Elections Expert Reveals Over 550,000 Registered Voters In Wisconsin Have a Registration Date of 1/1/1918 – 115,252 of Them VOTED in 2020

"Elections expert"


So they registered in 2018 and voted in 2020?

They just swallow it whole, without question.

From "Gateway Pundit", which makes a living fooling them.

But but but

It says "Experts" right in the thread title...

And we ALL know how much Trumpanzees respect expertise and education and experience.


Circumventing state legislatures and making revisions to mail in voting guidelines in the 11th hour under the guise of national emergency, all the video evidence that came to light, all the testimony under oath by eyewitnesses and this isn’t even plausible….hahaha.
The sad reality is none of you sorry ass America haters would dare want to uncover voter fraud to preserve and protect democracy if it meant the mean tweeting Orange Guy that had real Americans kicking ass could claim victory.
Here is your "Elections Expert" (yes, the Gateway Pundit got his name wrong, heh heh): DAN O'Donnell

Right wing radio host, zero professional experience in anything related to elections:

And your point being---does this change 118,000 plus 1918 voters in Wisconsin?
Circumventing state legislatures and making revisions to mail in voting guidelines in the 11th hour under the guise of national emergency, all the video evidence that came to light, all the testimony under oath by eyewitnesses and this isn’t even plausible….hahaha.
The sad reality is none of you sorry ass America haters would dare want to uncover voter fraud to preserve and protect democracy if it meant the mean tweeting Orange Guy that had real Americans kicking ass could claim victory.
Oh look,another whiny cultist.

It's not our fault you dumb fucking scrotums haven't found a shred of evidence.

It's not our fault you gobbled up the lies of your orange lard and master.
This OP is typical of these voter fraud lie propagandists.

The claims contained in Gateway Pundit have already been made and debunked as lies.

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More irrefutable proof of the vast election swindle. Of course, all the brainwashed progs will insist there is no proof. The only proof they will accept is convictions of 6 million people for voter fraud. If we had that, there would be no need to have a trial

UPDATE: Elections Expert Reveals Over 550,000 Registered Voters In Wisconsin Have a Registration Date of 1/1/1918 - 115,252 of Them VOTED in 2020 (VIDEO)

That would make them at least 123 years old at the time of the vote. No one is buying that.

You really do have to be an idiot to believe any of that nonsense in Gateway Pundit. All that garbage is, is propaganda for the seditionists.

There's that magic word again, "sedition." What you turds are so afraid of is that you will be exposed when Republicans get back into power.
Haha, sorry whiner, that bullshit excuse does not fly.

And you forgot to go full crazy and claim the same about the FBI and all of the judges that laughed team Trump out of court.

Look at the embarrassing lies you have to tell yourself.
What is bullshit about it? The DHS is doing nothing about open borders are they? That is corruption. They are doing nothing to make us safer. Do you think for a minute they would stand up against the people who weaponized them? Of course you don't, you fucking cultist.

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