Elizabeth Warren Declared It Is NOT The Democrats Who Want To Take Away Health Plans, Doctors, etc

Healthcare isn't about socialism, it's about doing what's right for the entire population.

Thank you for demonstrating the biggest difference between reality-dwelling Conservatives and emotional-driven, reality-denying Socialist Democrats / snowflakes.

Giving everyone in the world 'free' health care - convincing doctors, hospital-owning/running corporations, pharmaceutical companies, etc... to just GIVE their services, medicines, and treatments away because having health care is not only a universal right of every human being but is also 'the right thing to do' is an awesome emotional yet highly unrealistic ideology.

The problem with it is following up with the specifics and doing it, finding a way to do it. Bitching about huge deficits, having massive deficit-adding agendas, and promising to 'GIVE' 'FREE' health care, housing, food, education, etc...to ILLEGALS, not even your own citizens...when you are way past broke - when you are TRILLIONS in debt - is unrealistic, devoid of reality.

Even AOC stated in the interview during which time she revealed her 'Green New Deal' BS that the cost of this agenda would be so high the US would never complete it before the country would economically collapse.

Snowflakes belief that, being TRILLIONS in debt, with Americans homeless and in need, that importing the world's poor - allowing criminals, sex/human-traffickers, MS13, etc.... in at the same time and adding billions / trillions more in deficit while ignoring our own citizens' needs is somehow going to allow us to maintain our status as a nation or even allow us to elevate all of these new-comers to the level of life as we know it / have it to the point where we CAN help other nations instead of becoming a 3rd-world nation ourselves is unrealistic / devoid of reality.

'Doing what is right' comes with a price tag. Adopting Nike's slogan of 'Just Do It', saying 'it's the right thing to do', and not having the money/resources to realistically do it doesn't cut it.

Think of the US as a rescue boat - we can rescue a lot of survivors, bringing them onboard while delivering supplies and help to others....but there are only so many we can bring onboard our vessel before it begins to take on water, before it begins to flounder / become in jeopardy of going under. THAT is reality. Snowflakes do not see reality. Bringing everyone in need is 'the right thing to do' , and they are willing to take everyone - to refuse no one, even if it means losing the 'ship' and sacrificing their own 'crew'...and not being able to help anyone ever again.

The DEMOCRATS ARE the ones who took away the plans and doctors Americans liked, despite Barry's lie that it would not happen, with the passage of Obamacare!

It IS the Democrats who have declared they will make Americans having private health insurance illegal, attempting to strip them of their ability to choose for themselves and force them into Socialist-run single payer.

Live updates: Democratic candidates debate in Detroit - CNNPolitics

You and the rest of America had best be prepared for this kind of attack.

She is alluding to the crazy base that by denying federal government control of the healthcare in America, that you are removing them from healthcare.
Healthcare isn't about socialism, it's about doing what's right for the entire population.

Thank you for demonstrating the biggest difference between reality-dwelling Conservatives and emotional-driven, reality-denying Socialist Democrats / snowflakes.

Giving everyone in the world 'free' health care - convincing doctors, hospital-owning/running corporations, pharmaceutical companies, etc... to just GIVE their services, medicines, and treatments away because having health care is not only a universal right of every human being but is also 'the right thing to do' is an awesome emotional yet highly unrealistic ideology.

The problem with it is following up with the specifics and doing it, finding a way to do it. Bitching about huge deficits, having massive deficit-adding agendas, and promising to 'GIVE' 'FREE' health care, housing, food, education, etc...to ILLEGALS, not even your own citizens...when you are way past broke - when you are TRILLIONS in debt - is unrealistic, devoid of reality.

Even AOC stated in the interview during which time she revealed her 'Green New Deal' BS that the cost of this agenda would be so high the US would never complete it before the country would economically collapse.

Snowflakes belief that, being TRILLIONS in debt, with Americans homeless and in need, that importing the world's poor - allowing criminals, sex/human-traffickers, MS13, etc.... in at the same time and adding billions / trillions more in deficit while ignoring our own citizens' needs is somehow going to allow us to maintain our status as a nation or even allow us to elevate all of these new-comers to the level of life as we know it / have it to the point where we CAN help other nations instead of becoming a 3rd-world nation ourselves is unrealistic / devoid of reality.

'Doing what is right' comes with a price tag. Adopting Nike's slogan of 'Just Do It', saying 'it's the right thing to do', and not having the money/resources to realistically do it doesn't cut it.

Think of the US as a rescue boat - we can rescue a lot of survivors, bringing them onboard while delivering supplies and help to others....but there are only so many we can bring onboard our vessel before it begins to take on water, before it begins to flounder / become in jeopardy of going under. THAT is reality. Snowflakes do not see reality. Bringing everyone in need is 'the right thing to do' , and they are willing to take everyone - to refuse no one, even if it means losing the 'ship' and sacrificing their own 'crew'...and not being able to help anyone ever again.
Like I said before, there is such a chasm between the two sides that nothing great will ever get done for a long, long time. And our blood thirsty need to wage war against everyone is costing us health care for all and increasing our deficits.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
.'The wealthy are obligated to give others 'free stuff'.....so since Bernie Sanders is a lot richer than I am HE should pay for MY health care...right?

-- Sorry, I got that wrong. Socialists believe that since the US is one of the riches nations in the world - despite giving billions and billions of dollars we don't even have in foreign aid to poorer / less economically successful nations, the United States should be obligated to fling wide our doors, eliminate our borders, surrender our sovereignty, abandon our culture, ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law/Existing Law to give anyone who makes it here from outside of the US 'free shit'...while ignoring the swiftly growing / spreading homelessness and poverty of our own citizens.

Sanders and Warren - both 'rich people' - are screaming about how evil 'rich people' are and how much they screw and continue to want to screw the Middle class....while continuing to facilitate the on-going illegal invasion and telling the Middle Class to their face that if elected they will force the Middle Class to pay for the health care, housing, food, education, etc... of these illegals they are helping to illegally enter the US. .

Obama took a big step towards Socialist-controlled Single Payer by lying his ass off about and then helping Democrats ram their legislative piece of socialist agenda-driven healthcare legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it. His mistake was in leaving the American people with a CHOICE.

Obamacare did not strip Americans of their ability to choose NOT to buy Obamacare . to choose NOT to obey the law. Its simply imposed a punitive monetary fine - a 'tax' - on any American who did not do so. Obama and the Democrats even fined Americans who could not afford to buy health insurance. (TODAY DEMOCRATS PROMISE TO GIVE ILLEGALS WHO CAN NOT AFFORD HEALTH INSRANCE / HEALTH CARE *FREE TAX-PAYER-FUNDED HEALTH CARE, SOMETHING THEY WOULD NOT DO FOR THEIR OWN CITIZENS.)
-- People stil chose to pay the fine, and in the end the ACA's 'teeth' were pulled out when Trump and the GOP eliminated the tax when they modified the tax law.

This batch of new Socialist President 'Wanna-be's promise to correct Barry's mistake, though. They promise to strip Americans of that CHOICE by making it ILLEGAL for any American to own private health insurance.


Ummm, excuse me? Yeah, and last night The 'Fake Woowoo Con Artist' just told the American people watching that it is NOT the DEMOCRATS who are trying to take away their health insurance, doctors, choice, freedom.....

Sanders and Warren have teamed up to surpass Barry's lies about the ACA with their own about their Single Payer shackles they seek to place around Americans' ankles should they win the Presidency.

Once again last night these two demonstrated that they are working for illegals....for anyone outside of the US who want to come her and get Middle Class Tax Payer-funded and additional deficit-funded 'free shit'...for as log as there continues to be a Middle Class. As the saying goes, 'Socialism is great...until they run out of other people's money'.

Sanders just made money from his book

And Warren was waiting tables when Tramp was in boarding school.

Everyone needs to be covered, if you do not want to be the tax payers paid for your visit to the ER. You never had to be on the ACA, but you had to have ins.

if you knew about ins you'd be praising the ACA, and the Cons in charge ever since have been doing their best to get rid of it.

Do you make lots of money so you pay a tinge more for medicare, if so you probably never noticed it, and the lies from Cons about the ACA are hyperbole, why

because the make money off of medical lobbyists.
Sanders just made money from his book
And Warren was waiting tables when Tramp was in boarding school.

Everyone needs to be covered, if you do not want to be the tax payers paid for your visit to the ER. You never had to be on the ACA, but you had to have ins.

Sanders is a hypocritical Socialist who made his wealth through the Free Market Economy but who wants to impose socialism on others.

Warren is a criminal con artist who defrauded a prestigious college by stealing a Native American's scholarship to not only get into that prestigious college but to get a free ride there. Instead of promising Middle Class Americans she will make THEM pay for everyone not to have to pay for college she should just do what Sanders did - Write A Book. She can write about 'How To College For FREE By Claiming To Be Native American / A Minority'.

IMO it is not a government's place / power to dictate to a citizen what products they have to buy, specifically telling citizens they must buy the product that the DNC (a political party) created and forced upon the country.

IMO ordering healthy young adults to purchase a product they do not need at the time and punishing them with a punitive fine / tax if they refuse to comply is an abuse of govt authority / power.

IMO, US politicians - who are elected to serve US citizens - forcing US citizens to pay for health insurance for illegals who can not afford their own health care yet fining / taxing their own citizens who could not / can not afford THEIR own is criminal.

IMO, US politicians aiding and abetting criminals in breaking US law and rewarding them with 'free' health care, housing, food, education, etc... funded by imposing higher taxes on US citizens is also criminal / traitorous.
-- IMO it's equivalent to the police responding to your 911 call about someone breaking into your house and when the police get there they release the crook and force you to give them more of your valuables and cash before they go.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

The irony is, you seem to be oblivious to the contradiction.

You point out that the US is the richest country in the world.

You previously point out that many of these other countries have socialized health care and pensions and so on.

Are you missing the connection?

This country was founded on a Capitalist system. That is what got us to being the richest country in the world.

Now you want to change the system, to a system that all these other countries have been using, which we surpassed.

This is what is crazy about people like you. You have a system that allowed our country to become the most powerful and wealthy in the history of the world, surpassing nations that have existed for hundreds, and thousands of years longer than us.

Wealth does not just "magically exist". Wealth is created, or destroyed, by the system that is operating in a country. If you change the system, you change how much wealth there is.

There isn't a single example, where adopting more and more socialism, results in people being more and more wealthy.
If you don't evolve, you die. It's that simple. other capitalist countries care about their fellow citizens, you don't, that's the difference.

But the facts don't fit your claims.

Why do you think that people come to the US from all over the world, for care?

Let's just take Canada. You realize that in Canada, they have a for profit company called "Timely Medical", which specializes in one thing... allowing people to pay money to escape Canada's health care system.

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

See, our system is the more caring system. You people are the ones that don't care. As long as you get to impose your views on America, you really don't care how many people die waiting for care.

What do you think the VA wait list scandal was all about? The VA system is free government run health care. Yet they were just randomly deleting people from wait lists, because their system cared. People were waiting years for life saving treatment, and dying before getting it.

Los Angeles VA: IG Report Says Almost 100 Veterans Died On Wait List

That's your system. That's your 'care'. That's the reality of socialism.

My parents are part of an adopt a patient program from their church. They take care of, provide food meals, and take children and young adults out for meals and trips from Children's hospital.

What people like you don't know, is that people around the world, send their kids to pay-for-service care here in the US. The last girl my parents adopted, was from Australia. Her parents couldn't afford to be here with her, so she came to the US by herself.

She was told by the doctors in Australia, that they could not help her. Effectively, go home and die. That's the 'care' you people on the left provide.

Healthcare: A Tale of Two ERs

And if all that evidence is still not enough, how about reading from your own democraps.

Here's the background. A member of the DNC was working at the DNC Convention in 2008 in Denver. She got sick, and wanted to be checked out. Her first stop was a Denver clinic. This was a government funded free care clinic.

"Urgent Care" is a misnomer, since this place was not "urgent" nor did they care. We walked into a room full of about 40 poor people, most of them coughing, sneezing, crying, wheezing, or just slumped over in their chairs and wheel chairs. Most of them were Spanish-speaking or elderly. Some of the women had infants in strollers with them. They were there because they were sick and had no place else to go and no childcare to keep the baby safe from the germs in that room.

It was like being in a 19th century tuberculosis ward, as described by Charles Dickens. The room was under construction, there weren't enough chairs for all the people, there was no water or food available, and very little ventilation. If there was air-conditioning, I sure didn't feel it. "Days of Our Lives" was playing loudly on the TV in the corner, but no one was paying attention to the fully made-up Marlena Evans in her glam hospital bed. We were too busy being sick and ignored.

At 4:15, a woman came out of the examining room, hysterical. She said to the front desk that she had been there for 5 hours and had not been seen by a doctor yet.

In my hoarse, low, nearly-gone voice, I told them it was appalling that all of these people had to wait so long. The young male desk attendant just shrugged.
After this terrible ordeal, she went to a private clinic.

I arrived at 4:50, to a clean, well-lit, empty waiting room. In contrast to the Denver Health Urgent Care facility, it was air-conditioned and had vending machines for candy, soda, and water. I checked in, noticing that the sign-in sheet masked the names of everyone ahead of me, so my name was the only one that showed. No HIPAA violation there. I settled in to take some notes, figuring that I would be there a while.

They took my insurance information, called my insurance company, and told me the visit would be $35.00. At about 5:00, a nurse called me in and took my vitals. About five minutes after she was done, a very nice doctor came in and did a thorough exam, took a history, and talked to me about my experiences at Denver Health. He spent at least a half hour with me, going over every possible symptom, even some I hadn't thought to bring up. We were in a closed room, where no one else could hear him ask these questions.

He listed to my chest a few times, and didn't hear anything that sounded like pneumonia, but wanted to get a chest x-ray to be sure. He left me to change into a paper gown, and got the x-ray technician. I had 2 x-rays, they were developed, and I was sent home with 2 prescriptions within an hour of arriving. He confirmed that I did not have pneumonia, but a nasty case of bronchitis, that was made worse by the altitude. He drew me a map to the nearest pharmacy, gave me his card, and told me to check in if things didn't improve.
Now of course, this woman being a Democrat, of course blamed Republicans for her terrible gov-care, and wonderful private care.

But that is the reality of what you and your fake "caring" offer to the public.

That second private care experience she had, was what we on the right-wing offer to the public.

We want everyone to have that good experience, where you are treated, and treated well, and given dignity and respect.
You want everyone to be treated like crap, waiting for hours, by people who don't care.

You call your version of health care where people are treated like dirt "caring" because it's free. But it isn't free. Everywhere in the world that has equally garbage care like this, and like the VA waiting lists, pays more than double the taxes we do, to have that terrible "care".

There is nothing caring, or good, or moral about your position. Ours is the good and moral position, where people are treated well, and given good care.


Again, this is the 'care' you offer to Americans, a system like Canada where a Dog is given better care. In fact, I've heard of Canadians that showed up at veterinarian clinics with cash, and put their own name down as the pet, to get an MRI scan.

Can you ever imagine that happening in the US? Of course not. But that will be the reality if you and your left-wing socialists are able to impose your "care" on the rest of us.
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'Yadda, yada, yada...'

Democrats are facilitating illegal immigration, have campaigned in MEXICO, are embracing the cost on US citizens for caring for the criminals they are aiding and abetting, are vowing to force Middle Class Americans to pay for 'free' medical care for these illegals while intending to strip Americans of their private health care insurance by making owning it illegal, and while refusing to give Americans who can not afford health care the same 'free' care.

Warren, the criminal who lied / stole a native American's scholarship, lied on national tv by declaring, 'We are the Democratic Party - we don't take people's health care away.'

Not only DID Barry and the Democrats already do this with Obamacare, her opponent on the stage she was debating pointed out that taking away Americans' private health coverage IS RIGHT THERE IN THEIR PROPOSED LEGISLATION!

She was busted - AGAIN - as being a LIAR!

She has not changed.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.

The irony is, you seem to be oblivious to the contradiction.

You point out that the US is the richest country in the world.

You previously point out that many of these other countries have socialized health care and pensions and so on.

Are you missing the connection?

This country was founded on a Capitalist system. That is what got us to being the richest country in the world.

Now you want to change the system, to a system that all these other countries have been using, which we surpassed.

This is what is crazy about people like you. You have a system that allowed our country to become the most powerful and wealthy in the history of the world, surpassing nations that have existed for hundreds, and thousands of years longer than us.

Wealth does not just "magically exist". Wealth is created, or destroyed, by the system that is operating in a country. If you change the system, you change how much wealth there is.

There isn't a single example, where adopting more and more socialism, results in people being more and more wealthy.
If you don't evolve, you die. It's that simple. other capitalist countries care about their fellow citizens, you don't, that's the difference.

But the facts don't fit your claims.

Why do you think that people come to the US from all over the world, for care?

Let's just take Canada. You realize that in Canada, they have a for profit company called "Timely Medical", which specializes in one thing... allowing people to pay money to escape Canada's health care system.

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

See, our system is the more caring system. You people are the ones that don't care. As long as you get to impose your views on America, you really don't care how many people die waiting for care.

What do you think the VA wait list scandal was all about? The VA system is free government run health care. Yet they were just randomly deleting people from wait lists, because their system cared. People were waiting years for life saving treatment, and dying before getting it.

Los Angeles VA: IG Report Says Almost 100 Veterans Died On Wait List

That's your system. That's your 'care'. That's the reality of socialism.

My parents are part of an adopt a patient program from their church. They take care of, provide food meals, and take children and young adults out for meals and trips from Children's hospital.

What people like you don't know, is that people around the world, send their kids to pay-for-service care here in the US. The last girl my parents adopted, was from Australia. Her parents couldn't afford to be here with her, so she came to the US by herself.

She was told by the doctors in Australia, that they could not help her. Effectively, go home and die. That's the 'care' you people on the left provide.

Healthcare: A Tale of Two ERs

And if all that evidence is still not enough, how about reading from your own democraps.

Here's the background. A member of the DNC was working at the DNC Convention in 2008 in Denver. She got sick, and wanted to be checked out. Her first stop was a Denver clinic. This was a government funded free care clinic.

"Urgent Care" is a misnomer, since this place was not "urgent" nor did they care. We walked into a room full of about 40 poor people, most of them coughing, sneezing, crying, wheezing, or just slumped over in their chairs and wheel chairs. Most of them were Spanish-speaking or elderly. Some of the women had infants in strollers with them. They were there because they were sick and had no place else to go and no childcare to keep the baby safe from the germs in that room.

It was like being in a 19th century tuberculosis ward, as described by Charles Dickens. The room was under construction, there weren't enough chairs for all the people, there was no water or food available, and very little ventilation. If there was air-conditioning, I sure didn't feel it. "Days of Our Lives" was playing loudly on the TV in the corner, but no one was paying attention to the fully made-up Marlena Evans in her glam hospital bed. We were too busy being sick and ignored.

At 4:15, a woman came out of the examining room, hysterical. She said to the front desk that she had been there for 5 hours and had not been seen by a doctor yet.

In my hoarse, low, nearly-gone voice, I told them it was appalling that all of these people had to wait so long. The young male desk attendant just shrugged.
After this terrible ordeal, she went to a private clinic.

I arrived at 4:50, to a clean, well-lit, empty waiting room. In contrast to the Denver Health Urgent Care facility, it was air-conditioned and had vending machines for candy, soda, and water. I checked in, noticing that the sign-in sheet masked the names of everyone ahead of me, so my name was the only one that showed. No HIPAA violation there. I settled in to take some notes, figuring that I would be there a while.

They took my insurance information, called my insurance company, and told me the visit would be $35.00. At about 5:00, a nurse called me in and took my vitals. About five minutes after she was done, a very nice doctor came in and did a thorough exam, took a history, and talked to me about my experiences at Denver Health. He spent at least a half hour with me, going over every possible symptom, even some I hadn't thought to bring up. We were in a closed room, where no one else could hear him ask these questions.

He listed to my chest a few times, and didn't hear anything that sounded like pneumonia, but wanted to get a chest x-ray to be sure. He left me to change into a paper gown, and got the x-ray technician. I had 2 x-rays, they were developed, and I was sent home with 2 prescriptions within an hour of arriving. He confirmed that I did not have pneumonia, but a nasty case of bronchitis, that was made worse by the altitude. He drew me a map to the nearest pharmacy, gave me his card, and told me to check in if things didn't improve.
Now of course, this woman being a Democrat, of course blamed Republicans for her terrible gov-care, and wonderful private care.

But that is the reality of what you and your fake "caring" offer to the public.

That second private care experience she had, was what we on the right-wing offer to the public.

We want everyone to have that good experience, where you are treated, and treated well, and given dignity and respect.
You want everyone to be treated like crap, waiting for hours, by people who don't care.

You call your version of health care where people are treated like dirt "caring" because it's free. But it isn't free. Everywhere in the world that has equally garbage care like this, and like the VA waiting lists, pays more than double the taxes we do, to have that terrible "care".

There is nothing caring, or good, or moral about your position. Ours is the good and moral position, where people are treated well, and given good care.


Again, this is the 'care' you offer to Americans, a system like Canada where a Dog is given better care. In fact, I've heard of Canadians that showed up at veterinarian clinics with cash, and put their own name down as the pet, to get an MRI scan.

Can you ever imagine that happening in the US? Of course not. But that will be the reality if you and your left-wing socialists are able to impose your "care" on the rest of us.
Too long. In the US it's every person for himself or herself. other countries aren't like that. This upsets you. And it should.
Paying premiums is a choice, being forced to pay higher taxes to fund the Dimms little project will be foisted upon us.

Fuck that.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
What makes you think we’re the richest. Aren’t we about 30 trillion in debt?
We can spend more than the rest of the world TOGETHER on the military. I'd fund sick people before bombs.

Yep, we bring all the troops home and let other nations fund their military.
like with Obamacare, THEIR Single Payer is much like a Ponzi Scheme in which they need everyone in it paying higher prices to help pay for the *free health care of the 22+million illegals ... and counting...in this country.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
What makes you think we’re the richest. Aren’t we about 30 trillion in debt?
We can spend more than the rest of the world TOGETHER on the military. I'd fund sick people before bombs.
Then China and Russia will take over. You will love how you are treated then.

The DEMOCRATS ARE the ones who took away the plans and doctors Americans liked, despite Barry's lie that it would not happen, with the passage of Obamacare!

It IS the Democrats who have declared they will make Americans having private health insurance illegal, attempting to strip them of their ability to choose for themselves and force them into Socialist-run single payer.

Live updates: Democratic candidates debate in Detroit - CNNPolitics

Show a Republican solution
There was a part of a solution that we do not live by any more. Being personally responsible in our living ways. It seems being in our late teens to early twenties has become a lifetime adventure now.
In Canada, the single payer system is funded by general tax revenues, not a separate fee.
Not a fair comparison. Canada has what maybe 30 million citizens? The US has 350 million plus 20 or 30 million illegals.
And the US is the richest country in the world. We should make hospitals, not war.
What makes you think we’re the richest. Aren’t we about 30 trillion in debt?
We can spend more than the rest of the world TOGETHER on the military. I'd fund sick people before bombs.
Then China and Russia will take over. You will love how you are treated then.
Russia is a gas station posing as a nation. China have so many people to feed that they can't fight with anyone. Shut them both out of all western markets for all their products and they'll fall in line, no war necessary.

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