Elizabeth Warren to Republicans Did You Fall Down Hit Your Head and Wake Up In 1950's


I just love it when conservatives think they can respond to Warren having Native American heritage by posting racist Indian stereotypes

Oh go smokum peacepipe.

And btw, she's full of shit... she's about as Native American as Donald Trump.

She "identifies" as a Native American. Isn't that the same thing? HAHA

Apparently it is in liberal la la land.

I just love it when conservatives think they can respond to Warren having Native American heritage by posting racist Indian stereotypes

Oh go smokum peacepipe.

And btw, she's full of shit... she's about as Native American as Donald Trump.

She "identifies" as a Native American. Isn't that the same thing? HAHA

Apparently it is in liberal la la land.

I'll never understand the left mindset, some fraud claims she is Native American, used it to further herself and they are OK with it. If a right winger did that their heads would spin and explode.
So I have a question...

Since birth control and abortion are covered under the ACA, is Warren conceding that GruberCare is a failure??????

Where is abortion covered under Obamacare?
Just pick a plan that covers it.....

Why don't you post one?
Why don't you go on Obozo's site and find one?????

Oh, wait.... The site is a piece of crap, isn't it???

You need to update your spewing points. That one got taken care of quite a while ago.
A little disappointing to see her going down that road. I like her, she's better than that. I think.


I agree. She's the pot calling the kettle black.

Is this the video where she doesn't EVEN address the illegal selling of fetal body parts? Did she leave that out? The video I saw of her yesterday didn't even mention the illegal selling of fetal body remains.
The GOP is quickly becoming a loony bin run by loonies. They really do want to run this country backwards.

Ms Hiawatha Cheekbones is full of shit.

She exemplifies the failure to face reality that is your typical Progressive.
A little disappointing to see her going down that road. I like her, she's better than that. I think.


I agree. She's the pot calling the kettle black.

Is this the video where she doesn't EVEN address the illegal selling of fetal body parts? Did she leave that out? The video I saw of her yesterday didn't even mention the illegal selling of fetal body remains.

So when they talked about "cost", what does that suggest to you?
Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.

We have answers, you just don't like them. Our issues are Iran, selling baby parts, illegal immigration etc.... your issues are gay marriage, African safari's, and Caitlyn Jenner.

We're more concerned about the lying African than an African lion.

The issues the progressives care about are the destruction of the middle class, poverty in America, equal rights for all Americans ect ect...

The right is more concerned about confederate flags, Mexicans picking tomatoes for $3.00 per hour, not being able to walk up and down the street with firearms, and of course any of the outright lies that Fox News presents to them. Speaking of one of these lies, planned parenthood does not sell baby parts. That was a lie. (Source below) While I don't condone abortion in most cases, the fact is that the federal money used to fund planned parenthood isn't used in abortions, rather for women's health services such as cancer screenings, and other necessities.

No Planned Parenthood wasn t caught on video selling dead baby parts

Yes they do sell baby parts. So far five videos proves it. Only an idiot would argue against that overwhelming evidence.

If PP just stuck to cancer screenings and the like and stopped aborting innocent lives and selling them off piece by piece, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

So you disagree with your rightwing nut pals who claim that there's nothing in the Constitution that authorizes federal taxation and spending for healthcare?
so saying someone fell down and hit their head and woke up in the 1950's isn't LOONY?

That is just TRASH talk for the use of division and hate

which seems to be all the elected idiot Progressive/democrats are good for in this and age
Hahahaha good one Senator, except you fucking know very well.........

They didn't fall. They didn't hit their heads. They just never got out of the 50's

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