Elections have Consequences

I am clearly am interested in discussing my own topic since I am discussing it- but run away if that is too much of a challenge for you.

No, just like your insistence that Roe v Wade be kept to force everyone to bow to your personal beliefs, you are only interested in forcing /me/ to agree with you on the father having zero rights when it comes to the life or death of his unborn child. Enjoy your bullshit with someone else; I'm not going to play.

No one’s personal beliefs are being infringed. No one is being forced to have an abortion against their will.

Except the father and the unborn child themselves you mean...
It’s not the father’s body and an unborn child has no religious beliefs.

Moving goal posts.
You’re the one saying someone’s religious beliefs are infringed. And you’re making that claim at the expense of the pregnant woman, whose body is not a slave to some man who wants to keep her pregnant against her will.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
I can't fathom how someone would vote simply for the right to murder an unborn child.
It truly does not compute for me.
No, just like your insistence that Roe v Wade be kept to force everyone to bow to your personal beliefs, you are only interested in forcing /me/ to agree with you on the father having zero rights when it comes to the life or death of his unborn child. Enjoy your bullshit with someone else; I'm not going to play.

No one’s personal beliefs are being infringed. No one is being forced to have an abortion against their will.

Except the father and the unborn child themselves you mean...
It’s not the father’s body and an unborn child has no religious beliefs.

Moving goal posts.
You’re the one saying someone’s religious beliefs are infringed. And you’re making that claim at the expense of the pregnant woman, whose body is not a slave to some man who wants to keep her pregnant against her will.

And the life of an unborn child is "slave" (aka sacrifice) to the will a woman against both it's will and possibly the fathers will.

No one’s personal beliefs are being infringed. No one is being forced to have an abortion against their will.

Except the father and the unborn child themselves you mean...
It’s not the father’s body and an unborn child has no religious beliefs.

Moving goal posts.
You’re the one saying someone’s religious beliefs are infringed. And you’re making that claim at the expense of the pregnant woman, whose body is not a slave to some man who wants to keep her pregnant against her will.

And the life of an unborn child is "slave" (aka sacrifice) to the will a woman against both it's will and possibly the fathers will.
Talk about moving the goalposts… You were talking about religious believes being infringed. :eusa_doh:
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
I can't fathom how someone would vote simply for the right to murder an unborn child.
It truly does not compute for me.

I can't fathom how someone would vote simply for the State to tell a woman that she must remain pregnant with a fetus .

It truly does not compute for me.

Hence the abortion debate.

Which I really hate- and isn't really the topic of this thread- which is really how the election affects the Supreme Court.

But hey we can just go back and forth- and you say murder and I say slavery and no one will agree.

No one’s personal beliefs are being infringed. No one is being forced to have an abortion against their will.

Except the father and the unborn child themselves you mean...
It’s not the father’s body and an unborn child has no religious beliefs.

Moving goal posts.
You’re the one saying someone’s religious beliefs are infringed. And you’re making that claim at the expense of the pregnant woman, whose body is not a slave to some man who wants to keep her pregnant against her will.

And the life of an unborn child is "slave" (aka sacrifice) to the will a woman against both it's will and possibly the fathers will.

Everything a woman eats or drinks affects the fetus she is carrying. Should that fetus be telling the woman what she can eat and drink?
Presuming you are speaking of pregnancy- I am completely in favor of leaving the decision of pregnancy up to the the woman who is pregnant- not the man who is not- or the state.

I don't know where you think I am arguing that the State in any of its ramifications should decide- I think that the woman should decide- not the man- and not the State.

I really don't get where you think that the government would be deciding anything other than not to prevent a woman from having an abortion.

I have no idea where you think you are going with your religious arguments- because again- I am fine with the woman following her own religious beliefs as far as how to handle her pregnancy.

I believe that the father has some say, and as I noted, I don't know where the hell to draw that line in a fair and just way. I said that it should be a local issue, not a fed issue. I said that religious beliefs being forced on others is why I'm not a republican, how you get I have a religion out of that is beyond me.

You're clearly not interested in actually discussing your own topic when you're playing such stupid games. Have a nice day troll.

I am clearly am interested in discussing my own topic since I am discussing it- but run away if that is too much of a challenge for you.

No, just like your insistence that Roe v Wade be kept to force everyone to bow to your personal beliefs, you are only interested in forcing /me/ to agree with you on the father having zero rights when it comes to the life or death of his unborn child. Enjoy your bullshit with someone else; I'm not going to play.

No one’s personal beliefs are being infringed. No one is being forced to have an abortion against their will.

Except the father and the unborn child themselves you mean...
No one is forcing the man to have an abortion.

And no one knows what the "will" of the fetus is. Does a 3 week old fetus have a 'will'?
Women can choose but men can't. Therein lies the crux. :)
Men can choose to have a vasectomy, women can't. Is that your point?
A woman can choose to abort her child. A man can't.

The law is applied unequally. We should make a law that says a woman can't choose to be POTUS.

Not that it's worked so well as is. Ask Hilary. Still, another law based on gender.
Nope, the law is applied equally. Anyone, regardless of gender, can terminate their own pregnancy.
Wrong. If a man terminates his child's life, he goes to jail.

Anyone who is pregnant can choose whether to terminate the pregnancy.

But any person- man or woman- who kills a child goes to jail.
See post #201. I asked you two questions.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
Fuck 'em. I hope Trump's policies bring them to ruin. Instead of appealing to those terrified, racist morons, go convince a few of your friends or strangers that don't regularly vote to go vote this November.

Trump is spanking your worthless asses.....

What is it with you Trumpkins and your spanking fantasies?

We’ve just never seen anyone this good at spanking liberal ass…

When you really think about it though…..

I guess spanking isn’t the right word….

Trump is Stomping liberal ass…

Happy Supreme Court to all you liberals….

Just think, Trump will probably get at least one

and maybe more picks.

Is life great or what.

Later libtard….
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
Fuck 'em. I hope Trump's policies bring them to ruin. Instead of appealing to those terrified, racist morons, go convince a few of your friends or strangers that don't regularly vote to go vote this November.

Trump is spanking your worthless asses.....

What is it with you Trumpkins and your spanking fantasies?

We’ve just never seen anyone this good at spanking liberal ass…

When you really think about it though…..

I guess spanking isn’t the right word….

Trump is Stomping liberal ass…

Happy Supreme Court to all you liberals….

Just think, Trump will probably get at least one

and maybe more picks.

Is life great or what.

Later libtard….
That all depends on which party wins the Senate in November. If Democrats win it, Trump gets no more Supreme Court picks after December.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
Fuck 'em. I hope Trump's policies bring them to ruin. Instead of appealing to those terrified, racist morons, go convince a few of your friends or strangers that don't regularly vote to go vote this November.

Trump is spanking your worthless asses.....

What is it with you Trumpkins and your spanking fantasies?

We’ve just never seen anyone this good at spanking liberal ass…

When you really think about it though…..

I guess spanking isn’t the right word….

Trump is Stomping liberal ass…

Happy Supreme Court to all you liberals….

Just think, Trump will probably get at least one

and maybe more picks.

Is life great or what.

Later libtard….
That all depends on which party wins the Senate in November. If Democrats win it, Trump gets no more Supreme Court picks after December.

It's looking worse and worse for you lefties...…

Trump just keeps Winning.....
Fuck 'em. I hope Trump's policies bring them to ruin. Instead of appealing to those terrified, racist morons, go convince a few of your friends or strangers that don't regularly vote to go vote this November.

Trump is spanking your worthless asses.....

What is it with you Trumpkins and your spanking fantasies?

We’ve just never seen anyone this good at spanking liberal ass…

When you really think about it though…..

I guess spanking isn’t the right word….

Trump is Stomping liberal ass…

Happy Supreme Court to all you liberals….

Just think, Trump will probably get at least one

and maybe more picks.

Is life great or what.

Later libtard….
That all depends on which party wins the Senate in November. If Democrats win it, Trump gets no more Supreme Court picks after December.

It's looking worse and worse for you lefties...…

Trump just keeps Winning.....
Which still doesn't let Trump seat any more Supreme Court justices after this year should Democrats win the Senate in November.
Trump has Rocked your liberal World for the next 30 years as is.....

It has got to suck to be you.....
Trump has Rocked your liberal World for the next 30 years as is.....

It has got to suck to be you.....
Not really since he's only replaced two conservative justices with one, and soon to be two, conservative justices. But that too has nothing to do with what I said when I said Trump will get no more Supreme Court picks after this year if Democrats win the Senate in November.
The problem is you are not going to win.....
And neither was Trump in 2016. Seems some people are still actually stupid enough not to learn to avoid such predictions.
Trump has Rocked your liberal World for the next 30 years as is.....

It has got to suck to be you.....

It still shocks me that anyone would vote for Don the Con- such an obvious and oblivious blow hard who has just flailed about since he was elected.

The only good news is that if he was any good at the job- he could actually get some of his bad policy ideas passed into law.

Trump is bad for America- but we are stronger than any one bad President and will survive.
Men can choose to have a vasectomy, women can't. Is that your point?
A woman can choose to abort her child. A man can't.

The law is applied unequally. We should make a law that says a woman can't choose to be POTUS.

Not that it's worked so well as is. Ask Hilary. Still, another law based on gender.
Nope, the law is applied equally. Anyone, regardless of gender, can terminate their own pregnancy.
Wrong. If a man terminates his child's life, he goes to jail.

Anyone who is pregnant can choose whether to terminate the pregnancy.

But any person- man or woman- who kills a child goes to jail.
See post #201. I asked you two questions.

Good for you.
Anyone who is pregnant can choose whether to terminate the pregnancy.

But any person- man or woman- who kills a child goes to jail

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