Electoral Math

ONCE again you prove that you don't have a fucking clue. Go back and read what I posted about Sandy Hoax. I have literally a 100 things that don't add up about this live shooter drill that was presented as a real time event. Also, if you can't see something REALLY wrong about Robbie Parker's press conference, then you are beyond "dense". Locking up people that post things that contradict YOUR beliefs? How communist of you.....but it's not gonna happen.

Of course ther was something "Wrong" about Parker's press conference. He was having to talk on national TV about why a crazy person was able to get a military grade weapon and kill his child. And 26 other people.

So we would have to believe that they staged a drill, but someone thought it was real, and that hundreds of people who knew it never happened not only lied about it, but some of them had to give up their children, change their entire lifestyles, and that everyone even remotely involved in it would have to engage in a code of silence the mafia would be proud of...

Or it was just one crazy guy who shot a lot of people

the latter one has less moving parts.

At a young age, someone should have introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor.
ONCE again you prove that you don't have a fucking clue. Go back and read what I posted about Sandy Hoax. I have literally a 100 things that don't add up about this live shooter drill that was presented as a real time event. Also, if you can't see something REALLY wrong about Robbie Parker's press conference, then you are beyond "dense". Locking up people that post things that contradict YOUR beliefs? How communist of you.....but it's not gonna happen.

Of course ther was something "Wrong" about Parker's press conference. He was having to talk on national TV about why a crazy person was able to get a military grade weapon and kill his child. And 26 other people.

So we would have to believe that they staged a drill, but someone thought it was real, and that hundreds of people who knew it never happened not only lied about it, but some of them had to give up their children, change their entire lifestyles, and that everyone even remotely involved in it would have to engage in a code of silence the mafia would be proud of...

Or it was just one crazy guy who shot a lot of people

the latter one has less moving parts.

At a young age, someone should have introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor.

No one died at Sandy Hoax and that is the simplest explanation that there is. You were chumped and so was everyone else that bought this roadshow and that is all there is to it.
No one died at Sandy Hoax and that is the simplest explanation that there is. You were chumped and so was everyone else that bought this roadshow and that is all there is to it.

so what happened to those 27 people? Are they all living in a compound in Area 51 with the Roswell Aliens?

No one died at Sandy Hoax and that is the simplest explanation that there is. You were chumped and so was everyone else that bought this roadshow and that is all there is to it.

so what happened to those 27 people? Are they all living in a compound in Area 51 with the Roswell Aliens?


Perhaps some of them if not all of them sang at the Super Bowl in January of 2013? The pictures you presented seem to be taken around 2009. Did you know that Noah Pozner allegedly died twice? Once at Sandy Hook in 2012 and then in Pakistan in 2014 isn't that amazing? Look it up on "Google". I have dozens and dozens of questions and weird anomalies that no one seems to have a credible answer for...like how in the hell were they able to get Porta-Potties there so quickly but yet no care-flite copters? Who ordered the electric sign saying that everyone must check in? Why had the parking lot not been updated with the latest handicap laws like having the space painted blue with a wheelchair. There are no signs that should be at least 5 feet tall so that it's not obscured by a parked vehicle. CNN shows a parking space with no signs and a parking space with nothing but a wheelchair insignia which tells me that those that say it was not a functioning school at the time were indeed correct and had been in use since 2008.....like I said, many many more things that do not add up at all........your turn.
Perhaps some of them if not all of them sang at the Super Bowl in January of 2013? The pictures you presented seem to be taken around 2009. Did you know that Noah Pozner allegedly died twice? Once at Sandy Hook in 2012 and then in Pakistan in 2014 isn't that amazing? Look it up on "Google".

Except that was determined to have been an error on the part of a Pakistani television station that googled "Dead kids" or some such. Or do you think there are a bunch of young white boys being killed in Pakistan?

I have dozens and dozens of questions and weird anomalies that no one seems to have a credible answer for...like how in the hell were they able to get Porta-Potties there so quickly but yet no care-flite copters?

I'm sure you have lots of questions, but they have medications for that now.

Repeating shitloads of crazy shit you read on the internet doesn't make them true.
Perhaps some of them if not all of them sang at the Super Bowl in January of 2013? The pictures you presented seem to be taken around 2009. Did you know that Noah Pozner allegedly died twice? Once at Sandy Hook in 2012 and then in Pakistan in 2014 isn't that amazing? Look it up on "Google".

Except that was determined to have been an error on the part of a Pakistani television station that googled "Dead kids" or some such. Or do you think there are a bunch of young white boys being killed in Pakistan?

I have dozens and dozens of questions and weird anomalies that no one seems to have a credible answer for...like how in the hell were they able to get Porta-Potties there so quickly but yet no care-flite copters?

I'm sure you have lots of questions, but they have medications for that now.

Repeating shitloads of crazy shit you read on the internet doesn't make them true.

But yet you don't have any answers to the questions that I throw out that are totally legitimate. I am not a gun owner nor have I ever owned a gun. I did fire the type of gun that Adam Lanza allegedly used as part of my research....no, not the Bushmaster but the pistol and the 12 bullet clip that was reported over and over until it didn't make sense so they changed the narrative. It took me 5 minutes to aim and fire at a stationary target, I got the webbing of my thumb and forefinger caught between the chamber and barrel and it bled like a stuck hog and the gun has serious "kick" to it". The target was 12 feet away and I only hit it 8 times out of 12 but yet this 20 year old with Asperger's syndrome that was barely 112 pounds soak and wet but yet we are to believe that he got off over 140 rounds in less than 10 minutes with a 98 percent "kill ratio"? It's beyond fucking ridiculous and the fact that you buy this roadshow tells me that you are the one in need of medication....not me. Face it, you can't answer the questions that are legit so you resort to attacks.....you can't deter me nor can you make me back off. This is one discussion you have no hope of winning. The amount of lies, deceit and outright intimidation of those that seek the truth should tell you that we have been lied to. Deal with it....no one died at Sandy Hoax....and that is a fucking fact.
But yet you don't have any answers to the questions that I throw out that are totally legitimate.

You don't have any legitimate questions. You regurgitate whatever you've read on crazy websites.

I am not a gun owner nor have I ever owned a gun.

Yes, we don't let crazy people own guns in this country.

It took me 5 minutes to aim and fire at a stationary target, I got the webbing of my thumb and forefinger caught between the chamber and barrel and it bled like a stuck hog and the gun has serious "kick" to it".

so your argument is that Crazy Adam couldn't have killed those kids because YOU don't know what you are doing? Is this your argument?
But yet you don't have any answers to the questions that I throw out that are totally legitimate.

You don't have any legitimate questions. You regurgitate whatever you've read on crazy websites.

I am not a gun owner nor have I ever owned a gun.

Yes, we don't let crazy people own guns in this country.

It took me 5 minutes to aim and fire at a stationary target, I got the webbing of my thumb and forefinger caught between the chamber and barrel and it bled like a stuck hog and the gun has serious "kick" to it".

so your argument is that Crazy Adam couldn't have killed those kids because YOU don't know what you are doing? Is this your argument?

I have plenty of legit questions.....you just can't answer them so you throw out lame bullshit.

"Yes, we don't let crazy people own guns in this country"

You have a mouse in your pocket? I could get a gun tomorrow if I wanted to...legal or illegally. My choice not to have one is morally based.

As far as the phantom Adam Lanza goes? I am calling "BULLSHIT" that a 20 year old kid that weighed less than 120 pounds could fire 140 rounds in less than 10 minutes and do it accurately with a 98 percent kill ratio. Nothing but this tale adds up. It stinks from beginning to the very sorry end where the contractors had to sign non-disclosure agreements. You are only digging the hole deeper for yourself. (snicker)
I have plenty of legit questions.....you just can't answer them so you throw out lame bullshit.

NO, guy, you have a lot of crazy questions, like any conspiracy theorist.

As far as the phantom Adam Lanza goes? I am calling "BULLSHIT" that a 20 year old kid that weighed less than 120 pounds could fire 140 rounds in less than 10 minutes and do it accurately with a 98 percent kill ratio. Nothing but this tale adds up. It stinks from beginning to the very sorry end where the contractors had to sign non-disclosure agreements. You are only digging the hole deeper for yourself. (snicker)

Naw, guy, go outside the fetid fever swamps of the internet and start spewing your shit, watch how happy your dentist is going to be with all the extra work.

Okay, guy, for you kill ratio thing.

He fired 140 rounds and killed 26 people. That means 114 rounds either missed or were non-kill shots. That's about a 20% accuracy rate.

More to the point, he was shooting preschoolers at nearly point blank range. How accurate did he need to be?
I have plenty of legit questions.....you just can't answer them so you throw out lame bullshit.

NO, guy, you have a lot of crazy questions, like any conspiracy theorist.

As far as the phantom Adam Lanza goes? I am calling "BULLSHIT" that a 20 year old kid that weighed less than 120 pounds could fire 140 rounds in less than 10 minutes and do it accurately with a 98 percent kill ratio. Nothing but this tale adds up. It stinks from beginning to the very sorry end where the contractors had to sign non-disclosure agreements. You are only digging the hole deeper for yourself. (snicker)

Naw, guy, go outside the fetid fever swamps of the internet and start spewing your shit, watch how happy your dentist is going to be with all the extra work.

Okay, guy, for you kill ratio thing.

He fired 140 rounds and killed 26 people. That means 114 rounds either missed or were non-kill shots. That's about a 20% accuracy rate.

More to the point, he was shooting preschoolers at nearly point blank range. How accurate did he need to be?

OMG.......you act like if this had really happened they would have just stood there and waited their turn? 140 shots in 10 minutes? Total BULLSHIT.
Oh, and I am very vocal about this in real time and quite a few agree with me that it reeks. How come you don't address how this shut down school had not complied with the Americans Disability Act with a sign and blue paint in the handicapped spots? There is also a tv interview with a mother that claimed she got there as they were bringing out child after child.....only thing was, they never removed a single alleged dead body until 3 AM Saturday morning. It was a total, 100 percent CON job. A con this big is too complicated to pull off without fucking up. The thing about the truth is that it speaks for itself and you don't have to redact information or attempt to intimidate people into stop asking questions. Keep being a chump. You have done no research at all...I have thus I know more. Deal with it.
OMG.......you act like if this had really happened they would have just stood there and waited their turn? 140 shots in 10 minutes? Total BULLSHIT.
Oh, and I am very vocal about this in real time and quite a few agree with me that it reeks. How come you don't address how this shut down school had not complied with the Americans Disability Act with a sign and blue paint in the handicapped spots? There is also a tv interview with a mother that claimed she got there as they were bringing out child after child.....only thing was, they never removed a single alleged dead body until 3 AM Saturday morning. It was a total, 100 percent CON job. A con this big is too complicated to pull off without fucking up. The thing about the truth is that it speaks for itself and you don't have to redact information or attempt to intimidate people into stop asking questions. Keep being a chump. You have done no research at all...I have thus I know more. Deal with it.

Guy, I didnt need to do research. It all happened in real time.

The minute this started, I made two predictions 1) We'd find out that everyone in the shooters life knew he was crazy and 2) It was way too easy for him to acquire a gun.

So now you are claiming Sandy Hook was a "Shut down" school? Um, guy, that would mean EVERYONE in Newtown would have to know that this was a drill that they were passing off as a real event.

27,000 people live in Newtown. Are you saying all 27,000 new Sandy Hook was closed, but evil gummit staged a fake shooting there?
OMG.......you act like if this had really happened they would have just stood there and waited their turn? 140 shots in 10 minutes? Total BULLSHIT.

Oaky, I was talking about your time scale where you claim that 27 kills out of 140 rounds shot was 98% accurate. That seems to be some of that Home School Math there. Now if most of the kills were spread out over that 10 minutes, you might have a point. Most of them happened in one classroom.
OMG.......you act like if this had really happened they would have just stood there and waited their turn? 140 shots in 10 minutes? Total BULLSHIT.

Oaky, I was talking about your time scale where you claim that 27 kills out of 140 rounds shot was 98% accurate. That seems to be some of that Home School Math there. Now if most of the kills were spread out over that 10 minutes, you might have a point. Most of them happened in one classroom.

No, allegedly two people were injured thus a 98 percent kill ratio but if we are grading it like school and not counting Lanza's alleged self-inflicted wound, it's a 93 percent kill ratio. Not too shabby for a kid that was allegedly autistic and suffered from OCD, and weighed a 112 pounds. Not even the Columbine shooters did that good and there were two of them. Only 12 killed and 21 injured and they were shooting sitting ducks as well. The official story is total bullshit. The drill was suppose to happen on the 13th which was why there were websites set up that day and a couple of days before in anticipation of this event and then when it finally did go down, then they would post it...unfortunately the cache time stamp shows the date it was originally created instead of the date it was posted.

A March 28 post at CNN asserts the following:
" Lanza didn't make it home alive. Nor did the 26 people -- 20 of them schoolchildren ages 6 and 7 -- he shot dead in less than five minutes, firing one bullet roughly every two seconds he was at Sandy Hook Elementary School"....

I say 100 percent total bullshit. We have a picture of a cop taking a rifle out of the trunk the alleged car of Lanza drove and he isn't wearing ANY gloves....wasn't this an alleged crime scene and the reason they never removed a single body until 3:00 AM Saturday morning? Of course we have the conflicting testimony of a mother that claimed she came on the scene (while ambulances and other emergency vehicles were kept a quarter of a mile down the road) and she said she watched the police carry child after child out of the school covered in blood......and we know that is total bullshit as well. The news copter shows a parking lot of cars that are all facing the same way as if a valet parked them...not exactly a chaotic scenario of a tragedy of epic proportions and of course like I mentioned...the handicapped spot was not compliant with the ADA but why would it? After all, the school had been shut down due to reasons like a bad roof and mold and had been used as a storage area. They had to have porta-potties there because the water had been turned off for awhile and only God know what would have happened to their little drill had they turned it on after having been off for over three years.
The news copter showed people not at the school but milling around,. going through one door, out another and then back into the parking lot and then through the same door again. One of them was Gene Rosen, the worst actor of all time that claimed that 6 little girls were simply dumped off on his drive way and he took them in and gave them stuffed toys to play with as well as cookies and juice....but yet he is seen at the fire station doing the "Firehouse shuffle" as well.....hmmm?????

No paramedics or EMTS were allowed inside? Who the fuck pronounced everyone dead at the scene? Not even EMTs or paramedics can legally declare someone as deceased. These 150 shoots were suppose to be happening during the 9/11 calls (of which I listened to today) but yet there isn't a single shot to be heard. I have about 70 more things that do not add up. As far as the people of Sandy Hook not coming forward if they have any information? I doubt it would be very good for their health if they did. It's a lock tight and locked down situation. If they will go after citizens form other states for merely questioning the official narrative, what do you think they would do to someone that lives there should they speak out?

Sorry, dude.......this whole thing absolutely reeks of a con job and no matter which direction I attack this from, the result is always the same.
No, allegedly two people were injured thus a 98 percent kill ratio but if we are grading it like school and not counting Lanza's alleged self-inflicted wound, it's a 93 percent kill ratio. Not too shabby for a kid that was allegedly autistic and suffered from OCD, and weighed a 112 pounds. Not even the Columbine shooters did that good and there were two of them. Only 12 killed and 21 injured and they were shooting sitting ducks as well.

The Columbine shooters weren't hunting preschoolers,and they didn't have the quality of weapons Lanza had...

If they will go after citizens form other states for merely questioning the official narrative, what do you think they would do to someone that lives there should they speak out?

Uh, guy, no one has locked you up yet, and they probably need to.

So just to re-iterate, there are 27,000 people who KNOW this is a drill gone wrong, and every last one of them is keeping silent on it.
No, allegedly two people were injured thus a 98 percent kill ratio but if we are grading it like school and not counting Lanza's alleged self-inflicted wound, it's a 93 percent kill ratio. Not too shabby for a kid that was allegedly autistic and suffered from OCD, and weighed a 112 pounds. Not even the Columbine shooters did that good and there were two of them. Only 12 killed and 21 injured and they were shooting sitting ducks as well.

The Columbine shooters weren't hunting preschoolers,and they didn't have the quality of weapons Lanza had...

If they will go after citizens form other states for merely questioning the official narrative, what do you think they would do to someone that lives there should they speak out?

Uh, guy, no one has locked you up yet, and they probably need to.

So just to re-iterate, there are 27,000 people who KNOW this is a drill gone wrong, and every last one of them is keeping silent on it.

Who gives s flying fuck about a school that has 400 to five hundred kids that come from all over....how would they know if it was shut down or not and why would they care when there is TV?

I have to laugh at your comment of "Dale doesn't believe da gubermint and we should lock him up!!! How DARE he question my beloved corporate gubermint"!!!!

Here are a few home truths for you to chew on...your corporate "gubermint" can kiss my white, hairy ass alllllll day long and that includes Sunday. I am not one of the sheeple but you seem to relish the fact that you toady to this corporate entity......you are not much of a man at all....I doubt you even have a penis that wouldn't cause a squirrel to snicker at. I hope for your sake that your testicles drop some day....I kinda doubt it. You had nothing and you didn't disappoint and once again I kicked your ass.....keep rising off of the cyber canvas for another uppercut because you are not even causing me to break a cyber sweat.

Who gives s flying fuck about a school that has 400 to five hundred kids that come from all over....how would they know if it was shut down or not and why would they care when there is TV?

Uh, most people in a community know where the schools are and which schools are open, particularly a small community like that. They often see these schools listed on their property tax bills, they know there's traffic regulations around the school, and so on.

I have to laugh at your comment of "Dale doesn't believe da gubermint and we should lock him up!!! How DARE he question my beloved corporate gubermint"!!!!

No, guy, I think you need to be locked up because you are clearly mentally ill. I am guessing severe paranoia. I am guessing by the times of day you post, you probably can't hold down a meaningful job, if any job at all.
Who gives s flying fuck about a school that has 400 to five hundred kids that come from all over....how would they know if it was shut down or not and why would they care when there is TV?

Uh, most people in a community know where the schools are and which schools are open, particularly a small community like that. They often see these schools listed on their property tax bills, they know there's traffic regulations around the school, and so on.

I have to laugh at your comment of "Dale doesn't believe da gubermint and we should lock him up!!! How DARE he question my beloved corporate gubermint"!!!!

No, guy, I think you need to be locked up because you are clearly mentally ill. I am guessing severe paranoia. I am guessing by the times of day you post, you probably can't hold down a meaningful job, if any job at all.

Really? Do tell? So when was the last time you visited Newtown, Connecticut? Why do you think that Sandy Hook didn't follow the latest ADA law requiring them to have blue painted parking spots with a 5 foot sign? for each designated spot?

I found your comment that I should be "locked up" because I have the unmitigated gall to call into question what this corporate entity tells sheeple like you and yours very "communistic" because that is what commies do. Does the truth scare you that much or are you just pissed that I have beaten you like a rented mule? Either one is fine with me....and BTW, I sure as hell wouldn't be here in Florida making decent coin if I did not have a job....so, once again, you lose.....ya gotta be use to it by now. (snicker)
Really? Do tell? So when was the last time you visited Newtown, Connecticut? Why do you think that Sandy Hook didn't follow the latest ADA law requiring them to have blue painted parking spots with a 5 foot sign? for each designated spot?

how did you know they didn't. How do you know they weren't covered up by response vehicles? How do know whatever pictures yousaw on Whackadoodle.com didn't photoshop them to remove them?

I found your comment that I should be "locked up" because I have the unmitigated gall to call into question what this corporate entity tells sheeple like you and yours very "communistic" because that is what commies do. Does the truth scare you that much or are you just pissed that I have beaten you like a rented mule? Either one is fine with me....and BTW, I sure as hell wouldn't be here in Florida making decent coin if I did not have a job....so, once again, you lose.....ya gotta be use to it by now. (snicker)

Guy, the fact you are here all hourse of the day tells me the only coin you are making is from a goverment disability check.
In the last six elections, 19 states and Washington, DC have voted for the Democrat every time. Their total electoral votes add up to 242, just 28 away from the necessary 270 to win.

If Clinton wins Florida, which has 29 electoral votes, game over.

In the same six elections, 13 states have voted for the Republican every time. Their electoral votes only add up to 102. That puts the Republican 168 electoral votes short.

Trump has quite an uphill climb.

One of the 19 states which has consistently gone for the Democrat is New York. Trump seems to think he is going to win there against Clinton.



If this election cycle has taught us nothing else, it has shown that the norms don't apply in this election. Be prepared for a humdinger of an election.

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