Ellen Degenerate says it can't have Trump on it's show.

Ellen Degeneres to Megyn Kelly: As A Gay Woman, I Can't Have "Dangerous" Donald Trump On My Show

I didn't know that fucking thing still had a show on TV, but who in their right mind believes Trump would have anything to do with that boy, let alone give it's show any ratings.

I'd say "raise the ratings", but it doubt it even registers.

So the question that comes to mind is when did the Big D ever say anything against gay people? He has taken a stance on abortion, he has taken a stance on weirdos wearing dresses, but to my knowledge, he's never once taken a stance against gays.

He said something to the effect a while back that, basically, he had no issue with gay marriage. Presumably, he has no issue with gay people. The hospitality business seems to have more than their fair share of gays; no doubt he had quite a few working for him.

Correct, and that is my point. Ellen decided that since he's a Republican, he must be against gays. She challenged the stereotype instead of the individual. Trump never said anything against gays. If she didn't like Trump for other reasons, then that's fine. But she clearly said her reason for not inviting Trump on her show was because she is gay. Again, Trump would probably laugh at the invitation.......

Yup, but the left has lumped gays with the crazy "transgender" idiots that are pretending to be something they are not. So now if you refuse to play along with these sick people's fantasies, that makes you against gays, according to the far left and their progressive masters.

So when President Trump says that the military will continue to not cater to and promote "transgender" as it has for its entire history, suddenly that makes him "anti-gay", even though gays can serve in the military if they want.

And that's what gives Ellen the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon. Remember when they made such a big deal about Trump allowing weirdos in women's restrooms in his buildings?

It seems that instead of this persons rights or that persons rights, they sort of formed a union: LGBT or whatever they call it. Now they stick together even if they were not personally attacked or criticized.

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