Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

Gates is a f*ing traitor who caved to political pressure.

If gates claimed there was no reason to go to Benghazi, to launch the WRF to respond to an attack on Americans fighting for their lives when there was no way to tell how long that fight would last he is a f*ing disgrace.

If Gates said there was no reason to send troops id for no other reason than to secure the site and recover the dead American bodies then he should be stripped of his uniform and pension.

View attachment 75327

Tell his wife and family who have seen this picture on google there was no reason to launch the military and recover his body!
Total bs. Look it up anywhere but your bought off RW "news media", brainwashed functional moron.
Total bs. Look it up anywhere but your bought off RW "news media", brainwashed functional moron.
Franco, how long did you server in the military?

Do you believe in the saying, 'no man left behind', as Obama claimed he did?

If Obama truly believed that why did it only seem to apply when he negotiated with terrorists for the release of an AWOL military member and not to 4 Americans fighting for their lives when they never should have been in harms' way to begin with?

So you have no problem leaving 4 Americans in the hands of terrorists for them to do things like this?:

Total bs. Look it up anywhere but your bought off RW "news media", brainwashed functional moron.
Franco, how long did you server in the military?

Do you believe in the saying, 'no man left behind', as Obama claimed he did?

If Obama truly believed that why did it only seem to apply when he negotiated with terrorists for the release of an AWOL military member and not to 4 Americans fighting for their lives when they never should have been in harms' way to begin with?

So you have no problem leaving 4 Americans in the hands of terrorists for them to do things like this?:

nobody left anyone behind.

whoever is paying you to look stupid should give you a raise.
Total bs. Look it up anywhere but your bought off RW "news media", brainwashed functional moron.
Franco, how long did you server in the military?

Do you believe in the saying, 'no man left behind', as Obama claimed he did?

If Obama truly believed that why did it only seem to apply when he negotiated with terrorists for the release of an AWOL military member and not to 4 Americans fighting for their lives when they never should have been in harms' way to begin with?

So you have no problem leaving 4 Americans in the hands of terrorists for them to do things like this?:

nobody left anyone behind.

whoever is paying you to look stupid should give you a raise.
paying... that's so odd.
where was the CIC the night of September eleventh ?? ..... anyone know ?
Total bs. Look it up anywhere but your bought off RW "news media", brainwashed functional moron.
Franco, how long did you server in the military?

Do you believe in the saying, 'no man left behind', as Obama claimed he did?

If Obama truly believed that why did it only seem to apply when he negotiated with terrorists for the release of an AWOL military member and not to 4 Americans fighting for their lives when they never should have been in harms' way to begin with?

So you have no problem leaving 4 Americans in the hands of terrorists for them to do things like this?:

i'm glad you put these photos up, people need to see.
Yes both her and Obama, but it will not happen.

As this also defeats even more far left talking points and narratives..

I commented on another thread, if it wasn't for the MSM whores Hillary would have already been finished as a candidate. If this was a former Republican Secretary of State running for President, the Benghazi incident and the emails, well the same MSM whores would have been hammering it all 24/7 until live on television the handcuffs were thrown on.

Well if that were the case the far left media actually did their job Obama would never have been elected..

I meant to add, there's no MSM with any integrity anywhere, there's no investigative mainstream journalism either. Were it not for Independent Media we wouldn't have a clue what's happening at all.

I've got the BBC World Service Newsday programme on. Their TOP story, which they spent 6 full minutes on, yes Donald Trump and his comments, followed by a piece on the Global Warming Hoax conference in Paris, followed by a piece on what items Nigeria imports.

They've never ever mentioned anything regarding the Benghazi incident, neither have they done anything hardly about the Hillary emails.
The BBC is a disgrace to journalism and to Britain.
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
The mean the one that did not allow any of the people there on the ground to be interviewed, the one that did not allow the members of the CIA - like the ones who came forward anyway later - there to be interviewed, the one that did not allow any of the military members - like those coming forward now - to be interviewed?

:p Yeah, good one.

nope. I bet he means the 9 investigations Gowdy failed to support ANY of your RW talking points

As you know, had the failed administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama released the documents, correspondence and emails when they were requested, this would have been over long ago. Instead, President Obama forced various organizations to sue, under FOIA to obtain the necessary information. You know full well that NEW information has finally been released this past week.

You know also that our military was "spun up", in other words, they were only waiting for the phone call to go. This was when the attack began and they could have been on the ground in Benghazi within three hours. Ambassador Stevens and one other was dead by that time but not the two special forces men.

EVEN YOU have to admit there could have been 50 investigations before this one and, without all the information necessary, could not reach any conclusions.


yeah the House Republicans defunded Obamacare 55 times, what was I thinking ... oh yeah, that didnt work out either, silly me.

former SOS Robert Gates begs to differ with you capable military knowledge, and views opinions like yours "cartoonish" ... let me see, your partisan hack opinion or a former SOS .. gee, thats a hard one. NOT.

Have you looked into the possibility of taking a course on-line on reading comprehension? No? Yeah, I didn't think so.?
Total bs. Look it up anywhere but your bought off RW "news media", brainwashed functional moron.
Franco, how long did you server in the military?

Do you believe in the saying, 'no man left behind', as Obama claimed he did?

If Obama truly believed that why did it only seem to apply when he negotiated with terrorists for the release of an AWOL military member and not to 4 Americans fighting for their lives when they never should have been in harms' way to begin with?

So you have no problem leaving 4 Americans in the hands of terrorists for them to do things like this?:

You can be sure it's not what RW bs propaganda says it is, dupe. Those aren't the attackers, to start with.
F, anyone who would ask the question, 'At this point, what difference does it make', after having lied about what really happened, after not doing everything they could to get Americans out of harm's way, after watching the flag-draped coffin being unloaded, and after seeing these photos should never ever be President.

Stephens should have been ordered out of Benghazi when every other nation with people there got their people out.

An Al Qaeida-associated militia should never have been hired to 'protect' Stephens.

Hillary / the State Department should not have denied the HUNDREDS of his requests for additional security.

Hillary / the State Department should not have taken away 14 members of his security team AFTER his compound was attacked twice by terrorists, the 2nd time leaving a 4 foot hole in the wall.

Had Hillary done her job Stephens would never have been in Benghazi on 9/11/12 and would not have had to die needlessly.

To be re-elected, Obama falsely declared to the American people 'Al Qaeida is on the run', and 'The war on terror is over'. Obama has a record of making such MASSIVELY in-correct statements, like declaring from France the night before the Paris attacks by ISIS - the largest attack on France since WWII - that HE had ISIS 'contained'. Ambassador Stephens, the 1st US Ambassador to die / be murdered in over 30 years, paid the price for Obama"s political gamble and for Hillary's incompetence.

4 dead Americans is a helluva price to pay or trying to get re-elected based on a lie.

What difference did / does it make? Why don't you ask the widows, orphans, and family members of the 4 Americans Obama and Hillary allowed to NEEDLESSLY die!
And years later we discover this major item because of a court order. Hillary should be fully prosecuted for lying under oath.

US Military Was Ready To Respond To Benghazi During The Fighting |
There was a rescue mission ready in Tripoli, which would have taken a few hours to get there.

But the soldiers waiting on the plane, were told to get off the aircraft, go back to their barracks, and wait. After that, the order to get back on the plane and go, was never given.

***NOTE about liberal obfuscation*** The soldiers who were ready to rescue, were never told "stand down". But what they were told, resulted in the same thing. Various liberals have said that since the actual words "stand down" were never spoken to those soldiers, that meant that no "stand down' order was ever given.

Now that we know that Hillary knew the rescue mission was loaded up, primed and ready... who originated the order to get off the plane and go back to the barracks?

Yes. They were ready to go but were told they had to wait for Libya to give permission for them to go.

Seems rather odd that they would wait for permission to rescue our people. Hell. They should have just gone and to hell with what Libya wanted.

A Spooky could have leveled the surrounding area and killed many more of those dirtbags. Doherty and Woods on the roof killed quite a few with their mortars but that Spooky could have leveled the place.
Why would we wait for permission to resue Americans being attacked by terrorists when we didn't worry about permission when we went after UBL in Pakistan?

'Permission' was just another excuse.
Yes both her and Obama, but it will not happen.

As this also defeats even more far left talking points and narratives..

I commented on another thread, if it wasn't for the MSM whores Hillary would have already been finished as a candidate. If this was a former Republican Secretary of State running for President, the Benghazi incident and the emails, well the same MSM whores would have been hammering it all 24/7 until live on television the handcuffs were thrown on.

Well if that were the case the far left media actually did their job Obama would never have been elected..

I meant to add, there's no MSM with any integrity anywhere, there's no investigative mainstream journalism either. Were it not for Independent Media we wouldn't have a clue what's happening at all.

I've got the BBC World Service Newsday programme on. Their TOP story, which they spent 6 full minutes on, yes Donald Trump and his comments, followed by a piece on the Global Warming Hoax conference in Paris, followed by a piece on what items Nigeria imports.

They've never ever mentioned anything regarding the Benghazi incident, neither have they done anything hardly about the Hillary emails.
The BBC is a disgrace to journalism and to Britain.
and we taxpayers pay to have bbc on our liberal public tv..... sucks.
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But libs see no problem with Al Gore providing Al Jazeera with the same opportunity?
F, anyone who would ask the question, 'At this point, what difference does it make', after having lied about what really happened, after not doing everything they could to get Americans out of harm's way, after watching the flag-draped coffin being unloaded, and after seeing these photos should never ever be President.

Stephens should have been ordered out of Benghazi when every other nation with people there got their people out.

An Al Qaeida-associated militia should never have been hired to 'protect' Stephens.

Hillary / the State Department should not have denied the HUNDREDS of his requests for additional security.

Hillary / the State Department should not have taken away 14 members of his security team AFTER his compound was attacked twice by terrorists, the 2nd time leaving a 4 foot hole in the wall.

Had Hillary done her job Stephens would never have been in Benghazi on 9/11/12 and would not have had to die needlessly.

To be re-elected, Obama falsely declared to the American people 'Al Qaeida is on the run', and 'The war on terror is over'. Obama has a record of making such MASSIVELY in-correct statements, like declaring from France the night before the Paris attacks by ISIS - the largest attack on France since WWII - that HE had ISIS 'contained'. Ambassador Stephens, the 1st US Ambassador to die / be murdered in over 30 years, paid the price for Obama"s political gamble and for Hillary's incompetence.

4 dead Americans is a helluva price to pay or trying to get re-elected based on a lie.

What difference did / does it make? Why don't you ask the widows, orphans, and family members of the 4 Americans Obama and Hillary allowed to NEEDLESSLY die!
Hillary was saying that no attacker had said what their motive was, so what difference did all the bs blowhard RW drivel matter, what the RW dupes have been brainwashed about...The lies all come from the RW propaganda machine...Of course the video was probably involved in the timing duh. Obama was talking about containment of the ISIS caliphate on the ground. Al-Qaeda "association" is also pretty much baloney, without real evidence but propaganda. Stephens insisted on being there, Mr. misinformed Monday Morning QB.
At this point, what difference does it make

"It is our job to figure out what happened and do and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

Liars got to lie about the subject on which she was speaking.

Like the "You didn't build that" campaign slogan failure. A lie that only a dupe could believe.

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