Electoral Math

Selective memory or wishful thinking? How could lefties forget the last mid-term election where republicans scored the biggest landslide in modern mid term history? Hillary can't even beat a freaking Marxist socialist without cheating.
The math for gerrymandered Congressional seats is not the same as the math for the White House, dipshit.

And 2014 saw the lowest voter turnout since WWII. Low turnouts always benefit the GOP, which is why I said earlier in the topic that is Trump's only advantage.

Do keep up.

Dipshit...the last election cycle in 2014 saw a 4.5% GOP turnout advantage. Hence the historic wins. Right now, the GOP has a 64% turnout advantage in the primaries versus the Dems. Rut-row. :(

Straight up polls right now mean nothing because the pollsters have no idea at this point who will turn out the most...but based on the primaries it looks bad for Dems.

All that matters in elections ultimately is who turns out to vote. Got it....good! :thup:
If the rednecks turn out in record numbers in the 13 traditionally red states, they don't get more Electoral Points awarded.


Guess how many Republicans turned out in New York's primary?

800 thousand.

Guess how many Democrats turned out in New York's primary?

1.8 million.

Now THAT is what a slam dunk looks like.

New York is a closed primary and reflects registered voters by party. You probably know this but use it to lie and deflect. Sad...but it's what you people do. :(

The facts are GOP leaning voters are much more energized then Dem leaning voters to the tune of a National 64% turnout advantage. That will be very difficult for the Dems to overcome. Understand now? :D
Selective memory or wishful thinking? How could lefties forget the last mid-term election where republicans scored the biggest landslide in modern mid term history? Hillary can't even beat a freaking Marxist socialist without cheating.
The math for gerrymandered Congressional seats is not the same as the math for the White House, dipshit.

And 2014 saw the lowest voter turnout since WWII. Low turnouts always benefit the GOP, which is why I said earlier in the topic that is Trump's only advantage.

Do keep up.

Dipshit...the last election cycle in 2014 saw a 4.5% GOP turnout advantage. Hence the historic wins. Right now, the GOP has a 64% turnout advantage in the primaries versus the Dems. Rut-row. :(

Straight up polls right now mean nothing because the pollsters have no idea at this point who will turn out the most...but based on the primaries it looks bad for Dems.

All that matters in elections ultimately is who turns out to vote. Got it....good! :thup:

Because that line of thought went so well going from 2010 to 2012....

Another idiot. Fuck Libtards are truly morons. Obama had a +8 percent turnout advantage in 2008 and 2012. That turnout advantage was reflected in the 2008 primaries. Obama won big.

If the GOP has a +8 turnout advantage in 2016 they will win big. Understand? :D
No, because you will keep getting your ass handed to you over and over again. You were not at Sandy Hook that day so the only thing you have to go by is the corporate media that lies to you with impunity. Just because you are too programmed to believe that they could never pull the wool over your eyes doesn't mean they haven't......because they have. Your childlike faith in this corporate "gubermint" borders on mental illness......seriously.

Hope this helps, mo-fo!

the problem with conspiracy nuts like you is that you lack any logic.

You would have to believe that hundreds of people were in on this conspiracy to achehive, um.. what exactly? You would have to believe that these 16 people, all their families, police, paramedics, reporters, the entire community were all in on this.

Or you can believe that one crazy guy was really able to shoot up a school

You tell me which one is more logical.
No, because you will keep getting your ass handed to you over and over again. You were not at Sandy Hook that day so the only thing you have to go by is the corporate media that lies to you with impunity. Just because you are too programmed to believe that they could never pull the wool over your eyes doesn't mean they haven't......because they have. Your childlike faith in this corporate "gubermint" borders on mental illness......seriously.

Hope this helps, mo-fo!

the problem with conspiracy nuts like you is that you lack any logic.

You would have to believe that hundreds of people were in on this conspiracy to achehive, um.. what exactly? You would have to believe that these 16 people, all their families, police, paramedics, reporters, the entire community were all in on this.

Or you can believe that one crazy guy was really able to shoot up a school

You tell me which one is more logical.

I use nothing but logic when something doesn't pass my sniff test. I don't need to put but 30 pieces of a puzzle together that shows a polar bear sitting on a block of ice to know that this isn't a "beach scene". Hundreds? Not really....maybe 100 at the most and if they have to sign non-disclosure agreements in lieu of a big pay-out and they are on-board with gun confiscation, this could be easily pulled off. Paramedics were not allowed onto the scene. They were kept a half a mile down the road. No crare-flite copters were brought in but they did have the presence of mind to bring in porta-potties and a big ol electric sign that says "EVERYONE MUST SIGN IN". Here is another anomaly, the parents were all dressed like they were going to a soccer game on a weekend and had lanyards with badges on them...they were not dressed like professionals that rushed from work to check on their kids....but more about that later.

We have the creepy behavior of Dr. Wayne Carver where he is making jokes while laughing nervously as he fumbles around for answers and proclaims that he hopes that this doesn't come down around the heads of the people of Newtown, we have Governor Malloy that says at a press conference that they had prepared and been spoken to so that they could prepare that something like this could be played out in their state. Seems that Eric Holder was in Connecticut two weeks before this alleged event to discuss the launching of gun control initiative under the name of "Project Longevity".

We have Robbie Parker strolling around smirking not knowing the cameras were on him and you can see him trying to get into character by hyperventilating. I see this as yet another screw up because it is my belief that Parker thought this would be an edited piece....you can find this on youtube. Then we have Gene Rosen...he claims that a bus driver dumped 6 kids on his front yard, then it was in his driveway..the the bus driver was a female, then it was a male and he took the children in and gave them cookies and punch.....highly unlikely that someone would just dump kids off in a front yard with no supervision...but yet there is footage of Rosen roaming around the firehouse the day of the shooting....something is rotten in Denmark. I have about 45 other anomalies that I have found and I could probably write my own book based on the research I have done....like the redacting of information and all the data dumps concerning it, websites set up ahead of time with cache dates that have been verified by a Microsoft employee, Adam Lanza's death certificate claiming he died on December 13th when this alleged event happened the 14th, the threats made against former law enforcement officer Wolfgang Halbig that dared to question the official story.........many, many more.

Your turn..........
I use nothing but logic when something doesn't pass my sniff test. I don't need to put but 30 pieces of a puzzle together that shows a polar bear sitting on a block of ice to know that this isn't a "beach scene". Hundreds? Not really....maybe 100 at the most and if they have to sign non-disclosure agreements in lieu of a big pay-out and they are on-board with gun confiscation, this could be easily pulled off.

So you think they could get 100 people to all keep a secret this big? And none of their friends would be tipped off?

Paramedics were not allowed onto the scene. They were kept a half a mile down the road. No crare-flite copters were brought in but they did have the presence of mind to bring in porta-potties and a big ol electric sign that says "EVERYONE MUST SIGN IN".

You do realize they could probably get a porta-potty somewhere very quickly, right? This is your evidence, when they had a lot of people there, they brought in Porta-potties?

Here is another anomaly, the parents were all dressed like they were going to a soccer game on a weekend and had lanyards with badges on them...they were not dressed like professionals that rushed from work to check on their kids....but more about that later.

Oh, please don't. frankly, you are getting into some seriously weird territory here. Has it occurred to you the first parents on the scene would be the ones who didn't have jobs? The stay at home moms and dads?

We have the creepy behavior of Dr. Wayne Carver where he is making jokes while laughing nervously as he fumbles around for answers and proclaims that he hopes that this doesn't come down around the heads of the people of Newtown, we have Governor Malloy that says at a press conference that they had prepared and been spoken to so that they could prepare that something like this could be played out in their state. Seems that Eric Holder was in Connecticut two weeks before this alleged event to discuss the launching of gun control initiative under the name of "Project Longevity".

Okay, guy, you do realize that a lot of governments prepare for "Active Shooter Incidents". I even had one at my place of work once.

I have about 45 other anomalies that I have found and I could probably write my own book based on the research I have done...

Yeah, you see, they have medications for your "anomolies".

I suggest you get some of them.
I use nothing but logic when something doesn't pass my sniff test. I don't need to put but 30 pieces of a puzzle together that shows a polar bear sitting on a block of ice to know that this isn't a "beach scene". Hundreds? Not really....maybe 100 at the most and if they have to sign non-disclosure agreements in lieu of a big pay-out and they are on-board with gun confiscation, this could be easily pulled off.

So you think they could get 100 people to all keep a secret this big? And none of their friends would be tipped off?

Paramedics were not allowed onto the scene. They were kept a half a mile down the road. No crare-flite copters were brought in but they did have the presence of mind to bring in porta-potties and a big ol electric sign that says "EVERYONE MUST SIGN IN".

You do realize they could probably get a porta-potty somewhere very quickly, right? This is your evidence, when they had a lot of people there, they brought in Porta-potties?

Here is another anomaly, the parents were all dressed like they were going to a soccer game on a weekend and had lanyards with badges on them...they were not dressed like professionals that rushed from work to check on their kids....but more about that later.

Oh, please don't. frankly, you are getting into some seriously weird territory here. Has it occurred to you the first parents on the scene would be the ones who didn't have jobs? The stay at home moms and dads?

We have the creepy behavior of Dr. Wayne Carver where he is making jokes while laughing nervously as he fumbles around for answers and proclaims that he hopes that this doesn't come down around the heads of the people of Newtown, we have Governor Malloy that says at a press conference that they had prepared and been spoken to so that they could prepare that something like this could be played out in their state. Seems that Eric Holder was in Connecticut two weeks before this alleged event to discuss the launching of gun control initiative under the name of "Project Longevity".

Okay, guy, you do realize that a lot of governments prepare for "Active Shooter Incidents". I even had one at my place of work once.

I have about 45 other anomalies that I have found and I could probably write my own book based on the research I have done...

Yeah, you see, they have medications for your "anomolies".

I suggest you get some of them.

I use nothing but logic when something doesn't pass my sniff test. I don't need to put but 30 pieces of a puzzle together that shows a polar bear sitting on a block of ice to know that this isn't a "beach scene". Hundreds? Not really....maybe 100 at the most and if they have to sign non-disclosure agreements in lieu of a big pay-out and they are on-board with gun confiscation, this could be easily pulled off.

So you think they could get 100 people to all keep a secret this big? And none of their friends would be tipped off?

Paramedics were not allowed onto the scene. They were kept a half a mile down the road. No crare-flite copters were brought in but they did have the presence of mind to bring in porta-potties and a big ol electric sign that says "EVERYONE MUST SIGN IN".

You do realize they could probably get a porta-potty somewhere very quickly, right? This is your evidence, when they had a lot of people there, they brought in Porta-potties?

Here is another anomaly, the parents were all dressed like they were going to a soccer game on a weekend and had lanyards with badges on them...they were not dressed like professionals that rushed from work to check on their kids....but more about that later.

Oh, please don't. frankly, you are getting into some seriously weird territory here. Has it occurred to you the first parents on the scene would be the ones who didn't have jobs? The stay at home moms and dads?

We have the creepy behavior of Dr. Wayne Carver where he is making jokes while laughing nervously as he fumbles around for answers and proclaims that he hopes that this doesn't come down around the heads of the people of Newtown, we have Governor Malloy that says at a press conference that they had prepared and been spoken to so that they could prepare that something like this could be played out in their state. Seems that Eric Holder was in Connecticut two weeks before this alleged event to discuss the launching of gun control initiative under the name of "Project Longevity".

Okay, guy, you do realize that a lot of governments prepare for "Active Shooter Incidents". I even had one at my place of work once.

I have about 45 other anomalies that I have found and I could probably write my own book based on the research I have done...

Yeah, you see, they have medications for your "anomolies".

I suggest you get some of them.
Phony Gene Rosen....really bad acting here........

I use nothing but logic when something doesn't pass my sniff test. I don't need to put but 30 pieces of a puzzle together that shows a polar bear sitting on a block of ice to know that this isn't a "beach scene". Hundreds? Not really....maybe 100 at the most and if they have to sign non-disclosure agreements in lieu of a big pay-out and they are on-board with gun confiscation, this could be easily pulled off.

So you think they could get 100 people to all keep a secret this big? And none of their friends would be tipped off?

Paramedics were not allowed onto the scene. They were kept a half a mile down the road. No crare-flite copters were brought in but they did have the presence of mind to bring in porta-potties and a big ol electric sign that says "EVERYONE MUST SIGN IN".

You do realize they could probably get a porta-potty somewhere very quickly, right? This is your evidence, when they had a lot of people there, they brought in Porta-potties?

Here is another anomaly, the parents were all dressed like they were going to a soccer game on a weekend and had lanyards with badges on them...they were not dressed like professionals that rushed from work to check on their kids....but more about that later.

Oh, please don't. frankly, you are getting into some seriously weird territory here. Has it occurred to you the first parents on the scene would be the ones who didn't have jobs? The stay at home moms and dads?

We have the creepy behavior of Dr. Wayne Carver where he is making jokes while laughing nervously as he fumbles around for answers and proclaims that he hopes that this doesn't come down around the heads of the people of Newtown, we have Governor Malloy that says at a press conference that they had prepared and been spoken to so that they could prepare that something like this could be played out in their state. Seems that Eric Holder was in Connecticut two weeks before this alleged event to discuss the launching of gun control initiative under the name of "Project Longevity".

Okay, guy, you do realize that a lot of governments prepare for "Active Shooter Incidents". I even had one at my place of work once.

I have about 45 other anomalies that I have found and I could probably write my own book based on the research I have done...

Yeah, you see, they have medications for your "anomolies".

I suggest you get some of them.

Then we have this phony, creepy bald fuck lying his ass off.........enjoy.....

I use nothing but logic when something doesn't pass my sniff test. I don't need to put but 30 pieces of a puzzle together that shows a polar bear sitting on a block of ice to know that this isn't a "beach scene". Hundreds? Not really....maybe 100 at the most and if they have to sign non-disclosure agreements in lieu of a big pay-out and they are on-board with gun confiscation, this could be easily pulled off.

So you think they could get 100 people to all keep a secret this big? And none of their friends would be tipped off?

Paramedics were not allowed onto the scene. They were kept a half a mile down the road. No crare-flite copters were brought in but they did have the presence of mind to bring in porta-potties and a big ol electric sign that says "EVERYONE MUST SIGN IN".

You do realize they could probably get a porta-potty somewhere very quickly, right? This is your evidence, when they had a lot of people there, they brought in Porta-potties?

Here is another anomaly, the parents were all dressed like they were going to a soccer game on a weekend and had lanyards with badges on them...they were not dressed like professionals that rushed from work to check on their kids....but more about that later.

Oh, please don't. frankly, you are getting into some seriously weird territory here. Has it occurred to you the first parents on the scene would be the ones who didn't have jobs? The stay at home moms and dads?

We have the creepy behavior of Dr. Wayne Carver where he is making jokes while laughing nervously as he fumbles around for answers and proclaims that he hopes that this doesn't come down around the heads of the people of Newtown, we have Governor Malloy that says at a press conference that they had prepared and been spoken to so that they could prepare that something like this could be played out in their state. Seems that Eric Holder was in Connecticut two weeks before this alleged event to discuss the launching of gun control initiative under the name of "Project Longevity".

Okay, guy, you do realize that a lot of governments prepare for "Active Shooter Incidents". I even had one at my place of work once.

I have about 45 other anomalies that I have found and I could probably write my own book based on the research I have done...

Yeah, you see, they have medications for your "anomolies".

I suggest you get some of them.

This is one is pretty damn funny......no sense of urgency here.......

This is your best argument, Crazy-boy? that for a few seconds, he had to compose himself?

You know what, at my Brother in Laws funeral, my sister was smiling and laughing and talking to people in a friendly manner when they came to pay their respects. She wasn't an actor, and I'm pretty sure my brother in law was dead.

This is one is pretty damn funny......no sense of urgency here.......

Yes, he was wearing yellow, which made him easy to track...Clearly a conspiracy.

Hey, now if you take the YELLOW pills, you will probably feel much better.

This is your best argument, Crazy-boy? that for a few seconds, he had to compose himself?

You know what, at my Brother in Laws funeral, my sister was smiling and laughing and talking to people in a friendly manner when they came to pay their respects. She wasn't an actor, and I'm pretty sure my brother in law was dead.

This is one is pretty damn funny......no sense of urgency here.......

Yes, he was wearing yellow, which made him easy to track...Clearly a conspiracy.

Hey, now if you take the YELLOW pills, you will probably feel much better.

Robbie Parker was smirking and waiting for his turn on the world stage not realizing that the cameras were rolling....and then he starts hyperventilating so he can "get into" his role and that seems fine with you? If you can't see how fucking PHONY that was? You are beyond all hope....you are lost in the abyss....but I can continue because I have barely scratched the surface of this unbelievable fraud......shall we go forward? I have over 50 other things for you to ponder...btw, you never addressed the cached dates of the websites asking for donations well before Sandy Hook or the fact that Adam Lanza's death certificate claims he died on December 13th..........thoughts?????
Robbie Parker was smirking and waiting for his turn on the world stage not realizing that the cameras were rolling....and then he starts hyperventilating so he can "get into" his role and that seems fine with you?

Yes, that's how a crazy person would interpret it. A sensible person would interpret it as he might have been talking to someone in a friendly manner, but was said when he started thinking about talking about his DEAD CHILD.

So this guy was an actor but you can't find a single other thing he was in?

I know, IMDB is in on the conspiracy, too!
Trump could be leading in the general election polls and lose the electoral vote and never see Penna Ave except on a post card.
That could happen with either candidate actually.

not if you pay attention to the electoral map in the op..
I think Donald Trump makes that map useless though. From what I have gathered so far, he is not your typical Republican candidate, so some of the usual Republican voters are not overwhelmingly attracted to him, while many independent and usual Democrat voters may be.

In other words, there may be a lot of line-crossing in this election and the winner may be the one that can get the most voters to cross normal voting lines.
As always, the people in the middle are going to decide. Either candidate could completely implode and the pendulum could swing a huge amount in either direction. This is waaay to early to tell.

The point of the OP is to show that Trump has a much bigger electoral hill to climb than Hillary does.

It is showing their STARTING positions, with Clinton a full lap ahead before the race even starts.

It's math.

So was this.


This is your best argument, Crazy-boy? that for a few seconds, he had to compose himself?

You know what, at my Brother in Laws funeral, my sister was smiling and laughing and talking to people in a friendly manner when they came to pay their respects. She wasn't an actor, and I'm pretty sure my brother in law was dead.

This is one is pretty damn funny......no sense of urgency here.......

Yes, he was wearing yellow, which made him easy to track...Clearly a conspiracy.

Hey, now if you take the YELLOW pills, you will probably feel much better.

Seriously, if you can view that video of Robbie Parker smirking with his hands in his pockets waiting for his moment on the world stage while getting into character because he was just a crisis actor? You are beyond fucking stupid and a dupe....no other way to put it.......hope this helps.....
Seriously, if you can view that video of Robbie Parker smirking with his hands in his pockets waiting for his moment on the world stage while getting into character because he was just a crisis actor? You are beyond fucking stupid and a dupe....no other way to put it.......hope this helps.....

Except you haven't proven he's a "Crisis Actor". Where's his IMDB file? His SAG registration?

If you have ever suffered a real loss (I lost both of my parents when I was young) you'd realize that grief doesn't have an "constantly on button"...

Now, I can get why you gun nuts live in fear someone is going to take your guns, but you make guys like 2AGuy seem rational...
Robbie Parker was smirking and waiting for his turn on the world stage not realizing that the cameras were rolling....and then he starts hyperventilating so he can "get into" his role and that seems fine with you?

Yes, that's how a crazy person would interpret it. A sensible person would interpret it as he might have been talking to someone in a friendly manner, but was said when he started thinking about talking about his DEAD CHILD.

So this guy was an actor but you can't find a single other thing he was in?

I know, IMDB is in on the conspiracy, too![/QUOTE
Are you really this fucking stupid or is this just an act and you are just attempting to be a time waster? I am finding it really hard to believe you are that dumb.I know the stupid fucks here and they all seem to be leftards and you seem to be one as well....but I am willing to give you the benefit of a doubt.
Are you really this fucking stupid or is this just an act and you are just attempting to be a time waster? I am finding it really hard to believe you are that dumb.I know the stupid fucks here and they all seem to be leftards and you seem to be one as well....but I am willing to give you the benefit of a doubt.

Hey, McCrazyPants, how about learning to use the quote function.

So your whole argument is based on maybe ten seconds of odd facial expressions on a guy who was probably having the worst week of his life.

Sad thing is,it used to be we locked paranoid people away.
Are you really this fucking stupid or is this just an act and you are just attempting to be a time waster? I am finding it really hard to believe you are that dumb.I know the stupid fucks here and they all seem to be leftards and you seem to be one as well....but I am willing to give you the benefit of a doubt.

Hey, McCrazyPants, how about learning to use the quote function.

So your whole argument is based on maybe ten seconds of odd facial expressions on a guy who was probably having the worst week of his life.

Sad thing is,it used to be we locked paranoid people away.[/QUOTE]

ONCE again you prove that you don't have a fucking clue. Go back and read what I posted about Sandy Hoax. I have literally a 100 things that don't add up about this live shooter drill that was presented as a real time event. Also, if you can't see something REALLY wrong about Robbie Parker's press conference, then you are beyond "dense". Locking up people that post things that contradict YOUR beliefs? How communist of you.....but it's not gonna happen.
The fact is that since 1992 the Republicans have lost the popular vote in the Presidential elections all but once. They've also lost the popular vote in congressional elections since 2006.

All demographic trends are against them. Gerry mandering and supreme court decisions will not save them again.

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