Elon Musk urges independent voters to vote Republican.

Elon Musk is a Nazi who is running twitter into the ground. Businesses are deserting twitter because they do not want to be associated with right wing hate rhetoric.
LOL Elon is “LiTerAlLy a nAzi”!!!!!
Racist Republicans think they were the Good Old Days, fools like you are just going to help them get back thete.

I don't know any Republican that thinks they were the "Good Old Days" those were the days of Dem oppression, with their Jim Crow Laws....the GOP was working to pass Civil Rights legislation to end that during that time period. Try again.

It speaks volumes that you have been on the Demaklan plantation all these years, voting for rich, white, segragationist like Xiden, and you still think you are going to be put back into the Jim Crow era....maybe you should think about changing your vote, and getting out of that mindset
I don't know any Republican that thinks they were the "Good Old Days" those were the days of Dem oppression, with their Jim Crow Laws....the GOP was working to pass Civil Rights legislation to end that during that time period. Try again.
How many Southern Republicans voted for the CRA or VRA.
It speaks volumes that you have been on the Demaklan plantation all these years, voting for rich, white, segragationist like Xiden, and you still think you are going to be put back into the Jim Crow era....maybe you should think about changing your vote, and getting out of that mindset
Well I feel pretty good, since 92% of black folks are in the same neighborhood. You claim you are not a Republiklan, but you damn sure defend them and push their racist agenda.
How many Southern Republicans voted for the CRA or VRA.

Well I feel pretty good, since 92% of black folks are in the same neighborhood. You claim you are not a Republiklan, but you damn sure defend them and push their racist agenda.
1) your demaklan oppressed the votes of republican s
2) haha racist agenda? the only racist agenda is the demaklan one…the folks keeping you on the plantation
So tell me how many Southern Republicans voted for the CRA or VRA.

So why is it that Republicans are the ones who vote against ANYTHING in the interest of black folks.
many tried but were oppressed and even lynched by your demaklan

haha they don’t
Tell us the Southern Republicans in the House and Senate who were lynched because they supported the CRA and VRA.

None supported the John Lewis Voting Act, none supported REAL police reform.
gop voters were…their voices were oppressed by your klan

john lewis voting rights act wasn’t about voting rights…it was the demaklan attempt to federalize their oppressive voting tactics
gop voters were…their voices were oppressed by your klan.
How Many Southern Republican Congressmen and Senators voted for the CRA/VRA? Pretty simple question, it only requires a number.
john lewis voting rights act wasn’t about voting rights…it was the demaklan attempt to federalize their oppressive voting tactics

Point them out for us.
the demklan oppressed republicans. from voting they got lynched
Show us a Southern Republican Congressman or Senator that was lynched for voting for the CRA/VRA. I guess you think if you keep repeating a lie it will become the truth.
the john lewis bill is a horrible bill met to federalize dem oppression.
Why is it that you can show that? I'll tell you why, because you haven't read the bill. Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson told you that. All you have are the talking points you have been given.
Show us a Southern Republican Congressman or Senator that was lynched for voting for the CRA/VRA. I guess you think if you keep repeating a lie it will become the truth.

Why is it that you can show that? I'll tell you why, because you haven't read the bill. Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson told you that. All you have are the talking points you have been given.
wow now you are denying the demaklan lynched folks…talk about slave mentality

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