Elizabeth Warren Said Father Was A Janitor...Death Certificate Says Army Flight Instructor

And you can dare post this shit about Liz lying, when you support a guy who hasn't told one shred of truth since born, let alone taking office? Other than embellishing her life's story, do tell me, how many people are dead as a result of her lies, vs the lies that bat shit crazy white fuck Trump you seem to love so damn much has told and inspired you Nazi nuts to mass shoot? I'm waiting, ass wipe

Of fuck off racist. You have an IQ in the low teens and nothing to offer this or any thread.

Warren lied again - she is Communist, Communists lie - it's what you scum do.
Elizabeth Warren is a compulsive liar.

There is a medical name for that, it's called Mythomania

(Psychiatry) psychiatry the tendency to lie, exaggerate, or relate incredible imaginary adventures as if they had really happened, occurring in some mental disorders

A compulsion to embroider the truth, engage in exaggeration, or tell lies.

lying or exaggerating to an abnormal degree.

Elizabeth Warren should drop from the race now she is totally nuts.:cuckoo:
Right. She lies. Don, meh, he's a stable genius.

You are clearly severely retarded.. :dunno:
Right. She lies. Don, meh, he's a stable genius.

Any halfwit jackass that can disparaged the name Pocahontas clearly has no understanding of his/her own nation's history, and in typical euro fashion, that was not even the woman's name. For befriending the euros, she died in Britain in captivity. Turns out King Philip's assessment of the euros was correct, hers not so much so.
In fairness, 1/1,024th of her father's job was doing janitor-like things.
She's been busted again lying. Good grief!

Does lying bother you?

You Stalinists always shriek that "Trump IZ LYING" but the real liars are your own Commissars. Shitting Bull is the most notorious liar in the country.

As usual you are wrong.


You morons are petty little shits who call everything said by an American a lie.

To be fair, you have no idea what it means to be American.

Sure we do, it means we're entitled to whatever we want across the globe via militarism. And if we don't like your govt or leader, we'll give ya one we do like. We've seen that time and time again, just tried this crap again in Venezuela. Again.
In fairness, 1/1,024th of her father's job was doing janitor-like things.
This is oh so significant. We all know about Don's corrupt daddy. Point? Oh wait, I know, less evil is all it takes.

Your guy's dad was shittier than my guy's dad, so there, I win.
In fairness, 1/1,024th of her father's job was doing janitor-like things.
This is oh so significant. We all know about Don's corrupt daddy. Point? Oh wait, I know, less evil is all it takes.

Your guy's dad was shittier than my guy's dad, so there, I win.

Can I ask you a question?

Were you drunk when you posted that?

Is that not the state of our electoral politics?
One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?

Because they do. No lie he has ever told affected anyone but him. He lies about the size of his crowds, he lies about how much money he has. To date I can find no lie he has told that actually harmed people. Obama? Yes, his lies cost millions of Americans thousands of dollars each. Hillary's lies likewise cost us money. She also lied about a 12 year old sexual assault victim who to this day needs therapy for the vile things that hillary claimed about her.
Trump’s lies about his trade war is hurting American farmers and costing taxpayers who are bailing them out. His lie about Mexico paying for the wall is costing taxpayers. His lies about Mexican immigrants being mostly rapists has led to an increase in hate attacks. His lies about Muslims likewise. His conflating of Omar with 911 in repeated ways has led to death threats against her and her family.

The American taxpayer is not footing the bill. That is coming from the tariffs. The rest of your claims are not supported by factual evidence Coyote, they just aren't
We're subsidizing farmers with socialism. For starters.
No clue about what jobs her father held, admit not worth my time looking. But will speak to the native American claim, as lived many years in Oklahoma, its a common fact that many family's did not put them self's on the Indian roles, it was not popular at one time, because those that did put the family on the rolls get a lot of perks. and many family's think they have native roots. Its also very common when filling out college aps to take advantage of anything in your background that could help with admittance. in fact its well known that those with money use it & any connections they have. not saying its right or wrong just saying its a fact.
Elizabeth Warren Said Father Was A Janitor...Death Certificate Says Army Flight Instructor

LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE, MAGA, at least someone is able to turn up a death certificate on her father! After ten years of trying, no one has yet ever produced an original birth certificate on Obama to show that the guy was ever even born! :auiqs.jpg:
Yea he went from janitor to flight instructor lol
Besides wouldnt that hurt her case?
You lost this thread :lol:
Was her father reduced to being a janitor after his heart attack?
She's been busted again lying. Good grief!


Not sure about you, but I have held many jobs in my lifetime
Yea he went from janitor to flight instructor lol
Besides wouldnt that hurt her case?
You lost this thread :lol:
Was her father reduced to being a janitor after his heart attack?

Who cares, this is The Reality America Show and to smear is dear, the last thing the power structure wants is an issues based election or political system. And let us get real shall we? Corruption and lying aren't even "a thing" in american society any longer, as if they ever were.
Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?

Because they do. No lie he has ever told affected anyone but him. He lies about the size of his crowds, he lies about how much money he has. To date I can find no lie he has told that actually harmed people. Obama? Yes, his lies cost millions of Americans thousands of dollars each. Hillary's lies likewise cost us money. She also lied about a 12 year old sexual assault victim who to this day needs therapy for the vile things that hillary claimed about her.
Trump’s lies about his trade war is hurting American farmers and costing taxpayers who are bailing them out. His lie about Mexico paying for the wall is costing taxpayers. His lies about Mexican immigrants being mostly rapists has led to an increase in hate attacks. His lies about Muslims likewise. His conflating of Omar with 911 in repeated ways has led to death threats against her and her family.

The American taxpayer is not footing the bill. That is coming from the tariffs. The rest of your claims are not supported by factual evidence Coyote, they just aren't
We're subsidizing farmers with socialism. For starters.

No, we're not. Socialism is the government control of labor and production. You know, the Green New Deal is socialism. Helping the farmers out who are suffering because the government has instituted policies that harm them specifically is not socialism.

Far from it.

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