Ellen Degenerate says it can't have Trump on it's show.

I like Ellen. I do not like her stance on this.

I get the impression that Ellen is a nice person. Unfortunately, she appears not be a very tolerant and inclusive person. Of course, she's a liberal and that's par for the course with them.
I know people that know her personally,...she is a great human being. And Donald is an ass a bully and a jerk. I swear I didn't make that up is all on tape.

We elected a president, not a talk show host that caters to gays and feminists.
he had a show to, and he loves to be on the tabloids too, first lady also should her naked self to the world. Conservatives put this family to represent their values? LOL
The fact that Ellen will not interview Trump shows her closed mind and unwillingness to debate a point of view. If her convictions are so strong she should have no problem defending her opinion.
An interview is just that. It is in no way an endorsement but only a debate.
What threat does Trump present to gays when he was for equal marriage before Hillary or Obama?
Answer...absolutely nothing. The progressives have nothing which is why they resort to labeling instead of true communication which means dealing with differing points of view you may not like.
Grow up Ellen.
You've been out of the planet lately?
In One Day, Trump Administration Lands 3 Punches Against Gay Rights
I like Ellen. I do not like her stance on this.

I get the impression that Ellen is a nice person. Unfortunately, she appears not be a very tolerant and inclusive person. Of course, she's a liberal and that's par for the course with them.
I know people that know her personally,...she is a great human being. And Donald is an ass a bully and a jerk. I swear I didn't make that up is all on tape.

We elected a president, not a talk show host that caters to gays and feminists.
he had a show to, and he loves to be on the tabloids too, first lady also should her naked self to the world. Conservatives put this family to represent their values? LOL

Voters picked Trump not to be Pope, but to improve the quality of their lives. Of course, you're too fucking stupid to know this fact.
The fact that Ellen will not interview Trump shows her closed mind and unwillingness to debate a point of view. If her convictions are so strong she should have no problem defending her opinion.
An interview is just that. It is in no way an endorsement but only a debate.
What threat does Trump present to gays when he was for equal marriage before Hillary or Obama?
Answer...absolutely nothing. The progressives have nothing which is why they resort to labeling instead of true communication which means dealing with differing points of view you may not like.
Grow up Ellen.
You've been out of the planet lately?
In One Day, Trump Administration Lands 3 Punches Against Gay Rights

That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.
I like Ellen. I do not like her stance on this.

I get the impression that Ellen is a nice person. Unfortunately, she appears not be a very tolerant and inclusive person. Of course, she's a liberal and that's par for the course with them.
I know people that know her personally,...she is a great human being. And Donald is an ass a bully and a jerk. I swear I didn't make that up is all on tape.

We elected a president, not a talk show host that caters to gays and feminists.
he had a show to, and he loves to be on the tabloids too, first lady also should her naked self to the world. Conservatives put this family to represent their values? LOL

Voters picked Trump not to be Pope, but to improve the quality of their lives. Of course, you're too fucking stupid to know this fact.

They are dumb to think that an elitist will understand their struggles. He was always pro the elite and got in the government to make sure he serves himself and his likes. Keep on dreaming.
The fact that Ellen will not interview Trump shows her closed mind and unwillingness to debate a point of view. If her convictions are so strong she should have no problem defending her opinion.
An interview is just that. It is in no way an endorsement but only a debate.
What threat does Trump present to gays when he was for equal marriage before Hillary or Obama?
Answer...absolutely nothing. The progressives have nothing which is why they resort to labeling instead of true communication which means dealing with differing points of view you may not like.
Grow up Ellen.
You've been out of the planet lately?
In One Day, Trump Administration Lands 3 Punches Against Gay Rights

That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.

So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?
I get the impression that Ellen is a nice person. Unfortunately, she appears not be a very tolerant and inclusive person. Of course, she's a liberal and that's par for the course with them.
I know people that know her personally,...she is a great human being. And Donald is an ass a bully and a jerk. I swear I didn't make that up is all on tape.

We elected a president, not a talk show host that caters to gays and feminists.
he had a show to, and he loves to be on the tabloids too, first lady also should her naked self to the world. Conservatives put this family to represent their values? LOL

Voters picked Trump not to be Pope, but to improve the quality of their lives. Of course, you're too fucking stupid to know this fact.

They are dumb to think that an elitist will understand their struggles. He was always pro the elite and got in the government to make sure he serves himself and his likes. Keep on dreaming.

Unlike Obama and Hillary, Trump is pro-American and puts us first, instead of last, for a welcome change. The economy is improving and he's kicking out aliens that are diminishing our quality of life. Trump is doing well, not that I agree with everything .
The fact that Ellen will not interview Trump shows her closed mind and unwillingness to debate a point of view. If her convictions are so strong she should have no problem defending her opinion.
An interview is just that. It is in no way an endorsement but only a debate.
What threat does Trump present to gays when he was for equal marriage before Hillary or Obama?
Answer...absolutely nothing. The progressives have nothing which is why they resort to labeling instead of true communication which means dealing with differing points of view you may not like.
Grow up Ellen.
You've been out of the planet lately?
In One Day, Trump Administration Lands 3 Punches Against Gay Rights

That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.

So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?

Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.
I know people that know her personally,...she is a great human being. And Donald is an ass a bully and a jerk. I swear I didn't make that up is all on tape.

We elected a president, not a talk show host that caters to gays and feminists.
he had a show to, and he loves to be on the tabloids too, first lady also should her naked self to the world. Conservatives put this family to represent their values? LOL

Voters picked Trump not to be Pope, but to improve the quality of their lives. Of course, you're too fucking stupid to know this fact.

They are dumb to think that an elitist will understand their struggles. He was always pro the elite and got in the government to make sure he serves himself and his likes. Keep on dreaming.

Unlike Obama and Hillary, Trump is pro-American and puts us first, instead of last, for a welcome change. The economy is improving and he's kicking out aliens that are diminishing our quality of life. Trump is doing well, not that I agree with everything .

Uno...Obama's economy.
Dos....Obama by numbers deported more than Trump as for now.
Tres...Last time I checked Obama and Clinton are pro Americans more than Trump, Why? He manufactures his clothes overseas and he brings in foreigners to work at his resorts.
The fact that Ellen will not interview Trump shows her closed mind and unwillingness to debate a point of view. If her convictions are so strong she should have no problem defending her opinion.
An interview is just that. It is in no way an endorsement but only a debate.
What threat does Trump present to gays when he was for equal marriage before Hillary or Obama?
Answer...absolutely nothing. The progressives have nothing which is why they resort to labeling instead of true communication which means dealing with differing points of view you may not like.
Grow up Ellen.
You've been out of the planet lately?
In One Day, Trump Administration Lands 3 Punches Against Gay Rights

That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.

So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?

Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?
We elected a president, not a talk show host that caters to gays and feminists.
he had a show to, and he loves to be on the tabloids too, first lady also should her naked self to the world. Conservatives put this family to represent their values? LOL

Voters picked Trump not to be Pope, but to improve the quality of their lives. Of course, you're too fucking stupid to know this fact.

They are dumb to think that an elitist will understand their struggles. He was always pro the elite and got in the government to make sure he serves himself and his likes. Keep on dreaming.

Unlike Obama and Hillary, Trump is pro-American and puts us first, instead of last, for a welcome change. The economy is improving and he's kicking out aliens that are diminishing our quality of life. Trump is doing well, not that I agree with everything .

Uno...Obama's economy.
Dos....Obama by numbers deported more than Trump as for now.
Tres...Last time I checked Obama and Clinton are pro Americans more than Trump, Why? He manufactures his clothes overseas and he brings in foreigners to work at his resorts.

If Obama's economy was so good, why did huge numbers of working voters in swing states go with Trump?
The fact that Ellen will not interview Trump shows her closed mind and unwillingness to debate a point of view. If her convictions are so strong she should have no problem defending her opinion.
An interview is just that. It is in no way an endorsement but only a debate.
What threat does Trump present to gays when he was for equal marriage before Hillary or Obama?
Answer...absolutely nothing. The progressives have nothing which is why they resort to labeling instead of true communication which means dealing with differing points of view you may not like.
Grow up Ellen.
You've been out of the planet lately?
In One Day, Trump Administration Lands 3 Punches Against Gay Rights

That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.

So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?

Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Ellen Degeneres to Megyn Kelly: As A Gay Woman, I Can't Have "Dangerous" Donald Trump On My Show

I didn't know that fucking thing still had a show on TV, but who in their right mind believes Trump would have anything to do with that boy, let alone give it's show any ratings.

I'd say "raise the ratings", but it doubt it even registers.

What on earth makes liberals say things like that? I recall one lady's apparel 'designer' say he would not design any clothes for Melania....as if she had any thought whatsoever of requesting it.

Liberals bask in delusions of adequacy! Sick, arrogant, narcissist dickheads!


All these hollyturd celebs should just shut the fuck up and play their roles. It might actually make some of them relevant again.
I do enjoy the opinions of Clint Eastwood now and then. He says that BHO will eventually be exposed as the greatest fraud that has been perpetrated on the American public. James Woods is awesome on Twitter.
Ellen Degeneres to Megyn Kelly: As A Gay Woman, I Can't Have "Dangerous" Donald Trump On My Show

I didn't know that fucking thing still had a show on TV, but who in their right mind believes Trump would have anything to do with that boy, let alone give it's show any ratings.

I'd say "raise the ratings", but it doubt it even registers.

The tolerant, inclusive left bans people who have different thoughts.

Grabbing Women by the pussy should be banned on both sides of the aisle.

That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.

So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?

Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Most of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, so your argument is a good.
Ellen Degeneres to Megyn Kelly: As A Gay Woman, I Can't Have "Dangerous" Donald Trump On My Show

I didn't know that fucking thing still had a show on TV, but who in their right mind believes Trump would have anything to do with that boy, let alone give it's show any ratings.

I'd say "raise the ratings", but it doubt it even registers.

The tolerant, inclusive left bans people who have different thoughts.

Grabbing Women by the pussy should be banned on both sides of the aisle.

Trump said they offered. Any real man would take them up.
That article is an idiotic hit-piece and is not an assault on gay rights.

So then why all gay people are angry at him, and their associations are calling him and his cabinet as anti gay rights?

Because all they know is hatred for Trump. He's already said he has no issue with gay marriage but they don't care. They just hate Trump.

Gays hate Trump...
Media Hates Trump....
Minorities hate Trump....
The pope doesn't care for him...
Neighboring countries don't like him...
The whole world hates him, except maybe Israel...
Most presidents disapprove of his work and attitude...

Maybe just maybe one should stop and reflect on why the majority of the people do hate him? maybe he's the problem?

The majority of working Americans support Trump. They just want someone who will pit their interests first and improve their lives. They're just normal Americans and not political hacks with an agenda, like you.
Most of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, so your argument is a good.

LA and NY are not ALL the people that live in the U.S.

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