Electric vehicles, future development and the 2016 election

Intelligent, autonomous vehicles will reduce pedestrian accidents. And you can always require EV to make some sort of noise artificially, like the backing up alarms on almost all commercial vehicles.
No way I'm letting a computer drive for me
They will decrease the charge of your battery. But, guess what? Turning those things on in your gasoline car will do the exact same thing. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

There is the point that electric cars all recover energy from braking, something no gasoline car hs figured out how to do.

But you car won't run out of gas if you turn on the heat.

It most certainly will. First, turning on the heater in an electric car, unless it is seconds from dying anyway, is not going to bring your EV car to a halt. Second, let's put two identical gas cars side by side, both at a fast idle. Turn the heat on in one of them. Guess who runs out of gas first?

Your electric car will not go as far in the winter if you run the heat or in the summer if you run the AC.

Neither will your gas car.

Cars don't need regenerative braking because the engine produces ample power to turn the alternator for battery recharge.

It's not a matter of "need". If a car could somehow produce gasoline from braking, I guarantee you it would benefit the car. That an EV can recapture energy normally lost as heat every time you put on the brakes is an enormous benefit.

So again I ask what is the "real" performance of these cars. We all know that no car lives up to the EPA mileage figures on the sticker so I'm sure no electric car will actually perform as well as they claim

As will no gasoline car. I have a Hyundai Elantra that claimed 40 mpg highway when I bought it. Hyundai was sued in a class action suit for falsifying this figure and they are now paying cash to Elantra owners to compensate them for having to buy more gas then the original claim would have required. Nothing is perfect and all businesses try to maximize profits. However, I guarantee you that a hybrid or EV car will consume less gasoline and produce less GHG emissions that will everything shy of that 3-wheeled go-kart they're always advertisting for $8,300. If every watt of your household electrical power is produced in a dirty coal power plant, your CO2 footprint may be no better than a 40 mpg car, but it will still be better than the vast majority of cars on the markets and, as alternative energy use in the national grid increases, your footprint will do nothing but get better.

Honestly how much electricity is stored via regenerative braking? It's not much it probably won't even come close to replacing the power drain from running the heat or AC
They will decrease the charge of your battery. But, guess what? Turning those things on in your gasoline car will do the exact same thing. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

There is the point that electric cars all recover energy from braking, something no gasoline car hs figured out how to do.

But you car won't run out of gas if you turn on the heat.

It most certainly will. First, turning on the heater in an electric car, unless it is seconds from dying anyway, is not going to bring your EV car to a halt. Second, let's put two identical gas cars side by side, both at a fast idle. Turn the heat on in one of them. Guess who runs out of gas first?

Your electric car will not go as far in the winter if you run the heat or in the summer if you run the AC.

Neither will your gas car.

Cars don't need regenerative braking because the engine produces ample power to turn the alternator for battery recharge.

It's not a matter of "need". If a car could somehow produce gasoline from braking, I guarantee you it would benefit the car. That an EV can recapture energy normally lost as heat every time you put on the brakes is an enormous benefit.

So again I ask what is the "real" performance of these cars. We all know that no car lives up to the EPA mileage figures on the sticker so I'm sure no electric car will actually perform as well as they claim

As will no gasoline car. I have a Hyundai Elantra that claimed 40 mpg highway when I bought it. Hyundai was sued in a class action suit for falsifying this figure and they are now paying cash to Elantra owners to compensate them for having to buy more gas then the original claim would have required. Nothing is perfect and all businesses try to maximize profits. However, I guarantee you that a hybrid or EV car will consume less gasoline and produce less GHG emissions that will everything shy of that 3-wheeled go-kart they're always advertisting for $8,300. If every watt of your household electrical power is produced in a dirty coal power plant, your CO2 footprint may be no better than a 40 mpg car, but it will still be better than the vast majority of cars on the markets and, as alternative energy use in the national grid increases, your footprint will do nothing but get better.

Honestly how much electricity is stored via regenerative braking? It's not much it probably won't even come close to replacing the power drain from running the heat or AC

Not a lot, even braking down hill only gives you a little but if you are going up a hill you lose a lot your battery. Heating and cooling can tap a battery.
I have no problem with an electric vehicle as long as they can get them to match the performance of my 4x4.
In fact I loved my lifted golf cart out on the property for tooling around for it's silence and I only had to recharge it once a week.
Electric vehicles have their place....golf courses and tooling around on the property.
A larger number of people will be basing their vote on the candidate's positions on global warming, of which electric vehicles are only a small part.

Then, of course, there's the correlation telling us that those on the upper end of the spectra of intelligence and education are exCEEDingly unlikely to vote for Cruz or Trump in any case. Actually, anyone not at the bottom of those spectra.

Total fantasy s0n......hardly anybody is going to base their vote either based upon global warming or electric vehicles. Shit is so far down the list on every poll of voter concerns its beyond laughable.:coffee: Lets face it.......the AGW climate crusaders have been telling us this kind of crap for decades and its always the opposite that happens ( ie: the last mid-term elections where green candidates got destroyed :bye1:). Its called the intellectuals not being so intellectual!!

The "intellectuals" cant even read a poll.............


So I'll explain............

Most Americans have real responsibilities and real everyday problems like meeting the mortgage, paying the bills and trying to plan a future for their family. If all of that is going hunkey-dorey ( very few), then you can base your vote on something stoopid like electric cars or global warming. Those who sit in Manhattan apartments, sip latte's in the morning and read the New York Times are going to highly prioritize global warming when voting. Intellectuals see the country through this idiotic academia prism that never conforms to whats happening in the real world. They see 1% GDP as good!! They see 15 years of stagnant wages as good. Most Americans haven't seen a raise in years. Europe is being invaded by immigrants and whole cultures are disappearing. As the poll clearly indicates......:bye1::bye1:.......climate change is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list as it should be. Its a luxury concern. Only a nut would be more concerned with a 2mm rise in the ocean than the cost of living going through the stratosphere......and most people aren't nuts.:coffee:

I exist in this forum for one reason.........to highlight for people exactly how deep in spaceland the climate crusaders really are!!! For me, this place is a hoot!! Nobody cares about the science or electric cars.......except in spaceland!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
What do you care if others use electric vehicles?

Actually.........its progressives that want EVERYBODY driving EV's and that's ghey. Progressives always spend their lives trying to shove their ways down the throats of everybody else.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
What do you care if others use electric vehicles?

You can own whatever you want. I own a Volt and I'm not sold on electric. I like electric working with gas. In the winter my car will switch to gas to generate the heat in my car so it doesn't tax the battery.

I'm not basing my vote on a candidate's view of electric cars.

You seem to care as you jumped on this thread.
By pushing MANDATES -- you get SUB-OPTIMAL solutions, that just waste money, manufacturing efficiency and consumer money. .Like those god awful Compact fluorescents that should have WAITED for LEDs

Horrible, how those CFLs saved so much money and energy. And how the LEDs saved even more, and their development was were accelerated by those mandates. Were you trying to show how successful such mandates are?

Gas mileage mandates gave your IC vehicle the more efficient engine it has now. That would have happened far more slowly without the mandates. Again, thank those mandates for saving you money and creating a better product.

And by MANDATING EV sales NOW -- the govt is gonna be actually RETARDING other technologies that COULD be far more efficient and environmentally friendly. Like Fuel Cell run on hydrogen. In fact, the Korean car companies (and many Japanese car makers) are LEAP-FROGGING the development away from silly battery-charged EVs to Fuel Cell vehicles as we speak.

Speaking of the most stupid technology, hydrogen fuel cells would be it. Nobody wants them, as there's no hydrogen infrastructure, and they're grossly inefficient compared to electric vehicles. Meanwhile, we have a grid that works great, or natgas pipelines for natgas fleet vehicles.
By pushing MANDATES -- you get SUB-OPTIMAL solutions, that just waste money, manufacturing efficiency and consumer money. .Like those god awful Compact fluorescents that should have WAITED for LEDs

Horrible, how those CFLs saved so much money and energy. And how the LEDs saved even more, and their development was were accelerated by those mandates. Were you trying to show how successful such mandates are?

Gas mileage mandates gave your IC vehicle the more efficient engine it has now. That would have happened far more slowly without the mandates. Again, thank those mandates for saving you money and creating a better product.

And by MANDATING EV sales NOW -- the govt is gonna be actually RETARDING other technologies that COULD be far more efficient and environmentally friendly. Like Fuel Cell run on hydrogen. In fact, the Korean car companies (and many Japanese car makers) are LEAP-FROGGING the development away from silly battery-charged EVs to Fuel Cell vehicles as we speak.

Speaking of the most stupid technology, hydrogen fuel cells would be it. Nobody wants them, as there's no hydrogen infrastructure, and they're grossly inefficient compared to electric vehicles. Meanwhile, we have a grid that works great, or natgas pipelines for natgas fleet vehicles.

Yeah.. IT IS terrible to FORCE 10s of thousands of skilled workers, DOZENS of large corporations making investment into an INTERIM technology that is gonna be in the trash heap BEFORE it even ramps up.. It WASTES human, natural, and financial resources --- like nobody's business should be FORCED to do,. And it left consumers confused and disappointed with the CFL product that they received because it never made it to maturity on cost or reliability..

Gas mileage mandates brought you the CHEATING and Emissions scandals that are now unraveling.. The govt is not even capable of MONITORING and measuring the engineering solutions that they sign off on. Thus you get Mitsubishi cheating on mileage and VW cheating on emissions to get ACCEPTABLE vehicle performance BACK from the hobbling they had to do to MEET MANDATES !!
. And it left consumers confused and disappointed with the CFL product that they received because it never made it to maturity on cost or reliability..


I have CFLs running all over the house now. I would eventually replace them with LEDs, but the damn CFLs never quit. Reliability can be categorized as "freakin' amazing".

And cost? They're like a dollar now. That's why LED acceptance is slow, because the CFLs are so cheap.

Gas mileage mandates brought you the CHEATING and Emissions scandals that are now unraveling.. The govt is not even capable of MONITORING and measuring the engineering solutions that they sign off on. Thus you get Mitsubishi cheating on mileage and VW cheating on emissions to get ACCEPTABLE vehicle performance BACK from the hobbling they had to do to MEET MANDATES !!

Cherrypicking fallacy. Ignore the hundreds of success stories, focus on the few failures.
. And it left consumers confused and disappointed with the CFL product that they received because it never made it to maturity on cost or reliability..


I have CFLs running all over the house now. I would eventually replace them with LEDs, but the damn CFLs never quit. Reliability can be categorized as "freakin' amazing".

And cost? They're like a dollar now. That's why LED acceptance is slow, because the CFLs are so cheap.

Gas mileage mandates brought you the CHEATING and Emissions scandals that are now unraveling.. The govt is not even capable of MONITORING and measuring the engineering solutions that they sign off on. Thus you get Mitsubishi cheating on mileage and VW cheating on emissions to get ACCEPTABLE vehicle performance BACK from the hobbling they had to do to MEET MANDATES !!

Cherrypicking fallacy. Ignore the hundreds of success stories, focus on the few failures.

What a moron.. They are a dollar now because the business is gone. It's a firesale. No one will ever remember the MASSIVE waste of time and money that WAS FORCED on complying with a sub-optimal solution.... NOBODY wants them. They won't fit half the applications where Incandescents have been made illegal..
Apparently Mr. Flacaltenn has not been to Home Depot in a few years.

Been there. Been designing Large Scale LED lighting as well.. You've not seen the writing on the wall.. Looks like CFLs are something you might want to invest in -- Like Tesla..


Too bad the chart doesn't go back to when the MANDATES started. It's a more impressive death spiral for CFLs that way....
Democrats, Their lack of imagination and ingenuity can not think of a new modern form of transportation, they must steal from the ancient past, naively believing they have made a discovery.

The Democrats now believe Whale oil could be used as Renewable lights in homes.

What is the history of electric cars?

The first working electric motor and electric vehicle, a small locomotive that used two electromagnets, a pivot and a battery, was built by Thomas Davenport, an American from Vermont, in 1834 or 1835. Thinking about the time period can be surprising -- in 1834

In the not too distant future, they'll be laughing at us and our gasoline powered cars,
yeah, go with that one. I'm enjoying my laugh at you all. There are only two ways, and I repeat, there are two only ways an electric car is viable; once it can be filled up in five to ten minutes and once it can travel more than 200 miles on a charge. otherwise, ain't happening

BTW, what is the battery charge life on one of these boondoggles? And, how does it perform in the cold?

Excuse me, I'm still laughing.

You're not alone, in the late 19th Century many people stood on the side of a road and watched the early ICE vehicles make noise and smoke, and like you they yelled, "Buy a horse". Willful ignorance isn't an asset and does not make any of your posts sagacious.
and yet, what I wrote still stands today. hmmmmmmm, the technology isn't there bubba. I doubt it will ever get there. gas powered vehicles remain a top and will remain there. Feel free to prove me wrong.
In the not too distant future, they'll be laughing at us and our gasoline powered cars,
yeah, go with that one. I'm enjoying my laugh at you all. There are only two ways, and I repeat, there are two only ways an electric car is viable; once it can be filled up in five to ten minutes and once it can travel more than 200 miles on a charge. otherwise, ain't happening

BTW, what is the battery charge life on one of these boondoggles? And, how does it perform in the cold?

Excuse me, I'm still laughing.

Cold weather takes my Volt from a 40 mile charge to a 24-27. 65 degrees to 70 degrees is where it charges the best.So with the Tesla I'm sure that 200 mile range tightens up in the winter. Also in snow and ice the Volt does not operate real well. There is no way to get traction on ice and snow because the battery won't spin tires to gain traction. We switched to gas to get up hills.

Last time it snowed in my backyard was about one inch in 1976; it melted before lunch time.
A larger number of people will be basing their vote on the candidate's positions on global warming, of which electric vehicles are only a small part.

Then, of course, there's the correlation telling us that those on the upper end of the spectra of intelligence and education are exCEEDingly unlikely to vote for Cruz or Trump in any case. Actually, anyone not at the bottom of those spectra.
what is that 254?

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