Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

If this is not 9-0 by SCOTUS, they are a joke.

It will probably be 8-1 or 7-2. Brown is a affirmative action hire by Biden and she will likely side with Colorado.

Ketanji hates the Constitution.
You are the one who is ignorant of how law works.
Judges have no authority of their own, and only borrow the authority delegated to them by the people who have been harmed and the judicial system is trying to protect.

In a criminal trial, there is no other litigant whose rights need to be defended, other than the vague idea that a penalty may act as some possible future deterrent against similar actions.
So the standard of judgement is much higher.
When there is no other litigant to consider and defend, then guilt must be "Beyond a reasonable doubt".
Which means innocence has to essentially be impossible.

The judicial branch has no authority to use civil trial standards of 51% and apply them to a punishment that takes away rights, in what then is a criminal verdict.

You're utterly clueless.
What are you talking about?
Of course the names of the southern legislators who signed the Ordinance of Secession were "legible".
They proclaimed their action to the whole world.
In fact, it is still not actually clear under law, that secession is illegal.
Since states are sovereign and only join a federation voluntarily, there is no legal principle that can make it illegal for them to change their minds.
The fact the winner of the war declared secession illegal, does not make it so.

On my phone, those names were too tiny to read. But not a problem when I checked on my PC. Now that I can read them, I see you flat out lied by falsely claiming the Confederates I listed had signed an ordinance of secession. None of them were on that document. Not one.
You really are in the ropes here. That meaningless rant has nothing to do with your lie in this post you can’t back up:

Quote my post saying I didn’t hear some in the crowd chant that, liar.

Seriously, just admit you are a liar and move on. Your desperate attempt to save face is pathetic. :itsok:


What you idiotically try to downplay as a "rant," in reality, destroyed your weak argument.

No, you referred to a court that has no specific evidence of Trump doing anything wrong. You blindly believe because of your silly TDS.

What's funny is I have no doubt you have zero knowledge as to what evidence was presented in court. Looks like you're the one suffering from TDS.
Nope. 4 judges declared Trump guilty of insurrection without due process. Remember that when your decision gets slammed.

Liar. Trump had due process. He had a trial. He lost. You don't have to prevail in court to have due process.
Why would a Republican appointed Justice join the 3 Democratic appointed justices, to make it a 4 to 3 decision?

It's ridiculous y'all are calling for the arrest and even hanging or death to these justices? Why oh why oh why?

We have a court system that has checks on it, where each decision can be moved up and appealed in higher courts, to discern and determine court rulings, all the way to the Supreme court?

The system is working....yet y'all think bullying and threatening and doxing and harassing them is the appropriate way to go now....

It is NOT OKAY to do that, at all, on either side of the aisle.
All seven are Dimwinger appointments Tardo.
Retard, this was a civil case, not a criminal case.


That is the point.
Since it was not a criminal case that has the burden of proof of a criminal case, then NO criminal penalty can be imposed.
Trump can ONLY have a criminal penalty for "insurrection" with a criminal trial that has a criminal standard of proof.
Why would a Republican appointed Justice join the 3 Democratic appointed justices, to make it a 4 to 3 decision?

It's ridiculous y'all are calling for the arrest and even hanging or death to these justices? Why oh why oh why?

We have a court system that has checks on it, where each decision can be moved up and appealed in higher courts, to discern and determine court rulings, all the way to the Supreme court?

The system is working....yet y'all think bullying and threatening and doxing and harassing them is the appropriate way to go now....

It is NOT OKAY to do that, at all, on either side of the aisle.

The system is not working and has not worked well since about 1880.
Sure one can appeal, but that not only costs millions, but can take over a year.
What is supposed to happen is that all other judges are supposed to be reviewing the actions of any ruling like this, and it is the other judges who are supposed to catch and punish judicial misconduct like this.
This is not even close to being legal, and no one should be allowing this.
It totally degrades the confidence every one has in the entire system, and makes armed rebellion seem like the only remaining course of action.

Actually we likely should have had an armed rebellion over the Spanish American war, WWI, Prohibition, Vietnam, the War on Drugs, etc.
The whole country has not been close to being legal for over a century.
Remember when election interference was from Russia?
Pepperidge Farm remembers....
Now it's from the accusers, same as it ever was.
The demented LEFT are completely going overboard with gaslighting and projection.
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On my phone, those names were too tiny to read. But not a problem when I checked on my PC. Now that I can read them, I see you flat out lied by falsely claiming the Confederates I listed had signed an ordinance of secession. None of them were on that document. Not one.

What "Confederates" had you listed?
I went back several pages and saw no specific Confederate names listed.
But obviously there was no question about whether or not the Civil War was an insurrection of not.
It clearly was admitted to be in insurrection by all those involved.
The fact they could have been charged with insurrection and were not, was sufficient leverage to make them voluntarily follow the 14th amendment restriction.
There is no such leverage with Trump.
He clearly is not guilty of insurrection by any normal definition.
Trump has never had a trial for the charge of insurrection. You're a liar. A habitual liar.

I never said he had a trial for insurrection, you raving idiot. :cuckoo:

I said he had a trial to determine his eligibility. He had the opportunity in a courtroom to defend himself from the claimant. He lost. Too fucking bad for him.

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