Elizabeth Warren Said Father Was A Janitor...Death Certificate Says Army Flight Instructor

You Stalinists always shriek that "Trump IZ LYING" but the real liars are your own Commissars. Shitting Bull is the most notorious liar in the country.
What did she lie about?

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.
Does lying bother you?

You Stalinists always shriek that "Trump IZ LYING" but the real liars are your own Commissars. Shitting Bull is the most notorious liar in the country.
What did she lie about?

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?
You Stalinists always shriek that "Trump IZ LYING" but the real liars are your own Commissars. Shitting Bull is the most notorious liar in the country.
What did she lie about?

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
What did she lie about?

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?
You Stalinists always shriek that "Trump IZ LYING" but the real liars are your own Commissars. Shitting Bull is the most notorious liar in the country.
What did she lie about?

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Let's see any lie from Trump that even COMES CLOSE to that bullshit.

Warren lies about everything.


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Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?

Because they do. No lie he has ever told affected anyone but him. He lies about the size of his crowds, he lies about how much money he has. To date I can find no lie he has told that actually harmed people. Obama? Yes, his lies cost millions of Americans thousands of dollars each. Hillary's lies likewise cost us money. She also lied about a 12 year old sexual assault victim who to this day needs therapy for the vile things that hillary claimed about her.

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?

Trump's "lies" are statments such as, "I have the most beautiful wife in the world" - Politifraud calls him a liar - virtually all the "lies" you Stalinsts accuse him of are of that level.
What did she lie about?

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Let's see any lie from Trump that even COMES CLOSE to that bullshit.

Warren lies about everything.

I think you are confusing Warren with Trump. You came up with one “lie”. Even that is debatable because she might have honestly believed as it was a family story. Your other claim of a lie, the topic of this thread, has been debunked. If she lies about everything there surely must a lengthy list.

At least you are honest about who your master is :lol:

Even you can't be this stupid, Comrade.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Let's see any lie from Trump that even COMES CLOSE to that bullshit.

Warren lies about everything.

I think you are confusing Warren with Trump. You came up with one “lie”. Even that is debatable because she might have honestly believed as it was a family story. Your other claim of a lie, the topic of this thread, has been debunked. If she lies about everything there surely must a lengthy list.

At least you are honest about who your master is :lol:

Again, you Stalinsts call bravado and petty exaggerations "lies." Trump tells no lies that are of substance. Nothing like the cultural appropriation of shitting bull to get into Harvard at a greatly reduced tuition and get a legal firm partnership.
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?

Because they do. No lie he has ever told affected anyone but him. He lies about the size of his crowds, he lies about how much money he has. To date I can find no lie he has told that actually harmed people. Obama? Yes, his lies cost millions of Americans thousands of dollars each. Hillary's lies likewise cost us money. She also lied about a 12 year old sexual assault victim who to this day needs therapy for the vile things that hillary claimed about her.
Trump’s lies about his trade war is hurting American farmers and costing taxpayers who are bailing them out. His lie about Mexico paying for the wall is costing taxpayers. His lies about Mexican immigrants being mostly rapists has led to an increase in hate attacks. His lies about Muslims likewise. His conflating of Omar with 911 in repeated ways has led to death threats against her and her family.
Elizabeth Warren is a compulsive liar.

There is a medical name for that, it's called Mythomania

(Psychiatry) psychiatry the tendency to lie, exaggerate, or relate incredible imaginary adventures as if they had really happened, occurring in some mental disorders

A compulsion to embroider the truth, engage in exaggeration, or tell lies.

lying or exaggerating to an abnormal degree.

Elizabeth Warren should drop from the race now she is totally nuts.:cuckoo:
Right. She lies. Don, meh, he's a stable genius.
Just answer.

who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Let's see any lie from Trump that even COMES CLOSE to that bullshit.

Warren lies about everything.

I think you are confusing Warren with Trump. You came up with one “lie”. Even that is debatable because she might have honestly believed as it was a family story. Your other claim of a lie, the topic of this thread, has been debunked. If she lies about everything there surely must a lengthy list.

At least you are honest about who your master is :lol:

Again, you Stalinsts call bravado and petty exaggerations "lies." Trump tells no lies that are of substance. Nothing like the cultural appropriation of shitting bull to get into Harvard at a greatly reduced tuition and get a legal firm partnership.

Right, my guys' lies are less harmful than your guys' lies, therefore less evil, and that's all it takes to "win"! Be less evil. Commie. And we really hold up the respect for that people, not her!
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?

Because they do. No lie he has ever told affected anyone but him. He lies about the size of his crowds, he lies about how much money he has. To date I can find no lie he has told that actually harmed people. Obama? Yes, his lies cost millions of Americans thousands of dollars each. Hillary's lies likewise cost us money. She also lied about a 12 year old sexual assault victim who to this day needs therapy for the vile things that hillary claimed about her.
Trump’s lies about his trade war is hurting American farmers and costing taxpayers who are bailing them out. His lie about Mexico paying for the wall is costing taxpayers. His lies about Mexican immigrants being mostly rapists has led to an increase in hate attacks. His lies about Muslims likewise. His conflating of Omar with 911 in repeated ways has led to death threats against her and her family.

The American taxpayer is not footing the bill. That is coming from the tariffs. The rest of your claims are not supported by factual evidence Coyote, they just aren't
One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Her lies denied REAL Native Americans positions in colleges. Trumps lies hurt trump. Do you see the difference?
Why do you think Trump’s lies only hurt Trump?

Because they do. No lie he has ever told affected anyone but him. He lies about the size of his crowds, he lies about how much money he has. To date I can find no lie he has told that actually harmed people. Obama? Yes, his lies cost millions of Americans thousands of dollars each. Hillary's lies likewise cost us money. She also lied about a 12 year old sexual assault victim who to this day needs therapy for the vile things that hillary claimed about her.
Trump’s lies about his trade war is hurting American farmers and costing taxpayers who are bailing them out. His lie about Mexico paying for the wall is costing taxpayers. His lies about Mexican immigrants being mostly rapists has led to an increase in hate attacks. His lies about Muslims likewise. His conflating of Omar with 911 in repeated ways has led to death threats against her and her family.

The American taxpayer is not footing the bill. That is coming from the tariffs. The rest of your claims are not supported by factual evidence Coyote, they just aren't
We will have to agree to disagree on that I think :p
Just answer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is expected to announce her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination Saturday, is a fraud. For decades she has been living a lie, pretending to be a Native American when she is not.

Because of her long history of lying about her racial background, the Massachusetts Democrat is unfit to occupy the White House and unfit to sit in the Senate. She should end her presidential candidacy before it begins and resign her Senate seat.

There is only one reason a person would fraudulently make a claim to be from a racial or ethnic group not his or her own: to benefit from affirmative action or other preferential programs created for underrepresented groups that have been victims of past discrimination. Native Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics are such groups.}

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud -- Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate

You can't be this stupid, but sadly you ARE this dishonest.

Hey, you're a Communist - you have a party, that leaves no room for honor and integrity.

One lie? Assuming it was a lie and she didn’t honestly believe it?

One lie?

How does that compare with your Master?

Let's see any lie from Trump that even COMES CLOSE to that bullshit.

Warren lies about everything.

I think you are confusing Warren with Trump. You came up with one “lie”. Even that is debatable because she might have honestly believed as it was a family story. Your other claim of a lie, the topic of this thread, has been debunked. If she lies about everything there surely must a lengthy list.

At least you are honest about who your master is :lol:

Again, you Stalinsts call bravado and petty exaggerations "lies." Trump tells no lies that are of substance. Nothing like the cultural appropriation of shitting bull to get into Harvard at a greatly reduced tuition and get a legal firm partnership.
Well...to be factual, Warren thought she had Indian ancestry based on family lore. Why else would she do a dna test? Agree, she handled it badly but it is hardly the worst thing people have lied about.

As to the claims about the reduced tuition and partnership they are unsubstantiated. You want to claim she is some kind of unparrelled liar and it falls apart. You only come up with the same thing over and over.

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

In the end, she apologized foe the claim and to the Cherokee nation. Has Trump apologized for any lies or any hurt he has caused?

How does this one lie make her a compulsive liar? It doesn’t. Methinks Trump supporters are projecting in a desperate attempt to rationalize their support for a man who truly is a compulsive liar.

You Stalinists always shriek that "Trump IZ LYING" but the real liars are your own Commissars. Shitting Bull is the most notorious liar in the country.

As usual you are wrong.

With his 10,000 lies, President Trump is the most dishonest politician ever
Trump’s lies about his trade war is hurting American farmers and costing taxpayers who are bailing them out.

Nah, that's YOU lying, not the President.

First off, you Stalinists LOVE to pretend that America has this MASSIVE agricultural export sector to China. But we don't, less than 2% of our agricultural exports went to China BEFORE Trump took office. Remember Potentate Obamugabe presided over transferring pork production to China, which was 90% of our agricultural production export to that nation - you didn't mind that though, you're a hack, you don't give a shit about America, you only care about furthering your party,.

Handing China Smithfield changed America from the largest pork producer in the world, and made China the number one producer. Of course it also made Obama and a whole lot of democrats VERY rich.

Who’s behind the Chinese takeover of world’s biggest pork producer?

So don't you DARE talk about American farmers, you Communists don't give a SHIT about them. What you REALLY care about is China, ensuring that China continues to gain dominance.

His lie about Mexico paying for the wall is costing taxpayers. His lies about Mexican immigrants being mostly rapists has led to an increase in hate attacks. His lies about Muslims likewise. His conflating of Omar with 911 in repeated ways has led to death threats against her and her family.

Again, the one lying is you. You are a demagogue with no integrity. You repeat trash from hate sites like CNN that have be dispelled a million times.

Did Trump really say most Mexicans are rapists? Of course not, you are blatantly lying to slander the object of your hatred, part of your "two minute hate" (literary reference intended for the Americans reading this, you Communists are expected to be ignorant sots.) Have migrants been raped? Oh yeah, about 80% of the women and girls in those migrant caravans you democrat put together to invade America are raped. You don't give a fuck, you just want to slander Donald Trump.

From one of your Communist sources:

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S. | HuffPost
Well...to be factual, Warren thought she had Indian ancestry based on family lore.

You mean she's a party member so you'll cover for her.

Party above all.

Why else would she do a dna test? Agree, she handled it badly but it is hardly the worst thing people have lied about.

She was shamed into it and had expected the test to be rigged in her favor, as every other thing in her life has been.

As to the claims about the reduced tuition and partnership they are unsubstantiated. You want to claim she is some kind of unparrelled liar and it falls apart. You only come up with the same thing over and over.

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

Oh, well if you can't trust the lying Commie bastards of the Boston Globe, who can you trust?

Warren’s Lineage

Warren has claimed Cherokee and Delaware Indian heritage, but the only proof so far seems to be stories she says she heard from family members as a child. Cherokee groups have demanded documentation of the candidate’s Native American ancestry, but she hasn’t delivered.

The New England Historic Genealogical Society found a family newsletter that alluded to a marriage-license application supposedly listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as part Cherokee.

The Boston Globe misreported this information, saying that the genealogical society had found the marriage license itself and debunked the notion that Warren lied about her lineage. The paper later acknowledged its mistake in a correction notice.}



When even the far left Washington Post points out that the Boston Globe are filthy liars running cover for Warren, you KNOW those are some lying fucks..

In the end, she apologized foe the claim and to the Cherokee nation. Has Trump apologized for any lies or any hurt he has caused?

How does this one lie make her a compulsive liar? It doesn’t. Methinks Trump supporters are projecting in a desperate attempt to rationalize their support for a man who truly is a compulsive liar.

After 30 years she was finally FORCED to stop lying. Notice WaPo proved she was lying in 2012, but she just kept right on lying until Trump tricked her into taking a DNA test that she was assured would show things however she wanted, but 23AndMe fired the insider who was going to alter the test. :(

Elizabeth Warren Declines ’23AndMe’ DNA Test

Of course once the test came out, SUPRISE! CNN lied to claim it showed native heritage. It isn't that even CNN is that stupid, but they were told in advance the test would be rigged and had prewritten the lies they ran with.

Elizabeth Warren releases DNA test with 'strong evidence' of Native American ancestry - CNNPolitics

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