Electric vehicles, future development and the 2016 election

Adding loads to the battery, particularly heating and cooling, is going to shorten range. No two ways about it.

Have you seen the Toyota ad where they take "expired" Prius batteries that they've replaced in cars and are installing them along with solar PV banks on some sort of charity/PR effort, into remote facilities to give the 24/7 power. It's precisely what Elon Musk has been proposing with his home battery idea.
OPEC lowered the price of gas in order to elect a Republican?? Based on what, that some idiot NYTimes writer said so??


I see you owning an interest in a Nigerian diamond mine
Have not heard of that problem with the Tesla S. Perhaps a setting for those conditions needs to be added to the Volt.
son, as always you have no idea what you talk about. I have a friend who has one, and he told me it does poorly in the winter here in Chicago. So unless it's the city, it's the cold and he knows. So, more shit you know nothing about.
Heres what none of the AGW climate crusaders don't understand whatsoever............

In America, cars are the greatest expression of liberty. Americans love their cars. They love the choice. They mostly love BIG cars.:rock:

Why America's Love Affair with Cars Is No Accident

Americans Still Love Their Big Vehicles | AIER

We are not Europe where they cant bend over fast enough for the government insertion of the knobby cucumber. They've always been like that. Not Americans..........

We will certainly get a niche buying segment for these faggoty/boring electric cars, but it will be a fringe element only:gay:. Most American men wouldn't be caught dead in an electric vehicle just on principle.......just a fact.

Electric vehicles have been out a long time now and the American public couldn't be more bored!!!

Think about it..............duh.............how many times you flip on the TV and see an ad for an electric car? Like..........never. The automakers aren't stoopid.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why buy an electric car that costs at least $40,000 when you can buy a brand new America Made, ELIO for $6,800? and it's a 2 seater.


Elio Motors | The next big thing in transportation!

Here's an interesting article that compares the Tesla to the Elio...

A Tale Of Two Car Companies - EPautos

The Elio is not sexy. It is a thumb in the eye to everything the Tesla is and stands for.

It is practical; an ideal city car/commuter car well-suited for getting around in busy urban traffic and which can be parked pretty much anywhere a motorcycle fits.

It is cheap. A new car for just under $7k – or about half the price of the typical economy compact sedan and about a fifth the cost of a Tesla 3.

Which also means it costs less to insure.

Most of all – and unlike the Tesla – the Elio is economical. Eighty-plus MPG renders the cost of gas a near-irrelevance, even if it doubles. And makes the Tesla look ridiculous, if the criteria is economy.

Or even “saving the planet.”

How much less energy goes into making an Elio? It does not have hundreds of pounds of lethally noxious chemical batteries that required Earth rape to obtain. Nor does it depend upon C02-producing utility plants for its motive power.

But most of all, it is a car that many people could simply write a check for – that is, bought outright, no loan. No debt. And that is anathema to the Banksters who run the country and who push Teslas via the media they own, the bought-and-paid-for parrots who read the Tele-e-Prompters and know what the Talking Points are.

Can’t have people not chained to beefy monthly payments for the next seven years. Can’t have a car that doesn’t include multi-leveled kickbacks of other people’s money (i.e., “incentives”) to make each “sale.”

The Elio is sane.

A car ideally suited to every consideration of our times.

The Tesla, insane.

It touts the fact that it uses no gasoline, so no worries about the cost of gas. But you pay (with “help” from Uncle) $35,000-plus to “save” on the cost of fuel.

It touts performance – quick acceleration. But if its ability to accelerate quickly is used much, the car’s range is reduced a lot. What good is a quick car that can’t go very far?

But it’s sexy – and it’s “green” – and that makes it politically appealing, even if it’s utterly ridiculous as an economic proposition, absurd as a machine and noxious as as an example of the most grotesque manifestation of crony capitalism I’m aware of – exceeding even the effrontery of the ethanol lobby.​
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Why buy an electric car that costs at least $40,000 when you can buy a brand new America Made, 84 MPG, ELIO for $6,800?


Elio Motors | The next big thing in transportation!

Here's an interesting article that compares the Tesla to the Elio...

A Tale Of Two Car Companies - EPautos

The Elio is not sexy. It is a thumb in the eye to everything the Tesla is and stands for.

It is practical; an ideal city car/commuter car well-suited for getting around in busy urban traffic and which can be parked pretty much anywhere a motorcycle fits.

It is cheap. A new car for just under $7k – or about half the price of the typical economy compact sedan and about a fifth the cost of a Tesla 3.

Which also means it costs less to insure.

Most of all – and unlike the Tesla – the Elio is economical. Eighty-plus MPG renders the cost of gas a near-irrelevance, even if it doubles. And makes the Tesla look ridiculous, if the criteria is economy.

Or even “saving the planet.”

How much less energy goes into making an Elio? It does not have hundreds of pounds of lethally noxious chemical batteries that required Earth rape to obtain. Nor does it depend upon C02-producing utility plants for its motive power.

But most of all, it is a car that many people could simply write a check for – that is, bought outright, no loan. No debt. And that is anathema to the Banksters who run the country and who push Teslas via the media they own, the bought-and-paid-for parrots who read the Tele-e-Prompters and know what the Talking Points are.

Can’t have people not chained to beefy monthly payments for the next seven years. Can’t have a car that doesn’t include multi-leveled kickbacks of other people’s money (i.e., “incentives”) to make each “sale.”

The Elio is sane.

A car ideally suited to every consideration of our times.

The Tesla, insane.

It touts the fact that it uses no gasoline, so no worries about the cost of gas. But you pay (with “help” from Uncle) $35,000-plus to “save” on the cost of fuel.

It touts performance – quick acceleration. But if its ability to accelerate quickly is used much, the car’s range is reduced a lot. What good is a quick car that can’t go very far?

But it’s sexy – and it’s “green” – and that makes it politically appealing, even if it’s utterly ridiculous as an economic proposition, absurd as a machine and noxious as as an example of the most grotesque manifestation of crony capitalism I’m aware of – exceeding even the effrontery of the ethanol lobby.​

LMAO.....they'll sell about 17 of those!!!:2up:

Things are rough out there but nobody wants to wake up one morning and say, "Hey....today I want to go out and purchase a 3 wheeler death trap!!!":coffee:

Sorry Zander my friend.......cant support you on this one........
Why buy an electric car that costs at least $40,000 when you can buy a brand new America Made, 84 MPG, ELIO for $6,800?


Elio Motors | The next big thing in transportation!

Here's an interesting article that compares the Tesla to the Elio...

A Tale Of Two Car Companies - EPautos

The Elio is not sexy. It is a thumb in the eye to everything the Tesla is and stands for.

It is practical; an ideal city car/commuter car well-suited for getting around in busy urban traffic and which can be parked pretty much anywhere a motorcycle fits.

It is cheap. A new car for just under $7k – or about half the price of the typical economy compact sedan and about a fifth the cost of a Tesla 3.

Which also means it costs less to insure.

Most of all – and unlike the Tesla – the Elio is economical. Eighty-plus MPG renders the cost of gas a near-irrelevance, even if it doubles. And makes the Tesla look ridiculous, if the criteria is economy.

Or even “saving the planet.”

How much less energy goes into making an Elio? It does not have hundreds of pounds of lethally noxious chemical batteries that required Earth rape to obtain. Nor does it depend upon C02-producing utility plants for its motive power.

But most of all, it is a car that many people could simply write a check for – that is, bought outright, no loan. No debt. And that is anathema to the Banksters who run the country and who push Teslas via the media they own, the bought-and-paid-for parrots who read the Tele-e-Prompters and know what the Talking Points are.

Can’t have people not chained to beefy monthly payments for the next seven years. Can’t have a car that doesn’t include multi-leveled kickbacks of other people’s money (i.e., “incentives”) to make each “sale.”

The Elio is sane.

A car ideally suited to every consideration of our times.

The Tesla, insane.

It touts the fact that it uses no gasoline, so no worries about the cost of gas. But you pay (with “help” from Uncle) $35,000-plus to “save” on the cost of fuel.

It touts performance – quick acceleration. But if its ability to accelerate quickly is used much, the car’s range is reduced a lot. What good is a quick car that can’t go very far?

But it’s sexy – and it’s “green” – and that makes it politically appealing, even if it’s utterly ridiculous as an economic proposition, absurd as a machine and noxious as as an example of the most grotesque manifestation of crony capitalism I’m aware of – exceeding even the effrontery of the ethanol lobby.​

LMAO.....they'll sell about 17 of those!!!:2up:

Things are rough out there but nobody wants to wake up one morning and say, "Hey....today I want to go out and purchase a 3 wheeler death trap!!!":coffee:

This messageboard would suck without progressives!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

It's as safe or safer than any car on the road and they've taken orders for over 50,000 of them so far.

Customer bought a hybird.......hasnt had it a yr and it alrdy has failed to start 3 times. Manufacturer gave him a loaner for couple months while they studied the issue after not being able to track down the prob,,,,came up with nothing. Failed again.....was told there are 30 sensor nodes at 2 grand a pop that would all have to be checked one by one until they found a faulty one...is in the process of giving the car back to them....wont ever buy another
Why buy an electric car that costs at least $40,000 when you can buy a brand new America Made, 84 MPG, ELIO for $6,800?


Elio Motors | The next big thing in transportation!

Here's an interesting article that compares the Tesla to the Elio...

A Tale Of Two Car Companies - EPautos

The Elio is not sexy. It is a thumb in the eye to everything the Tesla is and stands for.

It is practical; an ideal city car/commuter car well-suited for getting around in busy urban traffic and which can be parked pretty much anywhere a motorcycle fits.

It is cheap. A new car for just under $7k – or about half the price of the typical economy compact sedan and about a fifth the cost of a Tesla 3.

Which also means it costs less to insure.

Most of all – and unlike the Tesla – the Elio is economical. Eighty-plus MPG renders the cost of gas a near-irrelevance, even if it doubles. And makes the Tesla look ridiculous, if the criteria is economy.

Or even “saving the planet.”

How much less energy goes into making an Elio? It does not have hundreds of pounds of lethally noxious chemical batteries that required Earth rape to obtain. Nor does it depend upon C02-producing utility plants for its motive power.

But most of all, it is a car that many people could simply write a check for – that is, bought outright, no loan. No debt. And that is anathema to the Banksters who run the country and who push Teslas via the media they own, the bought-and-paid-for parrots who read the Tele-e-Prompters and know what the Talking Points are.

Can’t have people not chained to beefy monthly payments for the next seven years. Can’t have a car that doesn’t include multi-leveled kickbacks of other people’s money (i.e., “incentives”) to make each “sale.”

The Elio is sane.

A car ideally suited to every consideration of our times.

The Tesla, insane.

It touts the fact that it uses no gasoline, so no worries about the cost of gas. But you pay (with “help” from Uncle) $35,000-plus to “save” on the cost of fuel.

It touts performance – quick acceleration. But if its ability to accelerate quickly is used much, the car’s range is reduced a lot. What good is a quick car that can’t go very far?

But it’s sexy – and it’s “green” – and that makes it politically appealing, even if it’s utterly ridiculous as an economic proposition, absurd as a machine and noxious as as an example of the most grotesque manifestation of crony capitalism I’m aware of – exceeding even the effrontery of the ethanol lobby.​

LMAO.....they'll sell about 17 of those!!!:2up:

Things are rough out there but nobody wants to wake up one morning and say, "Hey....today I want to go out and purchase a 3 wheeler death trap!!!":coffee:

This messageboard would suck without progressives!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

It's as safe or safer than any car on the road and they've taken orders for over 50,000 of them so far.

Id lay big $$ its a niche market only. They look stoopid to me.
How do those electric cars perform when you have to run the heat or the air conditioning I wonder
How about the heat, the lights and the windshield wipers simultaneously?
Shit even playing the radio will decrease their performance
They will decrease the charge of your battery. But, guess what? Turning those things on in your gasoline car will do the exact same thing. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

There is the point that electric cars all recover energy from braking, something no gasoline car hs figured out how to do.
Electric cars are far more destructive to our environment than fossil fuel vehicles are over the vehicles life time.. Time to pull subsidies from all green products and let the free market determine where we go. Time for the power hungry fear mongers to get the boot!

Thanks for sharing your opinion, sans facts. That tells the reader everything they need to know about you.

Does your lap top have a battery, does your cell phone? Does your car have a battery, a catalytic converter and tires? How about its interior, how toxic are the chemicals used to produce the seats and dash? Before you get too self righteous, check this out:

HealthyStuff.org Researching Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Products
what does this have to do with the statement that was made by Billy? hmmmmmm? Or are you another that likes to merely post stupid?

I'm not at all like you.
In the not too distant future, they'll be laughing at us and our gasoline powered cars,
yeah, go with that one. I'm enjoying my laugh at you all. There are only two ways, and I repeat, there are two only ways an electric car is viable; once it can be filled up in five to ten minutes and once it can travel more than 200 miles on a charge. otherwise, ain't happening

BTW, what is the battery charge life on one of these boondoggles? And, how does it perform in the cold?

Excuse me, I'm still laughing.

You're not alone, in the late 19th Century many people stood on the side of a road and watched the early ICE vehicles make noise and smoke, and like you they yelled, "Buy a horse". Willful ignorance isn't an asset and does not make any of your posts sagacious.

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