Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

"..... never really engages a topic, rather just sits back and pokes holes…lazy really…I don’t have to “prove“ anything to your dumb ass"

Well, a couple of observations on the above:

As far as 'proving'.....yupper, you do.
Not specifically to my poor avatar but to the expectation that if an adult makes an assertion that adult can back up his own word. That that adult is able to demonstrate that he is not just a loudmouth with no there there. That he has game.
THAT.....is what you have to prove to, poster j-mac. If you assert it. You be able to prove it. Lest folks think you ARE that empty suit. That 'all hat/no cows' cowboy.
And, amigo, that is not a good look for you. Trust me.

As far as 'engaging in a topic? Ah, done it a gabillion times. To some, tho mixed, effect .... judging by the reaction-emojis. But my avatar has no delusions that he changed any minds.
But you see he ain't here to proselytize, ain't here to persuade or convince.
Although, in an attempt to back up my avatar, I will say that he will, not infrequently, attempt to inform. You should closely read many of his postings. You may learn stuff you didn't know before.

Lastly, as far as 'poking holes'?
Well, sort of.
Though you gotta admit most of that work has already been done by the posters I'm responding to. As you can read here there is some real QAnon/MAGA quackery being posted. Uber-nutjobbery. There are posters here who can't get out of the way of their own f-bombs. Get out of the way of their own misogyny, their own Bible-thumping, their own homoeroticism. Other posters who rail about Jews blowing up the Twin Towers (tho admittedly, not real observant Jews -- as they were chanting Allah Akbar when they flew into the 77th floor.)

So you see, any hole my poor avatar may poke can hardly leave a mark compared to some of the swiss-cheese-like jackassery we are all entertained by.

Peace 🖖
Someone in the lib news media is lying to you

Trump did everything within his power during the pandemic
I do recall his telling the governors they were on their own and his boy saying that the SNS was "our stockpile".... I do recall his CDC telling everyone to stay away from one another while his DHS was making people stand for hours on end shoulder to shoulder at the airports.

I'm sure you'll remember it differently....Kool Aid seems to affect your memory.
I do recall his telling the governors they were on their own and his boy saying that the SNS was "our stockpile".... I do recall his CDC telling everyone to stay away from one another while his DHS was making people stand for hours on end shoulder to shoulder at the airports.

I'm sure you'll remember it differently....Kool Aid seems to affect your memory.
Trump activated the Corps of Engineers to set up temporary ICU beds in deep blue liberal democrat cities that asked for them
"Really angry black people but not Democrats rioting... Late night petty criminals..."

"Late night petty criminals"......yupper, I saw that in my own city.

Our pied-de-terre is in a conservative, quite religious, Midwest city. And a nice and interesting place to live what with all of its colleges and universities, and vibrant medical industries.

We had one of those George Floyd/Brutality/Equality demonstrations. It was, as one would expect in my city, a pretty tame affair with white haired church ladies carrying signs, some black residents carrying signs, and lots of other civic and religious participants showing their concerns over the too frequent police brutality in the news. All was well. Until nightfall.
Then it got unruly. Broken windows of retail shops downtown*, a police car burnt, frozen bottles of water being thrown at police lines. And all of it filmed by police (and civilian) videographers on rooftops....not to mention uncounted numbers of raised smart phone cameras.

And when all those pics got combed through by the police, what happened?
Well, a bunch of jackasses got ID'd. And subsequent arrests happened.
The vast vast majority being white jackasses from the suburbs and surrounding rural towns.....who, according to some of them, ''came-to-town' to let off a little Covid Coop steam'.

So much for the theory that it was all 'black'. All Democrat.
It was white dicks (and karens) from the burbs, in town for a little vandalism.

"They've OFFICIALLY OBJECTED IN CONGRESS to EVERY Republican victor..."
That may be; however, as mentioned earlier.......those 'objections' did NOT include spraying MACE in the face of uniformed police, tasering, stomping, clubbing, crushing those same officers. Nor did those Democrats, or whoever, ransack legislators offices, steal laptops and paperwork, bust doors and windows in their breaking & entering, threaten to kill our Vice President, our Speaker of the House, .......nor did they smear their poo on the walls of our Capitol.

All those things, you will note, poster FCT.......make January 6th rather notable. And all those things make it a uniquely MAGA-moment.

Well, chump, it's in the constitution now.

So shove that up your ass.
No, actually it's still not in the Constitution, Candy! There are Constitutional amendments that make it illegal for the States to prevent people from voting because of age, sex, color of their skin and failure to pay poll taxes but the States still hold sway over voting rights because that IS in the Constitution!
Spin control someone else. But go ahead stay in denial.
The US is a country based on facts and laws, not on theories and and thoughts. If any of the matters you bring up were true, a court would have addressed them. They are not and all courts saw them as BS. But if it helps you sleep at night, keep believing the lies.
"Late night petty criminals"......yupper, I saw that in my own city.

Our pied-de-terre is in a conservative, quite religious, Midwest city. And a nice and interesting place to live what with all of its colleges and universities, and vibrant medical industries.

We had one of those George Floyd/Brutality/Equality demonstrations. It was, as one would expect in my city, a pretty tame affair with white haired church ladies carrying signs, some black residents carrying signs, and lots of other civic and religious participants showing their concerns over the too frequent police brutality in the news. All was well. Until nightfall.
Then it got unruly. Broken windows of retail shops downtown*, a police car burnt, frozen bottles of water being thrown at police lines. And all of it filmed by police (and civilian) videographers on rooftops....not to mention uncounted numbers of raised smart phone cameras.

And when all those pics got combed through by the police, what happened?
Well, a bunch of jackasses got ID'd. And subsequent arrests happened.
The vast vast majority being white jackasses from the suburbs and surrounding rural towns.....who, according to some of them, ''came-to-town' to let off a little Covid Coop steam'.

So much for the theory that it was all 'black'. All Democrat.
It was white dicks (and karens) from the burbs, in town for a little vandalism.

That may be; however, as mentioned earlier.......those 'objections' did NOT include spraying MACE in the face of uniformed police, tasering, stomping, clubbing, crushing those same officers. Nor did those Democrats, or whoever, ransack legislators offices, steal laptops and paperwork, bust doors and windows in their breaking & entering, threaten to kill our Vice President, our Speaker of the House, .......nor did they smear their poo on the walls of our Capitol.

All those things, you will note, poster FCT.......make January 6th rather notable. And all those things make it a uniquely MAGA-moment.

Do you have a link to all of these white suburbanites coming in at night to run the riots? Because I don't believe it whatsoever...
The US is a country based on facts and laws, not on theories and and thoughts. If any of the matters you bring up were true, a court would have addressed them. They are not and all courts saw them as BS. But if it helps you sleep at night, keep believing the lies.
More baloney from the Dimmer Sausage factory.
"Late night petty criminals"......yupper, I saw that in my own city.

Our pied-de-terre is in a conservative, quite religious, Midwest city. And a nice and interesting place to live what with all of its colleges and universities, and vibrant medical industries.

We had one of those George Floyd/Brutality/Equality demonstrations. It was, as one would expect in my city, a pretty tame affair with white haired church ladies carrying signs, some black residents carrying signs, and lots of other civic and religious participants showing their concerns over the too frequent police brutality in the news. All was well. Until nightfall.
Then it got unruly. Broken windows of retail shops downtown*, a police car burnt, frozen bottles of water being thrown at police lines. And all of it filmed by police (and civilian) videographers on rooftops....not to mention uncounted numbers of raised smart phone cameras.

And when all those pics got combed through by the police, what happened?
Well, a bunch of jackasses got ID'd. And subsequent arrests happened.
The vast vast majority being white jackasses from the suburbs and surrounding rural towns.....who, according to some of them, ''came-to-town' to let off a little Covid Coop steam'.

So much for the theory that it was all 'black'. All Democrat.
It was white dicks (and karens) from the burbs, in town for a little vandalism.

That may be; however, as mentioned earlier.......those 'objections' did NOT include spraying MACE in the face of uniformed police, tasering, stomping, clubbing, crushing those same officers. Nor did those Democrats, or whoever, ransack legislators offices, steal laptops and paperwork, bust doors and windows in their breaking & entering, threaten to kill our Vice President, our Speaker of the House, .......nor did they smear their poo on the walls of our Capitol.

All those things, you will note, poster FCT.......make January 6th rather notable. And all those things make it a uniquely MAGA-moment.

Small living unit
A pied-à-terre is a small living unit, e.g., apartment or condominium, often located in a large city and not used as an individual's primary residence. The term implies use of the property as a tempor…
This is a constitutional republic, socialist swine.
You think socialism means communism, you are a brainwashed functional moron. Every Socialist Party in a democracy ever has been democratic always and just for fair capitalism with a good safety net. Every modern country is socialist except us, we are a savage capitalism giveaway to the rich GOP POS at this point....
You think socialism means communism, you are a brainwashed functional moron. Every Socialist Party in a democracy ever has been democratic always and just for fair capitalism with a good safety net. Every modern country is socialist except us, we are a savage capitalism giveaway to the rich GOP POS at this point....
There has always been a battle between the GOP wishing to reward their corporate and wealthy benefactors and the Dems trying to lift the poor and needy. Simple as that....
There has always been a battle between the GOP wishing to reward their corporate and wealthy benefactors and the Dems trying to lift the poor and needy. Simple as that....
The democratic rich want to be taxed more so that we can have a healthy middle and working class. Good for everyone.... As opposed to tax cuts for the rich and a screw job for everyone else, the GOP way. " I know, let's deregulate and have another corrupt bubble and bust". Like they do every time....

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