Electoral College Members Now Receiving Death Threats From Clinton Supporters

Pizza, Pasta, hotdogs, walnuts, Dominos are pedophile code words. The NYPD and the FBI are sitting on this and they are pissed because they want this blown open. I have been researching this disgusting shit since 2013 that goes all the way back to the Franklin cover-up.

Wow, so is there any crazy conspiracy theory you won't buy into?

It is being alleged that there are voting irregularities caused by some nefarious foreign hackers.

Hillary Clinton urged to call for election vote recount in battleground states
The collective left feigned outrage and denounced Trump for not stating that he would unequivocally accept election results upon the inevitable victory of Hillary Clinton. The media orchestrated an onslaught of articles, commentary, and stories claiming that Trump was attempting to circumvent the election and setting the stage for violence upon his impending lose.

The media reported as absolute fact that white nationalists would take to the streets. Even though this never happened when America elected the first black president, we were told the election of a wealthy white woman was going to arouse the anger of 'white nationalists'.

The truth?

Unprecedented threats have been made throughout the country against electoral college members' and their families. Conspiracy theorists have taken to social media to promote unfounded accusations of foreign manipulation of the election. Violent leftist protests sprang up nationwide. Continued violence against anyone who dares express support for President-Elect Trump. The only true evidence of voter fraud that has been found is illegal immigrants voting in the election, that has been proven--encouraged by Obama.

The left is actively attempting, using violence, intimidation and lies to steal the election.

GOP electors harassed, threatened as foes maneuver to block Donald Trump in Electoral College

I'm surprised you didn't expect this. Trump didn't win the election, he won the electoral college. Big difference, dimwit.
The collective left feigned outrage and denounced Trump for not stating that he would unequivocally accept election results upon the inevitable victory of Hillary Clinton. The media orchestrated an onslaught of articles, commentary, and stories claiming that Trump was attempting to circumvent the election and setting the stage for violence upon his impending lose.

The media reported as absolute fact that white nationalists would take to the streets. Even though this never happened when America elected the first black president, we were told the election of a wealthy white woman was going to arouse the anger of 'white nationalists'.

The truth?

Unprecedented threats have been made throughout the country against electoral college members' and their families. Conspiracy theorists have taken to social media to promote unfounded accusations of foreign manipulation of the election. Violent leftist protests sprang up nationwide. Continued violence against anyone who dares express support for President-Elect Trump. The only true evidence of voter fraud that has been found is illegal immigrants voting in the election, that has been proven--encouraged by Obama.

The left is actively attempting, using violence, intimidation and lies to steal the election.

GOP electors harassed, threatened as foes maneuver to block Donald Trump in Electoral College

I'm surprised you didn't expect this. Trump didn't win the election, he won the electoral college. Big difference, dimwit.

You are surprised I didn't expect leftists to make death threats against electoral college members? You're surprised I didn't expect violent riots? Look at my posts, I knew this was going to happen.

I know leftists. The electoral college IS the election you know-nothing twat.
The left is actively attempting, using violence, intimidation and lies to steal the election.

GOP electors harassed, threatened as foes maneuver to block Donald Trump in Electoral College

I think that anyone found guilty of intimidating or threatening an electoral college member should be publicly executed; slowly, over a period of four or five days.

And, I voted for Hillary. I didn't want Trump within a 100 miles of the Whitehouse. I feel the way I do because if you threaten the integrity of our democratic elections once, then another despot can come along later and do the same thing. People play loose and fast with our protections. When you dissolve a shield in acid, it no longer can protect you from a new sword.
The collective left feigned outrage and denounced Trump for not stating that he would unequivocally accept election results upon the inevitable victory of Hillary Clinton. The media orchestrated an onslaught of articles, commentary, and stories claiming that Trump was attempting to circumvent the election and setting the stage for violence upon his impending lose.

The media reported as absolute fact that white nationalists would take to the streets. Even though this never happened when America elected the first black president, we were told the election of a wealthy white woman was going to arouse the anger of 'white nationalists'.

The truth?

Unprecedented threats have been made throughout the country against electoral college members' and their families. Conspiracy theorists have taken to social media to promote unfounded accusations of foreign manipulation of the election. Violent leftist protests sprang up nationwide. Continued violence against anyone who dares express support for President-Elect Trump. The only true evidence of voter fraud that has been found is illegal immigrants voting in the election, that has been proven--encouraged by Obama.

The left is actively attempting, using violence, intimidation and lies to steal the election.

GOP electors harassed, threatened as foes maneuver to block Donald Trump in Electoral College

I'm surprised you didn't expect this. Trump didn't win the election, he won the electoral college. Big difference, dimwit.

Three million illegals (at least) cast a ballot.....personally, I look forward to any kind of recall where the votes cast will have to stand up under scrutiny and it will not require the invalidation of all three million....simply a sample size will suffice. Given the piss poor turnout of her infrequent campaign appearances? No one is going to buy that the Hildebeast won anything but a one way ticket home to irrelevant-ville......
Trump is violent schizophrenic neo nazi and he needs to be stopped somehow

Hitlery is up to her armpits in a satanic child trafficking ring along with her pal John Podesta, Huma Abedin and Anthony Wiener.........these are the people you would like to have in charge??? Seriously???

early APRIL FOOLS ???

Nope, this is a fact and it validates what Cathy O'Brien wrote in her book "Tranceformation Of America" that she wrote in the late 90's as victim of MK-Ultra. Google that and "MK-Naomi", "Colonel Michael Aquino", the CIA and Operation Paperclip....they all tie in together. This is no fucking joke....this is real and has been going on for decades. Google the video "Conspiracy Of Silence"...Google "Jimmy Savile" and how MI5 and MI6 knew that he was providing children for satanic rituals and pedophilia to not only members of Parliament but also to the Vatican and the House of Windsor.. Do your own due diligence and then I dare you to come back and tell me that I am wrong.

sure ok-------watch that L-tryptophan intake
Trump is violent schizophrenic neo nazi and he needs to be stopped somehow

Hitlery is up to her armpits in a satanic child trafficking ring along with her pal John Podesta, Huma Abedin and Anthony Wiener.........these are the people you would like to have in charge??? Seriously???

early APRIL FOOLS ???

Nope, this is a fact and it validates what Cathy O'Brien wrote in her book "Tranceformation Of America" that she wrote in the late 90's as victim of MK-Ultra. Google that and "MK-Naomi", "Colonel Michael Aquino", the CIA and Operation Paperclip....they all tie in together. This is no fucking joke....this is real and has been going on for decades. Google the video "Conspiracy Of Silence"...Google "Jimmy Savile" and how MI5 and MI6 knew that he was providing children for satanic rituals and pedophilia to not only members of Parliament but also to the Vatican and the House of Windsor.. Do your own due diligence and then I dare you to come back and tell me that I am wrong.

sure ok-------watch that L-tryptophan intake

I am going to slow cook a rib-eye steak to perfection on the grill and watch the Cowboys-Redskins game and try to put the nastiness I know behind me for a few hours.
You are one of those kind that could witness one of your heroes bend a little child over and sodomize them and you would claim..."So what??? Big deal".........that's the kind of person that you are and you disgust me.

Guy, if you had real evidence of any of that, please take it to law enforcement.

I'm totally sure that they don't already have you on a watch list as that crazy person they had to arrest at the airport because you were trying to catch them loading up the chem-trails on the airliners.
And, I voted for Hillary. I didn't want Trump within a 100 miles of the Whitehouse. I feel the way I do because if you threaten the integrity of our democratic elections once, then another despot can come along later and do the same thing. People play loose and fast with our protections. When you dissolve a shield in acid, it no longer can protect you from a new sword.

Yawn... you are just hoping that Trump will make haters like you cool again.

The problem is.. hate never solves problems. Not racism, not homophobia, not misogyny.
The woman who ran into the Clintons out walking the day after the election got death threats.

RWnuts who pretend liberals are the only people capable of making death threats are nuttier than average.
satanic child trafficking ring

What is this mess?
Pizza, Pasta, hotdogs, walnuts, Dominos are pedophile code words. The NYPD and the FBI are sitting on this and they are pissed because they want this blown open. I have been researching this disgusting shit since 2013 that goes all the way back to the Franklin cover-up.

Ok...time for the guys with the white coats and butterfly nets now...
And, I voted for Hillary. I didn't want Trump within a 100 miles of the Whitehouse. I feel the way I do because if you threaten the integrity of our democratic elections once, then another despot can come along later and do the same thing. People play loose and fast with our protections. When you dissolve a shield in acid, it no longer can protect you from a new sword.

Yawn... you are just hoping that Trump will make haters like you cool again.

The problem is.. hate never solves problems. Not racism, not homophobia, not misogyny.
I'm banking Trump will appoint conservative Justices and the problems will all be taken care of as they should have been in the first place: weighing logic and the written word of the Constitution. Hively v Ivy Tech (2016) is the writing on that wall..
I'm banking Trump will appoint conservative Justices and the problems will all be taken care of as they should have been in the first place: weighing logic and the written word of the Constitution. Hively v Ivy Tech (2016) is the writing on that wall..

Not really. Even if Trump replaces Scalia with another mouth-breather, the majority will still favor rights. Not to mention Roberts isn't going to be the kind of guy who is going to reverse precedents.

Come one, dude, it's like you learned nothing from Roe v. Wade. 45 years the Republicans have been promising to overturn it, but for 45 years Republican justices keep upholding it.
You are one of those kind that could witness one of your heroes bend a little child over and sodomize them and you would claim..."So what??? Big deal".........that's the kind of person that you are and you disgust me.

Guy, if you had real evidence of any of that, please take it to law enforcement.

I'm totally sure that they don't already have you on a watch list as that crazy person they had to arrest at the airport because you were trying to catch them loading up the chem-trails on the airliners.

The rank and file of the FBI and the NYPD have it. I have seen the Wikileaks Podesta emails and if none of that sways you that something reeks in Denmark? Then you are just as stupid and blind as I have stated many times before.
satanic child trafficking ring

What is this mess?
Pizza, Pasta, hotdogs, walnuts, Dominos are pedophile code words. The NYPD and the FBI are sitting on this and they are pissed because they want this blown open. I have been researching this disgusting shit since 2013 that goes all the way back to the Franklin cover-up.

Ok...time for the guys with the white coats and butterfly nets now...

Debate me, bitch or STFU......
The rank and file of the FBI and the NYPD have it. I have seen the Wikileaks Podesta emails and if none of that sways you that something reeks in Denmark? Then you are just as stupid and blind as I have stated many times before.

Yawn, guy, the problem is, your claims of Sandy Hook being a hoax and chemtrails being a things and shitloads of other batshit crazy you've picked up...

I can't take you terribly seriously on this point.
The collective left feigned outrage and denounced Trump for not stating that he would unequivocally accept election results upon the inevitable victory of Hillary Clinton. The media orchestrated an onslaught of articles, commentary, and stories claiming that Trump was attempting to circumvent the election and setting the stage for violence upon his impending lose.

The media reported as absolute fact that white nationalists would take to the streets. Even though this never happened when America elected the first black president, we were told the election of a wealthy white woman was going to arouse the anger of 'white nationalists'.

The truth?

Unprecedented threats have been made throughout the country against electoral college members' and their families. Conspiracy theorists have taken to social media to promote unfounded accusations of foreign manipulation of the election. Violent leftist protests sprang up nationwide. Continued violence against anyone who dares express support for President-Elect Trump. The only true evidence of voter fraud that has been found is illegal immigrants voting in the election, that has been proven--encouraged by Obama.

The left is actively attempting, using violence, intimidation and lies to steal the election.

GOP electors harassed, threatened as foes maneuver to block Donald Trump in Electoral College

Hate indeed won... and I am not talking about Trump's victory.

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