Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

Geez, just take some effing responsibility for your bad apples for a change!
Nobody is excusing Pena. But no Democrat has any room to accuse only Republicans for not taking effing responsibility for their bad apples.


And here's a whole list of folks to look up:

Wrong is wrong, illegal is illegal, corrupt is corrupt, dangerous/deranged is dangerous/deranged no matter what labels a person wears.

No Patriot condones PROVEN wrongdoing by another Patriot or Republican, but trying to make those crimes somehow worse than those committed by Democrats/leftists is hypocrisy at its worst.

P.S. Accusing and wanting somebody to be criminal, however badly you want it, does not make that person criminal. And honorable people do not accuse without hard evidence and/or conviction of such wrong doing.
This forum is only one that I have ever posted to in which a member can openly and knowingly advocate, condone and support the attempted murder of a 10-Year Old Child. This forum is full of threads in which other members advocate for the "Right To Life", and in this thread a member thinks killing a child is fine.

That same member has made openly racist posts, and so far where are the mods? Why are crimes like murder and racial hatred condoned? I understand and respect the Right To Freedom of Speech, there is such a thing as crossing the line.
Do what I do and report those who advocate violence....and not just to the mods here. FBI - Tips
And yet you spend the time you are semi-lucid deflecting and defending MAGAt thugs.

Link to where I defend violent extremists like YOU do.

He lost the election. Nobody ever asked Bernie about his relationship with the shooter who opened fire on a republican baseball team and wounded Congressman Scalise. Hodgkinson was a democrat party activist and a fanatic supporter of Sen. Sanders. Nobody ever asked Sanders if he had contact with Hodgkinson while Hodgkinson was living out of his van in D.C.. What about the democrats who encouraged violence against Supreme Court Justices? The "justice" dept. apparently refused to pursue the issue. Is Media Matters going to search the United States for every felon who was registered republican while the Biden administration is collapsing? It beats talking about real issues.
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Right! A good thing it is that only the stupidest of Trump-supporting Republicans voted for him!

So why are so many here still throwing up excuses and smokescreens for this creep?
As a president, He did a phenomenal job....
Nobody is excusing Pena. But no Democrat has any room to accuse only Republicans for not taking effing responsibility for their bad apples.


And here's a whole list of folks to look up:

Wrong is wrong, illegal is illegal, corrupt is corrupt, dangerous/deranged is dangerous/deranged no matter what labels a person wears.

No Patriot condones PROVEN wrongdoing by another Patriot or Republican, but trying to make those crimes somehow worse than those committed by Democrats/leftists is hypocrisy at its worst.

P.S. Accusing and wanting somebody to be criminal, however badly you want it, does not make that person criminal. And honorable people do not accuse without hard evidence and/or conviction of such wrong doing.
Instead of playing the "nu uh your side does it too!" game, we applaud apprehending this person, and report those we think who could be committing crimes?
Instead of playing the "nu uh your side does it too!" game, we applaud apprehending this person, and report those we think who could be committing crimes?
Once again you completely missed the point. But oh well. Have a great day.
If what has been reported in the media about this man is true, then simple, utter, total condemnation by every patriot, no 'Ifs' 'ands' or 'buts' about it, is the only possible response.

Yes, we know the other side does similar things, and the MSM downplay it. That's irrelevant.

AND ... there is another aspect to this. To steal a line from Talleyrand, this was not just a crime, but a blunder. It will drive away people we need to bring towards us. But even if it didn't, we must condemn it and support this man's prosecution and sentencing.

This is important, because there are people, technically on the Right, who do not do this. Here's an example, by Hal Turner, from the eponymous radio show:

"Now, I have no idea who did these things or why. I will not, however, condemn whoever did this because I think this has been a long time coming.

I also think it will not stop in Albuquerque. I personally think, and this is just my personal opinion, not advocacy, or solicitation to take action, and certainly not any threat by me to do anything because I absolutely will not be engaging in any violence or crime against anyone . . . . but I think . . . this may be just the beginning.

I wonder if Democrats will get a message from this?"

[ The Shooting Seems to Have Begun; America Heading to Civil War. Democrat Homes Being Shot-At in New Mexico ]

Okay, this guy is injecting poison into our veins. Every patriotic company which advertises on his show, should cancel immediately. No patriot running for office -- or in any other situation -- should agree to be interviewed by him. Put him outside the pale. Bankrupt him. Let him join that phoney Alex Jones.

I'm not being goody-goody here. This sort of stuff loses us support.

One other thing. Did this fellow Pena show any signs of this before he did it? The people who knew him need to talk. Was he a loon before he started shooting into peoples' homes? My guess is that he was ... perhaps some sort of paranoid.

We need to purge our ranks of these people. They are liabilities, not assets. They do the work of the enemy. If they're not police informants to start with, they're ideal candidates to become them. If they're genuinely insane, even worse.

As a successful leader of a revolution against an oppressive government once said of his own organization, "Better fewer, but better."

Straight out of Donald Trumps playbook. When you can't win, or you don't have enough votes, or you lie about election fraud, guess what is the next step? Violence!

So, I guess this is the GOP's MO from now on. If you can't win, shoot, destroy, or kill others to get that victory.

All these baby GOP man children who are too weak to lose elections. Disgusting people.
This is what happens when the right can't control their freaks!

Straight out of Donald Trumps playbook. When you can't win, or you don't have enough votes, or you lie about election fraud, guess what is the next step? Violence!

So, I guess this is the GOP's MO from now on. If you can't win, shoot, destroy, or kill others to get that victory.

All these baby GOP man children who are too weak to lose elections. Disgusting people.
I suppose in your opinion only GOP candidates deny election results.
If what has been reported in the media about this man is true, then simple, utter, total condemnation by every patriot, no 'Ifs' 'ands' or 'buts' about it, is the only possible response.

Yes, we know the other side does similar things, and the MSM downplay it. That's irrelevant.

AND ... there is another aspect to this. To steal a line from Talleyrand, this was not just a crime, but a blunder. It will drive away people we need to bring towards us. But even if it didn't, we must condemn it and support this man's prosecution and sentencing.

This is important, because there are people, technically on the Right, who do not do this. Here's an example, by Hal Turner, from the eponymous radio show:

"Now, I have no idea who did these things or why. I will not, however, condemn whoever did this because I think this has been a long time coming.

I also think it will not stop in Albuquerque. I personally think, and this is just my personal opinion, not advocacy, or solicitation to take action, and certainly not any threat by me to do anything because I absolutely will not be engaging in any violence or crime against anyone . . . . but I think . . . this may be just the beginning.

I wonder if Democrats will get a message from this?"

[ The Shooting Seems to Have Begun; America Heading to Civil War. Democrat Homes Being Shot-At in New Mexico ]

Okay, this guy is injecting poison into our veins. Every patriotic company which advertises on his show, should cancel immediately. No patriot running for office -- or in any other situation -- should agree to be interviewed by him. Put him outside the pale. Bankrupt him. Let him join that phoney Alex Jones.

I'm not being goody-goody here. This sort of stuff loses us support.

One other thing. Did this fellow Pena show any signs of this before he did it? The people who knew him need to talk. Was he a loon before he started shooting into peoples' homes? My guess is that he was ... perhaps some sort of paranoid.

We need to purge our ranks of these people. They are liabilities, not assets. They do the work of the enemy. If they're not police informants to start with, they're ideal candidates to become them. If they're genuinely insane, even worse.

As a successful leader of a revolution against an oppressive government once said of his own organization, "Better fewer, but better."

No true American would support anything this criminal did. No one.

But I find it telling that dems let him out, and he merely shot up dem properties. He didn't try to actually kill anyone from what I can tell.

This scumbag should have never been let out of prison, but his actions benefit no one but the democrats who released him.
I suppose in your opinion only GOP candidates deny election results.

Only the GOP’s leader and ex-President — a narcissistic and megalomaniacal lunatic — didn’t only “deny” his opponent’s election. He tried everything in his power to stop the peaceful transfer of power. He even allowed his hooligans to seize Congress and try to stop the official reading of electoral votes. Later he openly suggested that our Constitution and laws might have to be “terminated” to keep himself in power. He might have succeeded in organizing a coup had his own v.p. and some top military officers gone along with him. This might have launched a catastrophic civil war, fatally dividing our nation, leaving us to end up like other poor, week “Banana Republics.”
Only the GOP’s leader and ex-President — a narcissistic and megalomaniacal lunatic — didn’t only “deny” his opponents election. He tried to everything in his power to stop the peaceful transfer of power. He even allowed his hooligans to seize Congress and try to stop the official reading of electoral votes. Later he openly suggested that our Constitution and laws might have to be “terminated” to keep him in power. He might have succeeded in organizing a coup had his own v.p. and some top military officers gone along with him. This could have launched a catastrophic civil war, fatally dividing our nation, leaving us to end up like a poor, week “Banana Republic.”
Hillary Clinton is still in denial over the 2016 election results.
This is what happens when the right can't control their freaks!
Nobody can control their freaks. We're a nation of 330 million people, and they tell us that about 1% or thereabouts are genuine psychos. with about 30%(!) of us being on the psychopathy spectrum. [ Facts & Figures - Psychopathy Is] I don't put any trust in so-called social sciences, but it's probably true that there are several hundred thousand real genuine psychopaths in the US.

And some of them are political. And both Left and Right get their share. The person who gravely wounded one of the Republican congressmen playing baseball was mentioned in an earlier post. The man who murdered a teenage Republican recently was probably nuts. So was the man who murdered Aaron Danielson in Portland, an act cheered by AntiFa.

And then there are those who don't have the 'psycho' excuse.
JFK was assassinated by a Cuba-loving Marxist (although he was probably a little crazy).
RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian nationalist.

Our children are taught law and other things by horrible, manipulative leftwing terrorists who are not ashamed of what they did.
[ Bill Ayers - Wikipedia ]
[ Bernardine Dohrn - Wikipedia ]

The Left idolizes the Black Panthers, some of whom almost certainly raped and murdered their lefty white accountant when she discovered evidence of their financial crimes.
[ Murder of Betty Van Patter - Wikipedia]

So both Left and Right will attract crazy people, especially in times of extreme social tension, which we are now in. And they will also have people who commit crimes who are not technically crazy. (On our side, Timothy McVeigh.)

The question is, how do you respond when someone 'on our side' commits a crime?

The Left -- most of them -- are moral relativists. They excuse the crimes of 'their side'. We need not follow their revolting example.

Anyone who -- except in genuine self-defense -- shoots someone, or shoots at someone, who plants a bomb or sets a fire, who stabs someone -- should be instantly, completely, totally, condemned by our side. If we learn of someone on our side who is planning to do such things, or even speculating seriously about them, we should call the police.

Nobody can control their freaks. We're a nation of 330 million people, and they tell us that about 1% or thereabouts are genuine psychos. with about 30%(!) of us being on the psychopathy spectrum. [ Facts & Figures - Psychopathy Is] I don't put any trust in so-called social sciences, but it's probably true that there are several hundred thousand real genuine psychopaths in the US.

And some of them are political. And both Left and Right get their share. The person who gravely wounded one of the Republican congressmen playing baseball was mentioned in an earlier post. The man who murdered a teenage Republican recently was probably nuts. So was the man who murdered Aaron Danielson in Portland, an act cheered by AntiFa.

And then there are those who don't have the 'psycho' excuse.
JFK was assassinated by a Cuba-loving Marxist (although he was probably a little crazy).
RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian nationalist.

Our children are taught law and other things by horrible, manipulative leftwing terrorists who are not ashamed of what they did.
[ Bill Ayers - Wikipedia ]
[ Bernardine Dohrn - Wikipedia ]

The Left idolizes the Black Panthers, some of whom almost certainly raped and murdered their lefty white accountant when she discovered evidence of their financial crimes.
[ Murder of Betty Van Patter - Wikipedia]

So both Left and Right will attract crazy people, especially in times of extreme social tension, which we are now in. And they will also have people who commit crimes who are not technically crazy. (On our side, Timothy McVeigh.)

The question is, how do you respond when someone 'on our side' commits a crime?

The Left -- most of them -- are moral relativists. They excuse the crimes of 'their side'. We need not follow their revolting example.

Anyone who -- except in genuine self-defense -- shoots someone, or shoots at someone, who plants a bomb or sets a fire, who stabs someone -- should be instantly, completely, totally, condemned by our side. If we learn of someone on our side who is planning to do such things, or even speculating seriously about them, we should call the police.

I agree with 80 - 90% if what you say. I understand 100% of your point of view. We need more posters like you! I don't what side of the fence you are on. I'm a liberal. I am on the left. And I will say for my side, you have to go back to the Vietnam War to see the equivalent violence on the left that you are seeing from the right today.

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