Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

Only difference between the capitol riot and the hundreds of BLM riots, is that cities were affected, business destroyed, people murdered, looting, assaulting and chaos that lasted for up to months at a time. The capitol riot happened in just a day, nothing came of it, and the DOJ decided that everyone should be arrested and convicted. the end, happy days.
What does BLM have to do with Solomon Pena coward?
In self defense.... American judiciary system ya know

Cripes you're stupid

Self Defense, the kid was carrying a bag of Skittles and a can sweet tea. While I admit skittles are not for (I'm Allergic to the dye) and sweet tea sucks, they can hardly be considered a deadly weapon.
As with Mr Santos.
The GOP accepted trump as their leader and still defends him today. They are unlikely to make an example of this character.

If they did where would it end ?

If he was a Democrat, the ReNaziKlans would be demanding he be removed and arrested. Ye Olde ReNaziKlan Double Standard.
Self Defense, the kid was carrying a bag of Skittles and a can sweet tea. While I admit skittles are not for (I'm Allergic to the dye) and sweet tea sucks, they can hardly be considered a deadly weapon.

If he was a Democrat, the ReNaziKlans would be demanding he be removed and arrested. Ye Olde ReNaziKlan Double Standard.
If the little criminal had not decided that he could take the gun from the fat Mexican, he'd be alive today.
How, by stating that the shooter is a former GOP Candidate? Get real, that asshole made partisan when he started putting out rounds.
Like the shooter of the Republican Congressmen.
No it's not. None of it is good, but you being a hypocrite don't care.

Maybe you can help me out. I’m getting old and my memory apparently isn’t what it used to be. So use that little search bar up there. Find a post of mine where I condoned violence.

The closest that I am able to recall, is where I compared and contrasted the actions of the January 6th Insurgents with the BLM/ANTIFA nuts. What I seem to recall saying was that worst case scenario. If the rioters in Portland had burned the entire city down. If they had made it unlivable for eternity, nothing would happen to the nation as a whole. The Constitution would remain in effect. Nothing would change.

If the January 6th morons had gotten their way. The nation as we know it would have died. The first coup in American History would have occurred.

Now. I consider the threat to the very fabric of the nation to be greater than some idiots in a single city. I never wrote that the aforementioned idiots should get a free pass. I know hundreds of them were arrested around the nation.

Of course. The Right likes to pretend that nobody was arrested or tried.

So from here. If you are looking for a hypocrite. Perhaps you should look in the mirror. Because you and others are trying to howl about horse apples while the thread is about apples.
No it's not. None of it is good, but you being a hypocrite don't care.
What does BLM have to do with election deniers shooting up homes of the elected officials? You talk about logic. Do you even know what the word means?
Like the shooter of the Republican Congressmen.

Hardly. This shit stain was making heretofore unsupported claims (no evidence) he was robbed, the election was rigged. He was putting rounds into home of Democrats, including the home that a little girl in it.
One more time. He is a U.S. Citizen. A person cannot hold office in this country without being a Citizen.

You do know that advocating, condoning, endorsing or supporting murder on this site is wrong don't you?
You quoted the wrong post.
He's Mexican he could be here for ten minutes or come from a family that's been in New Mexico since the Aztecs sacrificed their first virgin. He's still Mexican. He could have a birth certificate from a hospital in Santa Fe. He's still Mexican. He wasn't alone. Doubtful that he was with some Norwegian friends.
There are plenty of violent rightwing nationalists all over the world, from Brazil Bolsonaristas inspired by Donald Trump, to this pathetic “Trump Party” politician in Arizona, to nutcases even in Scandinavian countries. One of the world’s most “inspiring” white nationalist fascists (to weak-minded internet crazies) is Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian far-right white terrorist, infamous for killing 77 mostly teenage Norwegian liberals at a summer camp in a mass shooting on the island of Utøya (after bombing a government building) in 2011.

Trump himself was infamous for his disgusting attacks on the supposedly “Mexican” born-in-Indiana Federal Judge who ruled against him in a case arising from his “Trump University” scam — who later nevertheless gave Trump a major victory opposing suits against his efforts to build a “Mexican Wall.”

EvilCat Breath is a total disgrace to our country and the once great GOP, like many of his kind an advocate of violence and demagogy. He is personally insignificant, but is one of many who support the worst of Trump MAGA lunacy.
This guys is not only a criminal..but he's a CAREER Criminal!

The Albuquerque Journal reported that on Dec. 4 eight shots had been fired into a county commissioner's home and on Dec. 11 more than 12 bullets had hit another commissioner's home. On Jan. 3, three bullets fired into a state representative's home had gone through her 10-year-old daughter's bedroom, the paper reported.
Albuquerque Police "essentially discovered what we had all feared and what we had suspected -- that these shootings were indeed politically motivated," Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller said at a press conference. "This was about a right-wing radical, an election denier who was arrested today and someone who did the worst imaginable thing you can do when you have a political disagreement, which is turn that to violence."

Citing state records, the Journal reported that Pena previously had been convicted of 19 felonies, including burglary, larceny and had spent almost seven years in prison.
Does anyone here think the Republicans have some real issues when it comes to vetting candidates?
Well that's just rude. Shooting your political opponents is naughty!

The authorities in Albuquerque said that Solomon Peña, who lost his bid for a State House seat in November, was behind a series of recent shootings targeting Democratic elected officials.

The authorities in Albuquerque said on Monday that a former Republican candidate who lost his bid for a State House seat in November had been arrested in connection with a series of recent shootings at the homes of four Democratic elected officials.

Chief Harold Medina of the Albuquerque Police Department said at a news conference that the former candidate, Solomon Peña, was “the mastermind” behind a conspiracy in which four other men were paid to shoot at the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators.

Mr. Peña, 39, lost the election on Nov. 8 in a landslide to an incumbent Democrat, Miguel P. Garcia. Days later, Mr. Peña went on Twitter to express support for former President Donald J. Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign and to say that he had not conceded his own State House race.

Already a thread on this nutjob
There are plenty of violent rightwing nationalists all over the world, from Brazil Bolsonaristas inspired by Donald Trump, to this pathetic “Trump Party” politician in Arizona, to nutcases even in Scandinavian countries. One of the world’s most “inspiring” white nationalist fascists (to weak-minded internet crazies) is Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian far-right white terrorist, infamous for killing 77 mostly teenage Norwegian liberals at a summer camp in a mass shooting on the island of Utøya (after bombing a government building) in 2011.

Trump himself was infamous for his disgusting attacks on the supposedly “Mexican” born-in-Indiana Federal Judge who ruled against him in a case arising from his “Trump University” scam — who later nevertheless gave Trump a major victory opposing suits against his efforts to build a “Mexican Wall.”

EvilCat Breath is a total disgrace to our country and the once great GOP, like many of his kind an advocate of violence and demagogy. He is personally insignificant, but is one of many who support the worst of Trump MAGA lunacy.

And even more leftists. Leftists have murdered well over 125 million people over the last 100 years.
And even more leftists. Leftists have murdered well over 125 million people over the last 100 years.

We are not talking about communists or Stalinists or Maoists of Russia or China over the last century, dummy.

We are talking about a career criminal who was nevertheless allowed to run as a TRUMP MAGA REPUBLICAN candidate. This “Big Liar” was THIS WEEK arrested for paying 4 drug dealing buddies to help him shoot up the homes of Democratic politicians in ARIZONA.

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