Ellen Degenerate says it can't have Trump on it's show.

The fact that Ellen will not interview Trump shows her closed mind and unwillingness to debate a point of view. If her convictions are so strong she should have no problem defending her opinion.
An interview is just that. It is in no way an endorsement but only a debate.
What threat does Trump present to gays when he was for equal marriage before Hillary or Obama?
Answer...absolutely nothing. The progressives have nothing which is why they resort to labeling instead of true communication which means dealing with differing points of view you may not like.
Grow up Ellen.
You've been out of the planet lately?
In One Day, Trump Administration Lands 3 Punches Against Gay Rights

That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.

So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?

Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

That's why Degenerate doesn't want him on it's show. She doesn't want him to bust her hate Trump bubble.
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Media hates any Republican.
Minorities hate any Republican.
The Pope is a liberal who would hate any Republican.
Neighboring countries don't like Trump because he doesn't take their shit.
Most Presidents are establishment.
Grabbing Women by the pussy should be banned on both sides of the aisle.

So should driving into a lake in the middle of the night and leaving a woman for dead as a certain democrook senator did in 1969.

Anyone else would have died in prison, but not "the lion of the left".

Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

You bed wetters don't have a moral ass to sit on., let alone legs.

Ellen Degeneres to Megyn Kelly: As A Gay Woman, I Can't Have "Dangerous" Donald Trump On My Show

I didn't know that fucking thing still had a show on TV, but who in their right mind believes Trump would have anything to do with that boy, let alone give it's show any ratings.

I'd say "raise the ratings", but it doubt it even registers.

So the question that comes to mind is when did the Big D ever say anything against gay people? He has taken a stance on abortion, he has taken a stance on weirdos wearing dresses, but to my knowledge, he's never once taken a stance against gays.

He said something to the effect a while back that, basically, he had no issue with gay marriage. Presumably, he has no issue with gay people. The hospitality business seems to have more than their fair share of gays; no doubt he had quite a few working for him.

Correct, and that is my point. Ellen decided that since he's a Republican, he must be against gays. She challenged the stereotype instead of the individual. Trump never said anything against gays. If she didn't like Trump for other reasons, then that's fine. But she clearly said her reason for not inviting Trump on her show was because she is gay. Again, Trump would probably laugh at the invitation.......

Yup, but the left has lumped gays with the crazy "transgender" idiots that are pretending to be something they are not. So now if you refuse to play along with these sick people's fantasies, that makes you against gays, according to the far left and their progressive masters.

So when President Trump says that the military will continue to not cater to and promote "transgender" as it has for its entire history, suddenly that makes him "anti-gay", even though gays can serve in the military if they want.
So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?

Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Most of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, so your argument is a good.

LA and NY are not ALL the people that live in the U.S.
Majority of Americans didnt vote for The orangina man, it's a FACT!!!
Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Most of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, so your argument is a good.

LA and NY are not ALL the people that live in the U.S.
Majority of Americans didnt vote for The orangina man, it's a FACT!!!
The majority of Americans didn't vote for anyone since the majority of Americans don't vote to begin with.
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Media hates any Republican.
Minorities hate any Republican.
The Pope is a liberal who would hate any Republican.
Neighboring countries don't like Trump because he doesn't take their shit.
Most Presidents are establishment.
Trump is establishment
He ran as a Republican, he hired from the swamp and from wall street. He also rallies for the establishment.
GOO declared war on minorities and they will never get our votes and they will be doomed if they don't change their policies, because we are multiplying and fast.
Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Most of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, so your argument is a good.

LA and NY are not ALL the people that live in the U.S.
Majority of Americans didnt vote for The orangina man, it's a FACT!!!

The majority of WORKING Americans did.
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Most of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, so your argument is a good.

LA and NY are not ALL the people that live in the U.S.
Majority of Americans didnt vote for The orangina man, it's a FACT!!!
The majority of Americans didn't vote for anyone since the majority of Americans don't vote to begin with.
I'll rephrase it, most of the voters. And yes you are right those who didn't wanna vote, they either weren't eligible or didn't like Trump and Hillary.
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Media hates any Republican.
Minorities hate any Republican.
The Pope is a liberal who would hate any Republican.
Neighboring countries don't like Trump because he doesn't take their shit.
Most Presidents are establishment.
Trump is establishment
He ran as a Republican, he hired from the swamp and from wall street. He also rallies for the establishment.
GOO declared war on minorities and they will never get our votes and they will be doomed if they don't change their policies, because we are multiplying and fast.

Trump is far from perfect. I disagree with Trump on a number of things.

But you're talking about Trump hiring "from the swamp" and, yet, you voted for Hillary. Don't you think you're a tad bit hypocritical.

Cue the k*nt act "I didn't vote for Hillary". Yea, riiiiiiiiiiight.
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Most of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, so your argument is a good.

LA and NY are not ALL the people that live in the U.S.
Majority of Americans didnt vote for The orangina man, it's a FACT!!!

The majority of WORKING Americans did.
Sorry but it's wrong.

Instead what Lupu and a colleague found when they looked at who voted for Trump was pretty traditional Republican fare.

Approximately a third of the Trump electorate had household incomes below the US median income, roughly a third earned between $50,000 and $100,000 (around 43,825 - 87,650 euro), and one third earned more than $100,000.

Since participants' professions, typically a good indicator of class status, are usually not sampled in US surveys, the scholars had to rely on income data as the defining criteria of working-class status. Accordingly, individuals who earned below the median household income were considered working-class voters for the purposes of the study.

You care for the rest of the article backed with data or it's fake news?
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Media hates any Republican.
Minorities hate any Republican.
The Pope is a liberal who would hate any Republican.
Neighboring countries don't like Trump because he doesn't take their shit.
Most Presidents are establishment.
Trump is establishment
He ran as a Republican, he hired from the swamp and from wall street. He also rallies for the establishment.
GOO declared war on minorities and they will never get our votes and they will be doomed if they don't change their policies, because we are multiplying and fast.

Trump is far from perfect. I disagree with Trump on a number of things.

But you're talking about Trump hiring "from the swamp" and, yet, you voted for Hillary. Don't you think you're a tad bit hypocritical.

Cue the k*nt act "I didn't vote for Hillary". Yea, riiiiiiiiiiight.
I didn't vote for Hillary nor Obama.
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Media hates any Republican.
Minorities hate any Republican.
The Pope is a liberal who would hate any Republican.
Neighboring countries don't like Trump because he doesn't take their shit.
Most Presidents are establishment.
Trump is establishment
He ran as a Republican, he hired from the swamp and from wall street. He also rallies for the establishment.
GOO declared war on minorities and they will never get our votes and they will be doomed if they don't change their policies, because we are multiplying and fast.

Trump is far from perfect. I disagree with Trump on a number of things.

But you're talking about Trump hiring "from the swamp" and, yet, you voted for Hillary. Don't you think you're a tad bit hypocritical.

Cue the k*nt act "I didn't vote for Hillary". Yea, riiiiiiiiiiight.
I didn't vote for Hillary nor Obama.

LOL. Then for whom did you vote in the last two general elections?
Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Media hates any Republican.
Minorities hate any Republican.
The Pope is a liberal who would hate any Republican.
Neighboring countries don't like Trump because he doesn't take their shit.
Most Presidents are establishment.
Trump is establishment
He ran as a Republican, he hired from the swamp and from wall street. He also rallies for the establishment.
GOO declared war on minorities and they will never get our votes and they will be doomed if they don't change their policies, because we are multiplying and fast.

Trump is far from perfect. I disagree with Trump on a number of things.

But you're talking about Trump hiring "from the swamp" and, yet, you voted for Hillary. Don't you think you're a tad bit hypocritical.

Cue the k*nt act "I didn't vote for Hillary". Yea, riiiiiiiiiiight.
I didn't vote for Hillary nor Obama.

LOL. Then for whom did you vote in the last two general elections?
For none. But I approve of most of Obama's work in the US and was gonna support Bernie for this election. But he is not as dirty as the other two.
Media hates any Republican.
Minorities hate any Republican.
The Pope is a liberal who would hate any Republican.
Neighboring countries don't like Trump because he doesn't take their shit.
Most Presidents are establishment.
Trump is establishment
He ran as a Republican, he hired from the swamp and from wall street. He also rallies for the establishment.
GOO declared war on minorities and they will never get our votes and they will be doomed if they don't change their policies, because we are multiplying and fast.

Trump is far from perfect. I disagree with Trump on a number of things.

But you're talking about Trump hiring "from the swamp" and, yet, you voted for Hillary. Don't you think you're a tad bit hypocritical.

Cue the k*nt act "I didn't vote for Hillary". Yea, riiiiiiiiiiight.
I didn't vote for Hillary nor Obama.

LOL. Then for whom did you vote in the last two general elections?
For none. But I approve of most of Obama's work in the US and was gonna support Bernie for this election. But he is not as dirty as the other two.

Bernie doesn't know shit from shinola about private industry and how to help business to succeed in order to help the average American. I know such things don't concern you. I know the big issues for you are transgenders in the military, Lester being able to shower with little girls and protecting convicted, foreign rapists from deportation.
Trump is establishment
He ran as a Republican, he hired from the swamp and from wall street. He also rallies for the establishment.
GOO declared war on minorities and they will never get our votes and they will be doomed if they don't change their policies, because we are multiplying and fast.

Trump is far from perfect. I disagree with Trump on a number of things.

But you're talking about Trump hiring "from the swamp" and, yet, you voted for Hillary. Don't you think you're a tad bit hypocritical.

Cue the k*nt act "I didn't vote for Hillary". Yea, riiiiiiiiiiight.
I didn't vote for Hillary nor Obama.

LOL. Then for whom did you vote in the last two general elections?
For none. But I approve of most of Obama's work in the US and was gonna support Bernie for this election. But he is not as dirty as the other two.

Bernie doesn't know shit from shinola about private industry and how to help business to succeed in order to help the average American. I know such things don't concern you. I know the big issues for you are transgenders in the military, Lester being able to shower with little girls and protecting convicted, foreign rapists from deportation.

You seem to know so much about me that I don't know about myself? Are you god?
I'm against the toilet thingy for transgenders.
Last time I checked American bornare more likely to rape than an immigrant...i'm for capital punishment for rapists.

Don't jump to conclusions I'm not your typical Trump hater. The guy is an embarassement and those who voted him in, will go as the dumbest group of people in history.
Trump is the first non-politician to be potus since Ike. Trump is a HUGE step forward.
Trump is the first non-politician to be potus since Ike. Trump is a HUGE step forward.

I'll assume that the left is crazy with their media...The whole world says, WHAT THE FUCK were you guys thinking....I'm reading Newspapers right now of few different countries. The UN speech was a hate speech towards countries that never attacked the US. the guy was bragging about how much he'll spend on defense, brags that he will start a nuclear war, praise himself some more....It's late here and I hope is just a dream. If there is ever a war that Trump starts I want you guys up in here send us your selfies from NK and Iran.
Trump is the first non-politician to be potus since Ike. Trump is a HUGE step forward.

I'll assume that the left is crazy with their media...The whole world says, WHAT THE FUCK were you guys thinking....I'm reading Newspapers right now of few different countries. The UN speech was a hate speech towards countries that never attacked the US. the guy was bragging about how much he'll spend on defense, brags that he will start a nuclear war, praise himself some more....It's late here and I hope is just a dream. If there is ever a war that Trump starts I want you guys up in here send us your selfies from NK and Iran.

Yea man. Take another hitter.


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