Elizabeth Warren Declared It Is NOT The Democrats Who Want To Take Away Health Plans, Doctors, etc

Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.

Seems to me it would be much easier for someone to move to one of those "top shelf" countries.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.

Seems to me it would be much easier for someone to move to one of those "top shelf" countries.
Just saying, if we're the greatest country as Hair Trump claims... We should be doing it.
You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.

Seems to me it would be much easier for someone to move to one of those "top shelf" countries.
Just saying, if we're the greatest country as Hair Trump claims... We should be doing it.

And now we're back to the "ifs", if you weren't such an idiot we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.
they don't have the same overhead we do. doctor pay is different, we regulate the shit out of things, they don't. education isn't the same cost. insurance isn't in the mix.

like i said - this isn't just "make insurance pay" and when you say "INSURE ALL!" you're just being willfully ignorant of the vast changes that would have to take place in order for us to do what they are doing today.

at best a "middle tier" system could be built to create an internship that would pay for medical education in exchange for a set # of years to work in a gov hospital and when done, you can be free to go where you want.

as it sits, what you are trying to suggest is a vast "redo" of all we have and that isn't going to happen. people comparing us to other "top shelf" countries are just not paying attention to how they do it vs. how we do it today. they just want what they want, who cares how.
You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.

Seems to me it would be much easier for someone to move to one of those "top shelf" countries.
Just saying, if we're the greatest country as Hair Trump claims... We should be doing it.
so you really don't give a shit about improving our medical system, you just want to get trump shots in.

got it.

The DEMOCRATS ARE the ones who took away the plans and doctors Americans liked, despite Barry's lie that it would not happen, with the passage of Obamacare!

It IS the Democrats who have declared they will make Americans having private health insurance illegal, attempting to strip them of their ability to choose for themselves and force them into Socialist-run single payer.

Live updates: Democratic candidates debate in Detroit - CNNPolitics


Wow, you're so angry you got get all the gripes in at once! lol. Lots of non-socialist countries have a single payer system, and a private one along side for rich people. The US is pretty much the only one not to. We're too busy dropping bombs on people to care about healing. Pity.
Actually I am not angry at all - just having a calm discussion during which I am pointing out some facts.

So are you advocating a split society in the US where socialism is great for the peasants but not the socialist ruling class like they have in these 'non-socialist' countries? The Socialist Democrats here have made it clear they intend to IMPOSE Single Payer on others, & they have stated they would make privately owned health insurance ILLEGAL...but you can bet they will not adhere to their own demands / system.

'The US is the only one not to.'

'We're too busy dropping bombs on people'?!

Again, nice attempt to change the subject from the fact that the same Democrats whining about an 'exploding deficit' are the same ones who control the Budget/ spending and who simultaneously are helping grow the debt by facilitating illegal immigration, embracing the cost, and promising to 'give' 'free' health care, housing, food, education etc.. to illegals, to 'give' everyone a 'free' ride on their college tuitions, and to add even more in deficit to build solar-powered high speed trains and battle cattle flatulence...
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.

Seems to me it would be much easier for someone to move to one of those "top shelf" countries.
Just saying, if we're the greatest country as Hair Trump claims... We should be doing it.

And now we're back to the "ifs", if you weren't such an idiot we wouldn't be having this conversation.
So you're saying we're NOT the greatest country in the world. Thanks for clearing that up.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

The irony is, you seem to be oblivious to the contradiction.

You point out that the US is the richest country in the world.

You previously point out that many of these other countries have socialized health care and pensions and so on.

Are you missing the connection?

This country was founded on a Capitalist system. That is what got us to being the richest country in the world.

Now you want to change the system, to a system that all these other countries have been using, which we surpassed.

This is what is crazy about people like you. You have a system that allowed our country to become the most powerful and wealthy in the history of the world, surpassing nations that have existed for hundreds, and thousands of years longer than us.

Wealth does not just "magically exist". Wealth is created, or destroyed, by the system that is operating in a country. If you change the system, you change how much wealth there is.

There isn't a single example, where adopting more and more socialism, results in people being more and more wealthy.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.
they don't have the same overhead we do. doctor pay is different, we regulate the shit out of things, they don't. education isn't the same cost. insurance isn't in the mix.

like i said - this isn't just "make insurance pay" and when you say "INSURE ALL!" you're just being willfully ignorant of the vast changes that would have to take place in order for us to do what they are doing today.

at best a "middle tier" system could be built to create an internship that would pay for medical education in exchange for a set # of years to work in a gov hospital and when done, you can be free to go where you want.

as it sits, what you are trying to suggest is a vast "redo" of all we have and that isn't going to happen. people comparing us to other "top shelf" countries are just not paying attention to how they do it vs. how we do it today. they just want what they want, who cares how.
Society-wise, nothing great is ever going to happen again in this country because the 2 sides are locked in a kind of uncivil war. Only peaceful country have health care for all because they care about each other.
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.

Seems to me it would be much easier for someone to move to one of those "top shelf" countries.
Just saying, if we're the greatest country as Hair Trump claims... We should be doing it.
so you really don't give a shit about improving our medical system, you just want to get trump shots in.

got it.
He's a sweetheart, but a funny guy, I can't help myself. I'm a Libertarian, so kind of in the middle, and I agree with some of what McTrump is doing. He's just a born entertainer, and can't help himself either. :biggrin:
So you're saying we're NOT the greatest country in the world. Thanks for clearing that up.
If the economy is as bad as Socialist Democrats claim and huge deficits and spending (which they now own) is as bad as they claim, why is every 2020 Dem candidate pushing Mega-deficit-exploding agendas / spending plans and promises?
Wow, you're so angry you got get all the gripes in at once! lol. Lots of non-socialist countries have a single payer system, and a private one along side for rich people. The US is pretty much the only one not to. We're too busy dropping bombs on people to care about healing. Pity.
Actually I am not angry at all - just having a calm discussion during which I am pointing out some facts.

So are you advocating a split society in the US where socialism is great for the peasants but not the socialist ruling class like they have in these 'non-socialist' countries? The Socialist Democrats here have made it clear they intend to IMPOSE Single Payer on others, & they have stated they would make privately owned health insurance ILLEGAL...but you can bet they will not adhere to their own demands / system.

'The US is the only one not to.'

'We're too busy dropping bombs on people'?!

Again, nice attempt to change the subject from the fact that the same Democrats whining about an 'exploding deficit' are the same ones who control the Budget/ spending and who simultaneously are helping grow the debt by facilitating illegal immigration, embracing the cost, and promising to 'give' 'free' health care, housing, food, education etc.. to illegals, to 'give' everyone a 'free' ride on their college tuitions, and to add even more in deficit to build solar-powered high speed trains and battle cattle flatulence...
Healthcare isn't about socialism, it's about doing what's right for the entire population. You have it good, so you don't care about others. That's not what a great country is about. It\s about caring about your fellow Americans. You don't, that's clear.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

The irony is, you seem to be oblivious to the contradiction.

You point out that the US is the richest country in the world.

You previously point out that many of these other countries have socialized health care and pensions and so on.

Are you missing the connection?

This country was founded on a Capitalist system. That is what got us to being the richest country in the world.

Now you want to change the system, to a system that all these other countries have been using, which we surpassed.

This is what is crazy about people like you. You have a system that allowed our country to become the most powerful and wealthy in the history of the world, surpassing nations that have existed for hundreds, and thousands of years longer than us.

Wealth does not just "magically exist". Wealth is created, or destroyed, by the system that is operating in a country. If you change the system, you change how much wealth there is.

There isn't a single example, where adopting more and more socialism, results in people being more and more wealthy.
If you don't evolve, you die. It's that simple. other capitalist countries care about their fellow citizens, you don't, that's the difference.
So you're saying we're NOT the greatest country in the world. Thanks for clearing that up.
If the economy is as bad as Socialist Democrats claim and huge deficits and spending (which they now own) is as bad as they claim, why is every 2020 Dem candidate pushing Mega-deficit-exploding agendas / spending plans and promises?
I don't know, I wouldn't vote for them either.
It's a terrible thing but Lizzie's eyes are getting buggier every day. Now it seems like Bernie is getting the same condition. That's sad because 'bug eye' usually comes on when there is a high degree of mental instability. Nobody who has been paying attention will dispute that's exactly what is happening. Viva Trump. KAG
You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.
they don't have the same overhead we do. doctor pay is different, we regulate the shit out of things, they don't. education isn't the same cost. insurance isn't in the mix.

like i said - this isn't just "make insurance pay" and when you say "INSURE ALL!" you're just being willfully ignorant of the vast changes that would have to take place in order for us to do what they are doing today.

at best a "middle tier" system could be built to create an internship that would pay for medical education in exchange for a set # of years to work in a gov hospital and when done, you can be free to go where you want.

as it sits, what you are trying to suggest is a vast "redo" of all we have and that isn't going to happen. people comparing us to other "top shelf" countries are just not paying attention to how they do it vs. how we do it today. they just want what they want, who cares how.
Society-wise, nothing great is ever going to happen again in this country because the 2 sides are locked in a kind of uncivil war. Only peaceful country have health care for all because they care about each other.
so you really don't give a shit about talking the issues, you just wanna stir shit up.

They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.
they don't have the same overhead we do. doctor pay is different, we regulate the shit out of things, they don't. education isn't the same cost. insurance isn't in the mix.

like i said - this isn't just "make insurance pay" and when you say "INSURE ALL!" you're just being willfully ignorant of the vast changes that would have to take place in order for us to do what they are doing today.

at best a "middle tier" system could be built to create an internship that would pay for medical education in exchange for a set # of years to work in a gov hospital and when done, you can be free to go where you want.

as it sits, what you are trying to suggest is a vast "redo" of all we have and that isn't going to happen. people comparing us to other "top shelf" countries are just not paying attention to how they do it vs. how we do it today. they just want what they want, who cares how.
Society-wise, nothing great is ever going to happen again in this country because the 2 sides are locked in a kind of uncivil war. Only peaceful country have health care for all because they care about each other.
so you really don't give a shit about talking the issues, you just wanna stir shit up.

Your concession is duly noted.

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