Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Too bad there is nothing to debunk, considering SHE admitted to filling out the paperwork, claiming to be a native American. :D What is there to debunk? Please proceed to debunking. I'll be waiting. :)

We are waiting for someone, anyone, to provide a link that proves your claim. So why don't you be the one to provide evidence Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she was a Native American.

Go ahead.

I already provided it several times, as you and everyone else is well aware. It's in post #436.

Go ahead, smart guy, debunk anything in that link.
72 pages now, and no one has managed to find that link which proves Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she is a Native American.

Isn't that just fascinating? There must be some kind of profound stupidity on the part of those who keep parroting that claim. They are too stupid to find the evidence.

But it doesn't stop them from parroting this unproven claim.

The desire to believe has clogged their logic filters.
Good news. It means they know she's a threat. Fox Noise is coming out front to try to keebosh Warren and brainwash their viewers now.

Brainwash? Excuse me, are you insinuating that Americans shouldn't have discussions about their potential candidates and that information about them shouldn't be discussed? Did you not discuss things about candidates yourself, oh maybe Sarah Palin, etc.? Funny how upset you on the left seem to get when discussing a legitimate issue regarding a candidate.

You haven't brought a "legitimate issue" to this thread yet. Oh thanks for the sigline.
Now why are you so obsessed with race anyway?
Why do you support Elizabeth Warren?

I haven't posted a damn thing about Elizabeth Warren politically. Neither her nor anywhere else. Go ahead and look it up. Not a one.

See, I don't need to. What I've done is called out bullshit biography myths that have no basis. I've called for those bases and got zippo, bupkis, nada, zero, fuck-all.

Now what am I gonna do with all these crickets?
Pogo, there is something you do not understand about Rube Logic™.

If someone posts some manufactured bullshit about a politician, and you defend the Truth and debunk the bullshit, Rube Logic™ dictates that automatically means you support that politician.

Thus, if you debunk the lie that Warren was hired by Harvard because she said she was a redskin, that means you support her, hate America, and suck donkey dicks.

Yup, that's been evident from Day One. I'm also a communist, fascist, statist, Democrat, Repubican, anarchist, racist, soshullist, baby eater, dipshit, fag, bully, child molestor and putter of raisins on my cereal.

Then you challenge them to document any of that and they just repeat the same shit over and over as if they've gone deaf. The more activist ones run away and hide.

It's like they hear nothing but their own echo chamber :lalala:
Weird stuff, psychologically speaking.
Oh, darn. ChrisL's link contradicts the claim:

Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, a member of the hiring committee at the time, has asserted that he was not aware that Warren claimed to be Native American until after she was hired
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.
Oh, darn. ChrisL's link contradicts the claim:

Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, a member of the hiring committee at the time, has asserted that he was not aware that Warren claimed to be Native American until after she was hired

WHO made that claim? It certainly was not me.

I see you haven't debunked any of the things contained within the link. :D Just like I thought.
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Please quote a post of a poster claiming that. The point is, she claimed that she was native American when she was not. When confronted with that information, she lied and said she didn't know anything about it. When confronted with evidence to the contrary, she said the reason she did it was because of her family stories, and to get invited to parties. However, she never "specified" native American. She did put down that she was a minority, and the native American story came later after she was caught red-handed lying. Now, debunk it, smarty pants. :)
Oh, darn. ChrisL's link contradicts the claim:

Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, a member of the hiring committee at the time, has asserted that he was not aware that Warren claimed to be Native American until after she was hired

WHO made that claim?

Rabbi, among others. See here:
Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American
She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

I see you haven't debunked any of the things contained within the link. :D Just like I thought.

I want you to look at the entirely of our posts in the past couple pages. When did I ask for anything other than evidence that Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was Native American?

That's right. I didn't ask for anything but evidence for that.

So your hopping about some other shit is completely irrelevant to the evidence I have been asking for since Rabbi made that claim.
Oh, darn. ChrisL's link contradicts the claim:

Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, a member of the hiring committee at the time, has asserted that he was not aware that Warren claimed to be Native American until after she was hired

WHO made that claim?

Rabbi, among others. See here:
Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American
She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

I see you haven't debunked any of the things contained within the link. :D Just like I thought.

I want you to look at the entirely of our posts in the past couple pages. When did I ask for anything other than evidence that Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was Native American?

That's right. I didn't ask for anything but evidence for that.

So your hopping about some other shit is completely irrelevant to the evidence I have been asking for since Rabbi made that claim.

Whatever. Elizabeth Warren is just another dishonest lying politician who will do anything to get ahead. That's the bottom line. I'm sick of the American people voting in the same old status quo of liars. Disgusted by it actually.
We are waiting for someone, anyone, to provide a link that proves your claim. So why don't you be the one to provide evidence Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she was a Native American.

Go ahead.

I already provided it several times, as you and everyone else is well aware. It's in post #436.

Nope. There is no evidence in that link that Harvard hired Elizabeth Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Ms. Warren lied, is that too hard for you to admit?

Is it too hard to admit that others have lied, too?

I am taking the rubes to task who parrot bullshit they heard that Warren was hired because she told them she was a Native American.

I can almost guarantee they will still line up for a refill of their piss cup, though, even though they keep getting caught repeating lies.

Kind of hypocritical, don't you think. Get their panties in a twist about Warren lying and then making up lies about her?

The irony of that kind of hypocrisy is pretty fucking rich.
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Please quote a post of a poster claiming that. The point is, she claimed that she was native American when she was not.

Please quote a post of a poster posting the proof of that pathetic piffle.
You know you have to prove a negative here, right?
Rotsa ruck on that.

When confronted with that information, she lied and said she didn't know anything about it.

Link? And again, proof of the negative?

When confronted with evidence to the contrary, she said the reason she did it was because of her family stories, and to get invited to parties.

To date you're the only wag who has invoked anything about "parties". Don't you get enough?

And again -- link?

However, she never "specified" native American. She did put down that she was a minority, and the native American story came later after she was caught red-handed lying. Now, debunk it, smarty pants. :)


What DID she specify, if not "Native American" then?
The only "form" to specify an ethnicity I'm aware of was at UT -- where she checked "white". That's a matter of record.

Personally I consistently refuse to answer that one, but that's just me.

Btw you do know Affirmative Action guidelines refer to minorities and women, do you not?

Red-handed? A pun?

You have nothing to "debunk" here; you haven't made a point. Proof's in the pudding. Where's the pudding?

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We are waiting for someone, anyone, to provide a link that proves your claim. So why don't you be the one to provide evidence Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she was a Native American.

Go ahead.

I already provided it several times, as you and everyone else is well aware. It's in post #436.

Nope. There is no evidence in that link that Harvard hired Elizabeth Warren because she told them she was a Native American.


Perhaps you might CHOKE on this? OCDPogo also!

Elizabeth Warren acknowledges telling Harvard Penn of Native American status - The Boston Globe

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