Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

When you look at 50 million workers, yes they are

The opportunities for advancement are not there, the wage pool is not there, the benefits are not there. Warren is not saying the government should steal the money and give it to the workers but that the government should stand on the side of the workers for once
By doing what, Nutsucker? Machine gunning teh management?

Here's an idea: How about quit demonizing the wealthy and successful and let them start some businesses and employ some workers, giving workers more choice and thus more leverage in wage negotiations?
Wow, radical, eh?
Of course a sad sack like you thinks he's powerless and just has to grovel for whatever crumbs he can get. And in your case that might be true.

Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

But, see, what the liberals want is some way to have high taxes on business but still have an attractive environment for business. They're like co-dependant husbands who don't want their wives to file for divorce but still want to keep beating them.

It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.
Tax capital gains at the same rate as earned income: How does that help the middle class?
Return to pre-1980 tax rates for those making over $1 million So they can pay more of the share? How does that help the middle class?
Make all medical expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with.
Make all education expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with. Do that and no one will be able to afford college.
Increase the minimum wage to $10 and add automatic increases tied to the cost of living How does that help the middle class?
Incentivize businesses that are creating jobs and punish those who are sending jobs over sea The only real good idea but a little too late, needed to do this when Clinton was passing free trade agreements.

1. Tax capital gains at the same rate as earned income: How does that help the middle class?
By treating earnings from sweat the same as earnings from investment

2. Return to pre-1980 tax rates for those making over $1 million So they can pay more of the share? How does that help the middle class?
By increasing the tax base

3. Make all medical expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with.
You shouldn't be taxed on money you spent for maintainig your health. Puts more money in the pockets of the middle class

4. Make all education expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with. Do that and no one will be able to afford college.
Education provides a benefit for society, a tax cut puts more money in the pockets of the middle class

5. Increase the minimum wage to $10 and add automatic increases tied to the cost of living How does that help the middle class?
Helps the low end middle class and helps the children of the middle class

6. Incentivize businesses that are creating jobs and punish those who are sending jobs over sea The only real good idea but a little too late, needed to do this when Clinton was passing free trade agreements

We need to get away from the idea that all wealthy people are "job creators" they are not. Incentivize those who are and punish those who are not
Yeah...the central government needs to confiscate more wealth from Americans because after all, we know how efficient and effective the government is in spending our tax dollars.


It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers
War is peace
Slavery is freedom.

We have truly reached Orwellian proportions.

He believes it too and can't understand why he's talking jibberish

You don't understand the difference between wealth and income?

That is what you guys are always preaching
Weren't we just assaulted with several threads of how WONDERFUL things were now since Barry and his gaggle of criminals were in control. And Warren says that it's all crap, that we're not doing so well?

Well, we knew it was all crap. We already knew that the middle class are suffering more today, that the federal government is bloated and ineffective to the extreme, and that this government under Barry panders to the lazy, the unwilling and the leeches of society. We didn't need some extreme far left nut job telling us that.

So what does she propose? More... much, much more. More regulations. More taxes. More government. It's obvious that the definition of 'Progressive' includes the words 'Piss Ignorant.'

Talk about doing the same thing and expecting different results.
I have yet to see one suggestion that addresses what the squaw is squawking about. I see no post where the how the tax code can be made more fair for the middle class.

Warren's question might as well be; "Why don't we just call Superman in to solve world peace?"

Can I try?

Tax capital gains at the same rate as earned income
Return to pre-1980 tax rates for those making over $1 million
Make all medical expenses tax deductable
Make all education expenses tax deductable
Increase the minimum wage to $10 and add automatic increases tied to the cost of living
Incentivize businesses that are creating jobs and punish those who are sending jobs over seas

Tax capital gains at the same rate as earned income: How does that help the middle class?
Return to pre-1980 tax rates for those making over $1 million So they can pay more of the share? How does that help the middle class?
Make all medical expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with.
Make all education expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with. Do that and no one will be able to afford college.
Increase the minimum wage to $10 and add automatic increases tied to the cost of living How does that help the middle class?
Incentivize businesses that are creating jobs and punish those who are sending jobs over sea The only real good idea but a little too late, needed to do this when Clinton was passing free trade agreements.

1. Tax capital gains at the same rate as earned income: How does that help the middle class?
By treating earnings from sweat the same as earnings from investment

2. Return to pre-1980 tax rates for those making over $1 million So they can pay more of the share? How does that help the middle class?
By increasing the tax base

3. Make all medical expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with.
You shouldn't be taxed on money you spent for maintainig your health. Puts more money in the pockets of the middle class

4. Make all education expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with. Do that and no one will be able to afford college.
Education provides a benefit for society, a tax cut puts more money in the pockets of the middle class

5. Increase the minimum wage to $10 and add automatic increases tied to the cost of living How does that help the middle class?
Helps the low end middle class and helps the children of the middle class

6. Incentivize businesses that are creating jobs and punish those who are sending jobs over sea The only real good idea but a little too late, needed to do this when Clinton was passing free trade agreements

We need to get away from the idea that all wealthy people are "job creators" they are not. Incentivize those who are and punish those who are not
Yeah...the central government needs to confiscate more wealth from Americans because after all, we know how efficient and effective the government is in spending our tax dollars.


It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

Right, it will cause future income to be lower than it might be otherwise. However, no matter what you think will be the result of spending the tax revenues, it's still confiscating wealth.

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

How do taxes put more money in the hands of "workers?"
1. Tax capital gains at the same rate as earned income: How does that help the middle class?
By treating earnings from sweat the same as earnings from investment

2. Return to pre-1980 tax rates for those making over $1 million So they can pay more of the share? How does that help the middle class?
By increasing the tax base

3. Make all medical expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with.
You shouldn't be taxed on money you spent for maintainig your health. Puts more money in the pockets of the middle class

4. Make all education expenses tax deductable A tax cut for everyone I can agree with. Do that and no one will be able to afford college.
Education provides a benefit for society, a tax cut puts more money in the pockets of the middle class

5. Increase the minimum wage to $10 and add automatic increases tied to the cost of living How does that help the middle class?
Helps the low end middle class and helps the children of the middle class

6. Incentivize businesses that are creating jobs and punish those who are sending jobs over sea The only real good idea but a little too late, needed to do this when Clinton was passing free trade agreements

We need to get away from the idea that all wealthy people are "job creators" they are not. Incentivize those who are and punish those who are not
Yeah...the central government needs to confiscate more wealth from Americans because after all, we know how efficient and effective the government is in spending our tax dollars.


It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers
War is peace
Slavery is freedom.

We have truly reached Orwellian proportions.

He believes it too and can't understand why he's talking jibberish

You don't understand the difference between wealth and income?

That is what you guys are always preaching

Income is wealth, moron.

It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them
Yeah...the central government needs to confiscate more wealth from Americans because after all, we know how efficient and effective the government is in spending our tax dollars.


It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers
War is peace
Slavery is freedom.

We have truly reached Orwellian proportions.

He believes it too and can't understand why he's talking jibberish

You don't understand the difference between wealth and income?

That is what you guys are always preaching

Income is wealth, moron.

Could have fooled me....then why is it we don't tax wealth?
Upward economic mobility has all but stalled for the working/middle class, it would be in conservatives best interests to address this instead of ignoring it and calling people commies.

I'll agree with that.

But Warren would address it in ways that I would not agree with.
Dems 2015: we want to take from each according to their means and hand to each according to what we deem their needs, but we're not Communists.


We're really not

It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.
Keep hearing "era of Reagan is over" and then in the next breath Trickle down is holding the poor down .......like he just left office yesterday.......If blaming Bush has run its course do you really think blaming Reagan will fly?
It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers
War is peace
Slavery is freedom.

We have truly reached Orwellian proportions.

He believes it too and can't understand why he's talking jibberish

You don't understand the difference between wealth and income?

That is what you guys are always preaching

Income is wealth, moron.

Could have fooled me....then why is it we don't tax wealth?

It violates the 5th Amendment, dummy.
Warren has to fight off the voices in her head first.

I can believe someone as stupid as you appear to be can even turn on a computer.
Ah there you are demonstrating your commitment to reasoned debate again.

I've said before and will repeat it because you are a liar. I don't believe fools who assassinate the character of others deserve any respect - and that includes you. Now, a simpleton like you will call me a hypocrite for assassinating the character of meathead and you. The problem with that is that your character and his are flawed, thus there is nothing good to assassinate.
I've said before and will repeat it because you are a liar. I don't believe fools who assassinate the character of others deserve any respect - and that includes you. Now, a simpleton like you will call me a hypocrite for assassinating the character of meathead and you. The problem with that is that your character and his are flawed, thus there is nothing good to assassinate.

Before you assassinate my character, please explain exactly what kind of verb form "appear to be can" is and what it means. I realize I'm very stupid, but it is my death wish.
When you look at 50 million workers, yes they are

The opportunities for advancement are not there, the wage pool is not there, the benefits are not there. Warren is not saying the government should steal the money and give it to the workers but that the government should stand on the side of the workers for once
By doing what, Nutsucker? Machine gunning teh management?

Here's an idea: How about quit demonizing the wealthy and successful and let them start some businesses and employ some workers, giving workers more choice and thus more leverage in wage negotiations?
Wow, radical, eh?
Of course a sad sack like you thinks he's powerless and just has to grovel for whatever crumbs he can get. And in your case that might be true.

Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

Let them flee, and let's prosecute their greed, on both the corporate level and the personal level I pay my taxes, do you?

These Masters of the Universe who you worship are being killed (as the moron crusaderfrank posts) and have done very well for decades. See:

CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute
I've said before and will repeat it because you are a liar. I don't believe fools who assassinate the character of others deserve any respect - and that includes you. Now, a simpleton like you will call me a hypocrite for assassinating the character of meathead and you. The problem with that is that your character and his are flawed, thus there is nothing good to assassinate.

Before you assassinate my character, please explain exactly what kind of verb form "appear to be can" is and what it means. I realize I'm very stupid, but it is my death wish.

Kool, your posts are idiot-grams, thus you appear to be stupid by your actions. You may not be, you simply might be to lazy to offer a cogent argument, defining problems and offering solutions.

Rest in peace.
By doing what, Nutsucker? Machine gunning teh management?

Here's an idea: How about quit demonizing the wealthy and successful and let them start some businesses and employ some workers, giving workers more choice and thus more leverage in wage negotiations?
Wow, radical, eh?
Of course a sad sack like you thinks he's powerless and just has to grovel for whatever crumbs he can get. And in your case that might be true.

Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

Let them flee, and let's prosecute their greed, on both the corporate level and the personal level I pay my taxes, do you?

These Masters of the Universe who you worship are being killed (as the moron crusaderfrank posts) and have done very well for decades. See:

CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute

The last time I checked "greed" wasn't a crime. What do you intend to prosecute them for?

It's uncanny how similar libturds sound, when they are talking about the wealthy, like Nazis prior to WW II.
It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them

Taxation to fund welfare is nothing more than taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Despicable thievery by any moral index.

Labor is a commodity the same as anything else. You sell it to the highest bidders.

If you don't get what you want for your labor then that is your fault for not making yourself more marketable.

By the way, "capitalists" wouldn't exist without a market for their goods and services so if you don't like capitalism then don't buy anything made by them, like the computer you are using or the electricity that is used to power the computer.

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