Electoral College Members Now Receiving Death Threats From Clinton Supporters

The collective left feigned outrage and denounced Trump for not stating that he would unequivocally accept election results upon the inevitable victory of Hillary Clinton. The media orchestrated an onslaught of articles, commentary, and stories claiming that Trump was attempting to circumvent the election and setting the stage for violence upon his impending lose.

The media reported as absolute fact that white nationalists would take to the streets. Even though this never happened when America elected the first black president, we were told the election of a wealthy white woman was going to arouse the anger of 'white nationalists'.

The truth?

Unprecedented threats have been made throughout the country against electoral college members' and their families. Conspiracy theorists have taken to social media to promote unfounded accusations of foreign manipulation of the election. Violent leftist protests sprang up nationwide. Continued violence against anyone who dares express support for President-Elect Trump. The only true evidence of voter fraud that has been found is illegal immigrants voting in the election, that has been proven--encouraged by Obama.

The left is actively attempting, using violence, intimidation and lies to steal the election.

GOP electors harassed, threatened as foes maneuver to block Donald Trump in Electoral College

I'm surprised you didn't expect this. Trump didn't win the election, he won the electoral college. Big difference, dimwit.

Three million illegals (at least) cast a ballot.....personally, I look forward to any kind of recall where the votes cast will have to stand up under scrutiny and it will not require the invalidation of all three million....simply a sample size will suffice. Given the piss poor turnout of her infrequent campaign appearances? No one is going to buy that the Hildebeast won anything but a one way ticket home to irrelevant-ville......
those millions of votes came from california, from the illegals.
Here is the funny thing, the left worked their ass off to make sure that millions of illegals voted in order to insure a win for Hillary, what the dumb asses didnt think about was the electoral college. See, the number of votes are based on population, LEGAL population, they can sneak the filthy illegals in to the country, they can find ways for those millions of illegals to vote but in the end, undocumented is undocumented and their numbers can not be counted for the purpose of setting the number of EC votes. To do so would blow their whole operation wide open.
Even with all the extra voters, in the end what counts are the EC votes and if the illegals cant be counted, then the EC votes remain the same.
Looks like the EC does more than make sure the big states dont end up telling the small states what to do. We can now say that the EC worked very well at protecting the reliability of the voting process. This worked better than voter ID.
Trump won, by the EC and I strongly suspect by the LEGAL popular vote, but that still wouldnt matter to these democratic filthy animals. They would still be crying and making threats.

Guess I should load up on ammunition, it looks like it might be needed to take down a few rabid liberals in the not so distant future.

not sure if they are pissed because she got her ass handed to her or because they now realize that they should have spread those votes around through different states so the EC would not have absorbed them.
interesting way to look at this.
Considering there were around 2 million and Ive also heard the left bragging that the actual count is now 3 million votes in california that made up for her getting more popular votes, lets look at the numbers.
Hillary had 5,589,936 votes and Trump had 3,021,095 votes in CA.
take away that 2 million and Hillary only takes california by about a half a million votes, The worst any candidate has done in California.
Now lets pretend that the left is correct and that nuber is 3 million, Trump wins California by half a million.
he would have walked away with the election had the left not cheated in California like they did.
Oh well, end of the day? hillary is home getting drunk while Donalds is preparing to move in to the white house to take charge of this country.

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