"Ellen" Thinks Hillary's Problems Are All Because She's A Woman


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Jul 21, 2009
Ellen Degneres claims that all of Hillary's email problems are because she's a woman.

Sorry Ellen, but you're going to have to face up to reality and admit that Hillary is having these problems because she's a lying politician that is trying to cover up her incompetence and possible espionage.
And she thinks a male democrat wouldn't be getting attacked? Kind of sexist there Ellen.
Ellen Degenerate is incapable of thinking. It's pathetic how these vapid moonbats are so dedicated to ignorance.

I think it's highly possible that Hillary isn't funny or spontaneous because she's a woman.
Ellen is typical of Hollywood elites. She knows nothing about politics and most other things.

Ellen DeGeneres, talk show host and comedian, told radio star Howard Stern on a recent broadcast that Hillary Clinton was having such a difficult time on her presidential campaign trail because of her gender – that if she were a man, her favorability factor with voters would be higher.

The claim came on the heels of Clinton taking to Facebook and nationally televised airwaves to issue a mea culpa for her blossoming email server scandal, in which federal agents are trying to determine if her home-based secretary of State electronic correspondences released sensitive information to America’s enemies.

DeGeneres, when asked if she was a Clinton supporter, said “yes,” Fox News reported.

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She then went on: “I think she’s smart and I think she’s having a hard time because she’s a woman and she’s tough and I think it’s a popularity contest. I think that, you know, people are looking for a personality, but man she’s smart and she’s getting torn apart for all these emails and they haven’t found one thing.”

Read more at Ellen DeGeneres: Clinton’s gender keeping her down

Yup.....haven't found one thing......lol.

Well folks......looks like Ellen has been bought.
Clinton is being questioned because she has once again put herself in a compromising and corrupt situation. Being a woman or a minority does not get you a pass when you are corrupt; or in the age of Affirmative Action, does one get an exemption for being corrupt?

Hillary defenders are circling the wagons for her don't realize she is being put out to pasture by her own party. Think the Democrats are going to get behind a 70 something retread that they threw under the bus 8 years ago??
Almost as dumb as claiming that Obama was elected only because he was black and "white liberal guilt".
If she believes that, she needs to pull her head out of the sand. Or is she forgetting that Bill was attacked for the same reasons during the 90s?
Ellen Degneres claims that all of Hillary's email problems are because she's a woman.

"Ellen" Thinks... one needs a brain to think :lmao:

that is about 5% true..., the other 95% is because she a lying hatful commie criminal e.g., Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton's poll numbers continue to fall over the email scandal, leading wary party supporters to cast about for a possible white knight if the plunge continues.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com NYT: Democrats Eyeing 'White Knight' in Case Clinton Implodes

all that is left to do now is :dig: ............. :up:
Ellen Degneres claims that all of Hillary's email problems are because she's a woman.

"Ellen" Thinks... one needs a brain to think :lmao:

that is about 5% true..., the other 95% is because she a lying hatful commie criminal e.g., Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton's poll numbers continue to fall over the email scandal, leading wary party supporters to cast about for a possible white knight if the plunge continues.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com NYT: Democrats Eyeing 'White Knight' in Case Clinton Implodes

all that is left to do now is :dig: ............. :up:

Bu Hillary is so fucking smart......that she can't figure out more than one device.....or even remember if setting up that server was illegal.

And she definitely can't figure out which emails are classified.

Great presidential material.....smart as Einstein she is.
who cares what some "celebrity" says?

this country is "celebrity" obsessed...turn off your television and read a book or go take a walk and get some exercise..there is nothing on tv that is good for you or will "enlighten" you...it's all propaganda.
If she believes that, she needs to pull her head out of the sand. Or is she forgetting that Bill was attacked for the same reasons during the 90s?

It there that much sand up her ass? She obviously has a lot in another much more odious orifice.

who cares what some "celebrity" says?

this country is "celebrity" obsessed...turn off your television and read a book or go take a walk and get some exercise..there is nothing on tv that is good for you or will "enlighten" you...it's all propaganda.
Many Americans seem to think wealthy celebrities are smart and know what is going on in the nation. This is a terrible mistake. Most have very little education and knowledge.

The funny thing is these celebrities THINK they know what's best for the nation.
Ellen Degneres claims that all of Hillary's email problems are because she's a woman.

Sorry Ellen, but you're going to have to face up to reality and admit that Hillary is having these problems because she's a lying politician that is trying to cover up her incompetence and possible espionage.
No. It's because she is a crook.

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