Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

The democratic rich want to be taxed more so that we can have a healthy middle and working class. Good for everyone.... As opposed to tax cuts for the rich and a screw job for everyone else, the GOP way. " I know, let's deregulate and have another corrupt bubble and bust". Like they do every time....
Trump's tax cuts were across the board, Simp. Every income tax payer got a cut.
Trump's tax cuts were across the board, Simp. Every income tax payer got a cut.
83% went to the richest 1% and giant corporations, and the tax cuts for regular people end in 2024 while tax cuts for the rich and corporations go on forever. You are a brainwashed functional moron total chump of the greedy idiot lying rich. Change the damn channel stupid
There has always been a battle between the GOP wishing to reward their corporate and wealthy benefactors and the Dems trying to lift the poor and needy. Simple as that....
And, as usual, jimbo....the exact opposite is true.
The uberrich are the Dims now, always only rewarding themselves at the expense of certainly the working class, but most assuredly of their lazy nonworking ilk. Lift them? They squash them under their greedy thumbs
No, actually it's still not in the Constitution, Candy! There are Constitutional amendments that make it illegal for the States to prevent people from voting because of age, sex, color of their skin and failure to pay poll taxes but the States still hold sway over voting rights because that IS in the Constitution!
Constitutional amendments aren’t in the constitution? Lol
83% went to the richest 1% and giant corporations, and the tax cuts for regular people end in 2024 while tax cuts for the rich and corporations go on forever. You are a brainwashed functional moron total chump of the greedy idiot lying rich. Change the damn channel stupid
85% of the population paid less tax.
The democratic rich want to be taxed more so that we can have a healthy middle and working class. Good for everyone.... As opposed to tax cuts for the rich and a screw job for everyone else, the GOP way. " I know, let's deregulate and have another corrupt bubble and bust". Like they do every time....
Really, Franco? Since there is a box on everyone's return in which they can contribute MORE in taxes...then why don't the Democratic rich simply fill in that box with what they think they SHOULD be paying? I'm always amused by the Democratic talking point that the GOP doesn't "care" yet when you analyze who contributes the most to charity...liberal Democratic politicians are cheap as hell! Which tells me they're generous with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!
I'm amused by Candy's stamping her feet and hurling insults simply because I pointed out the fact that voting WASN'T something guaranteed by the Constitution! What's sad is how ignorant the left is about what the Constitution actually SAYS and what the Framers were trying to do when they put it down on paper!
Constitutional amendments aren’t in the constitution? Lol
I obviously said that Constitutional Amendments ARE in the Constitution...what I correctly pointed out is there was not a right to vote written in the Constitution. Are you that bothered by being shown up, Candy? Maybe you should have paid more attention in your Civics class then you would already KNOW this stuff!
Umm… by only accepting the results you want maybe? :dunno:

Just a guess.
The MAGA repubs MO is to accept election results when they win, but to shout "massive voter fraud" when they lose. And trump started this whole mess. But the MAGA cult that is following him, such as desantis and MTG, are far more dangerous.
The MAGA repubs MO is to accept election results when they win, but to shout "massive voter fraud" when they lose. And trump started this whole mess. But the MAGA cult that is following him, such as desantis and MTG, are far more dangerous.
No, YOU started this whole mess long before Trump with Gore then Hildabeast and now Fat Alberta.
The MAGA repubs MO is to accept election results when they win, but to shout "massive voter fraud" when they lose. And trump started this whole mess. But the MAGA cult that is following him, such as desantis and MTG, are far more dangerous.
The MAGA repubs MO is to accept election results when they win, but to shout "massive voter fraud" when they lose. And trump started this whole mess. But the MAGA cult that is following him, such as desantis and MTG, are far more dangerous.
The people of Florida like Ron DeSantis as their Governor, Jim! He's done a great job for the State. He's done a great job with the economy. He's done a great job with crime. He's done a great job with Covid. Now he's doing a great job with the hurricane cleanup.

Two years ago the left and the Main Stream Media was pointing to Andrew Cuomo as the example of what a Governor should be and telling everyone that Ron DeSantis was the worst Governor ever! Now Andrew Cuomo couldn't get elected dog catcher in Mayberry and DeSantis is being talked about as a viable candidate for President!
83% went to the richest 1% and giant corporations, and the tax cuts for regular people end in 2024 while tax cuts for the rich and corporations go on forever. You are a brainwashed functional moron total chump of the greedy idiot lying rich. Change the damn channel stupid
83% went to the richest 1%

Link? Please don't bring some unhinged rant by the Madcow dude.
Really, Franco? Since there is a box on everyone's return in which they can contribute MORE in taxes...then why don't the Democratic rich simply fill in that box with what they think they SHOULD be paying? I'm always amused by the Democratic talking point that the GOP doesn't "care" yet when you analyze who contributes the most to charity...liberal Democratic politicians are cheap as hell! Which tells me they're generous with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!
All the Republicans in Congress are millionaires and have guilty consciences like all Republicans with a brain... liberals don't much believe in charity because of the ridiculous overhead corruption and the fact that they dry up when really needed..... I said the democratic rich care about people and the country, not that they're crazy.... Getting rich Republicans to pay their fair share is a lot of the solution and feels great for a change
All the Republicans in Congress are millionaires and have guilty consciences like all Republicans with a brain... liberals don't much believe in charity because of the ridiculous overhead corruption and the fact that they dry up when really needed..... I said the democratic rich care about people and the country, not that they're crazy.... Getting rich Republicans to pay their fair share is a lot of the solution and feels great for a change

How much are super rich repubs giving away?

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