Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

You STUPID fucking idiot.

What did I just tell you?


You're talking about OUTCOMES again, fucktard.

Your LIE has been exposed.

WTF do you have to say for yourself, you lying sack of partisan bullshit?


Fuck you.
Hey, I found that video of when you joined the Army.
They are stupid fucktards who have been brainwashed.

You realize that you’re one of them, right?

No, I'm sorry, I don't meet your criteria for brainwashing. I'm a libertarian, I have no use for Trump or Biden or YOU for that matter. A pox on both your houses. Fuck you both

I am the anti-brainwash. I am the SOLUTION to your brainwashing problem. The antidote to your Kool aid.

What I just told you, you can verify that ANYWHERE. On Google. On Wikipedia. On any one if a thousand apolitical security sites. In the dictionary. In the encyclopedia. ANYWHERE. There is no one with security experience who will tell you any different. ASK ANY COP how important process is, and how ANY JUDGE ANYWHERE will determine the outcome if it can be shown the police process was inappropriate or incomplete.

Yet here ^^^ we have a LYING fucking libtard who thinks he's smarter than the rest of us and knows it all

No, stupid dimbulb leftard, your LIE has been exposed, and you're too stupid to even see it.

Please, don't come back till you get a clue
Everyone is so dramatic around here.
There is reason to be dramatic. When people do not trust our elections. When people say it is no big deal that thousands attacked the Capitol to stop finalizing the 2020 vote and attacked law enforcement.
It is a group of very stupid people who are believing lies. These individuals are as brainwashed as Putin's supporters. Trump has used Putin's techniques to over ride the principles of our government.
Trump can only succeed if the intelligent do not step forward and over ride the stupid, gullible minions.
There is reason to be dramatic. When people do not trust our elections. When people say it is no big deal that thousands attacked the Capitol to stop finalizing the 2020 vote and attacked law enforcement.
It is a group of very stupid people who are believing lies. These individuals are as brainwashed as Putin's supporters. Trump has used Putin's techniques to over ride the principles of our government.
Trump can only succeed if the intelligent do not step forward and over ride the stupid, gullible minions.
Stop bullshitting and let your feet touch the ground for a change.
There is reason to be dramatic. When people do not trust our elections. When people say it is no big deal that thousands attacked the Capitol to stop finalizing the 2020 vote and attacked law enforcement.
It is a group of very stupid people who are believing lies. These individuals are as brainwashed as Putin's supporters. Trump has used Putin's techniques to over ride the principles of our government.
Trump can only succeed if the intelligent do not step forward and over ride the stupid, gullible minions.
Hey, I found that video of when you joined the Navy 🚢.


You would have had to have been in one of the CIA's satellite buildings in Reston VA.

Were you there? :eek:

It's a funny story actually. I was a hot shot in college, everyone tried to recruit me. I went on dozens of interviews, got schmoozed, grand tours and free lunches and like that

Because, I happened to have a certain very esoteric expertise that everyone wanted.

So I'm sitting at the head of a big oval table with a bunch of spooks, and the interview is over, and the guy next to me leans over and says "I know someone who'll give you a better deal". :p

And the rest is history.

I have all kinds of great Navy stories. I was down in San Diego for a while, it's one of the Navy capitals of the universe. Point Loma, Miaramar NAS, the Naval Hospital (that one's really interesting, I did some work there).
No, I'm sorry, I don't meet your criteria for brainwashing. I'm a libertarian, I have no use for Trump or Biden or YOU for that matter. A pox on both your houses. Fuck you both

I am the anti-brainwash. I am the SOLUTION to your brainwashing problem. The antidote to your Kool aid.

What I just told you, you can verify that ANYWHERE. On Google. On Wikipedia. On any one if a thousand apolitical security sites. In the dictionary. In the encyclopedia. ANYWHERE. There is no one with security experience who will tell you any different. ASK ANY COP how important process is, and how ANY JUDGE ANYWHERE will determine the outcome if it can be shown the police process was inappropriate or incomplete.

Yet here ^^^ we have a LYING fucking libtard who thinks he's smarter than the rest of us and knows it all

No, stupid dimbulb leftard, your LIE has been exposed, and you're too stupid to even see it.

Please, don't come back till you get a clue
Yes. You are brainwashed by your irrational hatred of the left which overwhelms all common sense.

The election outcome was legitimate. Only fools think the wild conspiracy theories about mass fraud.
I did which is how I know it has nothing to do with Trump's lawsuits.
You may as well be throwing mud against a wall. These people have been indoctrinated into a Cult. They are no different than the Jim Jones cult in Guyana in 1978. They really believe the lies that trump and his fellow criminals have fed them. I really don't know how the final demise of trumpism is going to turn out. But I do know how Jonestown turned out.
Yes. You are brainwashed by your irrational hatred of the left which overwhelms all common sense.

I have plenty of reasons for hating you Stalinist fucktards, and none of them have anything to do with your ignorance.

The election outcome was legitimate. Only fools think the wild conspiracy theories about mass fraud.

Who said anything about fraud?

Did I ever use the word "steal"?

No, I didn't.

You partisan fucking assholes are chasing windmills.

As long as you keep up with this stupidity, I'm going to hammer on your stupid leftard ass for being a COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOT.

Once you get off your elitist know it all IGNORANT horse, we can talk.

Till then, I'm going to clobber your LYING leftard ass every chance I get
Ummm, nope.

But, Oh how poster Lastamender would hope that to be true. Alas, it turned out far more embarrassing than just a simple loss in an earnestly contested court claim. Instead, they got dismissed. Time and time again. By many Republican judges, some put in place by DTrump, no less. Ouch!

Reported 6/21/22:

  • "Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers testified before the January 6 committee on Tuesday.
  • Bowers said former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani admitted he had no evidence of election fraud.
  • The Arizona Republican detailed how Trump's team never presented anything to back up their claims."

Reported 11/18/2020:

"The evidentiary hearing previously scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 2020 is CANCELLED," the judge wrote in his order.......

Judge Brann telegraphed this move in court on Tuesday when he said that he didn't see the need to hold an evidentiary hearing based on the claims being made by the Trump campaign.
"Rudy Giuliani admitted in court yesterday,
'This is not a fraud case,' explaining why the judge saw no need to hold a hearing on fraud evidence when Giuliani said that the case didn't actually involve fraud allegations."

The Shirt-tucker Rudy & Krakenpot Powell & Chief Fibber DTrump's efforts before the courts in late 2020 was a clown show.

Did any of those blokes come out with an enhanced reputation for rigor, for accuracy, for reliability?
Nope, none of 'em did.
They are all less than they were before they went to 60+ courts and persuaded no body of anything other than they were not prepared to be good lawyers, or a good client.
It was a debacle that hangs on their reputations to this day and likely forever.


postscript: Poor poster Lastamender desires to hang his hat on the imaginary strawman of his alleged opponents claiming "there was no fraud".
Umm, it is a strawman.

There is always fraud in a big national election involving 150+ million voter, across 5 or 6 time zones, and approximately 220,000 polling places. But it is nickel-dime stuff: Oldsters in Florida's Villages voting twice, some jackass in Pennsylvania voting his dead wife's ballot, yada, yada, yada.

Reported November 13, 2020:

  • "Trump’s own officials say 2020 was America’s most secure election in history"Homeland Security put out a statement with state and local officials that countered the president’s fraud claims."
  • Don Trump's own Attorney General, William Barr, said Trump's claims of fraud enough to swing the election were "bullshit."

Poster Lastamender knows this. Or rather, he should know this. It has been explained to him on this venue countless times.

In my humble opinion, with no intention to be disrespectful....my avatar believe poor poster Lastamender is simply choosing to be willfully obtuse.

Or as my bride, my resident SnarkQueen, describes him: 'He's probably one of those blokes that when zombies are out looking to harvest human brains...they ignore him.'

(Yeah, I know. THAT....is disrespectful. But it didn't come from me. ;))
You may as well be throwing mud against a wall. These people have been indoctrinated into a Cult. They are no different than the Jim Jones cult in Guyana in 1978. They really believe the lies that trump and his fellow criminals have fed them. I really don't know how the final demise of trumpism is going to turn out. But I do know how Jonestown turned out.

13 days left for you dumb shits.

You want to talk about everything but the problems you caused.

The problem with you dumb leftards is you couldn't manage your way out of a paper bag.

Poor poster Lastamender.
The forum's poster child for the benefits of a Trump University education.

Tell us, Lastamender......is Joe Bidens' student-debt forgiveness gonna re-imburse your family for all that tuition you unwisely sent to Don Trump?

Reimburse you despite the feds shutting down your alma mater as a scam, a hoax, a grift of Trump's Duped & Snookered?

Keep the forum informed, amigo.
Last edited:
Poor poster Lastamender.
The forum's poster child for the benefits of a Trump University education.

Tell us, Lastamender......is Joe Bidens' student-debt forgiveness gonna re-imburse your family for all that tuition you unwisely sent to Don Trump?

Reimburse you despite the feds shutting down your alma mater as a scam, a hoax, a grift of Trump's Duped & Snookered?

Keep the forum informed, amigo.
Keep eating. :9:

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