Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

Warren has to fight off the voices in her head first.

I can believe someone as stupid as you appear to be can even turn on a computer.
Ah there you are demonstrating your commitment to reasoned debate again.

I've said before and will repeat it because you are a liar. I don't believe fools who assassinate the character of others deserve any respect - and that includes you. Now, a simpleton like you will call me a hypocrite for assassinating the character of meathead and you. The problem with that is that your character and his are flawed, thus there is nothing good to assassinate.
So when other posters rain insults on people it's because they're idiots.
When you do it it's because other people are idiots.

Do you know how fucking stupid you sound, cocksucker?
Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries


Only libturds are impressed by the argument that someone else is getting looted for more than we are.

They have more to show for what they pay.
Better healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost education, better retirement, more free time

ROFL! That's pure horseshit. SS is a giant Ponzi scheme, our public schools stink and we had better healthcare until Obama took it over. The interstate highway system is an expensive boondoggle. We have less free time paying for the government social-welfare boondoggles.

Social Security has been working for 75 years. Prior to Social Security, people worked till they died or prayed that one of their children would take care of them if they could no longer work

It changed our social structure
Or they actually saved money and lived off it because they werent getting dinged every pay check by Uncle, who took the money and spent it on free cell phones.
Warren has to fight off the voices in her head first.

I can believe someone as stupid as you appear to be can even turn on a computer.
Ah there you are demonstrating your commitment to reasoned debate again.

I've said before and will repeat it because you are a liar. I don't believe fools who assassinate the character of others deserve any respect - and that includes you. Now, a simpleton like you will call me a hypocrite for assassinating the character of meathead and you. The problem with that is that your character and his are flawed, thus there is nothing good to assassinate.
So when other posters rain insults on people it's because they're idiots.
When you do it it's because other people are idiots.

Do you know how fucking stupid you sound, cocksucker?
In your case, always assume you are really an idiot.
We are taking in record revenue.........whats the problem.........even a hint of moderation on the spending side and Obama could have had 6 yrs of small surplus'

With all the extra money, maybe we can start catching up to other nations by fixing our highway system.
That would create more jobs, boost the economy and make our highways an asset in attracting foreign business. It would be the best economic investment the US could make when investing in America.
Here we are the world's most wealthy country but,,,,

24 Countries With Better Infrastructure Than America
Countries With Better Infrastructure - Business Insider

Report Card for America's Infrastructure | Roads
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure Roads

Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes
Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes - Bloomberg

View attachment 35731

We all know that any additional revenue the government receives will be used to pay the bills of ticks on the ass of society.

Thought we fixed the roads and bridges under O's shovel rdy jobs program

No matter how many times we approve tax increases for "roads and bridges," the Dims always come back for more.

Highway/road investment has been too low for decades.
What do you want? A world where third world countries have better highways than the richest country in the world. Do you want less foreign investment in the US? Do you want our death toll on the highways to continue to climb?
Name one reason that trumps the reasons and common sense to finally do something that would be an asset to America all the way around.

He would rather save pennies on his taxes than have to pay for roads that others use
We are taking in record revenue.........whats the problem.........even a hint of moderation on the spending side and Obama could have had 6 yrs of small surplus'

With all the extra money, maybe we can start catching up to other nations by fixing our highway system.
That would create more jobs, boost the economy and make our highways an asset in attracting foreign business. It would be the best economic investment the US could make when investing in America.
Here we are the world's most wealthy country but,,,,

24 Countries With Better Infrastructure Than America
Countries With Better Infrastructure - Business Insider

Report Card for America's Infrastructure | Roads
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure Roads

Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes
Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes - Bloomberg

View attachment 35731

We all know that any additional revenue the government receives will be used to pay the bills of ticks on the ass of society.

Thought we fixed the roads and bridges under O's shovel rdy jobs program

No matter how many times we approve tax increases for "roads and bridges," the Dims always come back for more.

Highway/road investment has been too low for decades.
What do you want? A world where third world countries have better highways than the richest country in the world. Do you want less foreign investment in the US? Do you want our death toll on the highways to continue to climb?
Name one reason that trumps the reasons and common sense to finally do something that would be an asset to America all the way around.
There you go again, said another Great American.
SO tell us, genius. What would a proper level of funding highways be, and hwo do you propose to do that?
Warren has to fight off the voices in her head first.

I can believe someone as stupid as you appear to be can even turn on a computer.
Ah there you are demonstrating your commitment to reasoned debate again.

I've said before and will repeat it because you are a liar. I don't believe fools who assassinate the character of others deserve any respect - and that includes you. Now, a simpleton like you will call me a hypocrite for assassinating the character of meathead and you. The problem with that is that your character and his are flawed, thus there is nothing good to assassinate.
So when other posters rain insults on people it's because they're idiots.
When you do it it's because other people are idiots.

Do you know how fucking stupid you sound, cocksucker?
In your case, always assume you are really an idiot.
Thats because you're a stupid low information poster. You dont know what you're talking half the time and the other half you just sling insults.

It is not confiscating wealth. It affects future income

It is not giving more money to the federal governnment, it is putting more money into the hands of workers

You wonder why we call you Moon Bats.

You are not educated enough to understand that taxation is confiscating wealth and income.

You are not educated enough to know that the government doesn't produce anything. It only takes from people that already earned the money and then redistributes it to the lowest unproductive elements of our society.

The government claims it "invests" in the future but all it really does is produce bureaucratic mismanaged bloated entitlement programs that robs the wealth of the country.

It affects the rules of the game

Up till now, the rules have been written to incentivize the capitalists over the workers

Money made from invested is treated differently than money made from labor. Changing the rules levels the playing field. Just because it is not as easy for the wealthy to claim all the income doesn't mean we are taking money away from them


"Changing the rules" means imposing punitive taxes on high incomes. The wealthy don't "claim" more income. They earn it. Their income is not a gift from the government. It's the result of entirely voluntary transactions. It was given to them in exchange for some product or service.

They are no more punative than they were under Eisenhower and yet his economy flourished.

Workers earn their money also. Most say moreso than the wealthy. Warren is just advocating that they should keep more of what they earn
This is an old lib trick: Cherry pick one or two data points and make the argument depend entirely on them, leaving aside eerything else.
The Eisenhower economy was also a time when everyone was rebuilding from WW2. Bonus question: Why did Kennedy feel the need to propose a tax cut if the economy was doing so well?
Congress controls the purse strings, not "O".
I don't have much of a problem with Keystone, but finally doing something about our highways is very, very past due. The US keeps slipping down the ratings because of the condition of our highways. It hurts US businesses and foreign investment.
There is no good reason for letting this embarrassment to continue. It saves lives, creates jobs and helps our economy.
Improving our highways is much, much more important and rewarding than Keystone, it's not even close.

So the Democrat controlled Congress was responsible for the Bush's debt in 2007 and 2008, right? The Democrat controlled Congress was also responsible for the debt in 2009 and 20210 and the Democrat controlled Senate in 2011, 2012, 2012 and 2014, right?

By the way, the Federal government spends about $4 trillion a year. If that is not enough to pay for roads and bridges then it is because the government is not spending it wisely, which is always the case.

Another thing idiot.

You do not "create jobs" by taking money from somebody that earned it and giving it to somebody that didn't earn it or by spending the money on something else.

The money that you originally took from the economy in the form of taxation (or future economy with debt) would have produced more jobs (without the government inefficiency) than what was produced with the government money.

Simple economics. Economics always escapes Moon Bats, doesn't it?
Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries

Another lib tactic: Yes, compared to France taxation looks low. You want France's economy? How about compared to Hong Kong or Singapore or South Korea? I'll take their economies any day over France.
Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries


Only libturds are impressed by the argument that someone else is getting looted for more than we are.

They have more to show for what they pay.
Better healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost education, better retirement, more free time

ROFL! That's pure horseshit. SS is a giant Ponzi scheme, our public schools stink and we had better healthcare until Obama took it over. The interstate highway system is an expensive boondoggle. We have less free time paying for the government social-welfare boondoggles.

Social Security has been working for 75 years. Prior to Social Security, people worked till they died or prayed that one of their children would take care of them if they could no longer work

It changed our social structure

Well, if Ponzi could have got new "investors" by using guns, his scheme would have worked just as well.

Your claim about life prior to SS is pure horseshit. It's liberal propaganda.

furthermore, what's wrong with children taking care of their parents? I realize liberals would never do that, but the rest of us are not so callous and selfish.
Americans pay a lower tax rate than the rest of the industrialized world

Our workers have less to show for it. They get less vacation, fewer holidays, retire later, work more hours, get worse healthcare, pay more for education

Over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government and that is an enormous amount no matter who else pays more.

That is the reason Americans have a hard time. They are forced to give their money to the government and they get little or nothing of substance for it.

The people that earn money are not the problem. The problem is the government taking the money from them.

We spend significantly less than other developed countries


Only libturds are impressed by the argument that someone else is getting looted for more than we are.

They have more to show for what they pay.
Better healthcare, modern infrastructure, low cost education, better retirement, more free time
High unemployment, rioting Muslims, terrorist incidents. Let it all hang out there, Nutjobber.
Bonus question: Why did Kennedy feel the need to propose a tax cut if the economy was doing so well?

It is funny. These Libards love Kennedy, however he believed it was better for the people to spend the money they earned rather than the government.

If you want to see big time denial just raise this issue with the Libtards.
Thought we fixed the roads and bridges under O's shovel rdy jobs program

No matter how many times we approve tax increases for "roads and bridges," the Dims always come back for more.

It's very. very obvious that the "Dims" haven't asked for enough. It's also very obvious that some people don't care about something that is extremely serious that effects the future of this country's long-term economy.
America just keeps on sliding downwards and some people could give a shit.
Thought we fixed the roads and bridges under O's shovel rdy jobs program

No matter how many times we approve tax increases for "roads and bridges," the Dims always come back for more.

It's very. very obvious that the "Dims" haven't asked for enough. It's also very obvious that some people don't care about something that is extremely serious that effects the future of this country's long-term economy.
America just keeps on sliding downwards and some people could give a shit.
Moron, how much do you think we need? How do you propose to get it?
Bonus question: Why did Kennedy feel the need to propose a tax cut if the economy was doing so well?

It is funny. These Libards love Kennedy, however he believed it was better for the people to spend the money they earned rather than the government.

If you want to see big time denial just raise this issue with the Libtards.

JFK cut the upper tax rate from 90% to 65%

Are you supporting JFKs 65% tax rate?
Thought we fixed the roads and bridges under O's shovel rdy jobs program

No matter how many times we approve tax increases for "roads and bridges," the Dims always come back for more.

It's very. very obvious that the "Dims" haven't asked for enough. It's also very obvious that some people don't care about something that is extremely serious that effects the future of this country's long-term economy.
America just keeps on sliding downwards and some people could give a shit.

Smart people know it's only a ploy the Dims use to raise taxes. Dangle something people want in front of them so they'll bite on huge tax increases to fund all the Dim social-welfare boondoggles. That's what Obama's "shovel ready jobs" were all about. less than 5% of that money went to highway projects.

Dims couldn't give a rat's ass about our infrastructure.
Bonus question: Why did Kennedy feel the need to propose a tax cut if the economy was doing so well?

It is funny. These Libards love Kennedy, however he believed it was better for the people to spend the money they earned rather than the government.

If you want to see big time denial just raise this issue with the Libtards.

JFK cut the upper tax rate from 90% to 65%

Are you supporting JFKs 65% tax rate?
Are you supporting deductions for interest payments and income averaging,which benefit high income earners?
Thought we fixed the roads and bridges under O's shovel rdy jobs program

No matter how many times we approve tax increases for "roads and bridges," the Dims always come back for more.

It's very. very obvious that the "Dims" haven't asked for enough. It's also very obvious that some people don't care about something that is extremely serious that effects the future of this country's long-term economy.
America just keeps on sliding downwards and some people could give a shit.

Smart people know it's only a ploy the Dims use to raise taxes. Dangle something people want in front of them so they'll bite on huge tax increases to fund all the Dim social-welfare boondoggles. That's what Obama's "shovel ready jobs" were all about. less than 5% of that money went to highway projects.

Dims couldn't give a rat's ass about our infrastructure.
Every tax increase in my state has been sold as "for education."

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