Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Point to the word, "convicted," in the following...

shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
And to be legally found to have committed those actions, the person has to be convicted in open court by a jury of his peers. Until that happens, he hasn’t been proven to have done anything, it’s all unsupported allegations legally,
Actually, my guess is that the same plaintiffs will simply rush back to the Colorado joke of a Supreme Court to demand that he not be allowed on the ballot by any means.

This is another reason that our SCOTUS will have to bitch slap the Colorado Supreme Court.
All democrats want is to be able to control the vote. That's all.
Not sure how many times you were dropped on your head today, but I never said any such thing.

But keep lying, it's what you do best, liar.

Of course you did, Dumbfuck. I asked you to point to where the 14th Amendment stated a politician needed to be "convicted" of insurrection and you couldn't do. That's a tacit confession that a conviction isn't necessary.
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Oh, you've read the transcripts?
No, you flaming asshole. I read her decision . The one she reached after the hearing.

Do you practice being retarded or is it something that always comes too easily to you?

By the way: Did it ever dawn on you which case involves a federal court ruling on a state election matter? You retard.
All democrats want is to be able to control the vote. That's all.
Sadly. They preach about the alleged dangers to “our democracy” even after they get re-educated that we aren’t a “democracy.” But they don’t give a rat’s ass about the people or about our nation.

They care only about power. Their own power.
And to be legally found to have committed those actions, the person has to be convicted in open court by a jury of his peers. Until that happens, he hasn’t been proven to have done anything, it’s all unsupported allegations legally,

Doesn't have to be convicted of committing a crime as he's not facing a criminal action. Which is why Confederates were banned from holding public office without being charged with committing insurrection.
Trump was President that day. When did the crowd fight against Trump, the lawful president. Biden was not president on Jan 6.
They didn’t fight against Trump. They fought for Trump and because of the lies he was pushing….
You're saying I lack character? You, an unscrupulous prog who voted for a criminal child molester?
Yes, absolutely you lack character. listen to the crap you say on this board. “They did bad so we can do bad” no dude, that’s not how it works
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Nope. That’s the CRIMINAL code. One of your fellow libtards said Trump was declared an insurrectionist in a CIVIL trial. So what is the CIVIL code?
The supreme co
Did you let Jack Smith know yet? Jack the prosecutor is so confused he is asking the Supreme Court to explain it to him! That dude doing the job on the Estate of Trump.
Garbage Jack Smith is ripping a new ass hole in the pile of shit scum bag. Love it , The piece of shit traitor should be in court for treason and put to death if found guilty.
Doesn't have to be convicted of committing a crime as he's not facing a criminal action. Which is why Confederates were banned from holding public office without being charged with committing insurrection.

They didn't have to commit an insurrection. They waged war which is pretty definitive. Preventing these men from running for office was achieved by removing the people's ability to vote. Losing the franchise to choose their leaders was part of the punishment to the southern people.

Very much like the way democrats are using the same methods today.
Okay my fellow MAGAs and law abiding citizens. Should they be given the treatment like Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett got outside their homes by radical leftists? They've been identified. They've committed treachery!


The fun part is a major majority Support scum bag being stopped from being a candidate in Colorado but many think it will be over turned by the supreme court because they will do what they are told to do by the slime ball right Hate Nazi's
The supreme co

Garbage Jack Smith is ripping a new ass hole in the pile of shit scum bag. Love it , The piece of shit traitor should be in court for treason and put to death if found guilty.
All democrats are traitors.
All Republicans are traitors.
Get this party started.
The fun part is a major majority Support scum bag being stopped from being a candidate in Colorado but many think it will be over turned by the supreme court because they will do what they are told to do by the slime ball right Hate Nazi's
They didn't have to commit an insurrection. They waged war which is pretty definitive. Preventing these men from running for office was achieved by removing the people's ability to vote. Losing the franchise to choose their leaders was part of the punishment to the southern people.

Very much like the way democrats are using the same methods today.

Uh, no. That provision is to prevent enemies of the U.S. from being in a position of trust again. Because they can't be trusted.
They didn't have to commit an insurrection. They waged war which is pretty definitive. Preventing these men from running for office was achieved by removing the people's ability to vote. Losing the franchise to choose their leaders was part of the punishment to the southern people.

Very much like the way democrats are using the same methods today.
How can you prove that they waged war if they were never convicted of insurrection or rebellion?
Trump should feel lucky , he should be in court for treason and if found guilty should be put to death along with anyone who supported him. Everyone should be put to death, who had any part or supported Trumps treason. . They are traitors and that what the treason law prescribes.
Uh, no. That provision is to prevent enemies of the U.S. from being in a position of trust again. Because they can't be trusted.
Well, they were democrats so there was a trust concern.
How can you prove that they waged war if they were never convicted of insurrection or rebellion?
Because it was open warfare and these were uniform wearing officers of an opposing army.
Trump should feel lucky , he should be in court for treason and if found guilty should be put to death along with anyone who supported him. Everyone should be put to death, who had any part or supported Trumps treason. . They are traitors and that what the treason law prescribes.
Absolutely. You get right on that. After all you know that Republicans consider democrats not only traitors but enemies of all humanity.


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