Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Cherokee nation rejects any claim little Elizabeth Warren A.k.a. Pocahontas has To the Cherokee Indian tribe… And tell her to fuck off

They will be at all of her campaign rallies.
Count on it!

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Since when do rightards give a shit when a pol embellishes? Isn’t that the message the right boasts when defending Donald “4000 lies and counting” Trump?
Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
this from someone defending. 097% as being native american.

project much?
Hey, no stealing my argument. Righties say there are no lies, only embellishments. Apparently, they believe this only when it’s trump embellishing.
which an expert said shows “strong evidence’’ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They never ever stop lying.

The test shows the following:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So she has Native American DNA in her blood.

Which means she wasn't lying.

You do realize you are trying to convince willfully ignorant fools of something they have no interest in believing because they are willfully ignorant fools right?

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

All I'm doing is posting truths then watching the conservatives have melt downs, keep lying or come up with stupid excuses.

It's good for comic relief but sad to see so many Americans so full of hate and ignorance.

We saw lots of hate and ignorance during the Kavanaugh hearings. What we didn't see is people who check the box for Advantage without being qualified to do so. It's not the white Americans you have to worry about it will be the Indian Nation who will be standing at every campaign stop she makes with protest signs and now more than ever that she foolishly handed them the proof.

Oh? Why would the Indian Nation protest her now since she now has evidence of Natuve American Indian in her heritage?

The only way she could have more Indian in her is to have had sex with Sitting Bull!

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
She has been soundly rejected by the very tribe she claims have the heritage of...
She’s a lying bitch

Because her DNA test doesn’t prove she has Cherokee in her heritage — but it never claimed she did.
Cherokee Nation issues statement on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results
Yes, it says what I said it says. :eusa_doh:
Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
She has been soundly rejected by the very tribe she claims have the heritage of...
She’s a lying bitch

We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!
Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
this from someone defending. 097% as being native american.

project much?
Hey, no stealing my argument. Righties say there are no lies, only embellishments. Apparently, they believe this only when it’s trump embellishing.
from projection to whataboutism.

you are on a roll!

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
this from someone defending. 097% as being native american.

project much?
Hey, no stealing my argument. Righties say there are no lies, only embellishments. Apparently, they believe this only when it’s trump embellishing.
from projection to whataboutism.

you are on a roll!
Yeah, I know how much the right hates having their hypocrisy exposed.
Since when do rightards give a shit when a pol embellishes? Isn’t that the message the right boasts when defending Donald “4000 lies and counting” Trump?
Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
this from someone defending. 097% as being native american.

project much?
No, as having Native American ancestry, dumbass Dupe.
Notice the insanity the stains exhibit: Defending an article they read that they no absolutely nothing about, how the test was done, the accuracy or ANYthing.
Cherokee nation rejects any claim little Elizabeth Warren A.k.a. Pocahontas has To the Cherokee Indian tribe… And tell her to fuck off

They will be at all if her campaign rallies.
Count on it!

That was one guy d u h. LOL! Her family Lord says she was Cherokee and Delaware, and you can't prove it either way. Take a break, super duper, you can be sure the Cherokee Nation will. They aren't brainwashed Republicans.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She claimed to be a Cherokee. The ONLY way to be a Cherokee is to prove to the tribe your ancestry links to the Dawes Rolls.

So she’s a liar.
Well it certainly was overblown by faucohauntus. If this broad is the requirement for minority status, and I hope it is, minority status includes everyone in the country. Can we be done with this racial divide democrat bullshit now?
Nobody would have known except for your garbage propaganda machine d u h... She has the ancestry now proven and she has never used it to get a job or anything else, super duper.
She switched from being white to indian and back again at the most opportune times. Coincidence? Nope.
Gosh life is exciting on the garbage BS character assassination GOP propaganda machine, super duper. She proved her ancestry and never used it to help herself. It's family lore zzzzzzzzzz. Poor America

She proved she has 1/1000 Aztec????
Impressive! So instead of fauxcahontas it's
LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
Based on that Trump does too.
I doubt it, super duper.Claims that US is a genetic melting pot appear overblown—if you're white | Genetic Literacy Project
Well it certainly was overblown by faucohauntus. If this broad is the requirement for minority status, and I hope it is, minority status includes everyone in the country. Can we be done with this racial divide democrat bullshit now?
Since when do rightards give a shit when a pol embellishes? Isn’t that the message the right boasts when defending Donald “4000 lies and counting” Trump?
Go talk to Stormy about that. Oh. Wait. She is busy sucking dick now that she has to pay Trumps legal fees. :D
Cherokee nation rejects any claim little Elizabeth Warren A.k.a. Pocahontas has To the Cherokee Indian tribe… And tell her to fuck off

They will be at all if her campaign rallies.
Count on it!

That was one guy d u h. LOL! Her family Lord says she was Cherokee and Delaware, and you can't prove it either way. Take a break, super duper, you can be sure the Cherokee Nation will. They aren't brainwashed Republicans.
The Cherokee nation says different being on the side, the Cherokee nation says she’s a fucking liar
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She claimed to be a Cherokee. The ONLY way to be a Cherokee is to prove to the tribe your ancestry links to the Dawes Rolls.

So she’s a liar.
She said her mother was cherokee (another lie).And if she is damn smart, she would have known about the Dawes thing.

She claimed minority status to further herself. She is a crook and a liar.
Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
And never said she was, idiot.
Just admit it Pocahontas lied to improve her status... Her new name should be Pinocchio Pocahontas

Tell me again about Donald “Mydaddyonlygavemeonemilliondollars” Trump.
What does this has to do with Warren???
And you are a teacher? OMG...I pity your students.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She claimed to be a Cherokee. The ONLY way to be a Cherokee is to prove to the tribe your ancestry links to the Dawes Rolls.

So she’s a liar.
She said her mother was cherokee (another lie).And if she is damn smart, she would have known about the Dawes thing.

She claimed minority status to further herself. She is a crook and a liar.

Well she's not a total liar only 999/1000 liar.
The Boston Herald reported that Warren had previously been touted in the 1990s by officials at Harvard Law School, where she was a tenured professor, as an example of the faculty’s diversity. That led to the revelation that Warren — citing only anecdotal evidence — claimed to be part Cherokee and Delaware Indian, and had listed herself as a minority in a directory of law professors from 1986 until 1995.

Brown and others then accused Warren of claiming to be a descendant of American Indians to advance her career in academia, which Warren has repeatedly denied doing.

“Let me be clear. I never asked for, never got any benefit because of my heritage,” Warren said in a 2012 TV ad rebutting claims made by Brown.

Then why did she put down she was a minority in the first place???

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