Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

The BLM riots of the summer were not for political purposes.... the blob's riots were to change the outcome of an election.

You seem to overlook that.
- Time magazine all but confirms Left conspired to Steal
the 2020 Election - { World Tribune }
The Feburary 4th,2021 article by Molly Ball has been all but
wiped clean of the Internet.
In the article Ball asserts a " well-funded cabal " of " Powerful people
changing laws,steering media and controlling information " in the
2020 Presidential election.
The death of George Floyd was also leveraged for political ends.
Ever get the feeling they're all the same person with a multiple psychotic personality?
No...just four people who really aren't that bright but feed off each other so they THINK they are! Franco is especially amusing. Candy's essentially clueless. Joey's a pure propagandist. Winger? Well Winger doesn't care what anyone thinks about the nonsense he posts here...he's just trying to keep his post total up so he's still Number One! If you want a chuckle...go back and see how many posts that idiot posted in his first few days here. It's mind boggling.
Trump won ...everyone knows it

But, and correct me if I am wrong, FCT, but......but I don't recall a mob of MAGA-type TDS'rs (Trump's Duped & Snookered) beating the crap out of police protecting the Capitol of the United States of America, nor attempting to kill our legislators and Vice President, nor smearing their poo on the walls of that very same Capitol of the United States of America.
So, my advice? Be cautious in your support and promotion of the poo smearers.

Equating a PROTEST to official Congressional action are we? Aint enough coffee to wake you up. Democrats STILL denying the 2000 election. They've OFFICIALLY OBJECTED IN CONGRESS to EVERY Republican victor since then. Your decaying, inept, corrupt party INVENTED modern election denial.
The public record shows that every court challenge was blown out of the water due to lack of evidence of "cheating"

Not lately. Check the news. I've been saying since 2020 election night that THE FRAUD didn't occur in the voting tallies. THE FRAUD occured in the 60 days PRIOR to the election when Dems coordinated a MASSIVE court targeting campaign to get favorable verdicts to LOOSEN election security and accuracy and timeliness. Verdicts which were in direct violation of STATE LEGISLATED laws and in some cases -- the STATE CONSTITUTION. Verdicts that came in so CLOSE to the election date -- that no useful appeals could be filed.

ALL THAT -- in conjunction with $100s of Million of Zuckerbucks to BUY ACCESS for left wing groups to "help registrars" clear the mail-ins. THAT access door is NOW CLOSED by recent law changes and NEVER should random activist 3rd parties be able to BUY THEIR WAY into a ballot counting process.

We've done this before. And the court cases are PILING UP NOW. Here's just the latest, because you are so "bringing up the rear" on this.

A judge in New York ruled that voting by mail over fears of the coronavirus is unconstitutional.

The Democrat-controlled legislature "appears poised to continue the expanded absentee voting provisions of New York State Election Law … in an Orwellian perpetual state of health emergency and cloaked in the veneer of ‘voter enfranchisement,'" Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone, a Republican, wrote in her ruling Friday.

The 28-page ruling ordered local election boards to stop counting absentee ballots they’ve already received and to "preserve" them until after Election Day on Nov. 8 or after the resolution of a lawsuit filed by Republicans in the state. The ruling does not invalidate ballots that have already been mailed.


That's EXACTLY what I've been asserting since the LAST election night. And NY was just too Democrat and too slow to fix this in the STATE LEGISLATURE where the issue belongs.
Just snipped 15 posts for "all flame" or off-topic. If you get more than one alert -- your next alert will be a thread ban. Stop flaming each other and discuss the actual topic. If it doesn't stop -- the thread will close. Didn't review ALL pages just the "odd numbered" ones from about 9 to the end.

Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.
Bringing in 200,000 undocumented illegals every month, shutting down fossil fuels and pushing "Green" (LOL) Energy programs WILL bring this country down. Quit drinking the Kool-Aid and eating the Trump flakes. Wake up.
Not lately. Check the news. I've been saying since 2020 election night that THE FRAUD didn't occur in the voting tallies. THE FRAUD occured in the 60 days PRIOR to the election when Dems coordinated a MASSIVE court targeting campaign to get favorable verdicts to LOOSEN election security and accuracy and timeliness. Verdicts which were in direct violation of STATE LEGISLATED laws and in some cases -- the STATE CONSTITUTION. Verdicts that came in so CLOSE to the election date -- that no useful appeals could be filed.

ALL THAT -- in conjunction with $100s of Million of Zuckerbucks to BUY ACCESS for left wing groups to "help registrars" clear the mail-ins. THAT access door is NOW CLOSED by recent law changes and NEVER should random activist 3rd parties be able to BUY THEIR WAY into a ballot counting process.

We've done this before. And the court cases are PILING UP NOW. Here's just the latest, because you are so "bringing up the rear" on this.

A judge in New York ruled that voting by mail over fears of the coronavirus is unconstitutional.

The Democrat-controlled legislature "appears poised to continue the expanded absentee voting provisions of New York State Election Law … in an Orwellian perpetual state of health emergency and cloaked in the veneer of ‘voter enfranchisement,'" Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone, a Republican, wrote in her ruling Friday.

The 28-page ruling ordered local election boards to stop counting absentee ballots they’ve already received and to "preserve" them until after Election Day on Nov. 8 or after the resolution of a lawsuit filed by Republicans in the state. The ruling does not invalidate ballots that have already been mailed.


That's EXACTLY what I've been asserting since the LAST election night. And NY was just too Democrat and too slow to fix this in the STATE LEGISLATURE where the issue belongs.
Utter bullshit as always.

Texas extended it's early voting.

The Democratic party has less than zero pull in Texas. So please tell us how the Democrats pulled that off shit brains.

You don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
Candy? I'm a History major. This is pretty much my "thing"! If you want a long winded explanation WHY the Founding Fathers didn't put the right to vote in the Constitution I'd be happy to provide that.
Reading is pretty much my thing.

I can.
You can't apparently.
Reading is pretty much my thing.

I can.
You can't apparently.
My word comprehension is rather good, Candy! Couple that with an understanding of history and that's why I KNOW that a right to vote was not put into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers! It's not in there because the Founding Fathers for the most part didn't think everyone should HAVE the right to vote!
My word comprehension is rather good, Candy! Couple that with an understanding of history and that's why I KNOW that a right to vote was not put into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers! It's not in there because the Founding Fathers for the most part didn't think everyone should HAVE the right to vote!
Well, chump, it's in the constitution now.

So shove that up your ass.
Gut Morgan! Up and at 'em.

I read through the first 100 postings on this thread. And that was enough. That was plenty.
I found it to be a target-rich environment of fringies, QAnon nutters, MAGAcultists.

But kinda fun, too.
Here's let's kick some of these around. K?


But, and correct me if I am wrong, FCT, but......but I don't recall a mob of MAGA-type TDS'rs (Trump's Duped & Snookered) beating the crap out of police protecting the Capitol of the United States of America, nor attempting to kill our legislators and Vice President, nor smearing their poo on the walls of that very same Capitol of the United States of America.
So, my advice? Be cautious in your support and promotion of the poo smearers.

How can you have a fair election with this: (from the DOJ website)

"Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election"​


OK, cool.
Then start talking about it.
But bring proof.
Lest you be considered just another TDS'r unhinged fringie.
Another QAnon sucker.

Well, I ain't an 'election denier' in any sense.
But more germane to the thread --- poster protectionist asserts this: "who deny the 2020 election was decide by fraud" . I, for one, wouldn't deny it was decided by fraud if the MAGA-Qult could prove it.

To date, they all whine and snowflake about it....but none, to the best of my knowledge, have called or called upon their local FBI office to lay before them the Qult's evidence.

Has good poster 'Protectionist' done so? Don't be a Snowflake, poster,

I quite agree. Like the John Birch Society, Jim Jones, the KKK, the TeaParty. Nutters. Fringies. Cultists.
They will move off the scene shortly enough.

Ah, and another.
Another of the recluses who still fear Nikita is gonna blow up their backyard bombshelter. Or maybe build more Comet Pizza Pedophilias Pie Parlors.
Fringie Q, IMHO

Another QSnowflake.
Give 'em kudos for the persistence, for the intransigence---- of their Snowflakism. Whiners. And DoNuthings.

Votes always take a while to count.
Research it. 150 million Americans voting in a single day across at least 5 time-zones.
With some jurisdictions making it illegal to begin counting before the close of polls on voting day.
Think about it.

Hey, good poste Leo, did you see poster Candycorn's advice above?
The advice where he said to some other QCultist...."Prove it."?

So, amigo, take Candy's advice.
It is un-American and unmanly to just constantly whine about something but never actually put a shoulder to the wheel and take your evidence to the FBI.

Ps.....Candy also advised: Put up or Shut up.
Heed that too.

Well, to answer a question that wasn't directed at my poor avatar --- 'Why keep posting?"
Because what the OP is doing is sorta like flushing roosters from the weedpatch.
It shows us who the QCultists of this gossipboard are.
Even Captain Obvious could see that.

Got a reliable credible source on that one, poster lantern?
(*not Brietbart, or Gateway Pundit, or some other Q-Cult organ.)

And it doesn't take much to flush from the weeds one of the forum's most notable Trump University grads to demonstrate his sad homoerotic fantasies.
Some ...well, many.....would think the implied violence is objectionable.
Other Q'ist though may be OK with just the homoeroticism.
Personally, I'm not here to judge them.
I'm here for the novelty and entertainment.
So you know.

Which kinda sorta signals to those disabled vets, aged vets in nursing homes, those ailing vets in the VA hospital....that their efforts to ensure our vote really was a scam on them.
HoooYa!! Semper Fi!!

And it doesn't take much to also flush from the weeds....or local Zionphobes
Where would this forum be if it wasn't for the Mossad and the local New York branch of the Synagogue Council of America planting all those C4 packs throughout the Twin Towers in order to have the...hold for it...."controlled demolition" that our local Q-Explosives expert swears happened.
I love this bar.

Umm, it don't work that way, mon ami.
This is Adult Swim.
  • If you assert it.
  • You prove it.

You really should attend one of Captain Obvious' TED Talks* he explains that rather thoroughly.

*You won't be able to attend one, though....at your Trump University campus. But good luck elswhere.
You know, I’m thinking chilli is just one of those loud mouths who never really engages a topic, rather just sits back and pokes holes…lazy really…I don’t have to “prove“ anything to your dumb ass, time, and history will do that for me. It always does.

I’ve been on this earth long enough to know that cheating never pays off in the long run…Enjoy your hollow victory…For two more weeks.

But Holsteins don't vote.
Herefords don't vote.
Corn, soys, alfalfa.....don't vote.

It's been that way since....well, since forever.
Not a solid plan to ignore 2/3 of the country.

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