Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

By doing what, Nutsucker? Machine gunning teh management?

Here's an idea: How about quit demonizing the wealthy and successful and let them start some businesses and employ some workers, giving workers more choice and thus more leverage in wage negotiations?
Wow, radical, eh?
Of course a sad sack like you thinks he's powerless and just has to grovel for whatever crumbs he can get. And in your case that might be true.

Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

Let them flee, and let's prosecute their greed, on both the corporate level and the personal level I pay my taxes, do you?

These Masters of the Universe who you worship are being killed (as the moron crusaderfrank posts) and have done very well for decades. See:

CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute

Kill the Rich: Democrat philosophy since Stalin

It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn
By doing what, Nutsucker? Machine gunning teh management?

Here's an idea: How about quit demonizing the wealthy and successful and let them start some businesses and employ some workers, giving workers more choice and thus more leverage in wage negotiations?
Wow, radical, eh?
Of course a sad sack like you thinks he's powerless and just has to grovel for whatever crumbs he can get. And in your case that might be true.

Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

Let them flee, and let's prosecute their greed, on both the corporate level and the personal level I pay my taxes, do you?

These Masters of the Universe who you worship are being killed (as the moron crusaderfrank posts) and have done very well for decades. See:

CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute

What the fuck is your problem, Freddo?
By doing what, Nutsucker? Machine gunning teh management?

Here's an idea: How about quit demonizing the wealthy and successful and let them start some businesses and employ some workers, giving workers more choice and thus more leverage in wage negotiations?
Wow, radical, eh?
Of course a sad sack like you thinks he's powerless and just has to grovel for whatever crumbs he can get. And in your case that might be true.

Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

But, see, what the liberals want is some way to have high taxes on business but still have an attractive environment for business. They're like co-dependant husbands who don't want their wives to file for divorce but still want to keep beating them.

Why do you lie? Or are you so ignorant you don't know about targeted tax cuts given to select businesses during the Clinton Administration? If you ever posted anything thoughtful, I'd accuse you of not critical thinking. Start slow, think before you post and you might not be considered a fool [ I won't bet on it ]
Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

Let them flee, and let's prosecute their greed, on both the corporate level and the personal level I pay my taxes, do you?

These Masters of the Universe who you worship are being killed (as the moron crusaderfrank posts) and have done very well for decades. See:

CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute

What the fuck is your problem, Freddo?

You're a fool, but that's not my problem.

It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.
It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them

Taxation to fund welfare is nothing more than taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Despicable thievery by any moral index.

Labor is a commodity the same as anything else. You sell it to the highest bidders.

If you don't get what you want for your labor then that is your fault for not making yourself more marketable.

By the way, "capitalists" wouldn't exist without a market for their goods and services so if you don't like capitalism then don't buy anything made by them, like the computer you are using or the electricity that is used to power the computer.

I didn't say anything about welfare. I am looking at the tens of millions of Americans who are working their asses off yet not getting ahead economically.

Labor is indeed a commodity. A commoditty that needs to recieve the same respect from government that capitalists receive. That market that your capitalists rely on used to be comprised of workers. As the buying power of the workforce has diminished, capitalists have reacted by claiming larger percentages of available wealth rather than trickling it down to their workers
Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

But, see, what the liberals want is some way to have high taxes on business but still have an attractive environment for business. They're like co-dependant husbands who don't want their wives to file for divorce but still want to keep beating them.

Why do you lie? Or are you so ignorant you don't know about targeted tax cuts given to select businesses during the Clinton Administration? If you ever posted anything thoughtful, I'd accuse you of not critical thinking. Start slow, think before you post and you might not be considered a fool [ I won't bet on it ]

"Targeted tax cuts" are what knowledgeable people call "crony capitalism." However, you and your ilk are always talking about tax increases, not cuts.
We are taking in record revenue.........whats the problem.........even a hint of moderation on the spending side and Obama could have had 6 yrs of small surplus'
Kool, your posts are idiot-grams, thus you appear to be stupid by your actions. You may not be, you simply might be to lazy to offer a cogent argument, defining problems and offering solutions.

Rest in peace.
Ah, but my soul is restless as I sit at my keyboard in the beyond.

Why, because it cannot rest until I understand what "appear to be can" means. As with the case of the equally articulate Al Sharpton (see sig below), original grammatical constructs fascinate me.
I didn't say anything about welfare. I am looking at the tens of millions of Americans who are working their asses off yet not getting ahead economically.

Labor is indeed a commodity. A commoditty that needs to recieve the same respect from government that capitalists receive. That market that your capitalists rely on used to be comprised of workers. As the buying power of the workforce has diminished, capitalists have reacted by claiming larger percentages of available wealth rather than trickling it down to their workers

The reason why Americans have to work their asses off and can't get anywhere is because over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government.

When I worked as an engineer and my wife as a school teacher every year her salary and sometimes in addition parts of mind had to go to pay for taxes and government fees.

The cost of government is usually the largest single expenditure any household in America, regardless of income. More than food or housing or any other single expenditure.

Usually in two income families all or part of one income has to go to pay for government. No wonder Americans have a hard time making it.

It is not the people that produce goods and services that robs you. It is the filthy ass government.
Great idea!

Lets start rewarding companies that are creating new businesses, employing more workers, giving workers more choice

To do that, we do not need to continue government policies that reward companies that send jobs overseas, that are slashing workers jobs, pay and benefits for short term profits.
Please detail the rewards companies get from sending jobs overseas. Hint, there arent any. Instead let's end the incentives for doing that. Like high taxes, high regulations, and policies that increase insurance expense like Workman's Comp.

Details of rewards:

  • Low wages, no benefits paid
  • low or no taxes
  • few if any regulations
  • no OSHA
So instead of rewarding corporate scofflaws, let's put a tariff on all of the goods they import to the US. Enough to protect home grown, honest Americans.
OK so you've named exactly what I detailed: companies get to flee the high tax/high regulation environment of the US.

Let them flee, and let's prosecute their greed, on both the corporate level and the personal level I pay my taxes, do you?

These Masters of the Universe who you worship are being killed (as the moron crusaderfrank posts) and have done very well for decades. See:

CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less Economic Policy Institute

The last time I checked "greed" wasn't a crime. What do you intend to prosecute them for?

It's uncanny how similar libturds sound, when they are talking about the wealthy, like Nazis prior to WW II.

or Stalin and the Kulaks
I didn't say anything about welfare. I am looking at the tens of millions of Americans who are working their asses off yet not getting ahead economically.

Labor is indeed a commodity. A commoditty that needs to recieve the same respect from government that capitalists receive. That market that your capitalists rely on used to be comprised of workers. As the buying power of the workforce has diminished, capitalists have reacted by claiming larger percentages of available wealth rather than trickling it down to their workers

The reason why Americans have to work their asses off and can't get anywhere is because over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government.

When I worked as an engineer and my wife as a school teacher every year her salary and sometimes in addition parts of mind had to go to pay for taxes and government fees.

The cost of government is usually the largest single expenditure any household in America, regardless of income. More than food or housing or any other single expenditure.

Usually in two income families all or part of one income has to go to pay for government. No wonder Americans have a hard time making it.

It is not the people that produce goods and services that robs you. It is the filthy ass government.

Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.

No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.
I didn't say anything about welfare. I am looking at the tens of millions of Americans who are working their asses off yet not getting ahead economically.

Labor is indeed a commodity. A commoditty that needs to recieve the same respect from government that capitalists receive. That market that your capitalists rely on used to be comprised of workers. As the buying power of the workforce has diminished, capitalists have reacted by claiming larger percentages of available wealth rather than trickling it down to their workers

The reason why Americans have to work their asses off and can't get anywhere is because over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government.

When I worked as an engineer and my wife as a school teacher every year her salary and sometimes in addition parts of mind had to go to pay for taxes and government fees.

The cost of government is usually the largest single expenditure any household in America, regardless of income. More than food or housing or any other single expenditure.

Usually in two income families all or part of one income has to go to pay for government. No wonder Americans have a hard time making it.

It is not the people that produce goods and services that robs you. It is the filthy ass government.

Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

So move!
I didn't say anything about welfare. I am looking at the tens of millions of Americans who are working their asses off yet not getting ahead economically.

Labor is indeed a commodity. A commoditty that needs to recieve the same respect from government that capitalists receive. That market that your capitalists rely on used to be comprised of workers. As the buying power of the workforce has diminished, capitalists have reacted by claiming larger percentages of available wealth rather than trickling it down to their workers

The reason why Americans have to work their asses off and can't get anywhere is because over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government.

When I worked as an engineer and my wife as a school teacher every year her salary and sometimes in addition parts of mind had to go to pay for taxes and government fees.

The cost of government is usually the largest single expenditure any household in America, regardless of income. More than food or housing or any other single expenditure.

Usually in two income families all or part of one income has to go to pay for government. No wonder Americans have a hard time making it.

It is not the people that produce goods and services that robs you. It is the filthy ass government.

Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

So move!

Why not just fix up the house I have now?
I didn't say anything about welfare. I am looking at the tens of millions of Americans who are working their asses off yet not getting ahead economically.

Labor is indeed a commodity. A commoditty that needs to recieve the same respect from government that capitalists receive. That market that your capitalists rely on used to be comprised of workers. As the buying power of the workforce has diminished, capitalists have reacted by claiming larger percentages of available wealth rather than trickling it down to their workers

The reason why Americans have to work their asses off and can't get anywhere is because over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government.

When I worked as an engineer and my wife as a school teacher every year her salary and sometimes in addition parts of mind had to go to pay for taxes and government fees.

The cost of government is usually the largest single expenditure any household in America, regardless of income. More than food or housing or any other single expenditure.

Usually in two income families all or part of one income has to go to pay for government. No wonder Americans have a hard time making it.

It is not the people that produce goods and services that robs you. It is the filthy ass government.

Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

So move!

Why not just fix up the house I have now?

I can recommend a fantastic plumber
You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.

No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.

The IRS doesn't use force and fear?
It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.

No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.

The IRS doesn't use force and fear?

The overwhelming number of Americans voluntarily report their income and pay their taxes every April 15

I don't see the IRS kicking down many doors

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