Elections are no longer about issues Americans face

I, for one, am voting for Ms. Clinton and would be regardless of who else is in the election. She is easily the best qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41. After 2 terms as Senator from NY, she was appointed to SoS with a 94-2 vote by her fellow Senators.

That her chief opponent is a self-destructive loser who has followers hell bent on destroying the nation just makes the vote and her guaranteed victory so much more satisfying. When I think of the next 8 years of Hillary being a daily reminder of their defeat, I can’t help but smile.
It's all about who can sling the most outrageous shit that sticks. Who can twist reality the best. And let's not forget the greedy types that need to hear what new free shit they might be able to get from the government.
The hardcore partisans have pretty much controlled the conversation for quite a while now, and we're seeing the predictable results, none of them good..
Which is why we need to break the absolute majority rule to welcome in more parties. The majority of Americans are being over ruled by the dictates of minority ideologies that are already in power.
Yep. The two-party stranglehold leads directly to binary thought, which is at the core of this mess.

Not only that, but I'm starting to realize that the United States is no different than any other country where minority class holds power to the detriment of the majority. The modern Democrats and Republicans are little more than separate chapters of the same private club which holds power and whose primary interest is retaining that power for themselves. Not really much different than having a noble class who holds exclusive rights to governance over the masses. Or a Sunni minority controlling a majority Shia nation in the Middle East. We've gone from a nation repulsing tyranny to a nation settling for lesser tyrannies.
You would have to trust a few things here:

1. Trump will nominate someone you agree with
2. Trump wont go off the rails and reverse himself like he often does
3. That person will be approved

But its telling that all your eggs are in that one basket
#2 is true and unique to Trump but the others apply to Clinton too, including the basket of eggs.

Of course 1 and 3 applies to anyone...but #2 makes all the difference. And no, no other person is saying it all comes down to SCOTUS except disaffected republicans who need a reason to justify voting for a dumbass
Hillary says it all the time lol. Wtf are you smoking?

No she doesnt...I'm talking about Hannity and the other goofballs who keep saying it all comes down to the Supreme court as the biggest reason to vote for Trump. Just yelling "you too" doesnt mean shit unless you have something to back it...but you're not going to take my observations and just scream "I'm rubber you're glue"

That shit dont work
EVERYONE is obsessed with securing scotus for "their side"
You're being a disingenuous buffoon

See? I'm specifically talking about how Republicans that I quoted says "it all comes down to SCOTUS" as the SOLE justification for voting for Trump.

If you think I'm saying that both sides care about SCOTUS then you're again ignoring everything
Do you think Trump can slow or stop that decline?

In his first term not a chance. The corrupted establishment in both parties will fight him tooth and nail and try to make him a one term president. But his failure may rally Americans in future elections to continue to oppose the establishment.

The corruption is so entrenched and the system rigged the establishment holds most of the cards. Whether the American people can root out this corruption over time, short of the country collapsing is a coin toss imo. If we keep electing establishment candidates certainly nothing will change.

You just described Obama's entire Presidency.
Do you think Trump can slow or stop that decline?

In his first term not a chance. The corrupted establishment in both parties will fight him tooth and nail and try to make him a one term president. But his failure may rally Americans in future elections to continue to oppose the establishment.

The corruption is so entrenched and the system rigged the establishment holds most of the cards. Whether the American people can root out this corruption over time, short of the country collapsing is a coin toss imo. If we keep electing establishment candidates certainly nothing will change.

You just described Obama's entire Presidency.

Yes I did, no argument.
It's all about who can sling the most outrageous shit that sticks. Who can twist reality the best. And let's not forget the greedy types that need to hear what new free shit they might be able to get from the government.
That's what you get for listening to the wacky ones. They make the most noise but don't represent main stream American. The election is very much about the issues. I'm not going to type them all out AGAIN but the Supremes pick is the number one determining factor. Hillary will turn us into a European style socialist democracy. The left wants it badly, the right not so much.

Focus on the big picture. This forum is no indication of reality.
The modern Democrats and Republicans are little more than separate chapters of the same private club which holds power and whose primary interest is retaining that power for themselves.
Hence my sig!
the only reason i support the Trump is due to his thinking on military , borders , immigration , sovereignty , leaving American's ALONE to Pursue Freedom and thats about it . Plus a few other things that escape me at the moment .

Pursue Freedom... Are you serious?

Trump is an Authoritarian... He believe in confiscating land to build a wall, he will have to bring compulsory ID for everyone to enact his immigration policy, he will increase his police state with an expansion of stop and frisk which will further erode community policing, increase the libel laws and curtail the 1st amendment...

There is loads more but this guy is not about freedom... When any leader starts talking about an enemy and how he is going to increase your safety over the other guy then he is taking away freedoms...
You would have to trust a few things here:

1. Trump will nominate someone you agree with
2. Trump wont go off the rails and reverse himself like he often does
3. That person will be approved

But its telling that all your eggs are in that one basket
#2 is true and unique to Trump but the others apply to Clinton too, including the basket of eggs.

The thing is Clinton has been a Senator and SOS... She has a record of good stable decisions.... She had high approval ratings when she left office...
It's all about who can sling the most outrageous shit that sticks.
With this I agree. I don't care about personalities or even past mistakes. To me the election comes down to one word: Scalia.

Now you don't care about past mistakes from the party that wasted millions on silly duplicate investigations. Your lack of concern about that came about pretty recently, didn't it?

Gotcha, Democrats are all about not wasting money. Holding Democrats accountable for your actions, what a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!


The federal government isn't spending a penny to out Trump's stupidity. There is no wasted public money for that like there was for all those stupid redundant investigations of Hillary.

The lamest waste of money ever was "yellowcake." Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. And it all pales compared to the wasted money you spend on government programs that disincent work and push dependency
You would have to trust a few things here:

1. Trump will nominate someone you agree with
2. Trump wont go off the rails and reverse himself like he often does
3. That person will be approved

But its telling that all your eggs are in that one basket
#2 is true and unique to Trump but the others apply to Clinton too, including the basket of eggs.

The thing is Clinton has been a Senator and SOS... She has a record of good stable decisions.... She had high approval ratings when she left office...

Hillary had high approval ratings? Put down the glue
It's all about who can sling the most outrageous shit that sticks. Who can twist reality the best. And let's not forget the greedy types that need to hear what new free shit they might be able to get from the government.

This is only because Clinton has turned the big media into a propaganda machine. They have no interest in reporting the facts anymore. No interest in journalistic standards. Instead they spread propaganda so that Clinton can win and give them more ad money and favors.

She is the banana-republic candidate.
You would have to trust a few things here:

1. Trump will nominate someone you agree with
2. Trump wont go off the rails and reverse himself like he often does
3. That person will be approved

But its telling that all your eggs are in that one basket
#2 is true and unique to Trump but the others apply to Clinton too, including the basket of eggs.

Of course 1 and 3 applies to anyone...but #2 makes all the difference. And no, no other person is saying it all comes down to SCOTUS except disaffected republicans who need a reason to justify voting for a dumbass
I'm predicting definitely the House and probably the Senate will remain GOP. With our elder SCOTUS members getting up in years, the next president will likely get to nominate four justices. Trump will probably do what he's promised, mostly because it's easy and he doesn't really care, and they will all be conservative and confirmed. Hillary will at least nominate moderate ones so she is my choice.
Democrats nominating moderate judges?

Not unless it is a political ploy.
You would have to trust a few things here:

1. Trump will nominate someone you agree with
2. Trump wont go off the rails and reverse himself like he often does
3. That person will be approved

But its telling that all your eggs are in that one basket
#2 is true and unique to Trump but the others apply to Clinton too, including the basket of eggs.

The thing is Clinton has been a Senator and SOS... She has a record of good stable decisions.... She had high approval ratings when she left office...

Hillary had high approval ratings? Put down the glue

This is what is funny about you guys... You have got yourself into such a place that truth just seems to work...

Hillary Clinton's approval ratings as secretary of state were high, but they're not now

A Washington Post-ABC Newspoll put her favorability at 67 percent as she was winding down as secretary of state and preparing to testify in a Benghazi hearing. A Wall Street Journal/NBC Newspoll conducted at the same time put her approval rating at 69 percent.
the only reason i support the Trump is due to his thinking on military , borders , immigration , sovereignty , leaving American's ALONE to Pursue Freedom and thats about it . Plus a few other things that escape me at the moment .

Pursue Freedom... Are you serious?

Trump is an Authoritarian... He believe in confiscating land to build a wall, he will have to bring compulsory ID for everyone to enact his immigration policy, he will increase his police state with an expansion of stop and frisk which will further erode community policing, increase the libel laws and curtail the 1st amendment...

There is loads more but this guy is not about freedom... When any leader starts talking about an enemy and how he is going to increase your safety over the other guy then he is taking away freedoms...
-------------------------------- pursue PERSONAL Freedoms like GUNS and Gun Rights as one example Cowboy . As an englisher you don't understand . Stop and Frisk won't be allowed . I'm not concerned with MY safety , USA is avery safe country Cowboy .
also Conservative judges , strong militaty , good borders , high walls , sovereignty are good things Cowboy
You would have to trust a few things here:

1. Trump will nominate someone you agree with
2. Trump wont go off the rails and reverse himself like he often does
3. That person will be approved

But its telling that all your eggs are in that one basket
#2 is true and unique to Trump but the others apply to Clinton too, including the basket of eggs.

The thing is Clinton has been a Senator and SOS... She has a record of good stable decisions.... She had high approval ratings when she left office...

Hillary had high approval ratings? Put down the glue

This is what is funny about you guys... You have got yourself into such a place that truth just seems to work...

Hillary Clinton's approval ratings as secretary of state were high, but they're not now

A Washington Post-ABC Newspoll put her favorability at 67 percent as she was winding down as secretary of state and preparing to testify in a Benghazi hearing. A Wall Street Journal/NBC Newspoll conducted at the same time put her approval rating at 69 percent.

Hillary has had overwhelmingly long term negative approval ratings

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