Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

When you manufacture bullshit, your integrity is shot. You have no leg to stand on to criticize others for being liars.

It's even worse when you are a credulous fool who repeats what is fed to you by your masters.

Figure it out, rubes!
We are waiting for someone, anyone, to provide a link that proves your claim. So why don't you be the one to provide evidence Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she was a Native American.

Go ahead.

I already provided it several times, as you and everyone else is well aware. It's in post #436.

Nope. There is no evidence in that link that Harvard hired Elizabeth Warren because she told them she was a Native American.


Perhaps you might CHOKE on this?

Elizabeth Warren acknowledges telling Harvard Penn of Native American status - The Boston Globe
AFTER she was hired.

Choke on THAT, idiot.

Time. It flows in one direction. It's a concept you should all learn.
We are waiting for someone, anyone, to provide a link that proves your claim. So why don't you be the one to provide evidence Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she was a Native American.

Go ahead.

I already provided it several times, as you and everyone else is well aware. It's in post #436.

Nope. There is no evidence in that link that Harvard hired Elizabeth Warren because she told them she was a Native American.


Well, there is actually evidence of that because Harvard believed she was a minority, that relates to affirmative action. Also, one of my links talks of some kind of federal aid received as a result of her lying. I'll have to go back and find that piece of information.

So, why are you so vehemently defending Liz anyway? Are you denying that she lied on at least some of her applications, that she is a woman who is a Harvard graduate, obviously intelligent to realize what she was doing and what was going on, yet she still lied about it. There is a reason why she did this. She didn't do it just because.
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Please quote a post of a poster claiming that. The point is, she claimed that she was native American when she was not.

Please quote a post of a poster posting the proof of that pathetic piffle.
You know you have to prove a negative here, right?
Rotsa ruck on that.

When confronted with that information, she lied and said she didn't know anything about it.

Link? And again, proof of the negative?

When confronted with evidence to the contrary, she said the reason she did it was because of her family stories, and to get invited to parties.

To date you're the only wag who has invoked anything about "parties". Don't you get enough?

And again -- link?

However, she never "specified" native American. She did put down that she was a minority, and the native American story came later after she was caught red-handed lying. Now, debunk it, smarty pants. :)


What DID she specify, if not "Native American" then?

Btw you do know Affirmative Action guidelines refer to minorities and women, do you not?

Red-handed? A pun?

You have nothing to "debunk" here; you haven't made a point. Proof's in the pudding. Where's the pudding?


All of the information is in post #436. Why don't you try reading the link. That would certainly help clear up your confusion. :D
We are waiting for someone, anyone, to provide a link that proves your claim. So why don't you be the one to provide evidence Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she was a Native American.

Go ahead.

I already provided it several times, as you and everyone else is well aware. It's in post #436.

Nope. There is no evidence in that link that Harvard hired Elizabeth Warren because she told them she was a Native American.


Perhaps you might CHOKE on this?

Elizabeth Warren acknowledges telling Harvard Penn of Native American status - The Boston Globe
AFTER she was hired.

Choke on THAT, idiot.

Does it matter when she LIED?
When you manufacture bullshit, your integrity is shot. You have no leg to stand on to criticize others for being liars.

It's even worse when you are a credulous fool who repeats what is fed to you by your masters.

Figure it out, rubes!


And the interesting twist is, the more they repeat the same bubble babble, the digger they deep.

I never thought the act of shooting oneself in the foot would be a productive idea. There must be something we're missing.
We are waiting for someone, anyone, to provide a link that proves your claim. So why don't you be the one to provide evidence Elizabeth Warren was hired by Harvard because she told them she was a Native American.

Go ahead.

I already provided it several times, as you and everyone else is well aware. It's in post #436.

Nope. There is no evidence in that link that Harvard hired Elizabeth Warren because she told them she was a Native American.


Perhaps you might CHOKE on this?

Elizabeth Warren acknowledges telling Harvard Penn of Native American status - The Boston Globe
AFTER she was hired.

Choke on THAT, idiot.

Does it matter when she LIED?

Does it matter that there's no basis for that claim?

I'm going with 'yes it does'. Final answer.
She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.

A claim not proven.

Parroting of manufactured bullshit.

Integrity shot.

When you rubes keep doing this kind of shit, it erodes your credibility down to zero.
When you manufacture bullshit, your integrity is shot. You have no leg to stand on to criticize others for being liars.

It's even worse when you are a credulous fool who repeats what is fed to you by your masters.

Figure it out, rubes!


And the interesting twist is, the more they repeat the same bubble babble, the digger they deep.

I never thought the act of shooting oneself in the foot would be a productive idea. There must be something we're missing.

I see you still haven't read the link and you are still suffering from confusion. This is you . . . :lalala:
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Ms. Warren lied, is that too hard for you to admit?

Your proof, sir?

"The New England Historical Genealogical Society found no documentary proof of Warren having Native American lineage,[62"

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"According to Warren and her brothers, they grew up "listening to our mother and grandmother and other relatives talk about our family’s Cherokee and Delaware heritage"

Same link, you don't make a claim you cannot prove.
Pogo g5000

From the link in post #436:

Soon after the Boston Herald report, information was uncovered[8] by George Mason University Law School Professor David Bernstein[9] that starting in the mid-1980s, when she was at U. Penn. Law School, Warren had put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools but dropped from that list when she gain tenure at Harvard in 1995.

Warren had not previously revealed these law directory entries. The AALS directory was used as a recruiting tool[10] by law schools in that time period in order to identify, among other things, minority law professors.

According to Professor David Bernstein[11]:

“In the old days before the Internet, you’d pull out the AALS directory and look up people. There are schools that if they were looking for a minority faculty member, would go to that list and might say, ‘I didn’t know Elizabeth Warren was a minority,’ ” said George Mason University Law professor David Bernstein, a former chairman of the American Association of Law Schools.

Warren aides clammed up yesterday and refused to answer questions about why she stopped listing herself in the AALS directory after 1995. Around that time, Harvard Law School started boasting that Warren was their first minority female professor.

“That appendix strikes me as obviously allowing people to announce themselves as being members of minority groups in case people are looking for such members for whatever reason,” Bernstein said.

When confronted with this information, Warren admitted[12] she had filled out forms listing herself as Native American, claiming she wanted to meet other Native Americans:[13]

Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, fending off questions about whether she used her Native American heritage to advance her career, said today she enrolled herself as a minority in law school directories for nearly a decade because she hoped to meet other people with tribal roots.

“I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group something that might happen with people who are like I am. Nothing like that ever happened, that was clearly not the use for it and so I stopped checking it off,” said Warren….

“Being Native American has been part of my story I guess since the day I was born,” said Warren, who never mentioned her Native American heritage on the campaign trail even as she detailed much of her personal history to voters in speeches, statements and a video. “These are my family stories, I have lived in a family that has talked about Native American and talked about tribes since I was a little girl.”[14]

That explanation did not make sense[15] because the AALS faculty directory only listed Warren as “minority,” not as “Native American,” so putting herself on that list was not a way to meet other Native Americans.

Later, reporters uncovered that Warren had represented herself to both U. Penn[16] and Harvard for federal reporting purposes[17] as Native American. Warren herself never disclosed that she had represented herself to U. Penn and Harvard as Native American, that information was discovered by reporters.

The Boston Globe[18] reported that Warren received recognition as a “minority” law professor while at U. Penn Law School:

“The University of Pennsylvania, where Warren taught at the law school from 1987 through 1995, listed her as a minority in a “Minority Equity Report” posted on its website. The report, published in 2005, well after her departure, included her as the winner of a faculty award in 1994. Her name was highlighted in bold, the designation used for minorities in the report.”

Investigative reporter Michael Patrick Leahy of Breitbart.com uncovered that in 1993, when Warren was a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School, the Harvard Women’s Law Journal included Warren on a list of Women of Color in Legal Academia.[19] It was the policy of the Law Journal to check with the persons on the list before they were listed.

Politico[20] uncovered that in 1997 The Fordham Law Journal listed Warren as Harvard Law School’s first “woman of color” on the faculty:

“There are few women of color who hold important positions in the academy, Fortune 500 companies, or other prominent fields or industries,” the piece says. “This is not inconsequential. Diversifying these arenas, in part by adding qualified women of color to their ranks, remains important for many reaons. For one, there are scant women of color as role models. In my three years at Stanford Law School, there were no professors who were women of color. Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995.”"

Despite the listing of Warren as minority in the AALS Faculty Directly, the knowlege at U. Penn. Law that she was Native American and/or minority, the listing of Warren as a Woman of Color in Legal Academia in 1993, and Warren’s own self-reporting to U.Penn and Havard Law Schools that she was Native American, Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, a member of the hiring committee at the time, has asserted that he was not aware that Warren claimed to be Native American until after she was hired.[21]

Havard Law School has not released[22] the original hiring records to confirm Fried’s recollection.

[23] under Harvard and EEOC definitions of Native American, a definition which likely was on the page[24] when she checked the box. That definition requires both actual Native American ancestry and cultural identification through tribal affiliation or comunity recognition.

Warren did not meet either part of the test, and even if she believed her alleged family lore, Warren should have known that she could not show cultural identification. Warren has refused to release[25] her personnel records which would contain the forms she signed.

Warren admitted that she did not meet the legal qualifications to be considered a racial minority[26]

Q. But you would not call yourself a racial minority?

A. The legal qualifications, no.

Harvard and U. Penn also refuse to release[27] these employment records.

As reported by The Boston Globe,[28] Warren’s self-identification as Native American may have caused U. Penn. [29] and Harvard Law Schools to make false federal filings[30] with regard to faculty diversity. Neither organization will release the records.

- See more at: Elizabeth Warren Native American Cherokee Controversy Elizabeth Warren Wiki
Elizabeth Warren was not hired because she claimed to be Native American.

She did not get preferential treatment when she was hired.

That is what matters. That is the implication behind all the rubes whose panties are twisted over this; the belief she got preferential treatment and would not have gotten hired otherwise.

Now that that bullshit has been shown to be complete and utter fantasy, rather than admit they were bamboozled, they retreat to something else of far smaller significance.
Elizabeth Warren was not hired because she claimed to be Native American.

She did not get preferential treatment when she was hired.

That is what matters. That is the implication behind all the rubes whose panties are twisted over this; the belief she got preferential treatment and would not have gotten hired otherwise.

Now that that bullshit has been shown to be complete and utter fantasy, rather than admit they were bamboozled, they retreat to something else of far smaller significance.

Yes she did, you dishonest hack POS. What's your deal anyway?
This is ironic because, until the Boston Herald first broke the news in April 2012 that Harvard Law School had repeatedly promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member, Warren never once mentioned these stories of her upbringing in a single press interview, speech, class lecture or testimony at any point, ever, in her decades-long career. What's more, Warren was not listed as a minority on her transcript from George Washington University where she began her undergraduate education, nor did she list herself as a minority when applying to Rutgers University Law School in 1973.
In fact, it was not until she was in her 30s and focused on climbing the highly competitive ladder of law school academia that Warren apparently rediscovered her Native American heritage. It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.
A copy of Warren's questionnaire currently resides in the Association of American Law Schools archives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. However, only Warren herself has the authority to release the complete copy of her questionnaire and to date, she has refused to do so.

See highlighted from the USA today piece.... PogoGirl, you reading?
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Ms. Warren lied, is that too hard for you to admit?

Your proof, sir?

"The New England Historical Genealogical Society found no documentary proof of Warren having Native American lineage,[62"

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"According to Warren and her brothers, they grew up "listening to our mother and grandmother and other relatives talk about our family’s Cherokee and Delaware heritage"

Same link, you don't make a claim you cannot prove.

You failed to provide "proof" of anything here beyond that you can successfully link a Wiki page.

Do you not understand the concept of proving a negative? Let's take it slowly.
Your statement above: "Ms. Warren lied" (about having Native American ethnicity).
In order for that to be true you have to (let's highlight that, YOU, not she) prove the non-existence of N-Am blood in the subject's genealogy.

A Wiki link saying somebody failed to find the positive ----- does not prove the negative.

Is that seeping through, or do you need littler words?

Moreover, a document from 1894 actually does indicate a Cherokee antecedent -- found by a member of that New England Genealogical Society -- the same entity you quoted above.

More moreover, you're undermined your own position, admitting that Warren's siblings heard the same stories. For a "lie" to be present, the liar must know that what she's saying is false. You just shot that in the foot too, as they all heard the stories.

I'm afraid you fell on your face here.

Elizabeth Warren was not hired because she claimed to be Native American.

She did not get preferential treatment when she was hired.

That is what matters. That is the implication behind all the rubes whose panties are twisted over this; the belief she got preferential treatment and would not have gotten hired otherwise.

Now that that bullshit has been shown to be complete and utter fantasy, rather than admit they were bamboozled, they retreat to something else of far smaller significance.

Yes she did, you dishonest hack POS. What's your deal anyway?

Your proof, sweet tart. Your PROOF. Saying so doesn't make it so.

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