Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

I didn't say anything about welfare. I am looking at the tens of millions of Americans who are working their asses off yet not getting ahead economically.

Labor is indeed a commodity. A commoditty that needs to recieve the same respect from government that capitalists receive. That market that your capitalists rely on used to be comprised of workers. As the buying power of the workforce has diminished, capitalists have reacted by claiming larger percentages of available wealth rather than trickling it down to their workers

The reason why Americans have to work their asses off and can't get anywhere is because over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government.

When I worked as an engineer and my wife as a school teacher every year her salary and sometimes in addition parts of mind had to go to pay for taxes and government fees.

The cost of government is usually the largest single expenditure any household in America, regardless of income. More than food or housing or any other single expenditure.

Usually in two income families all or part of one income has to go to pay for government. No wonder Americans have a hard time making it.

It is not the people that produce goods and services that robs you. It is the filthy ass government.

Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

So move!

Why not just fix up the house I have now?

I can recommend a fantastic plumber

My wife says we need a new kitchen
The reason why Americans have to work their asses off and can't get anywhere is because over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government.

When I worked as an engineer and my wife as a school teacher every year her salary and sometimes in addition parts of mind had to go to pay for taxes and government fees.

The cost of government is usually the largest single expenditure any household in America, regardless of income. More than food or housing or any other single expenditure.

Usually in two income families all or part of one income has to go to pay for government. No wonder Americans have a hard time making it.

It is not the people that produce goods and services that robs you. It is the filthy ass government.

Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

So move!

Why not just fix up the house I have now?

I can recommend a fantastic plumber

My wife says we need a new kitchen

he just does plumbing
Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.

No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.

The IRS doesn't use force and fear?

The overwhelming number of Americans voluntarily report their income and pay their taxes every April 15

I don't see the IRS kicking down many doors

No one pays their taxes voluntarily, moron. Kicking down your door isn't the only way government uses force on you.
Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.

No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.

True, and that's how government does everything. Do what it says, or government thugs will put you in jail or take your stuff.
We are taking in record revenue.........whats the problem.........even a hint of moderation on the spending side and Obama could have had 6 yrs of small surplus'

With all the extra money, maybe we can start catching up to other nations by fixing our highway system.
That would create more jobs, boost the economy and make our highways an asset in attracting foreign business. It would be the best economic investment the US could make when investing in America.
Here we are the world's most wealthy country but,,,,

24 Countries With Better Infrastructure Than America
Countries With Better Infrastructure - Business Insider

Report Card for America's Infrastructure | Roads
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure Roads

Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes
Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes - Bloomberg



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Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries


Only libturds are impressed by the argument that someone else is getting looted for more than we are.
They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.

No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.

The IRS doesn't use force and fear?

The overwhelming number of Americans voluntarily report their income and pay their taxes every April 15

I don't see the IRS kicking down many doors

No one pays their taxes voluntarily, moron. Kicking down your door isn't the only way government uses force on you.

A hundred million Americans peacefully pay their taxes every year. There is no kicking down doors, no threats, no intimidation

As a free nation, our tax collection is relatively benign
We are taking in record revenue.........whats the problem.........even a hint of moderation on the spending side and Obama could have had 6 yrs of small surplus'

With all the extra money, maybe we can start catching up to other nations by fixing our highway system.
That would create more jobs, boost the economy and make our highways an asset in attracting foreign business. It would be the best economic investment the US could make when investing in America.
Here we are the world's most wealthy country but,,,,

24 Countries With Better Infrastructure Than America
Countries With Better Infrastructure - Business Insider

Report Card for America's Infrastructure | Roads
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure Roads

Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes
Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes - Bloomberg

View attachment 35731

We all know that any additional revenue the government receives will be used to pay the bills of ticks on the ass of society.
That's pretty damn putative. If you want to bring back the same economic conditions that existed during the Eisenhower era you'll have to bomb the rest of the industrialized world into the stone age.

They haven't "earned" anything that isn't the result of a voluntary transaction. Warren intends to impose force into the transaction between employer and employee. That's more akin to the kind of transaction that occurs during an armed robbery.

No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.

The IRS doesn't use force and fear?

The overwhelming number of Americans voluntarily report their income and pay their taxes every April 15

I don't see the IRS kicking down many doors

No one pays their taxes voluntarily, moron. Kicking down your door isn't the only way government uses force on you.

A hundred million Americans peacefully pay their taxes every year. There is no kicking down doors, no threats, no intimidation

As a free nation, our tax collection is relatively benign

A Thug doesn't have to show you his gun or break your leg to use force on you. All he has to do is show you the gun and explain why you wouldn't want to make him use it to gain your compliance. According to you, that isn't force.

The IRS is the closest thing to the Gestapo any country has ever had since WW II.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries


Only libturds are impressed by the argument that someone else is getting looted for more than we are.

They have more to show for what they pay.
Better healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost education, better retirement, more free time
No moron, force and fear are the elements of an armed robbery, as well as the use of a weapon.

The IRS doesn't use force and fear?

The overwhelming number of Americans voluntarily report their income and pay their taxes every April 15

I don't see the IRS kicking down many doors

No one pays their taxes voluntarily, moron. Kicking down your door isn't the only way government uses force on you.

A hundred million Americans peacefully pay their taxes every year. There is no kicking down doors, no threats, no intimidation

As a free nation, our tax collection is relatively benign

A Thug doesn't have to show you his gun or break your leg to use force on you. All he has to do is show you the gun and explain why you wouldn't want to make him use it to gain your compliance. According to you, that isn't force.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries


Only libturds are impressed by the argument that someone else is getting looted for more than we are.

They have more to show for what they pay.
Better healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost education, better retirement, more free time

ROFL! That's pure horseshit. SS is a giant Ponzi scheme, our public schools stink and we had better healthcare until Obama took it over. The interstate highway system is an expensive boondoggle. We have less free time paying for the government social-welfare boondoggles.
Congress controls the purse strings, not "O".
I don't have much of a problem with Keystone, but finally doing something about our highways is very, very past due. The US keeps slipping down the ratings because of the condition of our highways. It hurts US businesses and foreign investment.
There is no good reason for letting this embarrassment to continue. It saves lives, creates jobs and helps our economy.
Improving our highways is much, much more important and rewarding than Keystone, it's not even close.
Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries


Only libturds are impressed by the argument that someone else is getting looted for more than we are.

They have more to show for what they pay.
Better healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost education, better retirement, more free time

ROFL! That's pure horseshit. SS is a giant Ponzi scheme, our public schools stink and we had better healthcare until Obama took it over. The interstate highway system is an expensive boondoggle. We have less free time paying for the government social-welfare boondoggles.

Social Security has been working for 75 years. Prior to Social Security, people worked till they died or prayed that one of their children would take care of them if they could no longer work

It changed our social structure
We are taking in record revenue.........whats the problem.........even a hint of moderation on the spending side and Obama could have had 6 yrs of small surplus'

With all the extra money, maybe we can start catching up to other nations by fixing our highway system.
That would create more jobs, boost the economy and make our highways an asset in attracting foreign business. It would be the best economic investment the US could make when investing in America.
Here we are the world's most wealthy country but,,,,

24 Countries With Better Infrastructure Than America
Countries With Better Infrastructure - Business Insider

Report Card for America's Infrastructure | Roads
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure Roads

Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes
Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes - Bloomberg

View attachment 35731

We all know that any additional revenue the government receives will be used to pay the bills of ticks on the ass of society.

Thought we fixed the roads and bridges under O's shovel rdy jobs program

No matter how many times we approve tax increases for "roads and bridges," the Dims always come back for more.

Highway/road investment has been too low for decades.
What do you want? A world where third world countries have better highways than the richest country in the world. Do you want less foreign investment in the US? Do you want our death toll on the highways to continue to climb?
Name one reason that trumps the reasons and common sense to finally do something that would be an asset to America all the way around.

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