Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

Knowing how corrupt the government is clearly explains why they never got an evidentiary hearing.

Well, you've got to have some evidence first. Too bad you don't have any. Hey, show them a movie of a bunch of drop boxes....that might work. :muahaha:
BS. democrat votes all of the sudden appearing from under the desk in GA,, on tape GOP poll workers being forced out from the count, death threats against GOP election officals in Michigan, GOP mail in votes, some of them being misplaced (Ha HA) by the postal service.
Like seeing a body with a dozen bullets shot into it, but no gun so no case of murder.
You do realize those are lies that have been disproven over and over? Or are you really that clueless?
He was sworn in.

Every state certified it's election

And despite you guys' lamest efforts...the electoral votes were 306 to 232 in his favor.
'"Certified" just means some blowhard politicians repeated some meaningless words. It doesn't mean anyone checked the votes to make sure they were valid.

"Sworn in" just means they got away with the swindle.
Only the most craven among us (republicans) would celebrate someone dying. It no longer shocks us....
ROFL! I observed plenty of you douchebags celebrating when prominent Republicans died.

Whoa re you trying to fool?
I hope you get George Floyded one day because you are an asshole.
Well, that is regrettable that poor poster Indeependent is unable to play well in the sandbox with the others.
Adult Swim is challenging for some who are unprepared.
The rest of us wish him well.

"...asshole.......You are no free to go fuck yourself.
Another Trump University full tuition student, I see.
But we all wish him well and hope he can find a way to be successful.
Good luck, poster Oddball.
Well, that is regrettable that poor poster Indeependent is unable to play well in the sandbox with the others.
Adult Swim is challenging for some who are unprepared.
The rest of us wish him well.

Another Trump University full tuition student, I see.
But we all wish him well and hope he can find a way to be successful.
Good luck, poster Oddball.
Well, that is regrettable that poor poster Indeependent is unable to play well in the sandbox with the others.
Adult Swim is challenging for some who are unprepared.
The rest of us wish him well.

Another Trump University full tuition student, I see.
But we all wish him well and hope he can find a way to be successful.
Good luck, poster Oddball.
When Liberals attain an attention span to read an entire statement in the USC, I will forgive them.

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