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Electors (R) TX, NOT Voting for Trump - Fox News

Dear Uncensored2008
Again, barking at the wrong tree.

If you want to target one of these REAL dogmatic demagogue Democrats who don't think for themselves
Why don't you help me dress down --> francoHFW <---
who is still trying to defend ACA by NOT answering to the core issues with it!
Just spouting "beliefs" which is unconstitutional for federal govt to establish
(much less mandate under penalty of law AGAINST the beliefs of citizens discirminated against by creed).

I have a Bullring thread just to try to get Franco to take responsibility for
"beliefs" that ACA depends on and imposes,
instead of franco taking the Fifth (and making other people pay who don't believe
it's constitutional much less the only solution that had to be passed to do something)!

At least Pogo has the sense and stance
to be OPPOSED to the ACA mandates which you won't find among
deadhead Democrats following their leaders like francoHFW

So is it okay to use that as Proof that Pogo is
arguing as an independent here?

I'm a Democrat against the ACA mandates as unconstitutional
and Pogo is the only progressive on here I've found so far who has
also taken exception in opposition to that.

Can you find any others?

If you can find other "Democrats" or "progressives" arguing against
the ACA mandates besides me and Pogo, I'll believe you that Pogo
is just another Democrat lemming blindly following the pack mentality.

Is that a fair way to show a distinction?
No more freeloaders. There has to be a mandate or pre-existing conditions people can't be covered. End of story. A gov't organized system is the only way to cover everyone and cut costs...

Dear francoHFW
1. then write the law where it says that. but give people a choice NOT to go through the govt program at all
in order NOT to be under the terms you dictate.
When President and First Lady requires terms of membership,

Nothing wrong with setting conditions, but allow people to opt out all together
and pay for their own way without "free loading" on anyone who doesn't agree to their terms either!

2. apply the SAME standards to stop
A. freeloading off taxpayers for costs of incarcerating and paying for inmates
B. freeloading off taxpayers for corporate profits we didn't approve terms for either!

Where is the same effort to stop freeloaders who have
been CAUGHT and/or CONVICTED of crimes or corruption costing taxpayers?


What gives you the right to go after citizens,
deprive US of liberties BEFORE we commit any such act,
and subject us to TERMS WE DIDN'T CONSENT TO,
when YOU haven't done a THING to go after



Um, no. No more freeloaders. There has to be a mandate or pre-existing conditions people can't be covered. End of story. A gov't organized system is the only way to cover everyone and cut costs...
It took us a hundred years to FINALLY pass a framework for transparent competition, covering the poor and pre-existing. Pass your ideas to your rep and perhaps we can fix your supposed problems. It will be tinkered with forever.
Dear francoHFW
If you are going to make me and other taxpayers pay for an unproven system while you tinker with it -- at least let us choose the terms by which we agree to pay for while testing it. Do you agree to pay for a car while it's still being repaired and tinkered with?
What kind of cruel joke is this?

I find it insulting that you pass the buck to reps to decide for you but you expect taxpayers to pay. If members of Congress were affected, that's one thing. But taxpayers are being forced to fund a contract we have no direct say in.

Just because you agree to this model of bypassing taxpayers and overriding our personal free choice by handing it over to federal government, without passing a Constitutional Amendment first, doesn't mean other people consented who are directly affected.

I find this very disturbing.
You are basically supporting depriving people of rights and liberties, then FORCING the victims of this abuse to jump through hoops to restore rights the government has no authority over to begin with.

This is like raping and robbing someone, then requiring them to go through a complex justice system to prove a wrong was done while you as the rape team continue to rape because it isn't proven yet that any consent was violated. You are waiting for "reps" and are completely ignoring the victims screaming we are being violated. That doesn't matter to you, only if the "reps" do something.

This must be bad karmic kickback from when liberals were screaming in protest about Bush using govt process and powers to take action against Iraq which the public did not fully consent to either. But in that case, with national defense, once the decision is made to go to war it has to be fought until finished or causes worse endangerment.

@francHFW in this case, both parties that both have different approaches -- the left wanting a govt option and the right wanting free market options -- can BOTH "tinker" with their own models to perfect these WITHOUT forcing others under that system!

That's the part you keep skirting.

That's fine if people on the left want to develop a govt run single payer universal plan, but
(A) "tinker" with it on your OWN time and dollars, from people who WANT to opt in and make it work (NOT corporate insurance just wanting to get their share of profits paid without producing any service providers or facilities to sustain universal care)
(B) Before expecting other people to pay in, which more and more would as the working model develops to serve greater demand

That's how ALL effective service models work francoHFW. The service starts with a smaller customer base in one location, develops and proves a record of reliable cost-effective service and then attracts more clientele so more revenue comes in to expand the services to multiple locations!

Again francoHFW both the left could be investing in making a govt nonprofit system work, by enrolling inmates immigrants and other citizens who CAN legally be required to be under mandates if they are under a status or condition that already requires them to report to govt; AND the right can remain free to set up and pay into a free market plan for LAW ABIDING citizens who have done nothing to warrant Losing Liberty, and thus should be able to do so voluntarily where it doesn't involve imposing costs or conditions on people who don't consent to those terms!

We can have BOTH going on at the same time, to cover all bases, and NOT impose on each other's plans and preferences
Everyone will tinker with it FOREVER. Still always better than the old GOP scam...
It will get effective as time passes. The old GOP scam system gives us these prices. Competition and regulation take time.

So you are of the firm belief that per unit losses can be made up with volume? :lol:

There is a reason you're a Communist, franco hater dupe bot.
Competition and regulation of costs, nationwide exchanges. Can you read?
<> means what? Another bogus problem, no doubt.

While I acknowledged your failure to complete a primary education. I was fairly certain that symbols such as:

+ - = <>

were taught in 1st grade.

They are pronounced "plus," which means to add. Then "minus" which means to subtract. The two parallel lines are "equal" which denotes a mathematical sameness. Finally we have "not equal," meaning two items are different.

Though you will not retain it, you have learned something today. (That most 6 year olds already know.)
<> means what? Another bogus problem, no doubt.

While I acknowledged your failure to complete a primary education. I was fairly certain that symbols such as:

+ - = <>

were taught in 1st grade.

They are pronounced "plus," which means to add. Then "minus" which means to subtract. The two parallel lines are "equal" which denotes a mathematical sameness. Finally we have "not equal," meaning two items are different.

Though you will not retain it, you have learned something today. (That most 6 year olds already know.)
I thought so but have never seen <>. And of course they're not the same thing duh, but they are the 2 ways ACA has to cut costs. Look up the Hotchkiss School and take another guess at my education, dolt. I'm 65, how old are you? <>wasn't there in my day.
I thought so but have never seen <>. And of course they're not the same thing duh, but they are the 2 ways ACA has to cut costs. Look up the Hotchkiss School and take another guess at my education, dolt. I'm 65, how old are you? <>wasn't there in my day.

Fascist care has doubled costs. This has been passed on to consumers. This complete fiasco is being jettisoned because it provides inferior care as a higher price. The most effective way of providing scarce resources at the most equitable cost is the free market. Get employers and government out of health care and the cost to consumers will plummet.
I thought so but have never seen <>. And of course they're not the same thing duh, but they are the 2 ways ACA has to cut costs. Look up the Hotchkiss School and take another guess at my education, dolt. I'm 65, how old are you? <>wasn't there in my day.

Fascist care has doubled costs. This has been passed on to consumers. This complete fiasco is being jettisoned because it provides inferior care as a higher price. The most effective way of providing scarce resources at the most equitable cost is the free market. Get employers and government out of health care and the cost to consumers will plummet.
All it is is transparent competition, with no scams like the old GOP catastrophe. This is just how much health care actually costs after a "free market". Now we need to go after costs. Repealing it is RW idiocy-
All it is is transparent competition,

All of WHAT is? :dunno:

Obama's Fascist care, passed in the dead of night with zero review by anyone, not even the filthy DNC fucks voting for it? :eek:

What is wrong with you that you tell such stupid lies?

with no scams like the old GOP catastrophe. This is just how much health care actually costs after a "free market". Now we need to go after costs. Repealing it is RW idiocy-

GOP catastrophe? What are you yapping about? The GOP has never run health care.

Stop lying, Hillary.
I thought so but have never seen <>. And of course they're not the same thing duh, but they are the 2 ways ACA has to cut costs. Look up the Hotchkiss School and take another guess at my education, dolt. I'm 65, how old are you? <>wasn't there in my day.

Fascist care has doubled costs. This has been passed on to consumers. This complete fiasco is being jettisoned because it provides inferior care as a higher price. The most effective way of providing scarce resources at the most equitable cost is the free market. Get employers and government out of health care and the cost to consumers will plummet.
How old are you? Can you answer questions or do you just parrot talking points? Your point is totally disproven by history. We need transparent competition and regulation of costs. Nobody ever said they were the same thing duh.
All it is is transparent competition,

All of WHAT is? :dunno:

Obama's Fascist care, passed in the dead of night with zero review by anyone, not even the filthy DNC fucks voting for it? :eek:

What is wrong with you that you tell such stupid lies?

with no scams like the old GOP catastrophe. This is just how much health care actually costs after a "free market". Now we need to go after costs. Repealing it is RW idiocy-

GOP catastrophe? What are you yapping about? The GOP has never run health care.

Stop lying, Hillary.
ACA. Heard of the exchanges? Now the GOP should get out of their way and make them national like Trump said.

I don't lie. Neither do you, you're just totally misinformed.

The GOP refused any regulation of Big Health FOREVER. That's how it got so ridiculously expensive. And a scam. (Before ACA, 750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!
All it is is transparent competition,

All of WHAT is? :dunno:

Obama's Fascist care, passed in the dead of night with zero review by anyone, not even the filthy DNC fucks voting for it? :eek:

What is wrong with you that you tell such stupid lies?

with no scams like the old GOP catastrophe. This is just how much health care actually costs after a "free market". Now we need to go after costs. Repealing it is RW idiocy-

GOP catastrophe? What are you yapping about? The GOP has never run health care.

Stop lying, Hillary.
All 60 Dems voted for it and knew what was in it. Pelosi was talking about the people, many of whom still don't understand it, esp. the dupes.
How old are you? Can you answer questions or do you just parrot talking points? Your point is totally disproven by history. We need transparent competition and regulation of costs. Nobody ever said they were the same thing duh.

Franco hater dupe bot, I am both highly educated and intelligent. Where you come here and post the most stupid lies, I lean toward fact.

You told the lie above that the efficacy of a free market is disproved by history? Alright, let's see your evidence?

Oh, you have none, you're just lying. You spend your time on leftist hate sites and spew ignorant nonsense, expecting your superiors to accept the idiocy you spout.

You're a dunce, a mindless hack who doesn't even grasp the premise of the shit you repeat from the hate sites.

I'm sure you had some union job digging ditches or collecting garbage, and feel entitled to the wealth of others because 'dey owes it to ya." But you have zero knowledge of economics or history, and lack even a basic level of skill in reasoning.

All 60 Dems voted for it and knew what was in it. Pelosi was talking about the people, many of whom still don't understand it, esp. the dupes.

Again, you're just flat out lying.

According to CNS News, Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) hasn’t read the entire 10,500+ pages of Obamacare regulations. After all, as she stated, “I haven’t had the time to do it.”

It’s hard to blame her, since, as noted in the story, the regulations are eight times as long as the Gutenberg Bible. But, her rationale is troubling.

As mentioned in the report, Johnson claimed that she doesn’t plan to read the entire set of regulations. She stated, “I don’t think that that’s my responsibility to do it.”}

Democrat Congresswoman: “Not my Responsibility” to Read Obamacare Regulations

All we get from you are insanely ignorant lies.
How old are you? Can you answer questions or do you just parrot talking points? Your point is totally disproven by history. We need transparent competition and regulation of costs. Nobody ever said they were the same thing duh.

Franco hater dupe bot, I am both highly educated and intelligent. Where you come here and post the most stupid lies, I lean toward fact.

You told the lie above that the efficacy of a free market is disproved by history? Alright, let's see your evidence?

Oh, you have none, you're just lying. You spend your time on leftist hate sites and spew ignorant nonsense, expecting your superiors to accept the idiocy you spout.

You're a dunce, a mindless hack who doesn't even grasp the premise of the shit you repeat from the hate sites.

I'm sure you had some union job digging ditches or collecting garbage, and feel entitled to the wealth of others because 'dey owes it to ya." But you have zero knowledge of economics or history, and lack even a basic level of skill in reasoning.
The GOP blocked all regulation of heath care forever, in 2007 it was twice as costly, or 60% more costly, than anywhere else, with 500K bankruptcies/year because of scam policies and 40k dead/year because of no coverage, dupe. I have a Masters in History lol, you have a masters in bs propaganda. Dems don't have bs/hate sites duh. That's all RW DUHHHHHHHH.

All 60 Dems voted for it and knew what was in it. Pelosi was talking about the people, many of whom still don't understand it, esp. the dupes.

Again, you're just flat out lying.

According to CNS News, Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) hasn’t read the entire 10,500+ pages of Obamacare regulations. After all, as she stated, “I haven’t had the time to do it.”

It’s hard to blame her, since, as noted in the story, the regulations are eight times as long as the Gutenberg Bible. But, her rationale is troubling.

As mentioned in the report, Johnson claimed that she doesn’t plan to read the entire set of regulations. She stated, “I don’t think that that’s my responsibility to do it.”}

Democrat Congresswoman: “Not my Responsibility” to Read Obamacare Regulations

All we get from you are insanely ignorant lies.

Video says nothing pertinent, nor do you. Some Dems took the ACA on trust DUH, like all big bills in congress. They certainly knew the outline, dupe. Same way the GOPers voted against it- and the dupes hated it without a clue...A RW canard, for ignorant dupes like you only.

The GOP blocked all regulation of heath care forever, in 2007 it was twice as costly, or 60% more costly, than anywhere else, with 500K bankruptcies/year because of scam policies and 40k dead/year because of no coverage, dupe. I have a Masters in History lol, you have a masters in bs propaganda. Dems don't have bs/hate sites duh. That's all RW DUHHHHHHHH.

If you have a Masters degree of any kind, it came from a Cracker Jack box.

Health care costs are

A.) Higher
B.) Lower

In constant 2016 dollars now than they were in 2007?

Which is it?

For lurkers who have intellectual curiosity;

Because there are no actual prices for medical services, there is no price competition. Without price competition, there is little resistance to charges that continually skyrocket far in excess of the inflation rate.

Price gouged consumers have no practical way to defend themselves against unreasonable medical bills. Litigation entails retaining an attorney plus an expert witness to testify regarding the reasonableness of the amount billed. In virtually every case, the cost of litigation makes defense against medical price gouging impractical. The result is health costs are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy.

Last summer, the New York Department of Consumer Affairs made national headlines when it forced Whole Foods to admit the company short-weighted customers. Our government employs thousands to protect consumers from being bamboozled on an ounce of ham, gasoline or for a fraction of a percent on a mortgage or credit card loan. However, when it comes to healthcare pricing, consumers are abandoned and health providers are shielded from free market competition.

How did we end up with predatory healthcare pricing? Pricing has been rigged by the industry that pumps, by far, the most cash into Washington. The healthcare industry spends more on lobbying than the defense, aerospace, and the oil and gas industries combined. Morally corrupt politicians have allowed the industry to foist upon our nation the highest cost medical care on earth, by a margin of at least 50% per-capita, while providing significantly lower quality than exists in other wealthy nations.

The currently fashionable concept of price transparency will not ameliorate the health cost crisis. A simple blood test for cholesterol can range from $10 to $400 or more at the same lab. Hospitalization for chest pain can result in a bill from the same hospital for the same services ranging anywhere from $3,000 to $25,000 or more. Transparency would merely show that each healthcare provider charges extraordinarily wide-ranging different prices for each service it provides and continue to sow price confusion.}

Perspective: Skyrocketing health care costs are caused by political corruption
CNS is a joke like the Adelson Times, the Moonie Examiner, the Koch Heritage.org etc etc. Where you get all your bs "news". The Tiny RW circle jerk. Get out and see the world, little dupe.

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