Elizabeth Warren goes full "science": last year, i got the covid vaccine, this year the flu vaccine, if CDC says put the mask back on, i'll put it on!

There’s a correlation between intelligence, pursuing a college education, and becoming a democrat. Whoops.
Putting off getting a job as long as possible, going into massive debt, coming out dumber than you went in holding a gender studies degree and joining a party that wants someone else to pay for it all…

Yep, sounds like a democrat to me.
It helps to use masks correctly ... these keep the virus within YOU ... it will not stop virus from entering you ... we wear masks to protect OTHERS ... and for the LOVE of GOD, never wear a mask twice, this is bio-hazard waste and they need to be properly incinerated after EACH USE ...

Cotton or paper ... synthetic materials are no better than nothing at all ... I learned all this in 8th Grade ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

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