Elizabeth Warren to Republicans Did You Fall Down Hit Your Head and Wake Up In 1950's

So I have a question...

Since birth control and abortion are covered under the ACA, is Warren conceding that GruberCare is a failure??????

Where is abortion covered under Obamacare?
Just pick a plan that covers it.....

Why don't you post one?
Why don't you go on Obozo's site and find one?????

Oh, wait.... The site is a piece of crap, isn't it???

You're retarded. Have someone read this to you:

The ACA reinforces the current Hyde Amendment restrictions, continuing to limit federal funds to pay for pregnancy terminations that endanger the life of the woman or that are a result of rape or incest (Table 1). State Medicaid programs continue to have the option to cover abortions in other circumstances using only state funds and no federal funds. President Obama issued an executive order as part of health reform that restated the federal limits specifically for Medicaid coverage of abortion.8 The law also explicitly does not preempt other current state policies regarding abortion, such as parental consent or notification, waiting period laws or any of the abortion limits or coverage requirements that states have enacted.
Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.
Well here is a simple question that should have a simple answer regarding PP funding:
Should MY tax dollars be used to provide services I don't agree with?
If PP takes my tax dollars and spends on abortion expenses, that is violating my beliefs, just as much as if tax dollars were used to support segregation!
So I have a question...

Since birth control and abortion are covered under the ACA, is Warren conceding that GruberCare is a failure??????

Where is abortion covered under Obamacare?
Just pick a plan that covers it.....

Why don't you post one?
Why don't you go on Obozo's site and find one?????

Oh, wait.... The site is a piece of crap, isn't it???

You're retarded. Have someone read this to you:

The ACA reinforces the current Hyde Amendment restrictions, continuing to limit federal funds to pay for pregnancy terminations that endanger the life of the woman or that are a result of rape or incest (Table 1). State Medicaid programs continue to have the option to cover abortions in other circumstances using only state funds and no federal funds. President Obama issued an executive order as part of health reform that restated the federal limits specifically for Medicaid coverage of abortion.8 The law also explicitly does not preempt other current state policies regarding abortion, such as parental consent or notification, waiting period laws or any of the abortion limits or coverage requirements that states have enacted.
So you're saying the Democrats' efforts to fund abortion through PP using government funds is illegal, right??? Because every other health service is covered....

Apparently if Liberals want to have insurance that will pay for killing their kids, and be legal, they need to look into another plan that covers abortion.
Warren is another crusty old hag out of many in that nasty Progressive party. and that her base doesn't think anything wrong with their elected asses talking DOWN to the people in the country. shows how small they are.

this Democrat party hold some the nastiest people in this country. believe me they were NOT that way 30 years ago. they had more CLASS back then

now all they spew is hate and division
There is a difference at the moment. Republicans want to defund PP. All that does is kick the democrat Hive-mind.
In case you haven't noticed, the Rs talk a good game and do nothing. Ultimately they will do nothing about PP as they have on so many other issues.

So, once again, there is little difference in what the two parties DO. They talk differently merely to dupe their followers and this amazingly works on many Americans.

All that does is piss people off...at the Republicans!! They are playing with peoples emotions and they know the consequences. If they think they can focus this additional anger at democrats, they miscalculated.

The Democrats are marching unabashed to the right. Democrats are looking for consolidation of their works from the last 6 years. They have turned right wingers head into a fireworks display for Liberalism!

I doubt the base could get any more infuriated than Gay marriages and Obamacare. Increase in welfare recipients, slow recovery and corporate welfare hasn't pissed them off either?

Maybe the message the Republicans are trying to send their base is "We surrender"?

really, and saying the Republicans are wanting us to go back to the 50's doesn't piss people off? with you on the left you pick and chose what is acceptable. the PEOPLE are the ones ASKING our tax dollars be defunded from PP. WE KNOW that doesn't fit in how that works in the Democrat party because you all just march in lockstep to what YOUR masters want without questioning if it's GOOD or BAD for us and our country

A democrat pissing off republicans is big news? It is startling? It is never heard of?
You are kidding, right? 6 years of run-away liberalism did not piss off republicans--that would be news!!

Like I said early, the republicans attempts to defund PP are going to fail. It will piss off their base. From there, the GOP has nowhere to go politically.

Yes, some people want PP defunded.
Also, some people want to keep PP funded.
And some don't give a flying F### about the issue.
No need for programming, PP is beneficial to some, dreaded by others.
Putting PP aside, you indicate the GOP has no where to go because they are pissing off their base. I dispute this.

The GOP has been pissing off their base for a long time, if we agree their base are conservatives. Reagan spoke of limiting government, but as POTUS he grew it. Cons looked the other way and forgave him. The two shrubs who followed him governed as progressives. The three Rs who ran for POTUS and lost after Reagan, were progressives too. Most Rs in congress are progressives. So tell me again about the GOP having nowhere to go politically? They seem to have and are doing okay.

I suspect R voters believe that voting D is worse, so they continue to vote R. The GOP knows this and clearly does not care that their base is pissed. After all, they are the STUPID party.
So the Native American-wannabe is spewing something controvertial again...yawn. 1950s? Has she seen Hillary's 'stroll' down memory lane regarding the 1920s? lol
this is the base that elected Obama and is now supporting Hillary and nasty people like Lizzy Warren. gawd help us all

this is the base that elected Obama and is now supporting Hillary and nasty people like Lizzy Warren. gawd help us all

Sadly their are uninformed Americans on both sides of the aisle.

How else do you explain the fools both parties have nominated for POTUS for several decades now?
this is the base that elected Obama and is now supporting Hillary and nasty people like Lizzy Warren. gawd help us all

Sadly their are uninformed Americans on both sides of the aisle.

How else do you explain the fools both parties have nominated for POTUS for several decades now?

I don't disagree with that. but this thread is about the nasty Democrat woman, lizzy Warren and how they thought what she said was just so AWESOME
Warren is another crusty old hag out of many in that nasty Progressive party. and that her base doesn't think anything wrong with their elected asses talking DOWN to the people in the country. shows how small they are.

this Democrat party hold some the nastiest people in this country. believe me they were NOT that way 30 years ago. they had more CLASS back then

now all they spew is hate and division
You and others on the right subscribing to this thread are ridiculous, your ignorance and stupidly are remarkable - nothing but lies, spin, and deflection.
Why doesn't the Democrat party STOP lying to you and just come out of the Socialist Closest. because that is ALL of them now (including the Lizzy Warren) in that NASTY so called: Democrat party. will the people wake before it too late. hard to say


Is this really the future you want for the United States? Is this truly the Democratic party you signed up for?
Is This Really The Democratic Party You Signed Up For?
By Leigh Bravo -- Bio and Archives August 5, 2015

Recently, Debbie Wassermann Shultz, the Chair of the Democratic Committee, was asked the difference between Democrats and Socialists. She was unable to answer the question; not once, but twice. Why? Could it be that there is no difference? I can remember a time when any Democrat would have been insulted to be called a socialist. Now there seems to be pride associated with the label. Thousands of Democrats have turned out to support Bernie Sanders for President even though he is a self-professed socialist.

What is a socialism and why has the Democratic party aligned itself with this destructive form of government? Webster’s definition is as follows:


noun so·cial·ism \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies. Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

Are Democrats really lobbying for the government to take complete control of all businesses and private property? Are private citizens really considering supporting a candidate that supports socialism for the United States?

As history has proven to us again and again, government is not capable of running a profit-making entity nor successfully choosing those businesses that will succeed.

They have tried and continue to try, but have proven over and over to be unsuccessful. The Obama administration gave millions of taxpayer dollars to green companies, though loans and stimulus monies they thought could succeed.

As of 2014, 32 have gone bankrupt and taxpayers have lost over $3 billion to the bad choices by government. How can we ever forget the Obamacare website which, alone, has cost taxpayers over $2 billion.

A lack of government awareness and acumen has also resulted in the hacking of personal records of millions of Americans, with no end in site, yet they want to take control of all American’s healthcare information and force us into a one payer healthcare system.

The embarrassing failures of the Veterans Administration, the IRS, and other government agencies that have wasted billions of taxpayer dollars continue to fail and still refuse to fire or reprimand those who approved, caused or encouraged the failures.

Add insult to injury, the Obama administration, without any real business success or experience has already imposed over 21,000 regulations on small business, with more promised to come in 2015. The majority of which were imposed without the consent or notification to Congress.

Some say Democrats only want the government to care for and give a voice to women, children, the elderly, and those who are incapable of taking care of themselves. But is that who they are truly supporting today?

Let’s look at caring for those without a voice, those who are definitely our most vulnerable citizens of the United States. Babies.

Democrats are now supporting the right of mothers to abort their babies up to and including nine months of gestation. They claim that life does not begin at conception and in fact does not count until the baby is actually born.

However, in a recent interview with Steven Crowder, a political commentator, Abby Johnson, an ex-Planned Parenthood Director explained why she left her job and changed her opinion on abortion. She claims that one day, a new doctor wanted to use an ultrasound machine to assist him with the abortion, and asked her to assist him,

“My job with to hold the ultrasound probe on the woman‚Äôs abdomen so he could see what was going on during the abortion, and I watched a 13 week old baby fight and struggle for his life during that abortion procedure, and I knew then that I had been lied to. I knew that because of that, I had, in turn, lied to thousands of women who had come through my facility.”

all of it here.
Is This Really The Democratic Party You Signed Up For
Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.

We have answers, you just don't like them. Our issues are Iran, selling baby parts, illegal immigration etc.... your issues are gay marriage, African safari's, and Caitlyn Jenner.

We're more concerned about the lying African than an African lion.
You should work for Fox News. You spew bullshit very efficiently. 7 talking points in one sentence? And a corny, butthurt zinger at the end to top it off? Bravo :clap:

Efficient and accurate.
I don't think her cheek bones are that high, I have concerns she is really a Native American :rolleyes:
Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.

We have answers, you just don't like them. Our issues are Iran, selling baby parts, illegal immigration etc.... your issues are gay marriage, African safari's, and Caitlyn Jenner.

We're more concerned about the lying African than an African lion.

The issues the progressives care about are the destruction of the middle class, poverty in America, equal rights for all Americans ect ect...

The right is more concerned about confederate flags, Mexicans picking tomatoes for $3.00 per hour, not being able to walk up and down the street with firearms, and of course any of the outright lies that Fox News presents to them. Speaking of one of these lies, planned parenthood does not sell baby parts. That was a lie. (Source below) While I don't condone abortion in most cases, the fact is that the federal money used to fund planned parenthood isn't used in abortions, rather for women's health services such as cancer screenings, and other necessities.

No Planned Parenthood wasn t caught on video selling dead baby parts

Yes they do sell baby parts. So far five videos proves it. Only an idiot would argue against that overwhelming evidence.

If PP just stuck to cancer screenings and the like and stopped aborting innocent lives and selling them off piece by piece, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

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