Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Which programs had less money year after year to work with?
pick one ... they cut them all that's a stupid question its like what car is leaking oil ... the ACA The very day President Trump was sworn in — Jan. 20, 2017 — he signed an executive order instructing administration officials "to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" implementing parts of the Affordable Care Act, this was how the Dems made it work ... trumps Executive order was repealed ...then he tried to repeal the entire ACA, trump lost that one too... they pick away slowly at a plan to make it fail ... so far all they got done was to stop forcing people to join the ACA. ... like I said if the ACA fails you will find a bill passed by republicans taking money from it to make it fail ...republicans are notorious for doing this ... that's one example of what they try to do ...them screwing up a bill
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pick one ... they cut them all that's a stupid question its like what car is leaking oil ... the ACA The very day President Trump was sworn in — Jan. 20, 2017 — he signed an executive order instructing administration officials "to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" implementing parts of the Affordable Care Act, this was how the Dems made it work ... trumps Executive order was repealed ...then he tried to repeal the entire ACA, trump lost that one too... they pick away slowly at a plan to make it fail ... so far all they got done was to stop forcing people to join the ACA. ... like I said if the ACA fails you will find a bill passed by republicans taking money from it to make it fail ...republicans are notorious for doing this ... that's one example of what they try to do ...them screwing up a bill
So again, you can’t state a program? Hahaha fking parrot repeating nonsense
Okay my fellow MAGAs and law abiding citizens. Should they be given the treatment like Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett got outside their homes by radical leftists? They've been identified. They've committed treachery!


first thing first

Fri, May 24, 7:44 AM (9 days ago)

to me

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

Founded in 2004 by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation, supported primarily by advertising revenue. During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the site received over a million unique visitors per day.

In September 2021, Google demonetized the site for publishing misinformation. In April 2024, Hoft announced that the TGP parent company, TGP Communications, had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, blaming multiple defamation lawsuits.

After talking About Gateway pundits I can't take your source as reliable information your source is fake news ... now these judges did the right thing ... the woman who filed to have Trump removed from the ballot is a well-known attorney here in Colorado it was one of your own who filed to have trump removed... if you took time to do real research you would know that but you deal in liars that are known liars gateway pundits ... now here in colorado if you go after a judge you are going to jail right off the bat so have at it morons ....
first thing first

Fri, May 24, 7:44 AM (9 days ago)

to me

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

Founded in 2004 by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation, supported primarily by advertising revenue. During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the site received over a million unique visitors per day.

In September 2021, Google demonetized the site for publishing misinformation. In April 2024, Hoft announced that the TGP parent company, TGP Communications, had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, blaming multiple defamation lawsuits.

After talking About Gateway pundits I can't take your source as reliable information your source is fake news ... now these judges did the right thing ... the woman who filed to have Trump removed from the ballot is a well-known attorney here in Colorado it was one of your own who filed to have trump removed... if you took time to do real research you would know that but you deal in liars that are known liars gateway pundits ... now here in colorado if you go after a judge you are going to jail right off the bat so have at it morons ....
First thing first.....not sure your point? Are you saying the Colorado Supreme court didn't do that? You know the case went to SCOTUS right? How can the story be fake exactly. Can you explain?
pick one ... they cut them all that's a stupid question its like what car is leaking oil ... the ACA The very day President Trump was sworn in — Jan. 20, 2017 — he signed an executive order instructing administration officials "to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" implementing parts of the Affordable Care Act, this was how the Dems made it work ... trumps Executive order was repealed ...then he tried to repeal the entire ACA, trump lost that one too... they pick away slowly at a plan to make it fail ... so far all they got done was to stop forcing people to join the ACA. ... like I said if the ACA fails you will find a bill passed by republicans taking money from it to make it fail ...republicans are notorious for doing this ... that's one example of what they try to do ...them screwing up a bill
You pick one. You're claiming they all lost money, so it should be easy. Here's what you need to do:

1. Pick a program.
2. Google its budgets from its web site for 2016 and in 2017.
3. Post the numbers here. If the program had less money in 2017 than it did in 2016, you've found one.

Now, you've made your task harder because you claim ALL of them were cut, and you're just not going to be able to back that up. I'll make it easier on you and let you get away with 75%. Post the numbers showing that 75% of "the programs", which you haven't even named, were cut. We'll wait.
You pick one. You're claiming they all lost money, so it should be easy. Here's what you need to do:

1. Pick a program.
2. Google its budgets from its web site for 2016 and in 2017.
3. Post the numbers here. If the program had less money in 2017 than it did in 2016, you've found one.

Now, you've made your task harder because you claim ALL of them were cut, and you're just not going to be able to back that up. I'll make it easier on you and let you get away with 75%. Post the numbers showing that 75% of "the programs", which you haven't even named, were cut. We'll wait.
I asked him that question yesterday and still crickets. Another demofk with false narratives and no backbone to back it up.
I asked him that question yesterday and still crickets. Another demofk with false narratives and no backbone to back it up.
Any time you hear something like, "They cut them all", you know you're dealing with an emotional rant, not a factual one.
First thing first.....not sure your point? Are you saying the Colorado Supreme court didn't do that? You know the case went to SCOTUS right? How can the story be fake exactly. Can you explain?
you don't seem to understand how the courts work...of course, I know it went to the Supreme Court... you're the stupid one here, not me ... Colorado will make headlines across the world this week as the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case challenging Donald's Trump eligibility to run for office in the Centennial State. The lead plaintiff in the case is a 91-year-old former state lawmaker and diehard Republican. Norma Anderson says she never dreamed she would be part of an effort to keep her own party's leading candidate off the ballot. That is, until Jan. 6, 2021... I am from Colorado...born and raised here... I know what happened... you make it sound like these judges just decided on their own to remove him from the polls... Norma Anderson a Republican took it to the Colorado courts ... they decided to have him removed by Colorado law ... then you use Gateway pundit as your source they are known liars... nothing they say is factual... you try to make it sound like it was personal ...they decided it was against Colorado law ... those crooks in the supreme court decided differently than Colorado law ... your point to attack them will get you arrested ...if it should happen, they will track it back to your post here and you will get a 30-year sentence... because you wanted these judges attacked ...you can no longer try to have harm done to a judge ... they did their job ... no matter if you or I like it ... I didn't like what the supreme court did ... you don't hear me trying to have them harmed I accept it ...... get it moron??? It is people like you who is tearing this country up
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you don't seem to understand how the courts work...of course, I know it went to the Supreme Court... you're the stupid one here, not me ... Colorado will make headlines across the world this week as the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case challenging Donald's Trump eligibility to run for office in the Centennial State. The lead plaintiff in the case is a 91-year-old former state lawmaker and diehard Republican. Norma Anderson says she never dreamed she would be part of an effort to keep her own party's leading candidate off the ballot. That is, until Jan. 6, 2021... I am from Colorado...born and raised here... I know what happened... you make it sound like these judges just decided on their own to remove him from the polls... Norma Anderson a Republican took it to the Colorado courts ... they decided to have him removed by Colorado law ... then you use Gateway pundit as your source they are known liars... nothing they say is factual... you try to make it sound like it was personal ...they decided it was against Colorado law ... those crooks in the supreme court decided differently than Colorado law ... your point to attack them will get you arrested ...if it should happen, they will track it back to your post here and you will get a 30-year sentence... because you wanted these judges attacked ...you can no longer try to have harm done to a judge ... they did their job ... no matter if you or I like it ... I didn't like what the supreme court did ... you don't hear me trying to have them harmed I accept it ...... get it moron??? It is people like you who is tearing this country up
but they did make the decision. They were politically motivated. In it's entirety!!! No other way to say it. There was no insurrection. So the initial premise is factually wrong. I'd be happy to see the charge! Trump was never indicted, never found guilty of it, and, it's a federal election not a state one. So, there's that as well. They were factually acting as DNC operatives to disenfranchise voters. third world shit.
but they did make the decision. They were politically motivated. In it's entirety!!! No other way to say it. There was no insurrection. So the initial premise is factually wrong. I'd be happy to see the charge! Trump was never indicted, never found guilty of it, and, it's a federal election not a state one. So, there's that as well. They were factually acting as DNC operatives to disenfranchise voters. third world shit.
no, they weren't politically motivated they used Colorado laws
“A majority of the court holds that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,” the court wrote in its 4-3 decision.

Colorado’s highest court overturned a ruling from a district court judge who found that Trump incited an insurrection for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, but said he could not be barred from the ballot because it was unclear that the provision was intended to cover the presidency.

The court stayed its decision until Jan. 4, or until the U.S. Supreme Court rules on the case. Colorado officials say the issue must be settled by Jan. 5, the deadline for the state to print its presidential primary ballots.

“We do not reach these conclusions lightly,” wrote the court’s majority. “We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us. We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach.” as you can see it had nothing to do with being politically motivated... it had to do with the law...

you got your political motivation from the gate pundit ... they are a magazine that writes lies to its readers ... if you look them up they come out and tell you they are outright liars ... its what they do ...it's idiots like you read it, fall for it, then try and push it in your posting here as being factual ... they aren't in any way ffactuasl at all and the tell you this ...
no, they weren't politically motivated they used Colorado laws
“A majority of the court holds that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,” the court wrote in its 4-3 decision.
but he wasn't charged with anything you stupid fk! and he isn't guilty of anything you stupid fk. It was purely political. FACT! now fk along. You're behaving like Chris Cuomo, and I'm Cuomoing you!!!

What do y'all think about the Republican Ohio legislators keeping Biden off the ballot? Not a peep from ya, huh? While Alabama republican legislators keeping Trump on the ballot, with the same timing issue as Ohio and Biden?
What do y'all think about the Republican Ohio legislators keeping Biden off the ballot? Not a peep from ya, huh? While Alabama republican legislators keeping Trump on the ballot, with the same timing issue as Ohio and Biden?
it's wrong as long as no state is doing that to Trump! Fair play act. You know what that is? you do to me, I do to you! There were multiple states who decided to take trump off. Where do you stand on that? let democracy roll and let the people decide. This was all initiated because of Colorado!!!!!! know that stupid fk!
it's wrong as long as no state is doing that to Trump! Fair play act. You know what that is? you do to me, I do to you! There were multiple states who decided to take trump off. Where do you stand on that? let democracy roll and let the people decide. This was all initiated because of Colorado!!!!!! know that stupid fk!
"The Lord God sayeth, vengeance is mine!"
but he wasn't charged with anything you stupid fk! and he isn't guilty of anything you stupid fk. It was purely political. FACT! now fk along. You're behaving like Chris Cuomo, and I'm Cuomoing you!!!

are you a dumb fuck or what??? he was charged in new york he was charged in Georgia he was charged in Florida... the problem you have, you dumb fuck is you don't know the difference of being charged or convicted ... the lady felt with all these charges he shouldn't be on the ballot she as a republican felt he should not be on the ballot ...it was her wish not a political attack on him ...so she filed for him not being on the ballot because of all of these charges ... again as a republican she felt he had no business being on any ballot ... she pushed the issue in the state supreme court ... they just followed the law that was presented ...it had nothing to do with politics at all... it had to deal with current colorado law ... now he is a felon and rapist that you support .as prrsident .....
are you a dumb fuck or what??? he was charged in new york he was charged in Georgia he was charged in Florida... the problem you have, you dumb fuck is you don't know the difference of being charged or convicted ... the lady felt with all these charges he shouldn't be on the ballot she as a republican felt he should not be on the ballot ...it was her wish not a political attack on him ...so she filed for him not being on the ballot because of all of these charges ... again as a republican she felt he had no business being on any ballot ... she pushed the issue in the state supreme court ... they just followed the law that was presented ...it had nothing to do with politics at all... it had to deal with current colorado law ... now he is a felon and rapist that you support .as prrsident .....

The answer to your first question is, yes, he is. Very much so.

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