Elizabeth Warren Declared It Is NOT The Democrats Who Want To Take Away Health Plans, Doctors, etc

And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
.'The wealthy are obligated to give others 'free stuff'.....so since Bernie Sanders is a lot richer than I am HE should pay for MY health care...right?

-- Sorry, I got that wrong. Socialists believe that since the US is one of the riches nations in the world - despite giving billions and billions of dollars we don't even have in foreign aid to poorer / less economically successful nations, the United States should be obligated to fling wide our doors, eliminate our borders, surrender our sovereignty, abandon our culture, ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law/Existing Law to give anyone who makes it here from outside of the US 'free shit'...while ignoring the swiftly growing / spreading homelessness and poverty of our own citizens.

Sanders and Warren - both 'rich people' - are screaming about how evil 'rich people' are and how much they screw and continue to want to screw the Middle class....while continuing to facilitate the on-going illegal invasion and telling the Middle Class to their face that if elected they will force the Middle Class to pay for the health care, housing, food, education, etc... of these illegals they are helping to illegally enter the US. .

Obama took a big step towards Socialist-controlled Single Payer by lying his ass off about and then helping Democrats ram their legislative piece of socialist agenda-driven healthcare legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it. His mistake was in leaving the American people with a CHOICE.

Obamacare did not strip Americans of their ability to choose NOT to buy Obamacare . to choose NOT to obey the law. Its simply imposed a punitive monetary fine - a 'tax' - on any American who did not do so. Obama and the Democrats even fined Americans who could not afford to buy health insurance. (TODAY DEMOCRATS PROMISE TO GIVE ILLEGALS WHO CAN NOT AFFORD HEALTH INSRANCE / HEALTH CARE *FREE TAX-PAYER-FUNDED HEALTH CARE, SOMETHING THEY WOULD NOT DO FOR THEIR OWN CITIZENS.)
-- People stil chose to pay the fine, and in the end the ACA's 'teeth' were pulled out when Trump and the GOP eliminated the tax when they modified the tax law.

This batch of new Socialist President 'Wanna-be's promise to correct Barry's mistake, though. They promise to strip Americans of that CHOICE by making it ILLEGAL for any American to own private health insurance.


Ummm, excuse me? Yeah, and last night The 'Fake Woowoo Con Artist' just told the American people watching that it is NOT the DEMOCRATS who are trying to take away their health insurance, doctors, choice, freedom.....

Sanders and Warren have teamed up to surpass Barry's lies about the ACA with their own about their Single Payer shackles they seek to place around Americans' ankles should they win the Presidency.

Once again last night these two demonstrated that they are working for illegals....for anyone outside of the US who want to come her and get Middle Class Tax Payer-funded and additional deficit-funded 'free shit'...for as log as there continues to be a Middle Class. As the saying goes, 'Socialism is great...until they run out of other people's money'.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.

Canada does not have a national single payer system and it is only partially funded through general tax revenue. Some provinces do have a separate insurance fee based on the size of the household.
Yes, you're right actually, some provinces have a fee. Most don't.
Provinces is irrelevant due to vast areas of Canada that have low populations.
A more meaningful number would be percentage of population that pay a fee.
Dek might know better than I do, but I think it's two? Alberta, because they have no provincial income tax? I think Quebec charges $200 at income tax time, but that may have been eliminated over the years. I'm too lazy to look all that shit up, lol.
Democrats win when they have real workable bold structural solutions, not impossible empty promises!
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
.'The wealthy are obligated to give others 'free stuff'.....so since Bernie Sanders is a lot richer than I am HE should pay for MY health care...right?

-- Sorry, I got that wrong. Socialists believe that since the US is one of the riches nations in the world - despite giving billions and billions of dollars we don't even have in foreign aid to poorer / less economically successful nations, the United States should be obligated to fling wide our doors, eliminate our borders, surrender our sovereignty, abandon our culture, ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law/Existing Law to give anyone who makes it here from outside of the US 'free shit'...while ignoring the swiftly growing / spreading homelessness and poverty of our own citizens.

Sanders and Warren - both 'rich people' - are screaming about how evil 'rich people' are and how much they screw and continue to want to screw the Middle class....while continuing to facilitate the on-going illegal invasion and telling the Middle Class to their face that if elected they will force the Middle Class to pay for the health care, housing, food, education, etc... of these illegals they are helping to illegally enter the US. .

Obama took a big step towards Socialist-controlled Single Payer by lying his ass off about and then helping Democrats ram their legislative piece of socialist agenda-driven healthcare legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it. His mistake was in leaving the American people with a CHOICE.

Obamacare did not strip Americans of their ability to choose NOT to buy Obamacare . to choose NOT to obey the law. Its simply imposed a punitive monetary fine - a 'tax' - on any American who did not do so. Obama and the Democrats even fined Americans who could not afford to buy health insurance. (TODAY DEMOCRATS PROMISE TO GIVE ILLEGALS WHO CAN NOT AFFORD HEALTH INSRANCE / HEALTH CARE *FREE TAX-PAYER-FUNDED HEALTH CARE, SOMETHING THEY WOULD NOT DO FOR THEIR OWN CITIZENS.)
-- People stil chose to pay the fine, and in the end the ACA's 'teeth' were pulled out when Trump and the GOP eliminated the tax when they modified the tax law.

This batch of new Socialist President 'Wanna-be's promise to correct Barry's mistake, though. They promise to strip Americans of that CHOICE by making it ILLEGAL for any American to own private health insurance.


Ummm, excuse me? Yeah, and last night The 'Fake Woowoo Con Artist' just told the American people watching that it is NOT the DEMOCRATS who are trying to take away their health insurance, doctors, choice, freedom.....

Sanders and Warren have teamed up to surpass Barry's lies about the ACA with their own about their Single Payer shackles they seek to place around Americans' ankles should they win the Presidency.

Once again last night these two demonstrated that they are working for illegals....for anyone outside of the US who want to come her and get Middle Class Tax Payer-funded and additional deficit-funded 'free shit'...for as log as there continues to be a Middle Class. As the saying goes, 'Socialism is great...until they run out of other people's money'.
Wow, you're so angry you got get all the gripes in at once! lol. Lots of non-socialist countries have a single payer system, and a private one along side for rich people. The US is pretty much the only one not to. We're too busy dropping bombs on people to care about healing. Pity.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
.'The wealthy are obligated to give others 'free stuff'.....so since Bernie Sanders is a lot richer than I am HE should pay for MY health care...right?

-- Sorry, I got that wrong. Socialists believe that since the US is one of the riches nations in the world - despite giving billions and billions of dollars we don't even have in foreign aid to poorer / less economically successful nations, the United States should be obligated to fling wide our doors, eliminate our borders, surrender our sovereignty, abandon our culture, ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law/Existing Law to give anyone who makes it here from outside of the US 'free shit'...while ignoring the swiftly growing / spreading homelessness and poverty of our own citizens.

Sanders and Warren - both 'rich people' - are screaming about how evil 'rich people' are and how much they screw and continue to want to screw the Middle class....while continuing to facilitate the on-going illegal invasion and telling the Middle Class to their face that if elected they will force the Middle Class to pay for the health care, housing, food, education, etc... of these illegals they are helping to illegally enter the US. .

Obama took a big step towards Socialist-controlled Single Payer by lying his ass off about and then helping Democrats ram their legislative piece of socialist agenda-driven healthcare legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it. His mistake was in leaving the American people with a CHOICE.

Obamacare did not strip Americans of their ability to choose NOT to buy Obamacare . to choose NOT to obey the law. Its simply imposed a punitive monetary fine - a 'tax' - on any American who did not do so. Obama and the Democrats even fined Americans who could not afford to buy health insurance. (TODAY DEMOCRATS PROMISE TO GIVE ILLEGALS WHO CAN NOT AFFORD HEALTH INSRANCE / HEALTH CARE *FREE TAX-PAYER-FUNDED HEALTH CARE, SOMETHING THEY WOULD NOT DO FOR THEIR OWN CITIZENS.)
-- People stil chose to pay the fine, and in the end the ACA's 'teeth' were pulled out when Trump and the GOP eliminated the tax when they modified the tax law.

This batch of new Socialist President 'Wanna-be's promise to correct Barry's mistake, though. They promise to strip Americans of that CHOICE by making it ILLEGAL for any American to own private health insurance.


Ummm, excuse me? Yeah, and last night The 'Fake Woowoo Con Artist' just told the American people watching that it is NOT the DEMOCRATS who are trying to take away their health insurance, doctors, choice, freedom.....

Sanders and Warren have teamed up to surpass Barry's lies about the ACA with their own about their Single Payer shackles they seek to place around Americans' ankles should they win the Presidency.

Once again last night these two demonstrated that they are working for illegals....for anyone outside of the US who want to come her and get Middle Class Tax Payer-funded and additional deficit-funded 'free shit'...for as log as there continues to be a Middle Class. As the saying goes, 'Socialism is great...until they run out of other people's money'.
Wow, you're so angry you got get all the gripes in at once! lol. Lots of non-socialist countries have a single payer system, and a private one along side for rich people. The US is pretty much the only one not to. We're too busy dropping bombs on people to care about healing. Pity.

Yes, and they suck, or the people are paying such high taxes, they live in poverty.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
Given the taxes we pay in this country, we should get something useful in return.
Has anyone else noticed that while the Democrats - who have controlled the House and thus the budget / spending for the last year - continue to engage in fear-mongering about the growing deficit and attempt to blame President Trump for all of it, the Democrats, Democratic Party, and their candidates have been:

-- Facilitating the on-going illegal invasion and embracing the cost...

-- Talking about how we have an 'OBLIGATION' as one of the 'RICHEST nations in the world' to welcome any and all of the world's poor into the US and give them 'free' medical care, housing, food, education, etc...

-- Declaring they want to eliminate the cost of going to college - pay for it all for every American... (By 'pay for it, of course, I mean force the Middle Class to pay for it in higher taxes...)

-- Talking about embracing an insane 'Green New Deal' plan that calls for upgrading or rebuilding every building in the US, abandoning / outlawing the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy and the internal combustion engine (putting approx. 50 million US workers out of their jobs), and 'winning a war against COW FARTS' at a cost the plan's creator admits the US would NEVER be able to pay for before its economic collapse...


Somewhere between shirking their responsibility to control spending / the budget, declaring President Trump is destroying the US by adding to the deficit, and revealing a Socialist Agenda that will easily add $100 Trillion dollars to the deficit - a cost even they admit the US could never survive, the Democrats have lost any firm grasp of reality.

By their hypocrisy / actions they prove they really AREN'T opposed to a 'mushroom cloud rising/expanding' deficit because House Democrats are making no effort to lower it, and Democrats are presenting their plans that will truly result in that 'nuclear detonation' deficit explosion.

They also prove they have not thought their professed agenda through or they HAVE thought it through and the collapse of the US, which - again - they admit would happen if they try to carry out their professed agenda - is their goal.

How, for example, will they pay for 'free' everything for illegals , 'free' college for everyone, and for the 'Green New Deal' ... or perhaps I should say WHO are they going to get to pay for all of that - when their own policies destroy the Middle Class who they insist will pay for all of it?

Once 50 million tax payers lose their jobs as a result of abandoning fossil fuels and eliminating the use of the internal combustion engine, suddenly becoming more of the financial burden on the US govt (welfare, food stamps, etc...) instead of being the ones counted on to pay for the socialist agenda, where is the money for their socialist agenda coming from?
-- Don't forget the massive increased deficit at this point.
Medicare for All won't work as much as the Democrats want it.


Due to the increasing costs and frustration there has been increased support for "Medicare for All,” which up to 70 percent of Americans now back. Two-thirds of Democrats in the House have co-signed the “Medicare for All” Act, including Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are vocal supporters.

“Medicare for All” would dismantle the existing Medicare system for seniors and create a whole new bureaucracy that would nationalize American health care. Not only would the bill payoff the "clerical, administrative and billing personnel in insurance companies, doctors offices, hospitals, nursing facilities and other facilities whose jobs are eliminated due to reduced administration" but also it would create a new national bureaucratic apparatus.

The DEMOCRATS ARE the ones who took away the plans and doctors Americans liked, despite Barry's lie that it would not happen, with the passage of Obamacare!

It IS the Democrats who have declared they will make Americans having private health insurance illegal, attempting to strip them of their ability to choose for themselves and force them into Socialist-run single payer.

Live updates: Democratic candidates debate in Detroit - CNNPolitics

i can't listen to her w/o thinking "hey, saturday night live is on" or "wow, isn't she the "triggered" chic in all the memes?"

in short - who gives a flying horse shit what she says.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
.'The wealthy are obligated to give others 'free stuff'.....so since Bernie Sanders is a lot richer than I am HE should pay for MY health care...right?

-- Sorry, I got that wrong. Socialists believe that since the US is one of the riches nations in the world - despite giving billions and billions of dollars we don't even have in foreign aid to poorer / less economically successful nations, the United States should be obligated to fling wide our doors, eliminate our borders, surrender our sovereignty, abandon our culture, ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law/Existing Law to give anyone who makes it here from outside of the US 'free shit'...while ignoring the swiftly growing / spreading homelessness and poverty of our own citizens.

Sanders and Warren - both 'rich people' - are screaming about how evil 'rich people' are and how much they screw and continue to want to screw the Middle class....while continuing to facilitate the on-going illegal invasion and telling the Middle Class to their face that if elected they will force the Middle Class to pay for the health care, housing, food, education, etc... of these illegals they are helping to illegally enter the US. .

Obama took a big step towards Socialist-controlled Single Payer by lying his ass off about and then helping Democrats ram their legislative piece of socialist agenda-driven healthcare legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it. His mistake was in leaving the American people with a CHOICE.

Obamacare did not strip Americans of their ability to choose NOT to buy Obamacare . to choose NOT to obey the law. Its simply imposed a punitive monetary fine - a 'tax' - on any American who did not do so. Obama and the Democrats even fined Americans who could not afford to buy health insurance. (TODAY DEMOCRATS PROMISE TO GIVE ILLEGALS WHO CAN NOT AFFORD HEALTH INSRANCE / HEALTH CARE *FREE TAX-PAYER-FUNDED HEALTH CARE, SOMETHING THEY WOULD NOT DO FOR THEIR OWN CITIZENS.)
-- People stil chose to pay the fine, and in the end the ACA's 'teeth' were pulled out when Trump and the GOP eliminated the tax when they modified the tax law.

This batch of new Socialist President 'Wanna-be's promise to correct Barry's mistake, though. They promise to strip Americans of that CHOICE by making it ILLEGAL for any American to own private health insurance.


Ummm, excuse me? Yeah, and last night The 'Fake Woowoo Con Artist' just told the American people watching that it is NOT the DEMOCRATS who are trying to take away their health insurance, doctors, choice, freedom.....

Sanders and Warren have teamed up to surpass Barry's lies about the ACA with their own about their Single Payer shackles they seek to place around Americans' ankles should they win the Presidency.

Once again last night these two demonstrated that they are working for illegals....for anyone outside of the US who want to come her and get Middle Class Tax Payer-funded and additional deficit-funded 'free shit'...for as log as there continues to be a Middle Class. As the saying goes, 'Socialism is great...until they run out of other people's money'.
Wow, you're so angry you got get all the gripes in at once! lol. Lots of non-socialist countries have a single payer system, and a private one along side for rich people. The US is pretty much the only one not to. We're too busy dropping bombs on people to care about healing. Pity.

Yes, and they suck, or the people are paying such high taxes, they live in poverty.
NEWS FLASH: The US has a lot of poverty too.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.

Sorry, no, they would close. Not enough money from Medicare.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.

Sorry, no, they would close. Not enough money from Medicare.
They just wouldn't be getting filthy rich as fast. :biggrin:
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.

Sorry, no, they would close. Not enough money from Medicare.
They just wouldn't be getting filthy rich as fast. :biggrin:

Sigh, obviously someone that doesn't have a clue about Medicare. First off, Medicare covers 80%, and that's 80% of what Medicare has decided the price should be, not 80% of what a doctor or hospital charges. Here in the shithole known as California, you're lucky if Medicare covers 50% of what was actually charged.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.
who's money? not like we can just print up more when we spend too much.

people are acting like a few simple changes in who pays is all that will happen. sorry, but everything will change. not all "good" either and those on emotional benders right now are going to get pissed when they see the "unintended consequences" of "free".

look in Los Angeles and San Fran if you need examples of what giving away wealth looks like. the rich are still rich and isolated and the rest have the homeless camped out on their sidewalks. that's where we're headed with all this "free / pandering" shit.
All other top shelf countries do it, then so can we.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
You do realize many of the current hospitals will be closing their doors in a Medicare for all system?
They wouldn't close, they'd simply get their money from a different place.

Sorry, no, they would close. Not enough money from Medicare.
They just wouldn't be getting filthy rich as fast. :biggrin:

Sigh, obviously someone that doesn't have a clue about Medicare. First off, Medicare covers 80%, and that's 80% of what Medicare has decided the price should be, not 80% of what a doctor or hospital charges. Here in the shithole known as California, you're lucky if Medicare covers 50% of what was actually charged.
So they are half way there already.

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