Well that's just rude. Shooting your political opponents is naughty!

The authorities in Albuquerque said that Solomon Peña, who lost his bid for a State House seat in November, was behind a series of recent shootings targeting Democratic elected officials.

The authorities in Albuquerque said on Monday that a former Republican candidate who lost his bid for a State House seat in November had been arrested in connection with a series of recent shootings at the homes of four Democratic elected officials.

Chief Harold Medina of the Albuquerque Police Department said at a news conference that the former candidate, Solomon Peña, was “the mastermind” behind a conspiracy in which four other men were paid to shoot at the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators.

Mr. Peña, 39, lost the election on Nov. 8 in a landslide to an incumbent Democrat, Miguel P. Garcia. Days later, Mr. Peña went on Twitter to express support for former President Donald J. Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign and to say that he had not conceded his own State House race.
Well, his mini reign of terror is over.
You didn’t answer the question of who let your candidate out of prison, jerk! We are talking about THIS felon … you know YOUR party’s candidate.

Arizona “justice” and the jail system in the past was overwhelmingly Republican-run!

Now I personally don’t care much that he was eventually let out of prison, since he served seven years already for his many “smashing windows and grabbing goods” crimes, which seems about normal, at least so far as I know. Nobody got killed, or even badly hurt.

But then your Arizona Republican Trumpsters had to go and run this con as their own candidate!

Maybe they figured they could save us taxpayers money if he was paid to do GOP dirty work in Arizona, instead of just sitting around and being fed for free in jail?

Well it didn’t work, did it?

And now he’s back in prison!

I hope you agree that is where he belongs and don’t make excuses for him as others here do!

And here’s a novel idea: Try to run a better class of people for office in the future. Maybe you will win more elections.


He shot at the homes of democrats, Garcia. Barboa and Lopez. It really looks like none of our business.

Prove it! Show me a link!

In your opinion, ASSHOLE, how long should he have been in prison on the taxpayers’ dole for his previous crimes? Forever?

Why do you think Repubs ran him for office as their candidate?

How long do you think he should be kept in jail this time?

If you don’t call me a DUMBASS, a DEMOCRAT and a SCUMBAG all the time (none of which I am), if you actually try to address the points I raise … I will try not to treat you as the JERK & ASSHOLE you so obviously are.

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Prove it! Show me a link!

In your opinion, ASSHOLE, how long should he have been in prison on the taxpayers’ dole for his previous crimes? Forever?

Why do you think Repubs ran him for office as their candidate?

How long do you think he should be kept in jail this time?

If you don’t call me a DUMBASS, a DEMOCRAT and a SCUMBAG all the time (none of which I am), if you actually try to address the points I raise … I will try not to treat you as the JERK & ASSHOLE you so obviously are.


New Mexico is democrat run, dumbass.

Do your own work, you lazy twat.
@EvilCat Breath is a total disgrace to our country and the once great GOP, like many of his kind an advocate of violence and demagogy. He is personally insignificant, but is one of many who support the worst of Trump MAGA lunacy.

Even so.....I still would not support any movement or petition to have CatBreath banned from this venue. He/She serves an excellent example of a bad example. And thus.....there is practical value as a simple comparative. A cautionary tale.

I vote that CatBreath stays.


But yes, it does get harder.
Some here struggle to compose thoughts, paragraphs, sentences without the f-bomb or shrilling some other obscenities.

If such posters are up for banning.....well, I would want to hear the arguments both 'for' and 'against'.

Just sayin'.

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